The "I Find Noir Sam Sexy" Support Group



  • edited June 2010
    Lena_P wrote: »
    @Dakins When you said "obvious trace" I thought you meant you were being tracked by the FBI or something. Yes, I do tend to conceptualize my experiences within a framework of fictional expression. Why do you ask

    A lot of people are looking for me, but not the FBI as far as I know. The obvious trace comment was in relation to my contribution to the thread.
  • edited June 2010
    I approve of this thread.
    A lot.

    I'm also a female.
  • edited June 2010
    I find Sam sexy.

    And I'm a male.
  • edited June 2010
    I just wanna flat out say that I don't yet feel comfortable calling Sam sexy, no matter how much of a Film Noir badass he's turning out to be. Cause, y'know, he's a dog. In a video game.

    Still, I will say that his voice, at least, is the sexiest thing I've ever heard. I think I'm in love with David Nowlan. The fangirl in me wants to swoon every time I hear it. :o
  • edited June 2010
    I tend to be late to the party, so I guessing everyone has seen this thread:

    Thank you Telltale, the therapy I was undergoing here just had a major setback.
  • edited June 2010
    Yay, screenshots! This all makes me pine for a trailer though. *sigh*
  • edited June 2010
    Angry Sam! In a car! In the rain! With a gun!

    It couldn't get any noir-er unless they had him smoking a cigarette while swigging back whiskey and bleeding from a gun shot wound as he drove into a black hole!
  • edited June 2010
    OH MY GOD, the fangirl in me just had a heart attack from thinking about it. :p I'M SO FREAKING EXCITED ABOUT THIS.
  • edited June 2010
    Player_2 wrote: »
    I just wanna flat out say that I don't yet feel comfortable calling Sam sexy, no matter how much of a Film Noir badass he's turning out to be. Cause, y'know, he's a dog. In a video game.

    Still, I will say that his voice, at least, is the sexiest thing I've ever heard. I think I'm in love with David Nowlan. The fangirl in me wants to swoon every time I hear it. :o

    Don't worry, everyone here (or at least me) started with the voice. Then with... everything else. Right?
  • edited June 2010
    And now the trailer. I'm fangirling over a computer game character who is (a: a dog and (b: abusing people in order to get answers.

    I'm a lost cause, I really am.
  • edited June 2010
    It's ok, after that trailer I'm pretty sure I am too
  • edited June 2010
    :D One thing I loved about the trailer is when Sam says: "Nooooooooo!!!" after finding Max. The shadow cast on the wall looks a little like the result of a werewolf transformation, the kind you find in an old horror movie.
  • edited June 2010
    That part was epic.

    Although it's kind of sad to think about Sam being so torn up about Max. Still, we know he's gonna be okay in the end, because he's one of the main characters! :D
  • edited June 2010
    In the trailer, in the part when Sal appears, there's a little poster with something really similar to Sam's Skull with longer teeths. I wonder if that's for something or it's just a little joke =P
  • edited June 2010
    I actually shivered when Sam said "No no no no no" which clearly showed his "This can't be happening" type of attitude.
  • edited June 2010
    In a somewhat unrelated note, someone at TV Tropes linked to the thread as part of the example of Fetish Fuel.

    We are doing something wrong, or we are doing something too well *lol*
  • edited June 2010
    The trailer is amazing! Sam is so badass, it's so awesome :D Hurry up 22nd June!!
  • edited June 2010
    Sorry for this off-topic rant.

    GinnyN: if the recent trend of TVTropes is any indication, "subjective tropes" like "Fetish Fuel" are getting banished to some little corner (i.e. they are not supposed to be on the main page). I'm afraid that such an entry will draw some mods to the Sam and Max page.

    TVTropes used to be a nice place to hang around. Not so anymore: I've got positively disillusioned.
  • edited June 2010
    As I said in another thread, I might leave this support group. Sam was too violent and that completely turned me off. The scene at the beginning and the narrating, yes, that was sexy, but then he's just a big abusing jerk (gosh, I have a death will, saying that in here :p)
    I don't find him sexy anymore. Now I want the old Sam back.
  • edited June 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    As I said in another thread, I might leave this support group. Sam was too violent and that completely turned me off. The scene at the beginning and the narrating, yes, that was sexy, but then he's just a big abusing jerk (gosh, I have a death will, saying that in here :p)
    I don't find him sexy anymore. Now I want the old Sam back.

