Nintendo 3DS



  • edited January 2012
    Jen Kollic wrote: »
    I wonder if we'll get Majora's Mask on the 3DS, would be nice to see it with the same upgraded visuals as Ocarina. I'd really like the Oracle games though, because those were awesome.

    While this is possible because of a large movement to get attention drawn towards a Majora's Mask remake, Nintendo has said that likely their attention will be on an original game before any more remakes.
  • edited January 2012
    Yeah, the 3DS shop is in its infancy still, so hopefully we'll get the Oracle games down the road. It could be a while, though. Just look at how long it took them to get Majora's Mask on the Wii's Virtual Console.

    Maybe it's just me, but I think Nintendo is doing a MUCH better job with the eShop than they ever did with the Wii Virtual Console. Hopefully it won't be too long before we get them.
  • edited January 2012
    Right, finally got my 3DS online and updated, my friend code is 3652-1134-0177. Don't have Mariokart yet, but will be fixing that ASAP...
  • edited January 2012
    According to Nintendo, the 3DS has now sold more in its first year than the original DS and the Wii did in their first years.
  • edited January 2012
    According to Nintendo, the 3DS has now sold more in its first year than the original DS and the Wii did in their first years.

    That is extremely surprising, given the lack of good games for it and the finicky nature of the hardware. Still, I suppose there are a lot of people who will buy anything Nintendo puts out, and they did slash the price quite a bit.
  • edited January 2012
    KuroShiro wrote: »
    That is extremely surprising, given the lack of good games for it and the finicky nature of the hardware. Still, I suppose there are a lot of people who will buy anything Nintendo puts out, and they did slash the price quite a bit.

    I've had it since launch and I haven't had a problem finding something to play on it, nor have I had any trouble with the hardware itself. Not sure I'm seeing what you mean by finicky.

    And I will admit on the software part that I was helped by the fact that I never had a DS, so at launch I grabbed up some DS games I'd wanted.
  • edited January 2012
    All I know is Starfox kicks ass.
  • edited January 2012
    KuroShiro wrote: »
    That is extremely surprising, given the lack of good games for it and the finicky nature of the hardware. Still, I suppose there are a lot of people who will buy anything Nintendo puts out, and they did slash the price quite a bit.

    Bear in mind that the wii was only out 2 months in its first year and there was supply shortages. I'm assuming that's the methodology they're using as the 3DS hasn't been out a year yet either.
  • edited January 2012
    ok I added a few of your friend codes but this thread is too long to keep sifting through...

    Send me a pm with your code if you add me my friend code is

    I also added the telltale racers group to my faves in Mario kart 7... See you out there third dimension gamers...
  • edited January 2012

    You know, every time I go to switch the 3DS on I automatically flick the wireless switch on the side instead of pressing the power button. Why did they have to put it in the same place as the DS Lite power switch?!
  • edited January 2012
    Looks like the Binding of Isaac might make it to the 3ds, supposidly, the religious aspect is being checked over with nintendo right now, but if thats good, this could be an eshop game!

    It would also contain some DLC that adds 50% more content, dunno the name.
  • edited January 2012
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    Looks like the Binding of Isaac might make it to the 3ds, supposidly, the religious aspect is being checked over with nintendo right now, but if thats good, this could be an eshop game!

    It would also contain some DLC that adds 50% more content, dunno the name.
    It's called "Wrath of the Lamb". It adds roughly 50% more content to the game at every level, including new bosses, alternate levels, new types of rooms(including "The Library", where you can exchange one book item for another book item), etc. It'll be roughly $3 on Steam and close the book on Isaac, once it's released he'll never work on the game again and it will be considered done.
  • edited January 2012
    I've had it since launch and I haven't had a problem finding something to play on it, nor have I had any trouble with the hardware itself. Not sure I'm seeing what you mean by finicky.

    And I will admit on the software part that I was helped by the fact that I never had a DS, so at launch I grabbed up some DS games I'd wanted.

    Well, when I tried it out the 3d only worked when I held it at a pretty precise angle, which became uncomfortable quickly. Could just be my screwed up eyes though.

    And I certainly wasn't saying that there's a lack of good games for the DS -- there's tons of great stuff. I was saying that there's really not many good games that are 3DS exclusive. There's the standard Mario and Zelda stuff, but after that it falls off pretty quickly.
  • edited January 2012
    I had a 3DS for Christmas and I'm really enjoying it. Mario 3D Land is wonderful, Mario Kart as fun as ever, Sonic Generations not as good as the main version but still enjoyable, Super Street Fighter IV beautiful on the small screen. The only stinker so far is Resident Evil Mercenaries, which just doesn't work very well.

    RE the 3D display. It does require a fairly precise angle and made me feel sick when I first started using it. After a while you get used to it but I still have to turn it right down every now and again.

    Hopefully over the next 12 months it'll start to see some great exclusive games coming to it that use 3D to their advantage. I'm hoping for a really good (or at least quite decent) Star Wars title. Perhaps an X Wing vs Tie Fighter-style game.
  • edited January 2012
    Omg a new 3D multiplayer x-wing vs tie fighter would be so amazing..... And long overdue.
  • edited January 2012
    I got Freakyforms today, and I just love it.
    Brilliant good creative fun! :D

    Here's some characters I made:

  • edited January 2012
    I got Freakyforms today, and I just love it.
    Brilliant good creative fun! :D

    Here's some characters I made:

    Tinypic is a terrible image host and you're a terrible person.

