I have this story idea I'm trying to develop. It's a super hero story. There's a team of superheroes. Some are Batman and Nightwing types, mortals committed to the peak of physical excellence who put their lives on the line. There are a few who are superhuman, more like the Green Lanterns. But there are two who stand apart from the rest for totally different reasons, and both refuse to use their powers to aid the rest of the heroes.
The first is a man so powerful, so extraordinarily strong, there is no threat to him on the planet. A superman type, but whose powers are so tremendous that he could be a god among men. He refuses to fight for two reasons. The first, is the dependence he fears mankind would put upon him if he began to be seen as the solution to all their problems, rather than mankind finding ways to work through its own issues and growing as a species. The second reason is that one accidental slip in his focus could result in a massive tragedy, endangering entire cities, countries or the world itself.
The second is unique for an entirely different reason. This hero can see all events of the past and all events of the future, and can 'slip' into those moments, but only in a given geographic area. In this universe, the universe is 'self aware'; in other words, there are not multiple, parallel timelines. The heroes vision of the future and actions as a response to it have been 'accounted for' by the universe, meaning there's only a single timeline. Time is thus self correcting and in fact, has already done so. That does not change the fact that this hero can see all events past and future simply by being in an area and focusing. However, he refuses to use his power to aid others for the simple reason that revealing men's futures could be far more detrimental than beneficial. Taking away men's choice, even the illusion of it, would only stagnate society. Or, revealing their futures would make men seek to avoid it all costs.Though he will on occasion use his powers to look into the past to uncover something that has happened to aid his allies, he often chooses not to, because it has often led to others trying to use him to change the past, the consequences of which cannot be anticipated fully by him since he can only see the future of a given area in which he is present. The ripple effect cannot be fully grasped by his mind. It also leads to the same futile pursuit men resort to when learning of their future, as they try desperately to alter what is to come.
The outsider in all this is a third hero, one of the greatest of mortal heroes but only vaguely affiliated with the team of heroes. An aloof adventurer like the two superheroes, his distinguishing quality is that he does indeed involve himself on a daily basis in trying to aid others, even if he is limited to mortal measures.
Finally, the fourth, a beloved leader of the team of heroes loses his wife to a grisly murder. When this occurs, all eyes fall to the time traveler to see into the past and possibly alter what has occurred. The team has forever revolved on the premise of obeying basic principals; however, they quickly fall into disarray in the debate over how to handle the situation. Some violently begin to contend, to force the time traveler to change the past. Others object and try to aid him, yet his life quickly becomes endangered by those more powerful members of the team intent on resurrecting the deceased wife, who quickly find themselves tossing aside their moral principles by which to guide the use of their powers.
Ferried to safety by the third, aloof hero, they find themselves in need of saving, something only the world's most powerful man can aid them in. However, even that would require an act of deliverance that this man long ago said he would no longer commit to, fearing the course mankind would take if it made a god of him. In all this, the sorrow of the fourth hero and the tragedy of the deceased wife almost becomes secondary to the moral debate that arises over the nature of these people's powers and the appropriateness of its use. That they lose sight of the man's loss becomes a second tragedy in itself.
One assignment completed!
(Its the one I hadn't started work on. So now I can focus my attention on polishing the other one for 5:00pm today!)
I don't know how and I don't know why, but suddenly over the past day or so, I've had a real burst of energy!
I hope now that I can get it all done and not have to worry about it!
EDIT: I'm actually suprised I managed to do a whole assignment in 2 days.
Where on earth do I get the energy from, (probably the energy drinks and adrenaline ¬_¬).
I only need literally 2 marks. 2%, to pass the other module, and the report is mostly finished, so I think I'll submit as is, then update over time.
That way I know I'm not going to run too late, or have technical issues, and they have something to mark.
This is the thing I guess. It takes me a long time and a lot of effort to get started, but once I get the ball rolling, I do really good work, really quickly.
I hope I can get a placement. One with some responsibility, and is pretty active. I think it would do me a world of good.
Better than sitting at home all the time doing nothing anyway! XD
EDIT 2: Blegh! That will do I think.
