The "whatever's on your mind" thread



  • edited June 2012
    Nope. Usually they're just out to get something cheaper.
  • edited June 2012
    Johro wrote: »
    Nope. Usually they're just out to get something cheaper.


    So I saw Prometheus tonight..I have a new favorite movie.
  • edited June 2012
    Johro wrote: »
    Nope. Usually they're just out to get something cheaper.

    And if it works then it feels soo right.
  • edited June 2012
    Icedhope wrote: »
    So I saw Prometheus tonight..I have a new favorite movie.

    Are you going to go see it 9 more times too?

    I liked it, I'll buy it. I'm sticking to the one time though.
  • edited June 2012
    Watching the episodes of the Double Fine Adventure game documentary (1-3. I haven't had the chance to watch the them previously).

    I need to watch the bonus materials, but already from what I've seen I've been in awe.
    Not just that though, its making my brain spark in new ways.

    If anything, it makes me want to do something similar to Schaefer and just go off and isolate myself and create something.

    Maybe I should just make an adventure game, or at least, a design document for one.
    Just come up with some core mechanics, and then work on it.

    I already have one potential mechanic idea. Elements.
    An adventure game based around elements.
    Thinking back to Magica, I like how you could combine the elements, but I think in a way its a bit underdeveloped, and I think taking that sort of idea, and then building an adventure around it would be better for it.

    As for puzzles, I think them being literally based on something organic, will hopefully make them more organic. One thing I admit I don't like about advenutres, is not the puzzles, but sometimes how the puzzles don't seem to intergrate well. Puzzles for the sake of puzzles. I don't think I'd like that.

    I would want to make the mechanics fit within the world, or have them go beyond it completely. Not half-ass it.

    As for story, maybe like in life, I shouldn't have it be too rigid.
    Maybe make it more metroidvania style, where one has to explore and gather elements, and use that to progress further, sometimes backtracking.

    (Even though I haven't played it, I'm kind of being drawn to a sort of Journey like style. Plain, Raw, and beautiful)

    I like stories that one makes for themselves, you know, the experience, and maybe it would be easier just to create simple, yet crazy landscapes, and have player's just explore and absorb that scenery and manipulate it to their own end.

    I think I might go to the library next week with a fresh notepad and make some notes. I feel this time, I might be ready to make a concept.
    In fact, I've already made a little doodle on paper just now.

    Its a hooded boy in a strange cloak (well a full body clothing robe thing) about to uncork a bottle. He's wearing a heavy looking backpack full of bottles. He also has bottles filled with various coloured fluids strapped to a belt, and on a strip over his torso diagonally. He's wearing sandles, and his face is obscured by the overhanging hood. (He has a cute little nose though).

    He is standing over a river of fire, that he needs to walk over, and he is going to use the water essence stored in that bottle to extinguish the fire temporarily, to get to the other side.
    However, on the other side, there is rock obscuring his passage. The rock has a crack in it, which indicates it might be able to blow up.

    The boy would need to use the right mixture of essences to blow up the rock in his way.

    I have some pencil annotations explaining everything, and a brainstorm of words to prompt further development.

    Hmmm.. Yes. I can see this one working.
  • edited June 2012
    My car was broken into and my ipad stolen. Great.

    Fortunately I have cellular tracking on it. And we have his plate numbers. And my girlfriend is a member of the news corps with access to plate database.

    I hope we nail this guy.
  • edited June 2012
    DAISHI wrote: »
    My car was broken into and my ipad stolen. Great.

    Fortunately I have cellular tracking on it. And we have his plate numbers. And my girlfriend is a member of the news corps with access to plate database.

    I hope we nail this guy.

    So far that seems like you got him. Or at least can find your Ipad again.
  • edited July 2012
    I miss The Undertaker.
  • edited July 2012
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    So far that seems like you got him. Or at least can find your Ipad again.

    He broke into several peoples cars so this guy needs to go down. I'm slightly possed because this guy lives near where I grew up, In the ghetto. Makes me angry because My family worked hard to get out of there, thn you have guys like this robbing people like me who encourage charity and doing good for people less fortunate.
  • edited July 2012
    DAISHI wrote: »
    My car was broken into and my ipad stolen. Great.