    See exhibit A.
  • edited January 2012
    I got Freakyforms today, and I just love it.
    Brilliant good creative fun! :D

    Here's some characters I made:


    What the heck is it about? All I remember is making your own characters.

    I got pushmo and thats a nice little puzzle game though.
  • edited January 2012
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    What the heck is it about? All I remember is making your own characters.

    I got pushmo and thats a nice little puzzle game though.

    Well its basically like Drawn-to-life.

    You create characters, and scenery ect. Then you run/fly/drive around with your creations finding other creations, and getting little quests from them, then doing those.
    You eat food that produces either eggs or poop, and at the end of each timed session (it has a time limit that extends occasionally), you crack open the eggs and collect coins and the occasional additional accessory, or character (that you use the coins to buy, and then use for parts).

    Its a simple game, meant for kids, but I find it fun making things! :D
    (You can save your creations to your SD card with barcodes that allows others to import it to theirs)

    Its better than Spore at least! XD

    (Everything is better than Spore...)

    Here's a good review
  • edited January 2012
    All I ever play on my 3DS are the Ambassador games.
  • edited January 2012
    Has anyone posted this?
    Basically, Register two games between November 2011 and January 31st 2012 and get 3D classics Kid Icarus for free. There's a list of eligible games at the link (basically nintendo games with street fighter, resident evil and dead or alive thrown in)
  • edited January 2012
    Friar wrote: »
    Has anyone posted this?
    Basically, Register two games between November 2011 and January 31st 2012 and get 3D classics Kid Icarus for free. There's a list of eligible games at the link (basically nintendo games with street fighter, resident evil and dead or alive thrown in)

    I think this is only for Europe.
  • edited January 2012
    I'm not really interested in Kid Icarus, I'd rather have Link's Awakening for free. It's pretty expensive on the virtual console considering that it's a Gameboy game. (okay, so it's the GBC version, but still...)

    I hope they release the original Pokemon games on Virtual Console, especially if they can modify them to connect over wifi for battles. The batteries are gubbed on everything up to Crystal for me, and they're probably due to run out on my GBA carts too...
  • edited January 2012
    I think this is only for Europe.

    It is sadly.
    We got Xevious as a different club nintendo reward though.
    Id prefer Kid Icarus though:(
  • edited January 2012
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    It is sadly.
    We got Xevious as a different club nintendo reward though.
    Id prefer Kid Icarus though:(

    It changed the 10th, now it's Kirby's Adventure.
  • edited January 2012
    KuroShiro wrote: »
    Well, when I tried it out the 3d only worked when I held it at a pretty precise angle, which became uncomfortable quickly. Could just be my screwed up eyes though.

    And I certainly wasn't saying that there's a lack of good games for the DS -- there's tons of great stuff. I was saying that there's really not many good games that are 3DS exclusive. There's the standard Mario and Zelda stuff, but after that it falls off pretty quickly.

    The same can be said of any console in its infancy. Outside of the main Nintendo franchises though, I would recommend Dead or Alive Dimensions if you're a fighting game fan. I would also recommend playing it in 2D for the smoothest experience.
  • edited January 2012
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    It is sadly.
    We got Xevious as a different club nintendo reward though.
    Id prefer Kid Icarus though:(

    And I'd prefer Xevious!

    I guess I've got an excuse to buy another 3DS game now. The question of the hour is: the cheaper starfox 64 3D, or Mario Kart 7?
  • edited January 2012
    Friar wrote: »
    And I'd prefer Xevious!

    I guess I've got an excuse to buy another 3DS game now. The question of the hour is: the cheaper starfox 64 3D, or Mario Kart 7?

    Please don't support more cheap cut and paste N64 ports.
  • edited January 2012
    I might just buy Starfox 64, and I'm going to heavily support a Majoras Mask cut and paste.
  • edited January 2012
    StarFox 64 is actually really cool on the 3DS.. the 3d looks great and the multiplayer is a ton of fun... My kids and I play it all the time on our 3DS's

    You cant go wrong with MK7 either.
    I'm going to heavily support a Majoras Mask cut and paste.

    me too..... I want MM3D so so bad.
  • edited January 2012
    Please don't support more cheap cut and paste N64 ports.

  • edited January 2012
    Please don't support more cheap cut and paste N64 ports.

    I don't know why I'm even bothering to try and explain this because you'll stubbornly call it a port no matter what, but it's obviously not a port. A port would be if they just put the N64 game on a 3DS cart. In which case, it wouldn't even be 3D capable. It's a remake with completely new graphics. And unlike Zelda, they went back and rerecorded the music(from what I understand) and the voice acting.

    And I want to say that since the graphics are rebuilt from the ground up, it's not "cheap" as you say.

