I was just listening to the trailer again with my Sennheiser EH-350 (Monitor headphones).
It all sounds great! the sound effects has deep base and overall all good sound.
But the music lacks a bit of low frequencies (Unless that is trailer-related). Maybe a small EQ boost in the music at 80Hz ~ 120Hz should do the trick (i'm aiming for that cinematic bass feel)
Can't you just alter the EQ via the soundcard settings?
But let's be honest, if it wouldn't be BTTF, which some people are fans of here, then it also would receive more objective critics and also after watching the trailer for a second time, it still looks awful.
Oh lol, don't believe that. BTTF fans that are console players only used to top notch productions like Uncharted and stuff, are already spitting on the BTTF game.
Luckily for us, they're not around here.
But since I'm tired of defending the game's graphics and interest, I just decided to ignore them. Don't like ? Play something else.
Yeah you can, tho not all soundcards support that feature. The problem then is that the sound effects which do sound good are double-boosted by the soundcard EQ and possibly could distort the overall sound.
BTTF fans that are console players only used to top notch productions like Uncharted and stuff, are already spitting on the BTTF game. Luckily for us, they're not around here
I am a hardcore gamer and and a hardcore BttF fan. But I was BLOWN away by this trailer. The character designs are charming, the scenery accurate and is so true to the feel of BttF.
Owh...and I instantly heard that the first song playing was a new composition.
I have some of the OST on my MP3 >.>
But the game's ost is great.
Owh and about how George knows about Doc?
There are multiple easy explanations about this.
1) Like someone said, Marty's parents became cool and Marty told them along the new time-line.
2) Doc showed up to meet Marty. He knows that to make sure events follow as they should he needs to MEET Marty and befriend him. So he probably approached the family sometime.
3) They never met. But as Doc has been gone for half a year Marty must've told his parents in that time somehow, since he needed someone to talk about it and his parents saw that their was something wrong with their 16 year old son.
Marty probably sort of 'inherited' Doc's laboratory. Probably hanging out there a lot since Doc has been gone. Natural for the parents to eventually find out.
And I am off again!
*is off to look at the trailer couple of more times*
Oh lol, don't believe that. BTTF fans that are console players only used to top notch productions like Uncharted and stuff, are already spitting on the BTTF game.
Luckily for us, they're not around here.
Hi, primarily a console gamer who buys p. much every BioWare, Lionhead, Nintendo and Square-Enix (well, not so much SE anymore) title here. I enjoy a top notch production or two, but I also have a very broad taste in aesthetics (which I'm guessing is the major issue here).
Honestly, the game doesn't look bad. Especially for a licensed title. I think people are expecting hyper-realism (i.e. like the movies) or just expecting too much in general. They're not familiar with how Telltale does things -and admittedly, I'm having to get used to it too- so they just kinda do what most people do to things they don't understand: they hate.
Which is disappointing, imho. I wish they'd at least hold off until they, yanno, actually play the game.
^ @Meta
But I don't get why people have such trouble being grateful for what TellTale has done.
If it wasn't TellTale there wouldn't be any game. I don't see how other big profile companies would pick up this license and turn it into a realistic top-notch game. For a fact it would never be turned into an adventure game. It would become an action-game or something and it would suck!
Yes it does. Your vision and thoughtprocess must be clouded. I am sure the general consensus is that this game looks better than TellTale's previous episodic prject; Tales of Monkey Island
Hey, Origami and Meta, I didn't say "all console gamers". I'm one too.
But trust me, on the forums I use to read, there are many negative answers.
That sucks.
As for "licensed title", I'm sorry but I don't agree. There are two kind of licensed games. Those made to come out at the same time as the movie = 98% of shitty games
And those made much later = around 60% of good games .
For exemple, the last Star Wars games looks a thousand of times more beautiful than BTTF, the game.
I like the graphics of BTTF the game.
Though I can understand why people find it ugly. For instance, when Marty stops walking and there's a close up of his face, at the begining, I have to admit that's pretty hideous. But I'm in love with the style anyway.