I'm all tuckered out, and though I probably have made plenty of mistakes in the assignment, I'm not going to spend any more time twiddling around in there.
Poor analysis be damned!
I'm fighting for literally 2% here. I'm not sure why I am going to all this trouble just to pass.
(Damn OCD! Makes me work like a dog, but I'm fairly proud of my work when I actually do some! XD)
Besides, knowing when to let go is a good thing. I normally fail because I spend too much time researching, or too long fiddling with text.
I have to try to make myself work to restraints, try to ground myself in reality, else I'd never get anything done!
(Curse of being a dreamer I guess... heh.)
I got some retyped fundementals of the course to show my understanding, loosly tied to external research from mostly pre-provided reading materials, cross analysed with a case study on a failed negotiation between a western party and an eastern counterpart.
Its basically "don't do that" because of X, Y, Z and Q. Do this instead.
Seeing my dog suffer like this is depressing. 3 of her legs just stopped working, and her back is giving her great pain. I don't even think she has moved more than her eyes since I last saw her.
I really hope my next post here is me talking about her death.:(
Seeing my dog suffer like this is depressing. 3 of her legs just stopped working, and her back is giving her great pain. I don't even think she has moved more than her eyes since I last saw her.
I really hope my next post here is me talking about her death.:(
Surely the kindest thing to do would be to have her put to sleep.
Surely the kindest thing to do would be to have her put to sleep.
I know, my family is trying their best to keep her happy for now. We just want her with us before anything happens.
EDIT:Family thinks she had a stroke, which led to the problem she is in now. Sometime today we will take her to the vet and see if there is anything to do. If not, well
My family is searching for a good spot to bury her.
R.I.P Hershey, you were a great dog and I will always miss you.
I hope my other dog, Mocha, doesn't get too upset, they were great friends together.:(
EDIT:Buried and goodbyes have been said. So much for enjoying today, hopefully I can move on with this knowing she is in a better place tomorrow. Life still moves on.
Yeah, I'm sorry mate. I know what it's like to lose a pet like that. Of course, I use "pet" in the loosest way. It's not really a pet, it's family. My dog died of heart cancer on Valentines Day (interesting coincidence, I know). Nothing can replace them, and you will never be completely over it. Your dog died. It's depressing. But your dog lived. It gave you so many great memories and good times. That's what you've got to focus on, man. Honor your dog by celebrating it's life, not by mourning it's death.
Yeah, I'm sorry mate. I know what it's like to lose a pet like that. Of course, I use "pet" in the loosest way. It's not really a pet, it's family. My dog died of heart cancer on Valentines Day (interesting coincidence, I know). Nothing can replace them, and you will never be completely over it. Your dog died. It's depressing. But your dog lived. It gave you so many great memories and good times. That's what you've got to focus on, man. Honor your dog by celebrating it's life, not by mourning it's death.
Yeah, in the end that is the best way to think of things like this. Best memory I know was when she went hunting with my dad(I was watching in the background when this happened) and she got a duck... alive.... when it wasn't shot.
Well, has to happen to everyone, best to have her as a good memory instead of a dead family member and move on. I still have another princess of a dog to take care on, and she is constantly showing us how healthy she is.
I just watched Prometheus for the first time. I've never seen the Alien films (save for when my dad would watch them and I'd see bits and pieces, which I disliked), and I had no interest in this film, but my dad wanted to see it, so my sister and I went with him since it's Father's Day.
I'm indifferent towards it, which is pretty good when you consider that I expected to hate it.
Ok, to lighten up the mood a bit, and for my own sake, anyone getting that new Pokemon Conquest game? Been hearing its the best spinoff yet, which is like being the best kick to the crotch, but still...
That does not change the fact that this hero can see all events past and future simply by being in an area and focusing. However, he refuses to use his power to aid others for the simple reason that revealing men's futures could be far more detrimental than beneficial. Taking away men's choice, even the illusion of it, would only stagnate society.
If the future is locked in, then everything is predetermined. It doesn't matter what any of these heroes choose to do, because free will is an illusion, and their choices have already been made. If society's going to stagnate, that's because it was meant to.
