Share your favorite Sam and Max Quotes



  • edited June 2010
    The Penal Zone:

    -Momma Bosco: "He'll overwork his brain so much that it will catch fire and explode"
    -Max: "Oh I have got to see that!"
    -Sam: "You can't see that Max, your brain will catch fire and explode"
    -Max: "That's why you have to record it to me, Sam. DUH!"

    -Sam: "No way! I didn't think they'd come out with the XKJ-S3 model yet! This baby is eight times as fast and has eighteen USB slots!"
    -Max: "What does it do?"
    -Sam: "No Idea"

    -Skunkape: "all the local molepeople are invited to ride my fantastic gamma beam to a wonderful off-world vacationthey will never forget......I don't kill them..."

    -Sam: "It's a big pile of low-tech audio video equipament. Tossed out like pianos from a falling zeppelin"
    -Max: "And it's still warm! Documentary filmakers must be lurning nearby!"
    The Tomb of Sammun-Mak:

    -Sameth: "Point & Click Adventure Games!"
    -Elf: "You gotta be kidding me"

    -Sam: "It's a silent Movie, Max. Long before the invention of Vocal Cords"

    -Maximus: Do you think I could pass the challenge of the Spunk?
    -Sameth: You have to be good at something Maximus, why not that?

    -Sameth: "As a responsable adult-"
    -Maximus: "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"
    They Stole Max's Brain:

    -Noir Sam: "What's that!? A Brain-Remover!?"
    -Sign-spinner Minion: "I believe it's one of the Toys of Power that my General has been collecting for the past 25 krileks"
    -Noir Sam: ".....I knew that!"
  • edited June 2010
    Sam (to European tourist): Hold it there metric lover!!
  • edited June 2010
    Sam : ...and that means the villain behind the whole thing is -
    {phone rings}
    Sam : It's the Commissioner!
    Max : The Commissioner?! I never did trust him...
  • edited June 2010
    European Tourist: What do they teach you in your american schools?
    Sam: Video Poker!
  • edited June 2010
    Chariots of the Dogs

    Sam:VCRs are old news. Time for a LASERDISC!
  • edited June 2010
    Sam: Wanna rub my unicorn?
    Bosco: I'm not that kind of woman
  • edited June 2010
    Oh another one:

    Noir Sam: YOU'RE LYING!
    Frankie the Rat (I think): What proof do you have?
    Noir Sam: NONE AT ALL!
  • edited June 2010
    Best ever
    Moleman: Shoot your friend! I command it!
    Max: This ... blows

    Also good
    Sam: I can't shoot future me!
  • edited June 2010
    Neelo wrote: »
    European Tourist: What do they teach you in your american schools?
    Sam: Video Poker!

    Yeah, that one made me guffaw :)
  • edited June 2010
    Neelo wrote: »
    European Tourist: What do they teach you in your american schools?
    Sam: Video Poker!

    This one was ruined for me because the bulid up was good but the speed into it in the trailer ruined it
  • edited June 2010
    Sam: That thing does science so hard, you say, "I've never seen that much science!" and then it's all "check this out" and BOOM: more science!

    I could not stop laughing at that quote. What makes it more awesome was Sam's actions for it.

    I also like the joke about the Pope Max made in 104, but they're so many, they're all freakin' hilarious.
  • edited June 2010
    They Stole Max's Brain

    Max: All your corndogs are belong to Max!

    Made me lol when I heard it XD Was unexpected :P
  • edited July 2010
    Originally Posted by Cardcaptor Stacey

    They Stole Max's Brain

    Max: All your corndogs are belong to Max!

    Made me lol when I heard it XD Was unexpected :P

    I liked that one too, but once I said it, and my older brother thought I said something else instead of corndogs. You may not want to know.
    Anyway, I have another quote.

    They Stole Max's Brain!

    Noir Sam(to C.O.P.S.): And hurry it up! Max is starting to smell! Different!

    Makes me laugh. Almost everytime. :D
  • edited July 2010
    Old Sam: I can't shoot Max!
  • edited July 2010
    jaden551 wrote: »
    This one was ruined for me because the bulid up was good but the speed into it in the trailer ruined it

    I thought it worked great in the trailer, but in the regular game it just took too long for the dialogue to load/play.
  • edited July 2010
    A random assortment of my current faves. I may be paraphrasing some of these, since I can't remember exactly what was said, but...

    Bob: Sam, audiences everywhere're a total monster!
    Sam: Wanna play doctor, Max?
    Max: For the last time, Sam, no! I...oh, you meant with the Monster. Yeah, okay.
    Sam: You're looking hale and hearty, lil' buddy.
    Max: I'm a coffee achiever, Sam.
    Sam (at a wishing well): I wish I knew what Max was thinking.
    Max (in his mind): ... ..... ....... ..... ... . !
    Sam: Well, that was a waste of money.
    The Geek: My hamsters are missing.
    Max (in reflection): All eyes turned to John, but of course she had no proof.
    Old Sam: Great transmorgifying vapor wolves of Rigel 17 on a booster rocket through the Van Allen Belt! I'm in my office!
  • edited July 2010
    Player_2 wrote: »
    The Geek: My hamsters are missing.
    Max (in reflection): All eyes turned to John, but of course she had no proof.