Just a little dat for everyone: A lot of the music that plays on the trailer is reworked from the movies. For example, the opening piano notes appear in all the films if I'm not mistaken... And the militarish motif that plays while Marty is looking at the frozen Delorean driver-less also plays in the three movies, if I'm not mistaken.
However, I think it's great that Jared is keeping continuty with the rest of the series* and taking Silvestri's music so seriously. I hope he gets some feedback from him!
*Unlike the fourth to last Harry Potter soundtracks....
Oh lol, don't believe that. BTTF fans that are console players only used to top notch productions like Uncharted and stuff, are already spitting on the BTTF game.
Luckily for us, they're not around here.
But since I'm tired of defending the game's graphics and interest, I just decided to ignore them. Don't like ? Play something else.
I've got a ps3 and I hate the graphics whores that only look at the visuals on some of the games on the ps3, 360 etc instead of the game itself and enjoyment you get out of it, I bought sam and max season 3 on a whim earlier this year because I heard about it before and never had a chance to play it till earlier this year then picked up tales of monkey island and it's subsequent games, I love adventure puzzle games and it's a shame that most of this generation ditched it for gears of war bang bang crap instead.
Sam and max reminded me of old resident evil in some respects where you had tough puzzles, old camera angles etc and some backtracking, obviously they're different genres but that game used to have similar elements and I got my fix with sam and max and monkey island and both series are funny as hell.
I've got a hell of a lot of respect for telltale games and these guys have blown Me away with their work, unlike big name companies like capcom (or crapcom now) and others that forget their roots and change everything and don't seem to care about their customers telltale do and it shows in their work.
If there was an award for best underrated developer I think you guys (telltale) should get it, thanks for keeping puzzle games alive and showing people out there that games still have variety if they look hard enough, that's why I used to enjoy gaming more a few years ago but almost lost interest till earlier this year with your games and some retro comebacks from other developers with 2d scrollers.
All I can say after watching (rewatching) that trailer is woah this is heavy and look forward to playing it when it's out.
I am talking about this license in particular. BttF has never been done properly and it's a difficult license to handle with the time travel plot and strict fan base.
Star Wars is much easier yet LA fails countless of times.
The only good licenced game I have seen in years is Batman Arkham Asylum.
Excluding TTG games.
^ @Meta
But I don't get why people have such trouble being grateful for what TellTale has done.
If it wasn't TellTale there wouldn't be any game. I don't see how other big profile companies would pick up this license and turn it into a realistic top-notch game. For a fact it would never be turned into an adventure game. It would become an action-game or something and it would suck!
Honestly, I once thought what it would have been like had my favorite boys up in Edmonton (BioWare) got to make a BttF game. I mean, they made one of the best Star Wars games to date (Knights of the Old Republic) but realistically speaking? They probably wouldn't have "gotten" the spirit of the BttF movies, both in story and in gameplay. Sure, endless dialogue trees, about 3 hub worlds, tons of sidequests, morality meters and romance subplots with various party members is nice, but is it BttF? No, not really.
As I'm slowly schooling myself in Telltale's history, I'm seriously convinced they're the right people for the job.
Realistic graphics vs Cartoony graphics. The gameplay/storyline stays the same anyway so it doesnt really matter imho.
I'm more glad with the fact that they actually made a good storyline.. and i prefer gameplay over graphics.
The problem nowadays with alot of game and movie companies that they focus SO much on graphics and visual effects that the whole aspect of a good storyline/gameplay seems to be totally forgotten about.
Mass Effect is another example of a great and epic storyline-based game. 1 of few i have experienced in the last few years.
I am talking about this license in particular. BttF has never been done properly and it's a difficult license to handle with the time travel plot and strict fan base.
Star Wars is much easier yet LA fails countless of times.
The only good licenced game I have seen in years is Batman Arkham Asylum.
Excluding TTG games.
Agreed. LA has failed too many times with SW games, often they have nice idea but the execution usually lets them down. I'm currently playing Force Unleashed and while I am enjoying it, its woefully short and I'm glad I only paid £10 for it.
