Its true.. I've lost my mind again. Man! I really need to put a ribbon or post-it note on that thing...
According to the news, your mind was spotted a few hours ago. Apparently it's hi-jacked a car and is driving down the motorway at high speed; having already robbed a petrol station, slapped a sloth at the local zoo and kidnapped a group of foreign exchange students from Papua New Guinea.
The police are currently in hot pursuit and the chase is being reported live on ITV-2. Expert scientists have been called in and are now theorising how a non-physical construct is capable of interacting with the material world.
According to the news, your mind was spotted a few hours ago. Apparently it's hi-jacked a car and is driving down the motorway at high speed; having already robbed a petrol station, slapped a sloth at the local zoo and kidnapped a group of foreign exchange students from Papua New Guinea.
The police are currently in hot pursuit and the chase is being reported live on ITV-2. Expert scientists have been called in and are now theorising how a non-physical construct is capable of interacting with the material world.
I don't think anyone says that. I've wasted much time arguing against the proverbial brick wall of ignorance and intolerance that makes up a fair chunk of society.
I'm in the mood to play an adventure game from my collection over the next few days and I've whittled the choice down to several titles. However, I'm really unsure which to play. Perhaps some fellow forumites could suggest a choice?
The games I'm trying to choose from...
Games I've completed multiple times in the past but I would be more than happy to replay
* Broken Sword II *
* Flight of the Amazon Queen *
* Full Throttle *
* Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (VGA) *
* The Dig *
Games I've yet to play
* Discworld (I've actually played through the 1st act quite a few times previously but I've never continued past that point*) *
* Freddy Pharkas: Frontier Pharmacist *
* Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders (FM-TOWNS) *
Games that I haven't played before and don't fall into my usual, tired and tested type of adventure preference (but am willing to try if good)
* Gobliiins *
* Gobliins 2 *
* Return to Zork *
* The 7th Guest *
"The choice... is yours."
*Although strangely, I have played and completed Discworld 2!
i'm in the mood to play an adventure game from my collection over the next few days and i've whittled the choice down to several titles. However, i'm really unsure which to play. Perhaps some fellow forumites could suggest a choice?
the games i'm trying to choose from...
games i've completed multiple times in the past but i would be happy to replay
* broken sword ii
* flight of the amazon queen
* full throttle
* indiana jones and the last crusade
* the dig
games i've yet to play
* discworld
* freddy pharkas: Frontier pharmacist
* zak mckracken and the alien mindbenders (fm-towns)
games that i haven't played before and don't fall into my usual, tired and tested type of adventure preference (but i'm willing to try if good)
* gobliiins
* gobliins 2
* return to zork
* the 7th guest
I'm looking at a piece of shrapnel that was taken out of my grandfather during World War II in Gassino, Italy in 1945 when he got his purple heart. It's a half a foot long. I can't imagine having that inside your body.:eek:
Wooooooo Flight of the Amazon Queen!!! I'd play it with you if I could! That was my first ever CD-ROM. So much love.
Aw, it's good to know somebody else who actually purchased it back when it was released as opposed to downloading it once it became freeware. I bought a copy from HMV back in 1995, when I was a 13 year old kid. You gotta love those huge retro PC game boxes!
It's been quite some time since I last played it. I can't remember the puzzles or the story any more (aside from something about gangsters, a bra, a mad scientist and lizard-people). Actually, just talking about it is making me nostalgic.
Hmm, should I choose 'Flight of the Amazon Queen? It's certainly tempting.
I'm looking at a piece of shrapnel that was taken out of my grandfather during World War II in Gassino, Italy in 1945 when he got his purple heart. It's a half a foot long. I can't imagine having that inside your body.:eek:
"This watch was on your Daddy's wrist when he was shot down over Hanoi. He was captured and put in a Vietnamese prison camp. He knew if the gooks ever saw the watch that it'd be confiscated; taken away. The way your Dad looked at it, this watch was your birthright. He'd be damned if any slopes were gonna put their greasy yellow hands on his boy's birthright. So he hid it in the one place he knew he could hide something. His ass. Five long years, he wore this watch up his ass. And then he died of dysentery, he gave me the watch. I hid this uncomfortable hunk of metal up my ass for two years. Then, after seven years, I was sent home to my family. And now, little man, I give the watch to you."
Santorum dropping out would be the best thing that's happened all day, even if it hadn't been such a crappy day.
Today I was sitting at my kitchen counter, happily tapping away at my little laptop, when suddenly FWOOMPH!!! The kitchen sink exploded. Stinky black sink gunk RAINED DOWN on everything within a three-dimensional 6-foot blast zone. It was all over the place. I mean, literally, all over the place. Like that Mr Bean episode where he tries to paint his room by exploding a can of paint... exactly like that, except with gross gunky sink crap instead of paint. It was on the cupboards. It was on the floor. It was on the walls. It was on the freakin' CEILING.