    That whole episode is a factory of fav quotes for me. I almost know the half of the episode out of favorite quotes.

    Max: We call him John, because there were where we find him.

    (I think is) Sam: Can you shed a light about the problem might be Doc?
    Doctor: He's an alligator! You can't have an alligator in the city! (Something I don't clearly remember right now)
    Sam: I see
    Max: And your professional recomendation?
    Doctor: GET RID OF HIM!

    Geek: Aligators don't live in sewers, they live in florida!
    Sam and Max: FLORIDA!
  • edited July 2010
    Well my favorite-favorite is in my signature. My OTHER favorite was from Chariot of the Dogs, when Future Sam & Max are wandering around in the ship babbling:

    (To the best of my memory)

    Sam: "Do I really talk to myself that often?"
    Max: "I always thought you were composing your Memoirs..."
  • edited July 2010
    Max: Look-- it's a crime in progress! {starts shooting out the window} Take that! And that! Ooh, I think I got a couple of them.
    Sam: They're making a tv show, you goof.
    Max: Don't they know shows like that promote violent behavior?
  • edited July 2010
    Sam: It doesn't look much like a frog...
    Max: My innocence has been shattered by this blatant tourist trap, I want my money back!
    Sam: We didn't pay anything.
    Max: Well, somebody better give me some money.

    Max: Boy, it sure gets dark quick around here.
    Sam: I don't think this is a natural occurrence, Max. In fact, I think we're witnessing a celestial convergence of some sort.
    Max: Will it make that rock look more like a frog?

    Max: He's not a real guy, Sam! Can I keep his head as a souvenir? Why do you suppose it's ticking?
    Sam: That's no head Max! It's one damned ugly time bomb! Let's leave this criminal cesspool pronto!
    Max: Good idea, Sam. Maybe we can ditch the head somewhere while the credits are running. Mind if I drive?
    Sam: Not if you don't mind me clawing at the dash and shrieking like a cheerleader.
    Max: Sam, is "pronto" a real word?

    All from Hit the Road. I like many from the newer games as well, but seeing as how so many have been mentioned... I thought I'd stick to the old game =P. Although since I just laughed at this yesterday...

    Sam: Does the carpet match the drapes?
    Cuddlybear (I think?): Wanna play cards?
  • edited July 2010
    Sam: Who was that?
    Max: I don't know, but if it weren't for the sheer carefree innocence of this carnival, I'd be breaking his kneecaps.
    Sam: You're a demonic little imp, Max.

    *sigh* ahh, when they didn't make Max sound like an infant...those were the days...
  • edited July 2010
    I can't tell you my favourite quote until the next episode is released...
  • edited July 2010
    (They Stole Max's Brain!)

    *Sees vision of Granny Mole a.k.a. Nefertiti slow motion jump*

    Sam: Apparently the future is a hellish nightmare of slow-motion action movie clichés.

    Max: I’ll be getting too old for that sh--

    Sam: Stop.

    :D lol
  • edited July 2010
    *sigh* ahh, when they didn't make Max sound like an infant...those were the days...

    ... Like an infant?
  • edited July 2010
    ... Like an infant?

    Sam 'n Max Hit the Road made max more of a violent wisecracking sidekick than an attention deficit disabled 6 year old with a penchant for murder. But thats just what I have seen max progress into...He seems to have devolved rather than evolved.
  • edited July 2010
    I always saw Max as childlike even in the comics. I'd find a quote in there if I wasn't already sitting down.
  • edited July 2010
    Sam 'n Max Hit the Road made max more of a violent wisecracking sidekick than an attention deficit disabled 6 year old with a penchant for murder. But thats just what I have seen max progress into...He seems to have devolved rather than evolved.

    I'm convinced (And don't get me wrong) this kind of commentaries are half-fuel by nostalgia more than truth.

    I have to admit Max's Attention Deficit hasn't been so relevant for make jokes until the Telltale Games (And that's a given) but I don't see so much difference with Telltale's Max and Hit the Road's Max. While it's true he's a bit more childlike, but the difference it's not that great than you state. I guess Hit the Road is more dry than the Telltale Games, and there's why the childlike part of Max appear more in this games.

    I personally, and I'll insist, the difference is not that big. But, at the same time, it's a matter of tastes. I just stated what I think.
  • edited July 2010
    Sam: Well that was a pleasantly understated credits sequence
    Max: I especially enjoyed the cheesy retro ambiance.
    Sam: What the hell are you talking about?
    Max: Either termites are burrowing through my brain, or one of us is ticking
    Sam: Oh yeah, Where can we dispose of this thing so it wont hurt anyone we know or care about?
    Max: Out the window. There's no one but strangers out there.
    *Sam throws bomb head out window, explosion*
    Sam: I hope there was nobody on that bus.
    Max: Nobody we know, at least.
  • edited July 2010
    GinnyN wrote: »

    I personally, and I'll insist, the difference is not that big. But, at the same time, it's a matter of tastes. I just stated what I think.

