Well, that depends on the respective court, don't you think?
I believe one patent in Europe has been rejected due to a Donald Duck comic. True story even, it's the comic described on a Mythbusters episode where ping pong balls salvaged a boat.
Anyway, I'm starting an ambitious project.
Between now and the end of the year, for Cartoon Network's 20th aniversary, I'll be working on several Cartoon Network related sprites, ranging from Warner Bros. to Hanna-Barbera and Cartoon Network Studios.
I can't give you any good advice in that matter. I tend to advise you to turn right, but with my bad luck the right way would likely turn out to be wrong.
I'm just filling my day with productivity and going with the flow for now. Time to vacuum, clean, bake something and I'm watching a documentary on France in WWII.
I'm being productive, too! Though my productivity errs on the side of going to work and trying to get some homework done on the side.
And my distraction remains HowStuffWorks. Spent about two hours reading that last night. Made me want to try hydroponics in the common area of my apartment, except for the fact that I know one of my roommates would kick up a huge fuss about it.
And my distraction remains HowStuffWorks. Spent about two hours reading that last night. Made me want to try hydroponics in the common area of my apartment, except for the fact that I know one of my roommates would kick up a huge fuss about it.
Yeah sure, you want to try hydroponics cos of some scholarly curiosity...
Baked some chocolate chip coconut cookies. I was out of coconut, so I chopped up some Almond Joys(from halloween), and caramel Ruffles instead. They're... not bad!
Baked some chocolate chip coconut cookies. I was out of coconut, so I chopped up some Almond Joys(from halloween), and caramel Ruffles instead. They're... not bad!
Shit! I swear I want every video game critic on the planet to die. If I see someone on this forum whining like a little bitch about the same thing reviewers have been harping on Paper Mario Sticker Star for I'm going to unload on them until I'm permabanned. "Getting stuck isn't fun", ehhhhh. What the duck....no phone I said suck...no not SUCK SHOT...NOT SHOT SIT..NOT SIT...ASS!!!!! OH THAT ONE YOU KNOW. AS I WAS SAYING...WHAT THE...HELL ARE GAMES SUPPOSED TO DO...YOU....POOPS.
Dude. Stop taking everything so personally. Seriously, why do you care if other people think the stuff you like sucks?
Because public opinion determines a things value, and I'm tired of being alone in holding value to things.And because dozens if not hundreds of people are canceling purchases of Sticker Star without giving it a chance and that's wrong. All because it has hard puzzles. I'M FRIGGIN TIRED OF GAMERS TODAY CALLING OBTUSE PUZZLES BAD DESIGN JUST BECAUSE IT FRUSTRATES THEM.IF THE GAME IS BEATABLE WITHOUT CHEATS IT'S FAIR.
And don't pretend it's just me. If I go around online saying something like this is good without antagonizing anybody, gamers take it personally and make it about me and my taste and tell me what a fricking idiot I am for thinking this way and remind me how alone I am in my opinions word for word. So I'm used to getting angry and having it be made personal, just like the time Tope and Dashing ganged up on me for hating Citizen Kane, calling me an idiot with bad taste and then telling me I'm a sicko with a martyr complex. Next time I do get shit on I'm linking to it just to prove that wrong too.
Im replaying Metal Gear Solid 1 on PS Vita and it still holds up. Theres stuff I wish I could do that you can on later games (first person shooting and better guard AI) but it still plays extremely well.
I want a good RTS to come out. Something that really makes me work for my win. Something like Age of Empires II or the original Starcraft. Granted, I could just play those again, but I'd rather play a campaign that I haven't memorized.
That's what's on my mind.
Also, Chinese ghosts, but that's a whole different story.
And don't pretend it's just me. If I go around online saying something like this is good without antagonizing anybody, gamers take it personally and make it about me and my taste and tell me what a fricking idiot I am for thinking this way and remind me how alone I am in my opinions word for word. So I'm used to getting angry and having it be made personal, just like the time Tope and Dashing ganged up on me for hating Citizen Kane, calling me an idiot with bad taste and then telling me I'm a sicko with a martyr complex. Next time I do get shit on I'm linking to it just to prove that wrong too.
The only thing I've learned is nobody on a message board is important. Who the fuck cares what Tope or Dashing think, honestly? Their feelings about something are no more important or resonating than yours are. The only thing that really matters, from here to the time you die, is what you feel about something.
I believe one patent in Europe has been rejected due to a Donald Duck comic. True story even, it's the comic described on a Mythbusters episode where ping pong balls salvaged a boat.
Anyway, I'm starting an ambitious project.
Between now and the end of the year, for Cartoon Network's 20th aniversary, I'll be working on several Cartoon Network related sprites, ranging from Warner Bros. to Hanna-Barbera and Cartoon Network Studios.
Guess who this is:
Here's another hint though.
You don't know Who's Just On My Mind!? Kids these days...
RAPHAEL. There is no other possibility.
Oh shoot.
Almost right, you're very close! But it's not Raphael.
Its Blossom!
(In that angular battle pose that they always used to do when they were about to fight. Sometimes during!
Nah, I don't think it looks remotely like Blossom.
Is this some philosophical thingy or are you at a literal crossroad?
Flip a coin to decide what to do, then frown at it, turn it over, sigh in relief, and go that way.
That's what I do. Because manipulating your own subconscious is fun!
I can't give you any good advice in that matter. I tend to advise you to turn right, but with my bad luck the right way would likely turn out to be wrong.
And my distraction remains HowStuffWorks. Spent about two hours reading that last night. Made me want to try hydroponics in the common area of my apartment, except for the fact that I know one of my roommates would kick up a huge fuss about it.
Yeah sure, you want to try hydroponics cos of some scholarly curiosity...
Would you come back now?! WE NEED YOU HERE STAT.
Actually, I just want to be prepared in case we get some sort of apocalypse that makes it impossible to use standard farming tech.
Please, don’t. You’ll make my diarrhea come back.
Because public opinion determines a things value, and I'm tired of being alone in holding value to things.And because dozens if not hundreds of people are canceling purchases of Sticker Star without giving it a chance and that's wrong. All because it has hard puzzles. I'M FRIGGIN TIRED OF GAMERS TODAY CALLING OBTUSE PUZZLES BAD DESIGN JUST BECAUSE IT FRUSTRATES THEM.IF THE GAME IS BEATABLE WITHOUT CHEATS IT'S FAIR.
Haven't seen anything, I just want to see Fawful completely lose his shit.
That's what's on my mind.
Also, Chinese ghosts, but that's a whole different story.
The only thing I've learned is nobody on a message board is important. Who the fuck cares what Tope or Dashing think, honestly? Their feelings about something are no more important or resonating than yours are. The only thing that really matters, from here to the time you die, is what you feel about something.
Now excuse me while I go spend the next few hours cursing at random objects.