Share your favorite Sam and Max Quotes



  • edited September 2010
    Some Vids From Season 3:
    Jumper Cables
    Touching Things
    Taking Baths
    Hard Science
    Ghost-Riding The DeSoto
    Just Thought I'd give this thread a little attention.
  • edited September 2010
    Some Vids From Season 3:
    Jumper Cables
    Touching Things
    Taking Baths
    Hard Science
    Ghost-Riding The DeSoto
    Just Thought I'd give this thread a little attention.

    I really wonder about Max sometimes:D
    Sam is just so cool with his hip lingo.
  • edited September 2010
    StrongBrush, you remind me that I need to record for episode 3 and 5 now. Any particular scenes people wanna see?
  • edited September 2010
    Cheri wrote: »
    StrongBrush, you remind me that I need to record for episode 3 and 5 now. Any particular scenes people wanna see?

    How about Sybil going into labor and Yog-Soggoth's subsequent "Pennies!?"
  • edited September 2010
    Cheri wrote: »
    StrongBrush, you remind me that I need to record for episode 3 and 5 now. Any particular scenes people wanna see?

    Sam: Where exactly do you spores come from?
    Not Max: We are spawned from a well of flames, nestled deep within the colossal beast.
    Sam: I'm skeptical.
    Not Max: Okay, fine, it's the butt.

    That made me LOL.
  • edited September 2010
    Cheri wrote: »
    StrongBrush, you remind me that I need to record for episode 3 and 5 now. Any particular scenes people wanna see?

    Max's Inuit coming of age story!
  • edited September 2010
    Cheri wrote: »
    StrongBrush, you remind me that I need to record for episode 3 and 5 now. Any particular scenes people wanna see?

    Well, for 5 Max's stories would be great, also, "pennies?" XD

    For 3...the only one that inmediately comes to my mind is making the tourist destroy the corn dog pyramid.
  • edited September 2010
    SunnyGuy wrote: »
    For 3...the only one that inmediately comes to my mind is making the tourist destroy the corn dog pyramid.

    What about The Moleman organization's name?

    I forget what it is, but I remember that it was pretty funny.
  • edited September 2010
    lombre wrote: »
    How about Sybil going into labor and Yog-Soggoth's subsequent "Pennies!?"
    Sam: Where exactly do you spores come from?
    Not Max: We are spawned from a well of flames, nestled deep within the colossal beast.
    Sam: I'm skeptical.
    Not Max: Okay, fine, it's the butt.

    That made me LOL. The full scene is in here, not just the pennies bit, cutting off in the midst of scenes is a peeve of mine, sorry! That's quite the description, I gotta start using my cheap thesaurus.

    I'll have some more scenes up soon!
  • edited September 2010
    Cheri wrote: » The full scene is in here, not just the pennies bit, cutting off in the midst of scenes is a peeve of mine, sorry! That's quite the description, I gotta start using my cheap thesaurus.

    I'll have some more scenes up soon!

    Loved Both of those. Keep em' coming!
  • edited September 2010
    From the first season office:

    Sam: Where's are noose collection?
    Max: It's a surprise!

    Sam: Remember that vacation we took a few years ago?
    Max: Yeah, just you me and the authorities from 7 states but those were simpler times back then.
  • edited September 2010
    from Abe lincoln must die! :

    (After war song)
    Sam: Well.
    Max: Lets not do that again!
  • edited October 2010
    I'm not sure if this exactly how the quote goes, BUT HERE YA GO.

    Sam: Does the general want a banana?
    Skun-Ka'Pe: Oh I see! Because I resemble your Earth primates you assume I want a banana. It's good to see you humans are still so charmingly racist!
    Sam: Relax buddy, we're just making sure you're gettin' enough potassium.

    Forgive me if someone's already said this (I didn't read through the whole thread).
  • edited October 2010
    Hard Science

    There another one when sam says : BIG Science lol ..
  • edited October 2010
    I just replayed Moai Better Blues...

    Little!Max: Will you cut the crusts off?
    Girl Stinky: Sorry, I seem to have misplaced my knife.
    Little!Max: You probably left it in the real Stinky's body. It's an honest mistake.

    Pretty much everything you can say to her as kids is hilarious. Sam and Max really love screwing with people.
  • edited October 2010
    Player_2 wrote: »
    I just replaced Moai Better Blues...

    Little!Max: Will you cut the crusts off?
    Girl Stinky: Sorry, I seem to have misplaced my knife.
    Little!Max: You probably left it in the real Stinky's body. It's an honest mistake.

    Stinky: That's silly, you little rascals. Now run along and play, before I call child services.
  • edited October 2010
    Little Max or Sam?: Did you mean not to have a moustache or was it a shaving accident
  • edited October 2010
    Almost all the lines Future Sam has.

    Future Max: Oh, Sam? He's kind of in his own world now.
    Future Sam: I can't shoot Max!
    Sam: Looks like all those years of adventuring really got to him.
    Future Sam: I can't reach that...
  • edited October 2010
    Not entirely sure which game it's from but one of my favorites:

    Max: Rules are for marking straight lines and lesser mortals
  • edited October 2010
    Pretty sure that one's from Reality 2.0. I love that line, too. I try to work it into as many conversations as possible. Same with the "It wasn't exactly ironic, but I didn't care" thing from 303.
  • edited October 2010
    I can't quite remember how it goes, but it's something like this,
    "Pointless query that's somehow related to our current situation"
    "Random response that hints at mental instability"
    "You crack me up, Little Buddy"

    "Look at all the menus!"
    "Hey, she misspelled "appetizer""
    "Stop saying things out of character!"
  • edited October 2010
    spaceball: "i've taken the liberty of installing an amusing bobble-headed doll in the oval office, sir. so far, no one seems to have noticed."
  • edited October 2010
    Little Sam & Max in stinkys diner say some of the funniest stuff, the tomb of sammun mak had some great stuff too
  • edited October 2010
    "She was a real no-nonsense dame. With legs up to here! Hairy legs, but still"

    "Nervous about having a trio of ace detectives in your restraunt?" "No, I just have to move some... things... out of... the meat locker..."

    "All the young people go to und gymnasiums wit zeir t-shirts that say 'They are probly hiding zee cow' "

    "We're just not famous enough!" "We're both TV stars and you're the president!" "Correction: We're not hot chicks"

    There's a lot more, I just can't recall them right now.
  • edited October 2010
    Computer in skun kapes ship: where do you keep your personal belongings?
    Max: That's none of your damn business computer.
    When you use the ring on a few people in episode one,
    Sam: Would you mind being the one to
    Monkey: Scram
    Sam: Geez buddy you could've atleast let Me down easy
    when you use the ring on max,
    Skun kape on the ship in episode one: Stay strong skunkape don't let them know you're crying inside,
    Sam: According to this machine it's not possible for me and max to even exist (both dissapear then reappear) oh wait I was reading it wrong,
    Max: Look at that guy destroying things, terrorising My city and causing random chaos...that's My job (or something like that).
    Max: Touching is My favourite thing to do to things (everyone looks at him) if you wanted to know the second one is licking.
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