    Well, I agree, its true that the difference is not that great, but the reason I loved Hit the Road so much is because the game reminded me of a cartoonish dragnet type of dynamic. It was an exaggeration yes, but it was an understated exaggeration. Now don't get me wrong, I catch myself laughing at max now as well, but he just seems...well, dumbed down, for lack of better words. Like that scene in penal zone where he goes ape shit (no pun intended) over the prospect of becoming a rocket launcher. It seemed...well, out of place if you looked at Hit the Road, but it fits quite well with telltale max. It seems to have gone from gradual to blatant over the 3 seasons...And this is being said with all the respect for the respect for the telltale just seems like a different something happened that made him snap completely and is now off the deep end.
  • edited July 2010
    Sam: Hey, Brady, can we borrow this?
    Brady: Well, considering you already took it, I guess so.
    (What's New Beelzebub)

    Sam: We have better things to do than jumping on a trampoline.
    Max: Do we, Sam? (Jumps on trampoline) We have better things to do than jumping on a trampoline.
    (Ice Station Santa)
  • edited July 2010
    max hea hea heay
  • edited July 2010
    (About the "New S&M Season" newspaper in Ice Station Santa)

    "Too bad you don't wear collars, Sam. It looks like they're coming back in style."
  • edited July 2010
    All of the Hugh Bliss one in What's New Beelzebub:

    Sam:What do you do here?
    Hugh Bliss:I work for the largest division of Hell, the FCC
    Max:Doing what?
    Hugh Bliss:I BLEEP
    Sam:Right here in your cubical?
    Max:In front of Satan and everyone?

    Sam:You bleep?
    Hugh Bliss:I listen for naughty words and I bleep them, no swearing, no cursing, and no oaths of any kind.
    Max:That takes the fun out of everything.
    Hugh Bliss:EXACTLY!

    Sam:Can we say *censored*
    Hugh Bliss:Nope.
    Sam:what about *censored**censored*
    Hugh Bliss:Nope.
    Sam:What about...
    Max:*censored*sucker, *censored*yanker, tool handler. Oh, alright.
    Sam:Good to know.

    Sam:What about when Jimmy Hoffa said ride the buckin surf board.
    Max:aw yeah you should of bleeped the *censored* out of that.
    Hugh Bliss:Buckin is not on the list, sorry.

    and from the tv show and comic: Bad Day on the Moon

    Max:Well, Sam, the gorilla and donkey apparently think we're someone else, but thats okay, we get the ride we needed.
    Sam:He's a zebra, Max. And that's what makes me a little suspicious. You see, in nature, a zebra wouldn't normally hang out with a gorilla. Plus, listen to this; a zebra can't drive a moon buggy, or any kind of car for that matter. Zebras don't have hands.
    Max:My god, your right, Sam. THE GORILLA SHOULD BE DRIVING! I think your onto something, we better play dumb
    Sam:You mean starting now?

    From the tv series episode: We Drop at Dawn

    Max:What no concealable weaponry, road flares, or black capsules. What if we get captured!
    Sam:HaHa, you kill me, little buddy.
    Max:Only if we're taken alive, Sam.

    From The Penal Zone

    Computer in the incinerator:Error removing inventory, Where do you keep your personal belongings?
    Max:that's none of you damn business, computer.
  • edited July 2010
    Maximus: Yeah, I'm not felling it. What's my motovation?
    Papierwaite:Complete fear.

    Max: What were those!?!!?
    Sam: I think those were...dial-up modems.
    Max: Hold me.

    Max(as Uncle Morty): Harry!
    Harry:Uncle Morty? You sound weird.
    Max(as Uncle Morty): I got a cold!
    Harry: In heaven?
    Max(as Uncle Morty): Who said I was in heaven?!
  • edited July 2010
    (I'm paraphrasing, but it's something like this)

    Harry: Tell me the secret you took to your grave, Uncle Morty!
    "Morty:" Harry Moleman! I've hidden my stamp collection...
    Harry: Yes?
    "Morty": In the attic...
    Harry: Yes?!
    "Morty": OF THE STATUE OF LIBERTY! (Thunder crashes)
  • edited July 2010
    Sam: Hey look Max, it's the button that leads to the secret passageway!
    Max: Less talky more pushy Sam, I've just about run out of amusing ways to shoot you in the Face!

    The look on Max's face when he said that was priceless.
  • edited July 2010
    "I never run out of bullets!"
  • edited July 2010
    Sam: I wonder what the deal is with all these dangerously handsome Samulacra.

    Max: I prefer Doppelgänger!

    That is the best yet! :D

    And when Max says.

    Max: Wow, what a coinkidink.

    Superball: Yes, what a coinkidink.
  • edited July 2010
    When using mind reading on Sam in 304
    Sam: 'Soon Max will be so powerful he won't even need a partner'
    Made me want to hug Sam.
  • edited July 2010
    Max: Hey tentacles... unholy THIS!
    Sam: Unholy this?
    Max: I've heard it in a video game
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