Will you watch All 3 Movies before the game comes out?



  • edited October 2010
    I have actually seen them after I saw Telltale is working on a BttF game. :D

    Great Movies. Well Part III is okay, but no where near as good as Part I or Part II.

    I have seen that a BluRay Box is out, but I'll stick to my DVD trilogy as there isn't any new material on the BluRay's sadly.

    Can't wait on the game though, already pre-ordered. :)
  • edited October 2010
    They took the original website down with the statement from June, but it also had the Delorean on it..I can't find it, but i was wondering what plate was on the back of that one.

    This one?


    I think it's the same.

    Also the delorian version Telltale have used probably makes the most sense in the context of the story...
  • edited October 2010
    Also the delorian version Telltale have used probably makes the most sense in the context of the story...

    Why? That Delorean got destroyed. It's possible that the one from BttF1 shows up story-wise?

    Well...if they do include the flying Delorean I hope it just doesn't fly all the time when it needs to hit 88 miles/h. I like how the car travels through time when it's on the ground.
  • edited October 2010
    I don't mind the BttF2 Delorean, so I'm grand with any version really.

    At least we have a Delorean and they don't uses Emmett's Train! :D

    Come to think of it, wonder if they will include the train including Emmett's wife and kids in any of the 5 episodes.
  • edited October 2010
    Wolfstar27 wrote: »
    Well would you watch the 3 movies to prep yourself for the new game? unless the new game will be based on the first movie, just how Indiana Jones and the last Cursade was...if so do you think it will spoil the gameplay or help relive the moments

    ill certainly watch the movies before playing the game,i dunno if anyone knows but Bttf 2 and 3 were shot back to back
    I can't live my Life without watching Back To The Future, it's a daily thing for me.. :D
  • edited October 2010
    I dunno... i still have this feeling that they should not have brought back the Delorean time machine...

    I know its iconic and all... it is hard to think of BTTF with out thinking of the Delorean.

    But, The way it died a slow death from the end of the second movie to the end of the third when it finally was destroyed... It was just right, and them bringing it back only seems like resurrecting a ghost. Not to mention how there is no feasible or believable point in the story where someone could have "borrowed" it (aside from biff) before it was destroyed (maybe between when doc left at the end of BTTF 1 and before he picked him up at the start of BTTF 2)

    Even doc started from scratch, he made a new time machine out of a train, and in my opinion... THAT is the vehicle that the game should be based on (not to mention how the train interior set would make a good home base for the adventures)
  • edited October 2010
    Maybe you should use this time machine advice to build the ideal machine to take you back to just before you said you were leaving forever. That way, you could prevent that and every post since wouldn't be so embarrassing.
  • edited October 2010
    *Childish flame*

    Its just *my* opinion, I realize that no one else feels the same way... you don't have to be an ass about it

    P.S. And I still hold true to what i stated earlier this year, I know I don't make a lot of sense... but, I will not buy this game, for the simple reason that the BTTF story is over! I have no interest whatsoever in seeing what is currently planned to be shoehorned into it... all I am curious about is to see how telltale handles the franchise, characters, and mythology addends... I honestly don't care what the actual stories are because I will not be playing them
  • edited October 2010
    Dangerzone wrote: »
    I dunno... i still have this feeling that they should not have brought back the Delorean time machine...

    I know its iconic and all... it is hard to think of BTTF with out thinking of the Delorean.

    But, The way it died a slow death from the end of the second movie to the end of the third when it finally was destroyed... It was just right, and them bringing it back only seems like resurrecting a ghost. Not to mention how there is no feasible or believable point in the story where someone could have "borrowed" it (aside from biff) before it was destroyed (maybe between when doc left at the end of BTTF 1 and before he picked him up at the start of BTTF 2)

    Even doc started from scratch, he made a new time machine out of a train, and in my opinion... THAT is the vehicle that the game should be based on (not to mention how the train interior set would make a good home base for the adventures)

    Uhm, Doc could simply travel via the train to a timeline where the Delorean exists and take it back?
    Or he could have stopped the train that destroyed the Delorean via time travel.

    Bringing the Delorean back is easy. Now the implication this has on the timeline is far more complicated.

    And if you don't want to play the game, that's fine by me. Everyone to his own I say.
    I have firends who didn't like Part III and said that the story ended after Part II for them. For other friends, the stories ends after Part I as they don't like Part II & III.

    Please don't get this wrong (this is no attack or flame against you), but I honestly don't understand people who go onto a game Forum and say they won't play that game.
    It would be different if you don't like a game and then complain about it (fair enough, you bought a game, you tried it, you don't like it, you express you dislike).
  • edited October 2010
    Honestly, no. I'm actually tired of the movies. Seen them too many times. Thank God we got something new coming our way to breathe some fresh air into the franchise. I love BTTF but I've seen them all too many times. I might watch them again but I already saw them this year and have to wait a bit.
  • edited October 2010
    Just got my trilogy DVD yesterday, today my brother and I went on the "ride." He sat on a rocking/spinning chair and I moved it like the simulator. He loved it. :)
  • edited October 2010
    No, i won't watch all 3 movies before the game comes out - i'll watch them twice!