Batman Arkham Asylum - couldn't agree more. Was the first licensed game (beyond what TTG have done) that I had wanted to play in a long while. They nailed it, though running around an empty Arkham Island after you've complete the main game but not all the Riddler quests is boring.
I would comment on Ghostbusters but it doesn't work on my computer (got it from Steam and they just told me to contact Atari).
The newest Ghostbuster game was pretty solid. One of the better licensed games of the past decade. It wasn't the kind of game that would win awards or that you would be playing for months on end after you beat it, but it was a solid game never-the-less.
Beside of that i generally don't like the style, i'm surprised how bad the animations and mimic were. Seems like the characters were made of some wood and, dunno, Pinocchio looked more like a living creature to me. Washed out textures, disgusting colours, weird lightning, ... same old music, again, nah... worst thing i've seen from TTG so far (i didn' play CSI).
It doesn't look a quality video game made in 2010, not from the graphics and not from the music.
LOL. I'd have expected nothing less from your comments, taumel. Is there anything TTG does that you do like?
I agree the Blade Runner game is another great use of licence. But I was talking about use of licence the last couple of years. I already explored Blade Runner as a kid =P
i don't get why people want this game to have more realistic graphics, the cartoony art style fits perfectly for bttf.
the only nitpick i have so far is that the lipsynching is off, but i'm sure that they will fix that before the game comes out.
i don't get why people want this game to have more realistic graphics, the cartoony art style fits perfectly for bttf.
the only nitpick i have so far is that the lipsynching is off, but i'm sure that they will fix that before the game comes out.
Because people are *honk-honk*, little buddy. Most people are spoiled by high polygon counts and whatnot. I mean really, nowadays video game graphics are simply jewelry for men (and... gamer girls ). Some wants to wear a ring that has a meaning or a significance for them, others just want the most expensive and shiny pearl necklace.
Megaman 10 was made in 2010. It was critically acclaimed.
Other than that, you're a tasteless troll.
Obviously I was talking about licences outside of games.
And Megaman10 was developed by Capcom just like the previous games.
It's obvious I was not referring to cases such as MM10 because it would mean I would think the Super Mario Galaxy games are bad too.
I don't think the cartoony aspect is the problem, for those people. I think it's just the overall graphics.
I mean, I love them but, if I have to be honnest...
That is a PSP game :
I got the game. There's slightly more aliasing "ingame", but it looks exactly like that, and it's all rendered by the PSP.
So I guess that, from a 2010 PC/PS3 game based on one of the most successful movie series, some people would expect something that tops PSP's most recent games. (Birth By Sleep and Ghost of Sparta) .
Of course the resolution is much better with Telltale's games, but you get the point...
I know the chara design is much softer with Disney and Final Fantasy, but the artwork for Marty and Doc look great so that's not really a design problem.
Dude, most of the screenshots you picked are pre-rendered cutscenes.
The character models used in these scenes are not the same as the ones you play with.
This BttF game definitely looks better than KH: Birth By Sleep
Also, the characters in BBS are detailed yes, but that doesn't go for the environments. There is a lot of repetition with the corridors. Look at the Gametrailers episode an look at some shots of Doc's lab. It's beautifully detailed.
Obviously I was talking about licences outside of games.
And Megaman10 was developed by Capcom just like the previous games.
It's obvious I was not referring to cases such as MM10 because it would mean I would think the Super Mario Galaxy games are bad too.
Uh... I said that to tamuel. Sorry for not making it obvious, I could add a quote of his post there...
I'll also like to say I skimmed through the comments on Kotaku for the posted trailer and they were almost unanimously positive. A lot of people are looking forward to this.
Dude, most of the screenshots you picked are pre-rendered cutscenes.
The character models used in these scenes are not the same as the ones you play with.
This BttF game definitely looks better than KH: Birth By Sleep
Also, the characters in BBS are detailed yes, but that doesn't go for the environments. There is a lot of repetition with the corridors. Look at the Gametrailers episode an look at some shots of Doc's lab. It's beautifully detailed.
I was talking about the models and the animation.
Obviously a Pc game will ALWAYS look neater and better... They can also use dynamic lightning and shadows.