    To be fair, me too. I'm hoping it's just the trailer which put too many slapping together.
  • edited June 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    As I said in another thread, I might leave this support group. Sam was too violent and that completely turned me off. The scene at the beginning and the narrating, yes, that was sexy, but then he's just a big abusing jerk (gosh, I have a death will, saying that in here :p)
    I don't find him sexy anymore. Now I want the old Sam back.

    I'd be surprised if he wasn't back by the episode's end. Unless retrieving Max's brain becomes a saga the size of the "Must Rescue Bosco!" storyline from Season 2, but I doubt it.

    The violence doesn't bother me as much, but that's largely because I chalk it up to the "parody" part of "film noir parody" being pushed really hard here. (Sam slaps everyone -- even the rat that's only slightly larger than his hand. Wat.) But we're in definite agreement on who's the more appealing version of Sam. Noir!Sam will be fun for the short run, but if that was all there was, or has ever been, to Sam, my overall feelings towards him would amount to a resounding "meh." Instead of, y'know, gushiness about him being one of my favorite fictional characters ever. This turn is fascinating to me because Sam's buttons aren't so easily pushed, not the other way around.

    ... Hmm. But now that I think about it, I'm not really talking so much about his sex appeal anymore, huh? In which case, I'll agree that the first bits and the narration were by far the sexiest noir-related things Sam did in the trailer. The other stuff I enjoyed for the parody factor and for my own character-development-related analytical reasons. :p
    GinnyN wrote: »
    To be fair, me too. I'm hoping it's just the trailer which put too many slapping together.

    That thought occurred to me, too. I, for one, wouldn't mind if that turned out to be the case.
  • edited June 2010
    It doesn't bother me that much the violence either, it's just... just, I like it in small doses. Or with a good reason. We haven't seen one of those slaps in context.

    But, more than the violence itself, what bother me is he looks and sound soooooo saaaadddddd... For me is somewhat depressing.
  • edited June 2010
    I'm sure Sam will bounce back to his usual, fatalistically cheery self in no time ;) Sam and Max are nothing if not adaptable.
  • edited June 2010
    You know, why isn't there a group called "I thought Sam was sexy before he became all cool"? Ginny, Shwoo, and/or Light, can you answer this question? Or should I be asking that question to myself?
    GinnyN wrote: »
    What's will happen if I say I found him, well that, BEFORE the whole shirtsleeves thing?

    Every time I see him in glasses, it just feels right somehow...
    Avistew wrote: »
    I think we need to see a less aggressive, more Humphrey Bogart type of Noir Sam, and toss in the glasses please?
    ... Whoever does this will be my new best friend.

    And mine too! =^_^=
    I've always wondered about that. Is there ANYTHING in ANY of the Sam and Max merchandise about Sam having a girlfriend...or even a relationship?

    No, but there were hints that he had crushes and/or instances being turned down when he was in school.

    Wonderful insight, Omegabegin! I've noticed those observations before too, but you actually wrote it and eloquently. Bravo! ^_^ Ever thought of writing a few articles at our Wiki? Your piece would be a fine addition to this page. ^^

    About the violence level in the trailer, I'm with Light. It is definitely part of the parody. I want him to either backhand or point his revolver threateningly at everyone he first meets before the first thing he says: "I want answers and I want answers NOW, buddy!". XD But after this episode, I hope/pray that he reverts back to his mild nature again. (It's kinda like a werewolf transformation?)
  • edited June 2010
    Breakman wrote: »
    You know, why isn't there a group called "I thought Sam was sexy before he became all cool"? Ginny, Shwoo, and/or Light, can you answer this question? Or should I be asking that question to myself?

    Breakman wrote: »
    About the violence level in the trailer, I'm with Light. It is definitely part of the parody. I want him to either backhand or point his revolver threateningly at everyone he first meets before the first thing he says: "I want answers and I want answers NOW, buddy!". XD

    If it's the parody, awesome. I think. But I guess I have to wait and see how that is managed in the episode itself.
    Breakman wrote: »
    But after this episode, I hope/pray that he reverts back to his mild nature again. (It's kinda like a werewolf transformation?)

    Triggered because Max's missing? Not bad. I'm still wondering about that poster of Sam's Skull with the longer teeths in the Scene with Sal, but I somewhat hope is just me.
  • edited June 2010
    Breakman wrote: »
    Wonderful insight, Omegabegin! I've noticed those observations before too, but you actually wrote it and eloquently. Bravo! ^_^ Ever thought of writing a few articles at our Wiki? Your piece would be a fine addition to this page. ^^

    *blush* You flatter me. I've done my fair share of nosing around the wiki, but I never thought I'd be asked to write for it!