    Fortunately I have cellular tracking on it. And we have his plate numbers. And my girlfriend is a member of the news corps with access to plate database.

    I hope we nail this guy.

    As long as you can get the police interested enough to go get it for you. Around here, it seems that even if you can give them the exact GPS coordinates of your phone/tablet, they think it's too dangerous to be worth going after.

    Which they have a point if you try to go after it without their help, so don't.
  • edited July 2012
    WarpSpeed wrote: »
    As long as you can get the police interested enough to go get it for you. Around here, it seems that even if you can give them the exact GPS coordinates of your phone/tablet, they think it's too dangerous to be worth going after.

    Which they have a point if you try to go after it without their help, so don't.

    Yeah. This is where having a Journalist girlfriend comes in handy. She either does a flattering piece on the department, or nails them for being negligent in their duties.
  • edited July 2012
    Police don't like doing anything really.

    Its a sort of catch 22 situation for them in several cases.

    Just need to be persistant, and failing that, try to convince some other part of the police to help you.

    (Police are neither bad nor good, but there are just bad and incompetent officers, as well as good ones (in my experience at least))
  • edited July 2012
    Oh hey, LucasArts is aware that KOTOR II exists. Now all they need to do is get around to putting it on Steam and we can finally act as though the best-written RPG ever made, and one of my personal favorites, is actually a real thing and not some shameful secret shunted off into a dark corner somewhere.
  • edited July 2012
    I'm currently brainstorming what sort of combinations the elements could have when combined together.

    Stuff like Fire+ Earth = Fireball, and Water + Air = Rain Cloud
    Got about 6 usable ones so far. Some like Earth + Light are kind of harder to think of, but I think I can get there.

    EDIT: I think to make it more interesting and eventually deep, I'm going to make the protagonist be able to drink the essences himself.

    So if he drinks the Air essence, he temporarily becomes faster and can jump further, and when he drinks the earth potion, he's a little stronger. Eventually I'd like it so that eventually he would have to drink a Darkness essence.

    (I'd love it if he would need to get into a Dark world by drinking a dark essence, but over time he begins to mutate into some kind of eldrich abomination. A little time pressure and effect would create a real awesome atmosphere for the player, and a little fridge horror as well! ("wait so those monsters I was avoiding earlier might have been people? Brrr!" ))

    So yeah. I'm focusing on 6 elements. Fire, Air, Earth, Water, Darkness and Light. A little basic, but already I have lots of ideas on how to use them.
    (A player would eventually need to think carefully what to gather, what to use, and what to save as situations become tougher. The most skilled being able to access secret areas with a little backtracking)

    I'm trying to design them around context, in the sense a player would need to pick apart a scenario, and think of what new uses he could use for the essences (I won't make them so obvious all the time! >: D)

    At the moment, as I just hinted, I plan to have a limit on the overall amount of essences one CAN gather. Hopefully high enough to do whats needed, and compensate for errors in the short term, but eventually not so much punishes, but stops people from abusing their resources.

    (I would like to have some kind of speedrun feature in there. So players can come back to the game with better and more efficient skills, and be rewarded suitably for their efforts (I know most gamers never tend to ever finish games, so it probably would not be seen, BUT! Rewarding loyalty and doing cool stuff is something I feel is important, almost essential. I wouldn't want a game to outstay its welcome, but I don't want it to be a walk in the park either))

    EDIT 2:
    Also I don't want it so that all combinations create something, infact, I'd like it so that some combinations would be unstable.
    (And some like Darkness + Light would do nothing at all)

    I just need to figure out which ones! XD


    Maaaybe I should make a thread for my ideas. They get very wordy...
  • edited July 2012
    Icedhope wrote: »
    So I saw Prometheus tonight..I have a new favorite movie.

    It is rather good, ain't it? :cool:
    Johro wrote: »
    Are you going to go see it 9 more times too?