Also, about the models, the "pre rendered" are generated with the game's engine, and the models ingame are the same, except that they don't have facial animation and have more angular hands. They look nearly as good. (I know, I extracted them from the UMD a few time ago ^^)
The fact is that, on PSP, it's needed, because of the action of the game (dozen of enemies, lights effects everywhere, speed, etc...).
As for the animation, it's incredible on BBS.
I was just saying that characters on PSP (which is WAY less powerful than a PC or PS3) can look pretty pretty good.
Obviously Telltales's BTTF characters are closer to Kindgom Hearts' ones, rather than Final Fantasy XIII's ones...
I'm not saying it's bad, I love the style. I'm just saying I understand why a lot of people think it looks ugly (even if it doesn't ...).
Yup, there definately is something wrong with the lightning.
It's less a realistic vs. cartoony graphics discussion. There are tons of games with a awesome cartoony style, also adventures. For me it's more about the rather ugly try in between and the almost complete lack of good animations/textures/colours in the video, i didn't even get to the point to care about the out of sync lip-sync.
The gameplay/storyline certainly is more important but a) we don't know if it will be convincing yet (it only has been written that they'll try to target a larger audience, which normally isn't a good sign for adventure gamers but maybe things will turn out just fine) and b) that if the gfx don't count this much (which for many people isn't true) then why not doing something more basic which works as well and where such bad animations are less obvious due to the higher degree of abstraction?!
Compared to Sam&Max S3 or Puzzle Agent this looks like quite some steps back. I don't really want to compare it with other good looking games, no matter if they are from the realistic or cartoony corner. This is one of the worst game videos i've seen since quite some time.
This is one of the worst game videos i've seen since quite some time.
Please post some examples of games in a style like this (cartoony, or whatever you'd call it), that actually do look good to you. I'd really like to compare them.
Sorry, i right now have no motivation for digging out screens&videos but you should be able to find a lot of more convincing graphics on the usual gaming sites and online stores by yourself.
Can't you just alter the EQ via the soundcard settings?
Oh lol, don't believe that. BTTF fans that are console players only used to top notch productions like Uncharted and stuff, are already spitting on the BTTF game.
Luckily for us, they're not around here.
But since I'm tired of defending the game's graphics and interest, I just decided to ignore them. Don't like ? Play something else.
Of course...
I'll continue reading this article about people with spinal problems.
I am a hardcore gamer and and a hardcore BttF fan. But I was BLOWN away by this trailer. The character designs are charming, the scenery accurate and is so true to the feel of BttF.
Owh...and I instantly heard that the first song playing was a new composition.
I have some of the OST on my MP3 >.>
But the game's ost is great.
Owh and about how George knows about Doc?
There are multiple easy explanations about this.
1) Like someone said, Marty's parents became cool and Marty told them along the new time-line.
2) Doc showed up to meet Marty. He knows that to make sure events follow as they should he needs to MEET Marty and befriend him. So he probably approached the family sometime.
3) They never met. But as Doc has been gone for half a year Marty must've told his parents in that time somehow, since he needed someone to talk about it and his parents saw that their was something wrong with their 16 year old son.
Marty probably sort of 'inherited' Doc's laboratory. Probably hanging out there a lot since Doc has been gone. Natural for the parents to eventually find out.
And I am off again!
*is off to look at the trailer couple of more times*
Who cutted their budget? Their earlier games this year looked way better than in that trailer.
Who supplied you of pot?
Hi, primarily a console gamer who buys p. much every BioWare, Lionhead, Nintendo and Square-Enix (well, not so much SE anymore) title here. I enjoy a top notch production or two, but I also have a very broad taste in aesthetics (which I'm guessing is the major issue here).
Honestly, the game doesn't look bad. Especially for a licensed title. I think people are expecting hyper-realism (i.e. like the movies) or just expecting too much in general. They're not familiar with how Telltale does things -and admittedly, I'm having to get used to it too- so they just kinda do what most people do to things they don't understand: they hate.
Which is disappointing, imho. I wish they'd at least hold off until they, yanno, actually play the game.
Ah well.