    And I too support Majora's Mask 3D...but not before a new Zelda game. Though I don't see why we can't have both. The actual Nintendo Zelda team works on a new game, and Grezzo does Majora's Mask.
  • edited January 2012
    it's obviously not a port.

  • edited January 2012
    I don't know why I'm even bothering to try and explain this because you'll stubbornly call it a port no matter what, but it's obviously not a port. A port would be if they just put the N64 game on a 3DS cart. In which case, it wouldn't even be 3D capable. It's a remake with completely new graphics. And unlike Zelda, they went back and rerecorded the music(from what I understand) and the voice acting.

    And I want to say that since the graphics are rebuilt from the ground up, it's not "cheap" as you say.

    And I too support Majora's Mask 3D...but not before a new Zelda game. Though I don't see why we can't have both. The actual Nintendo Zelda team works on a new game, and Grezzo does Majora's Mask.

    Here Here!

    N64 games I'd like remade:

    Diddy Kong Racing (Again! But properly without the bullcrap)
    Mario Golf
    Mario Tennis
    Pokemon Stadium (Or just a 3D pokemon with stadium built in. Would be great! :D)
    Super Smash Bros (rather have a Melee remake though)
    Sin & Punishment (covered by Kid Icarus kinda. Would like Wii sequel ported!)
    Space Station Silicon Valley (Not nintendo but a man can dream!)
    Paper Mario (true there is the 3DS game. But imagine how cool if they bundled all 3 Paper Mario's so far into a cart. I'd buy that in a heartbeat! :D)

    Give me these Nintendo and Majora's Mask, and me love you long time! <3

  • edited January 2012
    Please don't support more cheap cut and paste N64 ports.

    Many people (myself included) enjoy playing older games in 3D. If you don't, then don't play them. Isn't being able to decide what games you play awesome?
  • edited January 2012
    I don't mind the N64 ports, but I'm heavily biased because I love the N64.

    POKEMON SNAP 3D. PLEASE. If only because I want to bean Pikachu with apples in 3D. I'm easily amused.

    And I guess they could port Hey You Pikachu! using the 3DS's microphone feature. Wouldn't mind that either. To be honest, they could release every single Pokemon-related game on the 3DS and I'd buy them all. And roll in them.
  • edited January 2012
    Jen Kollic wrote: »
    I don't mind the N64 ports, but I'm heavily biased because I love the N64.

    POKEMON SNAP 3D. PLEASE. If only because I want to bean Pikachu with apples in 3D. I'm easily amused.

    And I guess they could port Hey You Pikachu! using the 3DS's microphone feature. Wouldn't mind that either. To be honest, they could release every single Pokemon-related game on the 3DS and I'd buy them all. And roll in them.


    Give us Pokemon Snap 3D!

    Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!

    (Even better would be a Pokemon Snap 2, with AR mode, Sharing of photos, and numerous new courses with new Pokemon in it!
    (Maybe even use the date and time on the 3DS to change what you can get at certain times! :D)

    To make it perfect, include high scores, a co-op/competative mode, and maybe a explore mode which has a time limit, but isn't on rails.)

    Hey even throw in a advanced mode, with different types of bait/ traps, and film types.
    (So you'd get like 5 wide shots, 5 super-zoom shots, 5 anti-dark shots (so you get more shots in darker areas)
    Maybe a fishing rod to throw into pools of water too!

    EDIT 2: Hey! Why aren't Nintendo hiring me already! XD
    I could single-handedly improve on so many of their great, lesser known games!

    Oh world! Why are the simplest things in life the most complicated!

    EDIT 3: Hey Nintendo! Give me some money, and a crew and I'll make ya some magic!
    Well... I'd certainly do better than Philips did....
  • edited January 2012
    (Even better would be a Pokemon Snap 2, with AR mode, Sharing of photos, and numerous new courses with new Pokemon in it!
    (Maybe even use the date and time on the 3DS to change what you can get at certain times! :D)

    To make it perfect, include high scores, a co-op/competative mode, and maybe a explore mode which has a time limit, but isn't on rails.)

    ...oh man, I want that so bad. I would totally flood the internet with pictures of unconsious Pester Ball-d Pokemon.
  • edited January 2012
    As awesome as a new pokemon snap game would be, it won't be anywhere near as awesome as the original is. On the principal that no-one cares about any post-151 pokemon. For me the whole "Oh wow, it's Gyarados!" of my youth will be replaced by "Oh look it's a Pokemon I don't recognize. Yay."

    As for the whole port vs remake thing, Starfox 3D most definately isn't a port. And not because it has 3D effects (that's akin to the HD re-releases/ports such as Ico/shadow of the colossus). The completely revamped soundtrack and voices, new graphics, online-less multiplayer (that's the major turn off for me), save points etc. all point to it being more than just a port. Certainly not a lazy one either. If only OoT got that treatment (I really wanted a revamped soundtrack. Nevermind.).

    And I too really want a Majora's mask 3D-make. If only so that I can actually finish it this time (the farthest I've ever gotten is to the fourth temple, about half-way through before getting bored/too busy.
  • edited January 2012
    Why would you want to play an N64 game with mediocre cheapo texture upgrades and an awful eye destroying 3D effect?
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