    Also, i'll watch them in no particular order. Try it, it's really fun.
  • edited October 2010
    I just got the bluray discs of BttF, so most likely I will do just that (watch them in order :P )
  • edited October 2010
    Elmo wrote: »
    Uhm, Doc could simply travel via the train to a timeline where the Delorean exists and take it back?

    wouldnt work
    Elmo wrote: »
    Or he could have stopped the train that destroyed the Delorean via time travel.

    would work. i wouldnt stop the train, i'd put the delorean off the tracks somehow.
  • edited October 2010
    Just saw Back to the Future Part III

    Doc: "It runs on steam!"

    I think he was right, Back to the Future are going to be released on steam! That's the proof for timetraveling. ;)

    The Blue Ray Trilogy is awesome!

    greetings from germany
  • edited October 2010
    BTW: Does anyone remember the creepy kid from BttF 3?
    Just checking =D
  • edited October 2010
    I'm watching the 3 movies again.

    I found a flaw in the movie.. in part 2 near the endpart.

    The part where the delorean hovers behind biffs car at night near the tunnel, Marty tries to go from delorean to biffs car with his hoverboard.

    The delorean seems to be hovering but you see small wheels under it rotating in a split second. I made a screenshot but not sure if im allowed to post it?
  • edited October 2010
    i'm definatly going to watch them all... grabbed the DVD trilogy set and watched the first one tonight... i'll probibly watch the 2nd and 3rd tomorrow night... then next friday/saturday they're showing part 1 at one of the local theatres on the big screen, definatly going to that ^_^ this is going to be an awesome week xDD
  • edited November 2010
    Sorry for arriving a bit late for the party but HELL YEAH!
  • edited November 2010
    I have a question about BttF that I have been wondering for some years now.
    When Marty is in 2015 he gets approached by an old man that gives Marty the idea of going back in time with the Almanac. This man works for some Clock Tower preservation organization as he makes his appearance with 'Save the Clock Tower'.

    But who is this guy supposed to represent an older version of? The actor for him is under heavy make-up, so I figured we have seen a younger version of him too.
  • edited November 2010
    He's Terry, played by Charles "Roger Rabbit" Fleischer, who returns Biff's car to him after the manure incident. Old Biff overhears and reminisces while hiding behind a tree.
  • edited November 2010
    Dangerzone wrote: »
    I dunno... i still have this feeling that they should not have brought back the Delorean time machine...

    I know its iconic and all... it is hard to think of BTTF with out thinking of the Delorean.

    But, The way it died a slow death from the end of the second movie to the end of the third when it finally was destroyed... It was just right, and them bringing it back only seems like resurrecting a ghost. Not to mention how there is no feasible or believable point in the story where someone could have "borrowed" it (aside from biff) before it was destroyed (maybe between when doc left at the end of BTTF 1 and before he picked him up at the start of BTTF 2)

    Even doc started from scratch, he made a new time machine out of a train, and in my opinion... THAT is the vehicle that the game should be based on (not to mention how the train interior set would make a good home base for the adventures)

    No, no, no no...I think I speak for everyone when I say that I would rather have a less believable explaination for why the Delorean is back than having the Time Train with no Delorean at all. Back to the Future = Marty, Doc, Biff, Delorean and some form of trouble in the past/future...;)
  • edited November 2010
    The Delorean is basically confirmed with it appearing in the websites art. :)
  • edited November 2010
    I will watch all three films. In fact, I drove to the video shop last night and rented all three. I watched the first one and absolutely loved re-experiencing it. The last time I saw the films, I was very, very young and I barely remember more than a few brief clips and moments from the movies, so I have to watch all three of them again so that I'm familiar with the franchise before the game comes out.
    Origami wrote: »
    The Delorean is basically confirmed with it appearing in the websites art. :)
    ...And the fact that it's been confirmed by the developers over in the 'Live with the BTTF Team' thread.
  • edited November 2010
    just bought the fullscreen-edition (4:3) on ebay.com, cant wait till i get it.

    finally i can watch the movies the same way i saw them thousands of years ago on television.

    and no, the fullframe-editon is not just pan&scan, actually all bttf movies where shot in 1.33:1 (with in mind they will be shown in cinemas in 1.85:1)
  • edited November 2010
    You know I don't feel the need to rewatch all the movies in the series but I do think I'm going to replay my entire Telltale Collection. I'm actually just as interested to see how TTG has grown as a company as to how BttF has grown as a series. Also this time around I might finally understand "banang"
  • edited November 2010
    I just finished watching Back to the Future 3 and noticed a few neat things I've never noticed before...
    -When Marty wakes up in his ancestor's farm house, before fully getting up he quickly checks to see if he's got pants on.

    -When Marty and Doc are at the train station looking at the map of the railroad for a long stretch of track, you can see Clara in the background for the first time with her back turned.

    -At the very end when Marty pulls into Jennifer's driveway to wake her up, you can see the very same car her Dad was driving in the beginning of the first film.
  • edited November 2010
    yay, my fullscreen edition of the bttf trilogy is on its way to me, cant wait to get and watch it!!!!