    Personally, I've watched it ten times now (1x cinema, 1x IMAX, 8x... um, other means). It now officially resides within my top 50 films of all time. However, it must be said that both 'Alien' and 'Blade Runner' are easily within my top 5 films of all time. Still, it's a great (and already underrated) piece of entertainment.

    There are quite a few sequences within the film which irk me and yet there are many more moments which I genuinely adore.

    Alien>Alien3 (Assembly Cut)>Prometheus>Aliens>[there are no other films within the series]!
  • edited July 2012
    St_Eddie wrote: »
    Alien>Alien3 (Assembly Cut)>Prometheus>Aliens>[there are no other films within the series]!

    Finally some real Alien³ love. I know it's been discussed before, but I was blacklisted forever for liking it(yes, the AC is much better than theatre).
  • edited July 2012
    I am currently listening to Radiohead's "OK Computer."

    First Impression: HOLY SHIT THIS IS COSMIC.
  • edited July 2012
    Johro wrote: »
    Finally some real Alien³ love. I know it's been discussed before, but I was blacklisted forever for liking it(yes, the AC is much better than theatre).

    It's a superb film and I can't stand it when ignorant people slag it off. "They killed 'Nute and Hixs' my arse!
    I am currently listening to Radiohead's "OK Computer."

    First Impression: HOLY SHIT THIS IS COSMIC.

    Brilliant fucking album. If you haven't already, then listen to 'The Bends' next. In fact, all of their stuff is good but this track (from 'Hail to the Thief') deserves special mention...
  • edited July 2012
    OH SHllllllllll-

    Dat Morricone, bitches.
  • edited July 2012
    Brand new video and there's already racist comments. Youtube viewers... you dis-....kept my admiration for you at the same level it always was.
  • edited July 2012
    Does anybody else like 'Lemon Jelly'?...

    ... It's sublime. If you don't like them, then you have no soul. It's that simple!
    Johro wrote: »
    Brand new video and there's already racist comments. Youtube viewers... you dis-....kept my admiration for you at the same level it always was.

    Fuck Americans, they're so racist. Mmm... hypocritical racism!
  • edited July 2012
  • edited July 2012
    Johro wrote: »

    Only on weekends.
  • edited July 2012
    St_Eddie wrote: »
    It's a superb film and I can't stand it when ignorant people slag it off. "They killed 'Nute and Hixs' my arse!

    Brilliant fucking album. If you haven't already, then listen to 'The Bends' next. In fact, all of their stuff is good but this track (from 'Hail to the Thief') deserves special mention...

    My feelings on it? we go. "How dare we..make a movie where..we actuallyally put the main character through hell." /\LI3|\| 3 is well put together in so many aspects.
  • edited July 2012
    Icedhope wrote: »
    My feelings on it? we go. "How dare we..make a movie where..we actuallyally put the main character through hell."

    It is indeed a bizarre concept for a horror film, which deals with the thematics of faith and redemption. They should have just had Ripley, 'Nute and Hixs' blasting away Xenomorphs, with a bunch of marines. Basically they should have just remade 'Aliens'. Also, there should have been a Predator involved.
  • edited July 2012
    I understand people hating it for hitting the reset button. This very well could have directly followed Alien if Bishop's pointless appearance was removed. I'll admit it, I loved Aliens and yes it kind of felt like a fuck you to the audience, but it was one thing and it was at the beginning and it won me over. No Aliens wasn't art, it was a sci-fi Die Hard.
  • edited July 2012
    *cough*My 'Alien 3' review;*cough*
  • edited July 2012
    Does Seth MacFarlane really need ~100min to talk about the same formula he's been following since his career started? 99min of Q&A?
  • edited July 2012
    Johro wrote: »
    Does Seth MacFarlane really need ~100min to talk about the same formula he's been following since his career started? 99min of Q&A?

    It's okay. I'll just listen to this for 99 minutes instead.
  • edited July 2012
    You know it kind of feels strange giving advice to beginner devs.

    I guess I don't feel worthy enough.

    Or most likely its because I never tend to follow my own advice! XD
    (I think I'm going to have to print that post off and just glue it to my notepad...)
  • edited July 2012
    OH SHllllllllll-

    Dat Morricone, bitches.