Needless to say, the whole thing startled the bejeebers out of me, and while I was gathering my wits, the drain exploded again - FWOOMPH! More sink crap and dirty water flying into the air like some kind of hellish geyser. At this point I did what any brave little warrior would do, i.e. jammed a water jug over the drain to hold the next blast and ran away.
Probably not the greatest idea, because by the time I returned hours later ready to clean up the mess, the gunk had dried. Do you know how hard it is to clean dried drain gunk off a wall? It's really fkin hard.
This picture in no way does the "before" situation justice. And it was like this everywhere within 6 feet of the sink. EVERYWHERE. Times like this I begin to resent living on my own.
If there's any possible way you could live stream it, I'm free Thursday night!
If Chyron hadn't just reminded me about it in another thread, I would say that this reminds me that I still have to do that stream of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.
If Chyron hadn't just reminded me about it in another thread, I would say that this reminds me that I still have to do that stream of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.
If Chyron hadn't just reminded me about it in another thread, I would say that this reminds me that I still have to do that stream of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.
Maybe next week? I want to pick a night that's good for as many of my friends as possible. Also, I'm hoping that Rather Dashing decides to start speaking to me again before I do it. He's a lot of fun during these things.
On the other hand, I know that today was Icedhope's last day of work for the week, so tomorrow or Thursday might be good nights.
Maybe next week? I want to pick a night that's good for as many of my friends as possible. Also, I'm hoping that Rather Dashing decides to start speaking to me again before I do it. He's a lot of fun during these things.
On the other hand, I know that today was Icedhope's last day of work for the week, so tomorrow or Thursday might be good nights.
Tomorrow night is out for me but Thursday is great! Next week is also good, particularly Monday through Wednesday.
Maybe next week? I want to pick a night that's good for as many of my friends as possible. Also, I'm hoping that Rather Dashing decides to start speaking to me again before I do it. He's a lot of fun during these things.
On the other hand, I know that today was Icedhope's last day of work for the week, so tomorrow or Thursday might be good nights.
Well, next week will depend largely on how confident I am with my paper progress. I might very well be panicking by then.
Then again, I might still be in procrastination mode. Like right now!
I always love how politicians squirm when you ask them a direct question.
Just been watching Daybreak, and they ask the guy what his stance was on the whole internet surveilance the government was planning, and he wouldn't pick a side as it were.
He just kept babbling on about how the government were just upgrading the old stuff, and that the new implementation would keep people's rights intact.
Women called bullshit on that (you could see the disbelief on her face), and she kept asking him "okay, so are you for it or against it?", and he started to panic.
Blech! Politicians. Why do we let these pompous buttholes run our countries again?
(I guess its because we are too busy actually doing something! XD)
If there's any possible way you could live stream it, I'm free Thursday night!
It sounds like you might be watching a stream of 'Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade' on Thursday. Besides, I'm planning on creating a 'Let's Play' thread for 'Flight of the Amazon Queen', so you won't be missing out.
The idea is that I'll play through the game, making notes as I go and update a thread detailing my playthrough and thoughts (hopefully in a humorous way).
But technical difficulties and lack of time have been preventing me from doing so.
(I know most people record, then dub over, but I would want to do my reactions in real-time, AND blind)
Why not just do what I'm going to do and not use any video? I'm just going to take screenshots and write my thoughts down in the thread. I've seen other people do this and it's surprisingly effective.
I would like to record footage and talk over it but in my experience the technicalities of achieving this are extremely complex.
Oooohohoho! Young man!
Flattery will get you everywhere!
And I mean... everywhere... ;D
(in the twilight zone...)
Best news I've heard all week. Though, I'm surprised that his daughter hasn't disowned him yet for his positions on women's rights.
You know, that's an extremely curious thing. Why hasn't she? Is she a Stepford Daughter or something?
EDIT: (its true.. I've lost my mind again. Man! I really need to put a ribbon or post-it note on that thing...)
EDIT 2: Quick! I think it went into that pile of cables! Lets nab the little critter and put it where it belongs!
I'm fairly certain his wife and daughter live in fear of him and are not a happy family unit. Big picture.
Good post Remolay!
My guess is shes a LAF.
That's too sad for an acronym that sounds like laugh.
Well you failed! HAHA!
I can just tab out and take off my headphones.
According to the news, your mind was spotted a few hours ago. Apparently it's hi-jacked a car and is driving down the motorway at high speed; having already robbed a petrol station, slapped a sloth at the local zoo and kidnapped a group of foreign exchange students from Papua New Guinea.
The police are currently in hot pursuit and the chase is being reported live on ITV-2. Expert scientists have been called in and are now theorising how a non-physical construct is capable of interacting with the material world.
Aaaah! Good Times!
Republicans really do say that.