You could still have him be hesitant to use his powers, because any change of the timeline has massive consequences, and it's rather selfish to try to get what you want no matter what happens to anyone else. Predeterminism is boring, though.
If the future is locked in, then everything is predetermined. It doesn't matter what any of these heroes choose to do, because free will is an illusion, and their choices have already been made. If society's going to stagnate, that's because it was meant to.
You could still have him be hesitant to use his powers, because any change of the timeline has massive consequences, and it's rather selfish to try to get what you want no matter what happens to anyone else. Predeterminism is boring, though.
There is a nuance here. They're not entirely sure whether the future can be changed or not, an time traveler has no idea whether his action or inaction causes events he might perceive. The notion that change can occur does exist; time traveler chooses not to use his powers because he's not entirely certain whether even that act contributes to a dismal course so he'd rather not attempt it at all. (there will be one incident of future change, it will just be an act of incredible difficulty that requires defying the universe itself, though the universe exhibits its will without having any sort of avatar)
Neo, let me tell you about the Matrix. I took several classes in 'bullshit 101' and I can tell you for sure that the Matrix is for real, son! It's a tangible reality. It's all shiny and shit.
Disaster Report, Psi Ops, Haunting Ground, R.A.D., The Punisher, Mister Mosquito, Snoopy vs The Red Baron, Alien Hominid, Darkwatch, Ico.
Very bad(or at least powerfully mediocre and with an obnoxious atmosphere) game with extremely interesting core mechanic: Magic Pengel: The Quest for Color
Devil May Cry was good. Escape from Monkey Island (It's better then the PC version). WWE Here Comes the Pain and WWE Shut Your Mouth..but I don't think anyone here will buy those 2.
I have Metal Gear Solid 1-3, Sly Cooper, and Tony Hawks Pro Skater 2.
Sir, if you value quality then you'll purchase copies of 'Ico', 'Shadow of the Colossus', 'Rez', 'Parappa the Rapper 2', 'We ♥ Katamari' and 'Gitaroo Man'.
Sir, if you value quality then you'll purchase copies of 'Ico', 'Shadow of the Colossus', 'Rez', 'Parappa the Rapper 2', 'We ♥ Katamari' and 'Gitaroo Man'.
Funnily enough you are close to my recommendations!
(Though I don't have Katamari, well except for the 360 one, and Ico)
I'll add some more to the pot here:
Onimusha 1-3
(2 is the best. 3 is good. 1st one is very rough, and hard)
Shin Megami Tensei: Lucifer's Call
Persona 3
Persona 4
Rogue Galaxy
Dark Cloud
Dark Chroncles (aka Dark Cloud 2 in USA)
Dragon Quest VIII
Odin Sphere
God Hand
Devil May Cry 1,3 (DO NOT GET 2!) (Also on PS3 as a HD bundle)
Beyond Good and Evil (also on PC via Good Old Games. )
Gregory Horror Show (not for everyone, that game. But I find it interesting)
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy XII
Tekken Tag Tournament (Tekken 4 pales in comparison. I will add that on some PS3s Blue discs don't work right (1/2 speed))
Tony Hawks Pro Skater 3 (If you like 2. Get 3 as well!)
Jak and Daxter (The trilogy is HD-ified on PS3. And I haven't listed the other two because well... Look up the thread as for reasons why)
Silent Hill 2 (HD of 2&3 is out on PS3/360 but its not a great port)
Silent Hill 3
Okami (Also on Wii)
Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom Hearts II
Burnout 3: Takedown
Max Payne
Max Payne 2 (These are on PC as well)
Viewtiful Joe
Viewtiful Joe 2
Gungrave (alright for a quick blast. Cheap budget game. Interesting in its own awkward way)
Maximo: Army of Zin
Fatal Frame (also known as Project Zero) series
Timesplitters 1-3
Soul Calibur 2 (I have it on Xbox, but this is one of the best fighters of all time. Great fun)
Soul Calibur 3 (inferior to 2, in my opinion, but it has its own odd charm)
Marvel Vs Capcom 2
Capcom vs SNK 2
Games I haven't played but recommended by friends:
Fight Night series (played the 3rd one on PSP one. It was very nice)
Killer 7 (friend swears by it)
Dead to Rights (same friend...)