    That looks awesome!
  • edited July 2012
    I felt mildly philosophical today. I passed one of my closest childhood friends in the street today, who I hadn't spoken too in 4 years (We were seperated in secondary school, and gradually drifted apart due to seeing too little of each other. I hadn't spoken to him since he left school.) We both said hi to each other in passing, like you might do to an elderly lady passing on a quiet street. And that was it.

    I just thought it amusing that if I was to go back to my six year old self, and tell me that I would barely know the person I was currently digging a whole to the digiworld with, I doubt I would believe me. In fact, all of my friends from primary school are pretty much the same now. We all went our different ways.

    And that's my anecdote of the week. Leave your comments in the section below, and don't forget to like and subscribe!

  • edited July 2012
    I have mixed emotions tonight as my brother leaves for what will hopefully be a new life in London. There's a lot of hope involved as he's heading down there with only a week's stay in a hostel lined up and he has to use this week to find work and find a more permanent place to live. He has the will to succeed, and has been talking about doing this for a while now and it's only recently that he summoned the courage to quit the job he hates (he doesn't hate the job specifically, just the useless company he was working for) and to take a leap into the unknown.

    I'll miss him being around, but at the end of the day he'll only be 300 odd miles away and he'll be back up here at some point and I'll be down there too. It's just that we are closer now than at any other point in the previous 30 years (in fact it's only within the last 7/8 years or so that we've become friends as well as brothers) and it'll be weird not to have him pop round to watch a film or just hang out for a bit. But I wish him the best of luck in his new adventure.
  • edited July 2012
    Oh BBQ Beef hula hoops! You are truly an unearthly food. Mmmm... MMMMPH! So, so gewd! :3

    EDIT: Nothing better after a long tough week than just sitting down with some glorious junk food, and digging in.

    A few sausage rolls, some Twirl nibbles, reduced and slightly sweaty chocolate donuts, and a big bag of hula hoops.

    Downed with a chocoloate frijj milkshake.

    Artery clogging bliss! :D
  • edited July 2012
    Wow, I'd never have the courage to do something like that. I'd love to take a leap into the unknown, but I'd be swallowed up by the abyss of worry.
  • edited July 2012
    Friar wrote: »
    Wow, I'd never have the courage to do something like that. I'd love to take a leap into the unknown, but I'd be swallowed up by the abyss of worry.


    Your body was not ready.


    To repel flavour of this magnitude!

    EDIT: (I know you were not replying to me, but I thought I'd do that for the fun of it! XD)
  • edited July 2012
    Just called my old boss from my seasonal job last December to ask for a normal job. Think I'm going to throw up now.
    Friar wrote: »
    I felt mildly philosophical today. I passed one of my closest childhood friends in the street today, who I hadn't spoken too in 4 years (We were seperated in secondary school, and gradually drifted apart due to seeing too little of each other. I hadn't spoken to him since he left school.) We both said hi to each other in passing, like you might do to an elderly lady passing on a quiet street. And that was it.

    I just thought it amusing that if I was to go back to my six year old self, and tell me that I would barely know the person I was currently digging a whole to the digiworld with, I doubt I would believe me. In fact, all of my friends from primary school are pretty much the same now. We all went our different ways.

    And that's my anecdote of the week. Leave your comments in the section below, and don't forget to like and subscribe!


    It's stories like this that always make me realize just how much of an oddity it is that I've known my best friend since third grade. I've had plenty of friends that I've grown apart from, just like anyone else, but my best friend is someone I've known for 16 years. That's a full two thirds of my life. At this point, she's practically a sister to me.
  • edited July 2012
    My best friend is basically the only other person in my life apart from my family, (and maybe you guys. (Yes... I am that pathetic.. :'( )).

    EDIT: (Sorry. My self-loathing is kicking back in. Its probably because I'm knackered from all this overtime I've been doing.)
  • edited July 2012
    My best friends are nearly all on the internet.
  • edited July 2012
    What if I was carried off by WALL WEASELS!!!
This discussion has been closed.