Why won't Chrono Trigger let me use the password on the computer with the flashing blue dot. I caught your damn rat!
Fawful, your emulator's the problem. It doesn't know how to deal with so many simultaneous button pushes from your keyboard.
Go to your emulator's menu and attribute the same key to L and R.
This should enable you to enter the password by pressing the now combined LR key and A.
You can change the keyboard settings back to the original immediately afterwards.
WTF, SOMEONE TOOK MY LAUNDRY. There are communal washers/dryers in the basement of my building. I put stuff in the dryer late Sunday night, went to get it yesterday evening and it wasn't anywhere. Why would anyone steal my socks? Nick my knickers? Abscond with my... um... ok I can't think of anything to go with "abscond", but it's a great word and deserves to be used.
Awww damn. Maybe all machines were taken, so someone emptied yours to use this machine? And put your stuff... behind the counter or something??
But while we're alliterating.
So your pillowslips were pilfered,
your shirts snatched,
your pants purloined,
your rags robbed,
your drapery depredated,
your coats cabbaged,
your hosierie heisted,
your lingerie looted,
your thong thieved.
Awww damn. Maybe all machines were taken, so someone emptied yours to use this machine? And put your stuff... behind the counter or something??
There are baskets to put other people's laundry in if you need to free up a machine, and it wasn't in any of those... I even checked all the other dryers and washing machines just on the off chance it somehow got dumped in there. Nada. The only thing I can think of is maybe someone accidentally picked it up along with their own stuff.
I'll check the laundry again tonight to see if it's magically reappeared, if not then I'll ask the doorman to check the security camera. Stay tuned for more exciting updates as puzzlebox hunts down the laundry larcenist. And/or buys new socks.
Fawful, your emulator's the problem. It doesn't know how to deal with so many simultaneous button pushes from your keyboard.
Go to your emulator's menu and attribute the same key to L and R.
This should enable you to enter the password by pressing the now combined LR key and A.
You can change the keyboard settings back to the original immediately afterwards.
Now I want my medal.
Emulator? What's an emulator? Believe it or not, I managed to get it to work by changing the A key. Which is totally....a feature in the actual game...I am playing with my SNES. Ha ha ha.
Hi I just ordered from this site yesterday. I don't think this massage belongs hear but really not too sure how to make a new post. Anyways I just had a quick question I ordered the 3 seasons of sam and max. I noticed that I could order a free bonus cd for each of the seasons and that all it says you have to pay for it is shipping (just over 11) I am from Canada. I was just wondering if I would be charged duty on top of that on the item even though the CD was free. Thanks for your help.
Yayz, I was getting tired of his Game Grumps crap. Except for Pokemon and Goof Troops, those are the only 2 good series(and now Goof Troop is over, that leaves them with one good series).
Yayz, I was getting tired of his Game Grumps crap. Except for Pokemon and Goof Troops, those are the only 2 good series(and now Goof Troop is over, that leaves them with one good series).
Mega Man I'm iffy about, and Secret of Mana, that may be because it doesn't look like a game I'd enjoy.
Tbh I don't think it matter if they where playing pong since its there extremely funny commentary and funny ass conversations about what evers on there mind that makes the video.
Fawful, your emulator's the problem. It doesn't know how to deal with so many simultaneous button pushes from your keyboard.
Go to your emulator's menu and attribute the same key to L and R.
This should enable you to enter the password by pressing the now combined LR key and A.
You can change the keyboard settings back to the original immediately afterwards.
Now I want my medal.
Anyway, sadface.
But while we're alliterating.
So your pillowslips were pilfered,
your shirts snatched,
your pants purloined,
your rags robbed,
your drapery depredated,
your coats cabbaged,
your hosierie heisted,
your lingerie looted,
your thong thieved.
(Thank you. Thank you.)
I'm watching you, mate.
What about personnel reasons?
There are baskets to put other people's laundry in if you need to free up a machine, and it wasn't in any of those... I even checked all the other dryers and washing machines just on the off chance it somehow got dumped in there. Nada. The only thing I can think of is maybe someone accidentally picked it up along with their own stuff.
I'll check the laundry again tonight to see if it's magically reappeared, if not then I'll ask the doorman to check the security camera. Stay tuned for more exciting updates as puzzlebox hunts down the laundry larcenist. And/or buys new socks.
Errr... BEST OF LUCK. Put the pictures online!
The solution clearly is to start a pro wrestling style feud between us.
Bruce Banner.
Get it? Banner? Because, you know, he bans people?
Do they have fangs? I always thought that butterflies with fangs would be pretty sweet.
Not really. They just seem to be somewhat deformed regarding their wings and eyes.
I know I am.
Emulator? What's an emulator? Believe it or not, I managed to get it to work by changing the A key. Which is totally....a feature in the actual game...I am playing with my SNES. Ha ha ha.
Ha ha.
Hope you find your clothes!
Yayy! having someone else care about jontron makes me happy in the general direction of my heart organ.
if I had to guess, I 'd say Mothra.
Good thing I don't own a gun.
Yay! Give it a hug for me when you do. Bunnies are AWESOME.
I haven't been banned yet, but once the bombs set off that should be taken care of.
Yayz, I was getting tired of his Game Grumps crap. Except for Pokemon and Goof Troops, those are the only 2 good series(and now Goof Troop is over, that leaves them with one good series).
Mega Man and Secret of Mana are good.
Tbh I don't think it matter if they where playing pong since its there extremely funny commentary and funny ass conversations about what evers on there mind that makes the video.
I never said I didn't like the game, I said it looks like a game I wouldn't enjoy, never actually played it.