Monster Rancher (1+2 on PS1 were great, I hear 3 is good as well, but finding copies of these games can be hard)
Star Ocean: Till the End of Time (same friend)
Zone of the Enders 1+2 (One of my buddies favourites)
Only other ones I know people like that are not on that list are Ratchet and Clank games and Grand Theft Auto.
And everyone's selections so far are good.
Good list but I'm not playing anything with that asstard Tidus in it. Oh I have Silent Hill 2...forgot somehow. I'm a big Gregory Horror Show fan....finding the game is another matter. Out of Retro's list I also have Beyond Good and Evil, Max Payne 1 and 2, and I have Escape From Monkey Island too.
Thanks for telling me because I didn't know he had tainted that game.
That fuck nugget is like a kick to the balls during winter; you avoid that twat like the plague! Go shove your blitzball up your fucking jacksy, you shitting, mother fucking cunt sack, you!
I don't like Tidus, but I can tolerate him.
He's a stupid character in a great game.
Everyone else I like, especially Auron, Yuna and "Avatar1.0Kilamanjaro" (I use to nickname him "cuddles"! )
The first is a man so powerful, so extraordinarily strong, there is no threat to him on the planet. A superman type, but whose powers are so tremendous that he could be a god among men. He refuses to fight for two reasons. The first, is the dependence he fears mankind would put upon him if he began to be seen as the solution to all their problems, rather than mankind finding ways to work through its own issues and growing as a species. The second reason is that one accidental slip in his focus could result in a massive tragedy, endangering entire cities, countries or the world itself.
The second is unique for an entirely different reason. This hero can see all events of the past and all events of the future, and can 'slip' into those moments, but only in a given geographic area. In this universe, the universe is 'self aware'; in other words, there are not multiple, parallel timelines. The heroes vision of the future and actions as a response to it have been 'accounted for' by the universe, meaning there's only a single timeline. Time is thus self correcting and in fact, has already done so. That does not change the fact that this hero can see all events past and future simply by being in an area and focusing. However, he refuses to use his power to aid others for the simple reason that revealing men's futures could be far more detrimental than beneficial. Taking away men's choice, even the illusion of it, would only stagnate society. Or, revealing their futures would make men seek to avoid it all costs.Though he will on occasion use his powers to look into the past to uncover something that has happened to aid his allies, he often chooses not to, because it has often led to others trying to use him to change the past, the consequences of which cannot be anticipated fully by him since he can only see the future of a given area in which he is present. The ripple effect cannot be fully grasped by his mind. It also leads to the same futile pursuit men resort to when learning of their future, as they try desperately to alter what is to come.
The outsider in all this is a third hero, one of the greatest of mortal heroes but only vaguely affiliated with the team of heroes. An aloof adventurer like the two superheroes, his distinguishing quality is that he does indeed involve himself on a daily basis in trying to aid others, even if he is limited to mortal measures.
Finally, the fourth, a beloved leader of the team of heroes loses his wife to a grisly murder. When this occurs, all eyes fall to the time traveler to see into the past and possibly alter what has occurred. The team has forever revolved on the premise of obeying basic principals; however, they quickly fall into disarray in the debate over how to handle the situation. Some violently begin to contend, to force the time traveler to change the past. Others object and try to aid him, yet his life quickly becomes endangered by those more powerful members of the team intent on resurrecting the deceased wife, who quickly find themselves tossing aside their moral principles by which to guide the use of their powers.
Ferried to safety by the third, aloof hero, they find themselves in need of saving, something only the world's most powerful man can aid them in. However, even that would require an act of deliverance that this man long ago said he would no longer commit to, fearing the course mankind would take if it made a god of him. In all this, the sorrow of the fourth hero and the tragedy of the deceased wife almost becomes secondary to the moral debate that arises over the nature of these people's powers and the appropriateness of its use. That they lose sight of the man's loss becomes a second tragedy in itself.
One assignment completed!
(Its the one I hadn't started work on. So now I can focus my attention on polishing the other one for 5:00pm today!)
