Finally started weight training again and proper overdid it. My forearms are aching, can't extend them at all so i'm walking around like a wee Tyrannosaurus Rex! Also when i'm driving I now yelp everytime I change gear
I LOVED FFX. It created this interesting world that I just had a joy to inhabit.
I dunno, i'd take VIII over X any day. FFVIII's world intrigued me more, even though the combat sucked and the story nosedived as it geared up (everything on Disc 1 is solid gold though.) FFX's world was essentially on tracks and I really found it a chore to be in.
Someone broke into my stepfather's house last week. They took the keyboard, the wooden rack, everything they needed to connect the thing, the speakers, a music stand.
This stuff wasn't stolen to sell it. It was stolen to make music with it. Call me naive, but somewhere deep inside, I still kept thinking that the ones making music for others are the good guys in this world.
Menacing? He looks like he's undressing me with his eyes?
There's a reason the anime he's in is named Monster. He's not gay, but undressing might be an apt term. Because he's able to understand everything about you through intelligent deduction and cold, friendly manipulation.
Not to mention being able to convince with few words an entire room full of adults and children with expertise in combat and psychology to kill each other off, and then walking out without a scratch.
He still looks goofy and hard to take serious. If you think I subscribe to cliché, think again. He just doesn't work for me, sorry. I'd have no problem walking up and slitting his throat in that bar. He's a punk.
Nah, just a few psychological issues. I don't threaten people. Sorry guys, I just don't get any kind of presence off of him. Just seems pompous. *shrugs*
Fair enough. It might seem laughable to you, but I've met people like this who, while seemingly frail or ridiculous, could manipulate and pull off this sort of thing with frightening ease. Sure, in a fight they couldn't handle themselves, but that was the point. Sure, they need to run into people who'll jack their shit- but oftentimes they don't. They prey on people more vulnerable than themselves.
Take the character in the clip. He has been following Johan for weeks, studying him, and learning about the evils he's done. But he's also filled with vulnerabilities that make him easy to prey on. He's a recovering alcoholic. He lost his job when he killed a young rapist at point blank. His wife and daughter hate him. Recently he's managed to put alcohol behind him, and he has a glimmer of hope at reconciling with his daughter. He's becoming a new man and putting his problems aside. But Johan manages to find the one soul-shattering truth about him that makes him easy to prey on: the fact he pre-meditated and consciously killed the suspect he shot not in self-defense, but through flat-out murder, and the detective had been using his alcoholism and psychiatric visits to cover up the reality of what he had done to himself. Upon having to face down the truth of his own crime, he couldn't handle it, nor could he face his daughter with the truth, and after this clip threw himself off of the building.
That's what predators do.
Also, to be fair- he's built up continually over around a 72 episode series- And well...he is pompous. One of the quotes about him is that "he has no prejudice...he laughs scornfully at all mankind". There's nothing really more pompous than that. Frankly, he scares the shit out of me. He's like Hannibal Lecter, but without any trace of visible insanity.
I can respect me that's everyday life lol. I work as a low man in a system of seniority and asskissers. Either learn to study, manipulate and control, or be pure, (or)a yesman and drown(either among your bosses or your peers). Maybe that's why I don't like him, I feel competition from an imaginary character :P
Well since it sounds like I'm flat out saying "I'm a predator", I'll add that you have to find the balance of genuine actions and speech and what you feel you should do and say, as with any job, just perhaps a bit more extreme. I do like some of my coworkers lol long as they stay out of my way *cold stare*.... just joking lol *stares blankly til fade to black*
I'm the sort of person who doesn't have the capacity to manipulate or step on others, at least not consciously. I'm easy prey for people like that. I had a friend like that- although he didn't have good looks or a calm demeanor- he was very visibly insane and obnoxious. He also believed he was the Antichrist and he was destined to lead armies all over the globe. Yet he was still able to manipulate me into remaining friends with him for quite some time despite all the evil things I knew he did and believed. Watching someone like that at work is fascinating...but terrifying. People like me, who want to do good and strive for it, and who feel remorse over their own evils every day, are the easiest prey for people like him.
Staying my tongue to please others is also an action I don't have in me. Anybody who has watched me on here can attest to it: I don't know how to think before I speak.
I don't manipulate friends. I'm actually overly kind and generous to them. My work is my job, my livelihood, what keeps me off the streets. I wont let that be taken away without a long fight. I survive. I wouldn't call myself a predator, I just adapt and do what I need to do(without losing my integrity and becoming a leech that everyone hates).
...maybe I should have smiled in my picture. This is probably coming off weird.
Already put them into the adapter and transferred the games from my old card to it.
Now with 2 64gb memory cards for my PSP, it has all the memory it could ever need!
(25gb left on the new card.
39gb left on the old one with all my music on (since it only has class 4 cards in there and is slow, it makes sense to make this the media card))
And for the record, I could perfectly be evil and manipulating and violent, but I'm just too nice and caring to let myself do bad things.
(Even mischievous things make me feel bad somtimes.)
My faith in God is restored every time I go to
Today they had an article about Japanese Wrestling. What did I learn?
The Japanese have wrestlers with amazing names, like Super Shit Machine.
The Japanese have had a table wrestle a chair.
The Japanese have 9 year old girls beating 28 year old men in the ring.
The Japanese have an amazing wrestler, who is a blow up doll:
The above video is, quite literally, the greatest thing I'll see all year.
My faith in God is restored every time I go to
Today they had an article about Japanese Wrestling. What did I learn?
The Japanese have wrestlers with amazing names, like Super Shit Machine.
The Japanese have had a table wrestle a chair.
The Japanese have 9 year old girls beating 28 year old men in the ring.