Games I've completed multiple times in the past but I would be more than happy to replay
* Broken Sword II *
* Flight of the Amazon Queen *
* Full Throttle *
* Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (VGA) *
* The Dig *
Games I've yet to play
* Discworld (I've actually played through the 1st act quite a few times previously but I've never continued past that point*) *
* Freddy Pharkas: Frontier Pharmacist *
* Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders (FM-TOWNS) *
Games that I haven't played before and don't fall into my usual, tired and tested type of adventure preference (but am willing to try if good)
* Gobliiins *
* Gobliins 2 *
* Return to Zork *
* The 7th Guest *
"The choice... is yours."
*Although strangely, I have played and completed Discworld 2!
and then for Gobliiins.
Discworld. This is non-negotiable.
Of course this is my choice.
It's the only one in the list that I've played.
Aw, it's good to know somebody else who actually purchased it back when it was released as opposed to downloading it once it became freeware. I bought a copy from HMV back in 1995, when I was a 13 year old kid. You gotta love those huge retro PC game boxes!
It's been quite some time since I last played it. I can't remember the puzzles or the story any more (aside from something about gangsters, a bra, a mad scientist and lizard-people). Actually, just talking about it is making me nostalgic.
Hmm, should I choose 'Flight of the Amazon Queen? It's certainly tempting.
"This watch was on your Daddy's wrist when he was shot down over Hanoi. He was captured and put in a Vietnamese prison camp. He knew if the gooks ever saw the watch that it'd be confiscated; taken away. The way your Dad looked at it, this watch was your birthright. He'd be damned if any slopes were gonna put their greasy yellow hands on his boy's birthright. So he hid it in the one place he knew he could hide something. His ass. Five long years, he wore this watch up his ass. And then he died of dysentery, he gave me the watch. I hid this uncomfortable hunk of metal up my ass for two years. Then, after seven years, I was sent home to my family. And now, little man, I give the watch to you."
Today I was sitting at my kitchen counter, happily tapping away at my little laptop, when suddenly FWOOMPH!!! The kitchen sink exploded. Stinky black sink gunk RAINED DOWN on everything within a three-dimensional 6-foot blast zone. It was all over the place. I mean, literally, all over the place. Like that Mr Bean episode where he tries to paint his room by exploding a can of paint... exactly like that, except with gross gunky sink crap instead of paint. It was on the cupboards. It was on the floor. It was on the walls. It was on the freakin' CEILING.
Needless to say, the whole thing startled the bejeebers out of me, and while I was gathering my wits, the drain exploded again - FWOOMPH! More sink crap and dirty water flying into the air like some kind of hellish geyser. At this point I did what any brave little warrior would do, i.e. jammed a water jug over the drain to hold the next blast and ran away.
Probably not the greatest idea, because by the time I returned hours later ready to clean up the mess, the gunk had dried. Do you know how hard it is to clean dried drain gunk off a wall? It's really fkin hard.
This picture in no way does the "before" situation justice. And it was like this everywhere within 6 feet of the sink. EVERYWHERE. Times like this I begin to resent living on my own.
So yeah, that's how I spent my evening!
If there's any possible way you could live stream it, I'm free Thursday night!
Where were you several hours ago when that suggestion would have been both useful and tempting?
If Chyron hadn't just reminded me about it in another thread, I would say that this reminds me that I still have to do that stream of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.
Certainly not out smoking, if that's what you're implying.
I would also enjoy this.
Tonight on Gooble +.
On the other hand, I know that today was Icedhope's last day of work for the week, so tomorrow or Thursday might be good nights.
Tomorrow night is out for me but Thursday is great! Next week is also good, particularly Monday through Wednesday.
Nah, actually, I just got home from work.
Well, next week will depend largely on how confident I am with my paper progress. I might very well be panicking by then.
Then again, I might still be in procrastination mode. Like right now!
Just been watching Daybreak, and they ask the guy what his stance was on the whole internet surveilance the government was planning, and he wouldn't pick a side as it were.
He just kept babbling on about how the government were just upgrading the old stuff, and that the new implementation would keep people's rights intact.
Women called bullshit on that (you could see the disbelief on her face), and she kept asking him "okay, so are you for it or against it?", and he started to panic.
Blech! Politicians. Why do we let these pompous buttholes run our countries again?
(I guess its because we are too busy actually doing something! XD)
It sounds like you might be watching a stream of 'Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade' on Thursday. Besides, I'm planning on creating a 'Let's Play' thread for 'Flight of the Amazon Queen', so you won't be missing out.
The idea is that I'll play through the game, making notes as I go and update a thread detailing my playthrough and thoughts (hopefully in a humorous way).
But technical difficulties and lack of time have been preventing me from doing so.
(I know most people record, then dub over, but I would want to do my reactions in real-time, AND blind)
Why not just do what I'm going to do and not use any video? I'm just going to take screenshots and write my thoughts down in the thread. I've seen other people do this and it's surprisingly effective.
I would like to record footage and talk over it but in my experience the technicalities of achieving this are extremely complex.