I don't know how and I don't know why, but suddenly over the past day or so, I've had a real burst of energy!
I hope now that I can get it all done and not have to worry about it!
EDIT: I'm actually suprised I managed to do a whole assignment in 2 days.
Where on earth do I get the energy from, (probably the energy drinks and adrenaline ¬_¬).
I only need literally 2 marks. 2%, to pass the other module, and the report is mostly finished, so I think I'll submit as is, then update over time.
That way I know I'm not going to run too late, or have technical issues, and they have something to mark.
This is the thing I guess. It takes me a long time and a lot of effort to get started, but once I get the ball rolling, I do really good work, really quickly.
I hope I can get a placement. One with some responsibility, and is pretty active. I think it would do me a world of good.
Better than sitting at home all the time doing nothing anyway! XD
EDIT 2: Blegh! That will do I think.
I'm all tuckered out, and though I probably have made plenty of mistakes in the assignment, I'm not going to spend any more time twiddling around in there.
Poor analysis be damned!
I'm fighting for literally 2% here. I'm not sure why I am going to all this trouble just to pass.
(Damn OCD! Makes me work like a dog, but I'm fairly proud of my work when I actually do some! XD)
Besides, knowing when to let go is a good thing. I normally fail because I spend too much time researching, or too long fiddling with text.
I have to try to make myself work to restraints, try to ground myself in reality, else I'd never get anything done!
(Curse of being a dreamer I guess... heh.)
I got some retyped fundementals of the course to show my understanding, loosly tied to external research from mostly pre-provided reading materials, cross analysed with a case study on a failed negotiation between a western party and an eastern counterpart.
Its basically "don't do that" because of X, Y, Z and Q. Do this instead.
I really hope my next post here is me talking about her death.:(
Surely the kindest thing to do would be to have her put to sleep.
I know, my family is trying their best to keep her happy for now. We just want her with us before anything happens.
EDIT:Family thinks she had a stroke, which led to the problem she is in now. Sometime today we will take her to the vet and see if there is anything to do. If not, well
My dog didn't make it
My family is searching for a good spot to bury her.
R.I.P Hershey, you were a great dog and I will always miss you.
I hope my other dog, Mocha, doesn't get too upset, they were great friends together.:(
EDIT:Buried and goodbyes have been said. So much for enjoying today, hopefully I can move on with this knowing she is in a better place tomorrow. Life still moves on.
Yeah, I'm sorry mate. I know what it's like to lose a pet like that. Of course, I use "pet" in the loosest way. It's not really a pet, it's family. My dog died of heart cancer on Valentines Day (interesting coincidence, I know). Nothing can replace them, and you will never be completely over it. Your dog died. It's depressing. But your dog lived. It gave you so many great memories and good times. That's what you've got to focus on, man. Honor your dog by celebrating it's life, not by mourning it's death.
Yeah, in the end that is the best way to think of things like this. Best memory I know was when she went hunting with my dad(I was watching in the background when this happened) and she got a duck... alive.... when it wasn't shot.
Well, has to happen to everyone, best to have her as a good memory instead of a dead family member and move on. I still have another princess of a dog to take care on, and she is constantly showing us how healthy she is.
If the future is locked in, then everything is predetermined. It doesn't matter what any of these heroes choose to do, because free will is an illusion, and their choices have already been made. If society's going to stagnate, that's because it was meant to.
You could still have him be hesitant to use his powers, because any change of the timeline has massive consequences, and it's rather selfish to try to get what you want no matter what happens to anyone else. Predeterminism is boring, though.
There is a nuance here. They're not entirely sure whether the future can be changed or not, an time traveler has no idea whether his action or inaction causes events he might perceive. The notion that change can occur does exist; time traveler chooses not to use his powers because he's not entirely certain whether even that act contributes to a dismal course so he'd rather not attempt it at all. (there will be one incident of future change, it will just be an act of incredible difficulty that requires defying the universe itself, though the universe exhibits its will without having any sort of avatar)
There is no spoon!
There is no Neo!
Unless you count Elemental Hero Neos that is...
My good friend Toasty Breadworth.