Has no relevance towards my statement about visual look.
I have already pre-ordered the entire season, I just state that visually game just not look that great.
But I don't get why people have such trouble being grateful for what TellTale has done.
If it wasn't TellTale there wouldn't be any game. I don't see how other big profile companies would pick up this license and turn it into a realistic top-notch game. For a fact it would never be turned into an adventure game. It would become an action-game or something and it would suck!
Yes it does. Your vision and thoughtprocess must be clouded. I am sure the general consensus is that this game looks better than TellTale's previous episodic prject; Tales of Monkey Island
He, like me, can't believe you think that it looks bad and particularly like they cut their budget. Personally it was beyond what I was hoping for.
But trust me, on the forums I use to read, there are many negative answers.
That sucks.
As for "licensed title", I'm sorry but I don't agree. There are two kind of licensed games. Those made to come out at the same time as the movie = 98% of shitty games
And those made much later = around 60% of good games .
For exemple, the last Star Wars games looks a thousand of times more beautiful than BTTF, the game.
I like the graphics of BTTF the game.
Though I can understand why people find it ugly. For instance, when Marty stops walking and there's a close up of his face, at the begining, I have to admit that's pretty hideous. But I'm in love with the style anyway.
However, I think it's great that Jared is keeping continuty with the rest of the series* and taking Silvestri's music so seriously. I hope he gets some feedback from him!
*Unlike the fourth to last Harry Potter soundtracks....
*cough* Well yes, LucasArts would have had a budget far exceeding what TTG likely had and they had ILM as well.
I've got a ps3 and I hate the graphics whores that only look at the visuals on some of the games on the ps3, 360 etc instead of the game itself and enjoyment you get out of it, I bought sam and max season 3 on a whim earlier this year because I heard about it before and never had a chance to play it till earlier this year then picked up tales of monkey island and it's subsequent games, I love adventure puzzle games and it's a shame that most of this generation ditched it for gears of war bang bang crap instead.
Sam and max reminded me of old resident evil in some respects where you had tough puzzles, old camera angles etc and some backtracking, obviously they're different genres but that game used to have similar elements and I got my fix with sam and max and monkey island and both series are funny as hell.
I've got a hell of a lot of respect for telltale games and these guys have blown Me away with their work, unlike big name companies like capcom (or crapcom now) and others that forget their roots and change everything and don't seem to care about their customers telltale do and it shows in their work.
If there was an award for best underrated developer I think you guys (telltale) should get it, thanks for keeping puzzle games alive and showing people out there that games still have variety if they look hard enough, that's why I used to enjoy gaming more a few years ago but almost lost interest till earlier this year with your games and some retro comebacks from other developers with 2d scrollers.
All I can say after watching (rewatching) that trailer is woah this is heavy
I am talking about this license in particular. BttF has never been done properly and it's a difficult license to handle with the time travel plot and strict fan base.
Star Wars is much easier yet LA fails countless of times.
The only good licenced game I have seen in years is Batman Arkham Asylum.
Excluding TTG games.
Honestly, I once thought what it would have been like had my favorite boys up in Edmonton (BioWare) got to make a BttF game. I mean, they made one of the best Star Wars games to date (Knights of the Old Republic) but realistically speaking? They probably wouldn't have "gotten" the spirit of the BttF movies, both in story and in gameplay. Sure, endless dialogue trees, about 3 hub worlds, tons of sidequests, morality meters and romance subplots with various party members is nice, but is it BttF? No, not really.
As I'm slowly schooling myself in Telltale's history, I'm seriously convinced they're the right people for the job.
I'm more glad with the fact that they actually made a good storyline.. and i prefer gameplay over graphics.
The problem nowadays with alot of game and movie companies that they focus SO much on graphics and visual effects that the whole aspect of a good storyline/gameplay seems to be totally forgotten about.
Mass Effect is another example of a great and epic storyline-based game. 1 of few i have experienced in the last few years.
Agreed. LA has failed too many times with SW games, often they have nice idea but the execution usually lets them down. I'm currently playing Force Unleashed and while I am enjoying it, its woefully short and I'm glad I only paid £10 for it.