The Japanese have an amazing wrestler, who is a blow up doll:
The above video is, quite literally, the greatest thing I'll see all year.
No, he got let go over a huge Twitter fight between him and every member of the site. He probably doesn't have very many friends left on the site now. They were hosting his website too.
No, he got let go over a huge Twitter fight between him and every member of the site that lasted for days. He probably doesn't have very many friends left on the site now.
A twitter fight?
Hah! That sounds like something those crazy nuts will do!
Hey. They say time heals all wounds and all that.
No-one thought the two guys from andromeda would ever get back together, but they managed to work their differences out.
Still young, plenty of time to mature and reflect.
Plus, this is the internet! Who cares if someone "leaves a site", you can just go to the new one.
(Or in this case, just go to spoony's new site (or he'll just get new hosting). No biggie)
I mean Name Game comic left the escapist the other day, and the fans said that they would go visit the new site, so eh. Same old same old.
I dunno, i'd take VIII over X any day. FFVIII's world intrigued me more, even though the combat sucked and the story nosedived as it geared up (everything on Disc 1 is solid gold though.) FFX's world was essentially on tracks and I really found it a chore to be in.
Plus every character in X's a total spoof.
Does that mean I'm a bad person? ;P
This stuff wasn't stolen to sell it. It was stolen to make music with it. Call me naive, but somewhere deep inside, I still kept thinking that the ones making music for others are the good guys in this world.
Menacing? He looks like he's undressing me with his eyes?
Or if you like, spooves.
There's a reason the anime he's in is named Monster. He's not gay, but undressing might be an apt term. Because he's able to understand everything about you through intelligent deduction and cold, friendly manipulation.
He forced a child to watch a prostitute be raped and killed.
Even more unfitting. He looks laughable.
The contrast is the whole effing point.
Johan's true colors.
He still looks goofy and hard to take serious. If you think I subscribe to cliché, think again. He just doesn't work for me, sorry. I'd have no problem walking up and slitting his throat in that bar. He's a punk.
Take the character in the clip. He has been following Johan for weeks, studying him, and learning about the evils he's done. But he's also filled with vulnerabilities that make him easy to prey on. He's a recovering alcoholic. He lost his job when he killed a young rapist at point blank. His wife and daughter hate him. Recently he's managed to put alcohol behind him, and he has a glimmer of hope at reconciling with his daughter. He's becoming a new man and putting his problems aside. But Johan manages to find the one soul-shattering truth about him that makes him easy to prey on: the fact he pre-meditated and consciously killed the suspect he shot not in self-defense, but through flat-out murder, and the detective had been using his alcoholism and psychiatric visits to cover up the reality of what he had done to himself. Upon having to face down the truth of his own crime, he couldn't handle it, nor could he face his daughter with the truth, and after this clip threw himself off of the building.
That's what predators do.
Also, to be fair- he's built up continually over around a 72 episode series- And well...he is pompous. One of the quotes about him is that "he has no prejudice...he laughs scornfully at all mankind". There's nothing really more pompous than that. Frankly, he scares the shit out of me. He's like Hannibal Lecter, but without any trace of visible insanity.
Well since it sounds like I'm flat out saying "I'm a predator", I'll add that you have to find the balance of genuine actions and speech and what you feel you should do and say, as with any job, just perhaps a bit more extreme. I do like some of my coworkers lol long as they stay out of my way *cold stare*.... just joking lol *stares blankly til fade to black*
Staying my tongue to please others is also an action I don't have in me. Anybody who has watched me on here can attest to it: I don't know how to think before I speak.
...maybe I should have smiled in my picture. This is probably coming off weird.
Already put them into the adapter and transferred the games from my old card to it.
Now with 2 64gb memory cards for my PSP, it has all the memory it could ever need!
(25gb left on the new card.
39gb left on the old one with all my music on (since it only has class 4 cards in there and is slow, it makes sense to make this the media card))
And for the record, I could perfectly be evil and manipulating and violent, but I'm just too nice and caring to let myself do bad things.
(Even mischievous things make me feel bad somtimes.)
Today they had an article about Japanese Wrestling. What did I learn?
The Japanese have wrestlers with amazing names, like Super Shit Machine.
The Japanese have had a table wrestle a chair.
The Japanese have 9 year old girls beating 28 year old men in the ring.
The Japanese have an amazing wrestler, who is a blow up doll:
The above video is, quite literally, the greatest thing I'll see all year.
Like ya'll not bored of it.
Do you know that I have a golden tooth?
A tooth of solid gold!
Bite through steel, it can.
Um, yeah...
'Prometheus' rules!...
This is best match I have ever seen.
Film of the Summer. Film of the year. Film of the decade.
I've seen this slice o' sweetness 10 times now. I know what I'm talking about!
Inverse, baby. Now I'm breaking the mold.
Well, he has been pretty inconsistent these days, and it looks like he's going in a different direction as well.
From the post it looks like they are still on good terms, and who knows? Things may change in the future.
Also in weird news:
That being said, its still headed by Sakurai, and has Namco's best guys on it, so hopefully it still will be good.
(Namco cameos anyone!
A twitter fight?
Hah! That sounds like something those crazy nuts will do!
Hey. They say time heals all wounds and all that.
No-one thought the two guys from andromeda would ever get back together, but they managed to work their differences out.
Still young, plenty of time to mature and reflect.
Plus, this is the internet! Who cares if someone "leaves a site", you can just go to the new one.
(Or in this case, just go to spoony's new site (or he'll just get new hosting). No biggie)
I mean Name Game comic left the escapist the other day, and the fans said that they would go visit the new site, so eh. Same old same old.