Being cool is rough on your cubicles.
I sometimes reply to myself, too.
That's insane! Why would you do that?!
cool guy
I guess this makes Bruce Banner, like, the coolest guy ever. Didn't he destroy an entire office building once?
Just ONCE?
I have Metal Gear Solid 1-3, Sly Cooper, and Tony Hawks Pro Skater 2.
Kingdom Hearts 1-2 Final Fantasy X
Very bad(or at least powerfully mediocre and with an obnoxious atmosphere) game with extremely interesting core mechanic: Magic Pengel: The Quest for Color
Sir, if you value quality then you'll purchase copies of 'Ico', 'Shadow of the Colossus', 'Rez', 'Parappa the Rapper 2', 'We ♥ Katamari' and 'Gitaroo Man'.
Funnily enough you are close to my recommendations!
(Though I don't have Katamari, well except for the 360 one, and Ico)
I'll add some more to the pot here:
Onimusha 1-3
(2 is the best. 3 is good. 1st one is very rough, and hard)
Shin Megami Tensei: Lucifer's Call
Persona 3
Persona 4
Rogue Galaxy
Dark Cloud
Dark Chroncles (aka Dark Cloud 2 in USA)
Dragon Quest VIII
Odin Sphere
God Hand
Devil May Cry 1,3 (DO NOT GET 2!) (Also on PS3 as a HD bundle)
Beyond Good and Evil (also on PC via Good Old Games.
Gregory Horror Show (not for everyone, that game. But I find it interesting)
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy XII
Tekken Tag Tournament (Tekken 4 pales in comparison. I will add that on some PS3s Blue discs don't work right (1/2 speed))
Tony Hawks Pro Skater 3 (If you like 2. Get 3 as well!)
Jak and Daxter (The trilogy is HD-ified on PS3. And I haven't listed the other two because well... Look up the thread as for reasons why)
Silent Hill 2 (HD of 2&3 is out on PS3/360 but its not a great port)
Silent Hill 3
Okami (Also on Wii)
Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom Hearts II
Burnout 3: Takedown
Max Payne
Max Payne 2 (These are on PC as well)
Viewtiful Joe
Viewtiful Joe 2
Gungrave (alright for a quick blast. Cheap budget game. Interesting in its own awkward way)
Maximo: Army of Zin
Fatal Frame (also known as Project Zero) series
Timesplitters 1-3
Soul Calibur 2 (I have it on Xbox, but this is one of the best fighters of all time. Great fun)
Soul Calibur 3 (inferior to 2, in my opinion, but it has its own odd charm)
Marvel Vs Capcom 2
Capcom vs SNK 2
Games I haven't played but recommended by friends:
Fight Night series (played the 3rd one on PSP one. It was very nice)
Killer 7 (friend swears by it)
Dead to Rights (same friend...)
Monster Rancher (1+2 on PS1 were great, I hear 3 is good as well, but finding copies of these games can be hard)
Star Ocean: Till the End of Time (same friend)
Zone of the Enders 1+2 (One of my buddies favourites)
Only other ones I know people like that are not on that list are Ratchet and Clank games and Grand Theft Auto.
And everyone's selections so far are good.
Even Coolsome's! ;p
Hes barley in Kingdom Hearts just at the start as a very minor character.
I really need to get 'round to that one!
A man after my own heart, to be sure.
Thanks for telling me because I didn't know he had tainted that game.
He has no voice actor just text so you wont have to hear his VA.
That fuck nugget is like a kick to the balls during winter; you avoid that twat like the plague! Go shove your blitzball up your fucking jacksy, you shitting, mother fucking cunt sack, you!
He's a stupid character in a great game.
Everyone else I like, especially Auron, Yuna and "Avatar1.0Kilamanjaro" (I use to nickname him "cuddles"!
(Its quite powerful in context. I assure you!)
Once the HD re-release comes out, I think I'll buy it and play it again.
(To the end this time! XD)
And if you don't have it on PS1, get FFIX as well.
Best FF game in my opinion!
Zidane is far far far far better than Tidus, and more interesting than Cloud.
I love that little goofball.
(And Steiner. The man is a true legend!)