    I LIKE!!!!

    (damn you paypal, forced me to transfer the money from my bank account to you, takes even more time to get the sh*t, damn you!!!!)
  • edited November 2010
    I watched the trilogy last night with a few friends, it's great to see how well it holds up after 25 years. It's so cleverly written and put together, and great fun.

    Can't wait for the games :)
  • edited November 2010
    It was on TV today, one of the family channels, all 3 in a row... I think they did it a few weeks ago, but only caught the 3rd.. Whenever it is on TV I can't pass it up. There are very very few films I can rewatch over and over, Blade Runner, Clockwork Orange, and all 3 BTTF films.
    I really need to pick up the DVDs since I always love the commentary tracks.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited November 2010
    Welcome to the forums, Droog! ;)
  • edited November 2010
    I just saw all three movies the last two days (I've been sick)... had been a long time since I last saw them, had even forgotten a few things.

    Really cool movies, now I'm even more hyped for the games :D

    However, I still find I like the third movie less than the previous two... somehow seems to lack the 'spirit' from the two previous ones a bit, and also - it spends way too much time in one location... which isn't really that interesting.

    I find more comtemporary settings much more interesting, western just seems too used up somehow. Would be fine if just part of the movie took place there, but nearly the whole thing... too much in my opinion.

    However - I still find it a highly enjoyable movie, don't get me wrong! Just my least favourite in the trilogy (and I always thought so, way before I read any reviews or heard about this being the consensus).

    Spoiler -
    One thing I found a bit odd in the third movie is... now they they know how Doc will die, how could it be so hard to avoid that? They could simply move somewhere else or hide out on that day... or something like that?

    Also, wouldn't the other DeLorean still be where Doc hid it originally? In addition to the one out of fuel? Why not just use that one?
  • edited November 2010
    Armakuni wrote: »
    Also, wouldn't the other DeLorean still be where Doc hid it originally? In addition to the one out of fuel? Why not just use that one?

    That would create a paradox - the DeLorean buried in the mine has to stay there so that Marty can dig it out in 1955. If they'd dug it up in 1885 /after/ Doc had written the letter, then used it to get back to the future, then it wouldn't be there for Marty to travel back to 1855 in the first place... hence paradox.

    See, there's a logical explanation for everything :) Even when there's inconsistencies, just explain them away in your own head :)
  • edited December 2010
    i want to see this =) i never have watched any of the 3 movies and it was on T.V few months ago and i missed it =( ... damn it .. oh well i have a PS3 and i might get Blue ray of back to the future movie =)
    BTW the game looks awesome =P i thought it might be like too much cartoony like spongebob or something .. thank god for TT =) how much is the game??? and whats the rating for it??? (E-10 or T)??? ... is it gonna be like sam and max devils play house ??
  • edited December 2010
    No, no, no no...I think I speak for everyone when I say that I would rather have a less believable explaination for why the Delorean is back than having the Time Train with no Delorean at all. Back to the Future = Marty, Doc, Biff, Delorean and some form of trouble in the past/future...;)
    Eh, don't speak for me. I do think Dangerzone's idea could've worked well. I don't mind that we've got the Delorean now depending on how it's handled. I, for one, wouldn't be as happy with a "less believable explanation" (and I would be rather disappointed if we don't interact with the time train in the game).
  • edited December 2010
    Of course I'll watch them again before the game comes out. I'll watch them for every and any reason I can! I think I'm gonna watch the first one tonight actually...
  • edited December 2010
    Molokov wrote: »
    That would create a paradox - the DeLorean buried in the mine has to stay there so that Marty can dig it out in 1955. If they'd dug it up in 1885 /after/ Doc had written the letter, then used it to get back to the future, then it wouldn't be there for Marty to travel back to 1855 in the first place... hence paradox.

    See, there's a logical explanation for everything :) Even when there's inconsistencies, just explain them away in your own head :)
    This is very true.. if they used this time machine I guess that would mean that Doc would completely disappear? seeing as though Marty won't be able to go back to 1885 to save him anymore.
    This begs the question though. Where does the Delorrean come from? How is is possible to use the same one, without causing a paradox?
  • edited December 2010
    Armakuni wrote: »
    Spoiler -
    One thing I found a bit odd in the third movie is... now they they know how Doc will die, how could it be so hard to avoid that? They could simply move somewhere else or hide out on that day... or something like that?

    Also, wouldn't the other DeLorean still be where Doc hid it originally? In addition to the one out of fuel? Why not just use that one?

    Anyone else find it humorous to see a 'spoiler' tag for a 20 year old movie? :p
  • edited December 2010
    Just watched part 1 yet again tonight. God I love that film. Spreading out the trilogy this time but will get parts 2 & 3 (and probably 1 again) re-watched before the game comes out.
  • edited December 2010
    I finally got time to watch the first movie yesterday and the second one today. We're slowly approaching the release date (I hope) and I was afraid I would not find time to watch these again. It should not be too difficult to find some time for the last movie.

    I watched these in English as the last time I watched them, it was the French version.
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