Batman Arkham Asylum - couldn't agree more. Was the first licensed game (beyond what TTG have done) that I had wanted to play in a long while. They nailed it, though running around an empty Arkham Island after you've complete the main game but not all the Riddler quests is boring.
I would comment on Ghostbusters but it doesn't work on my computer (got it from Steam and they just told me to contact Atari).
LOL. I'd have expected nothing less from your comments, taumel. Is there anything TTG does that you do like?
Other than that, you're a tasteless troll.
the only nitpick i have so far is that the lipsynching is off, but i'm sure that they will fix that before the game comes out.
Because people are *honk-honk*, little buddy. Most people are spoiled by high polygon counts and whatnot. I mean really, nowadays video game graphics are simply jewelry for men (and... gamer girls
You may want to preorder Telltale version instead. Therefore you can order the DVD for the cost of shipping when it's available. Just saying...
Obviously I was talking about licences outside of games.
And Megaman10 was developed by Capcom just like the previous games.
It's obvious I was not referring to cases such as MM10 because it would mean I would think the Super Mario Galaxy games are bad too.
I mean, I love them but, if I have to be honnest...
That is a PSP game :
I got the game. There's slightly more aliasing "ingame", but it looks exactly like that, and it's all rendered by the PSP.
So I guess that, from a 2010 PC/PS3 game based on one of the most successful movie series, some people would expect something that tops PSP's most recent games. (Birth By Sleep and Ghost of Sparta) .
Of course the resolution is much better with Telltale's games, but you get the point...
I know the chara design is much softer with Disney and Final Fantasy, but the artwork for Marty and Doc look great so that's not really a design problem.
Dude, most of the screenshots you picked are pre-rendered cutscenes.
The character models used in these scenes are not the same as the ones you play with.
This BttF game definitely looks better than KH: Birth By Sleep
Also, the characters in BBS are detailed yes, but that doesn't go for the environments. There is a lot of repetition with the corridors. Look at the Gametrailers episode an look at some shots of Doc's lab. It's beautifully detailed.
Uh... I said that to tamuel. Sorry for not making it obvious, I could add a quote of his post there...
That's okay.
I'll also like to say I skimmed through the comments on Kotaku for the posted trailer and they were almost unanimously positive. A lot of people are looking forward to this.
I was talking about the models and the animation.
Obviously a Pc game will ALWAYS look neater and better... They can also use dynamic lightning and shadows.
Also, about the models, the "pre rendered" are generated with the game's engine, and the models ingame are the same, except that they don't have facial animation and have more angular hands. They look nearly as good. (I know, I extracted them from the UMD a few time ago ^^)
The fact is that, on PSP, it's needed, because of the action of the game (dozen of enemies, lights effects everywhere, speed, etc...).
As for the animation, it's incredible on BBS.
I was just saying that characters on PSP (which is WAY less powerful than a PC or PS3) can look pretty pretty good.
Obviously Telltales's BTTF characters are closer to Kindgom Hearts' ones, rather than Final Fantasy XIII's ones...
I'm not saying it's bad, I love the style. I'm just saying I understand why a lot of people think it looks ugly (even if it doesn't ...).
Yup, there definately is something wrong with the lightning.
It's less a realistic vs. cartoony graphics discussion. There are tons of games with a awesome cartoony style, also adventures. For me it's more about the rather ugly try in between and the almost complete lack of good animations/textures/colours in the video, i didn't even get to the point to care about the out of sync lip-sync.
The gameplay/storyline certainly is more important but a) we don't know if it will be convincing yet (it only has been written that they'll try to target a larger audience, which normally isn't a good sign for adventure gamers but maybe things will turn out just fine) and b) that if the gfx don't count this much (which for many people isn't true) then why not doing something more basic which works as well and where such bad animations are less obvious due to the higher degree of abstraction?!
Compared to Sam&Max S3 or Puzzle Agent this looks like quite some steps back. I don't really want to compare it with other good looking games, no matter if they are from the realistic or cartoony corner. This is one of the worst game videos i've seen since quite some time.