    If you'd like to use that piece, by all means, feel free. I only wish I had cleaned it up a little more first :p
  • edited June 2010
    GinnyN wrote: »
    Don't worry, everyone here (or at least me) started with the voice. Then with... everything else. Right?
    I started with the personality. Then the voice when I saw all the complaining about how horribly bad his voice was. Made me appreciate it more.
    I actually shivered when Sam said "No no no no no" which clearly showed his "This can't be happening" type of attitude.
    I didn't, but I really really loved that bit.
    GinnyN wrote: »
    In a somewhat unrelated note, someone at TV Tropes linked to the thread as part of the example of Fetish Fuel.

    We are doing something wrong, or we are doing something too well *lol*
    Avistew wrote: »
    As I said in another thread, I might leave this support group. Sam was too violent and that completely turned me off. The scene at the beginning and the narrating, yes, that was sexy, but then he's just a big abusing jerk (gosh, I have a death will, saying that in here :p)
    I don't find him sexy anymore. Now I want the old Sam back.
    I prefer him not constantly yelling and slapping people. Hopefully he won't spend the entire episode doing that.
    GinnyN wrote: »
    But, more than the violence itself, what bother me is he looks and sound soooooo saaaadddddd... For me is somewhat depressing.
    I like it when he's sad. The part in 205 where he
    signs his soul to Satan
    is one of my favourite parts of the series. But he wouldn't be himself if he was sad all the time, or even frequently.
    Breakman wrote: »
    You know, why isn't there a group called "I thought Sam was sexy before he became all cool"? Ginny, Shwoo, and/or Light, can you answer this question? Or should I be asking that question to myself?
    That's a very good question. I find him awesome more than sexy, though.
  • edited June 2010
    Shwoo wrote: »
    That's a very good question. I find him awesome more than sexy, though.

    Then change it to "I thought Sam was awesome before he became all cool". Now, why he is awesome, it's downright personal
    Shwoo wrote: »
    I started with the personality. Then the voice when I saw all the complaining about how horribly bad his voice was. Made me appreciate it more.

    I always liked the Character as a whole, but the voice was enchanting for me for some reason. Must help I didn't play Hit the Road before Abe Lincoln must Die!
  • edited June 2010
    I like the growl before he slaps the gorilla. Very dog-like.
  • edited June 2010
    Shwoo wrote: »
    I like it when he's sad. The part in 205 where he
    signs his soul to Satan
    is one of my favourite parts of the series.

    That was my favourite part, too. I don't think I've ever laughed so hard as when I saw the
    "Hell's A-Poppin'!" logo.

    But I kind of like it when he's sad, too, although that's probably very mean of me. There was something incredibly adorable about how dejected he looked. Am I a bad person for thinking that?
  • edited June 2010
    I think it's the natural response for anyone who sees a sad dog, anthropomorphic or otherwise, to find it adorable and want to hug it and make it feel better.
  • edited June 2010
    Maybe he needs a tummy rub.
  • edited June 2010
    or a scratch behind the ears.
  • edited June 2010
    I don't know whether to go aww or eww at these comments XD
    But I gotta agree their is nothing more cute than a sad looking dog, even if it wears a suit without shoes.
  • edited June 2010
    the suit makes him more cute...
  • edited June 2010
    You make a good point!
  • edited June 2010
    Would Sam actually like getting tummy rubs or scratches behind the ears, or does he have too much pride for that? I'd kind of like to see the look on his face if someone tried to give him one.
  • edited June 2010
    Player_2 wrote: »
    Would Sam actually like getting tummy rubs or scratches behind the ears, or does he have too much pride for that? I'd kind of like to see the look on his face if someone tried to give him one.

    I would be terrified to give him a tummy rub. I mean, what happens if he mistakes it as a pink belly? I don't want to be pimped slapped by Sam. But scratching behind the ear....hmm....
  • edited June 2010
    I would be terrified to give him a tummy rub. I mean, what happens if he mistakes it as a pink belly? I don't want to be pimped slapped by Sam. But scratching behind the ear....hmm....

    I'm somewhat sure Max could scratch behind Sam's ear. I think I'm probably mistaked, but maybe he did once...
    Cheri wrote: »
    I think it's the natural response for anyone who sees a sad dog, anthropomorphic or otherwise, to find it adorable and want to hug it and make it feel better.

    You read my mind!
  • edited June 2010
    I don't see why you'd need a support group for liking Sam before he was cool. Why would you be ashamed of thinking that? :p
This discussion has been closed.