I'll also like to say I skimmed through the comments on Kotaku for the posted trailer and they were almost unanimously positive. A lot of people are looking forward to this.
The traier looks awesome, I'm so glad I pre-ordered ahead of time! Just curious, will it include some Telltale made characters? (excluding young emmet brown)
The newest Ghostbuster game was pretty solid. One of the better licensed games of the past decade. It wasn't the kind of game that would win awards or that you would be playing for months on end after you beat it, but it was a solid game never-the-less.
Yes I loved Ghostbusters. It is definately one of the best movie licensed games.
It had a great script, the humour was spot on and it certainly felt like a ghostbusters film (especially by the way it ended).
Wish I could preorder, but I am almost positive that my laptop won't be able to handle this game, ut we'll see when the first episode is available. The trailer is fantastic, though I do have to say, wasn't aware that that was George McFly at first. lol As for all the "imperfections" with the DeLorean...I see it as slight polishing up of the original design since this is almost certainly a new DeLorean time machine since the original was completely trashed by a train. SOme components, such as the Mr. Fusion or the Flux Capacitor MIGHT have been salvageable, but I doubt it. Hopefully it'll be explained ingame.
Wait...I just noticed something...Where is Marty's watch!!!
What I am really looking forward to see it what has been pointed out to in the GT episode.
I want to hear young Brown converse with Marty with Marty being more knowledgeable about the subject.
Wait...I just noticed something...Where is Marty's watch!!!
Maybe he used it in a puzzle prior to the events of the trailer.
Maybe it's in his inventory.
Maybe he wasn't wearing it that day.
Maybe he's so sad about Doc not being around that he doesn't even want to look at clocks because they'll just remind him of him, so he doesn't wear his watch anymore at all.
Or, maybe Telltale just plain forgot about it! :eek:
No I don't think they forgot about it.I think the omission was deliberate. The watch is pretty noticable in the movie.
I think the watch isn't there because they made the sleeves of the jacket reach up all the way to his hands. This done to attribute to a more cartoony style.
So Marty still has the watch. But it's probably beneath the sleeve. =P
EDIT: However Marty loses the watch from the end of BttF 1 and onwards. Probably because he took it off before sleeping that night.
I do hope that at some points Marty wears the walkman. It's very....'Marty-ish' lol
Well, he does skateboard and play the guitar on Doc's amplifier...without it blowing up this time. However, I doubt we'll see much time with him walking around with a futuristic gizmo like a walkman, especially if he goes back to the 30's.
He could someone help me out? I remember seeing a screenshot of Einstein and Marty sitting together in the DeLorean. I can't recollect where I saw this. I can't find it in the GT vids either.
I remember seeing a screenshot of Einstein and Marty sitting together in the DeLorean. I can't recollect where I saw this. I can't find it in the GT vids either.
Assumption bordering on spoiler:
The trailer did not want to spoil that it's only Einstein travelling back to 1986, while this screenshot (?) does.
I don't think the cartoony aspect is the problem, for those people. I think it's just the overall graphics.
I mean, I love them but, if I have to be honnest...
That is a PSP game :
I got the game. There's slightly more aliasing "ingame", but it looks exactly like that, and it's all rendered by the PSP.
So I guess that, from a 2010 PC/PS3 game based on one of the most successful movie series, some people would expect something that tops PSP's most recent games. (Birth By Sleep and Ghost of Sparta) .
Of course the resolution is much better with Telltale's games, but you get the point...
I know the chara design is much softer with Disney and Final Fantasy, but the artwork for Marty and Doc look great so that's not really a design problem.
Agree. I think peoples just dont uderstand problem of this trailer. Graphic is part of game, main part of gameplay, without graphic you cant paly it. I love telltale games, they are all great. But problem of this trailer not in graphic level, cartoony, or count of poly. Traler was made realy horrible becouse its bad quality, just bad quality. And if The Game will be same quality that trailer i didnt buy it.
The trailer did not want to spoil that it's only Einstein travelling back to 1986, while this screenshot (?) does.
I think you may be right, would make sense.
Also I'd like to know who repaire the Speaker at Docs given Marty totalled it at the beginning of BTTF1. Marty is unlikely to afford it, George while now cool likely wouldnt and Doc only returned to pickup Einstein. Did Marty, in alt not turn it all the way up? (i know it doesn't really matter but I am curious)
Okay, with all this talk about what's model accurate and what's not, I feel i should bring up a point: the sparking effect right before the DeLorean time jumps is spot ON. That effect was the clincher on what was already looking like a sold game for me.
Seriously I have watched this trailer 30 times now. Can't get enough of it.
And a big applause to the writers. I love how they made the liquidation of the Brown estate part of the set-up. It feels so natural within the franchise and not out of place at all.
Judging from the trailer and screens released there will be heavy time traveling in ep 1.
- Marty going alone to 1936
- Doc Brown being back in 1986 with his radiation suit and then returning to 136 with
radiation suit
- Marty and Einstein traveling through time.
Why does it say "George" and not "Dad"? Did someone f*** up the timeline again?
After what happened in 1955, it's difficult for Marty to think of George as 'dad'
PS. Can you grab the screen of the same 1986 street only in 1931? I want to see the difference back to back, and GT TV HD version behaves somewhat buggy for me. Thanks.
I wanted to give an honest opinion on the BTTF Game Trailer as well as the segment that I watched on GT TV the other night. But I wanted to do it in a very honest and non-fanboy way, which is hard for me to do. So, let me start off by telling you guys a little about myself.
(Warning, this may be TL DR but you can skip down to where I talk about the game and such)
I was three and a half when Back to the Future came out. By the time it started showing up on Movie Channels (Hey! I was privileged and had Cable. ) I was four leaning closer to five. I’m an eighties baby. Ghostbusters, He-Man and Back to the Future where some of my earliest memories I can remember.
I can remember very clearly receiving a small toy car, that had rubber wheels, was silver, and when you pulled it back it wound up so it could propel itself forward. This was by Delorean. I couldn’t wait to get home to watch Back to the Future on VHS and play around with the car as I did so. Before I even knew it was Back to the Future, it was the “time machine movie.”
As I grew up, I watched Back to the Future II and III when I was seven and eight. I actually watched them in an old Drive-in Movie theater that, unfortunately, no longer exists. As the trilogy was released on VHS I saved up my allowance and bought it, and I’ve honestly seen the movies, each one, well over 100 times. I can recite the screenplay to this day, verbatim, and there were periods when I was young where’d I’d have to watch at least one of them everyday I came home from school. Hey! Don’t think I’m crazy! I’m sure there where some of you out there that did the same thing. Being a father now, my son does it as well with the movies he loves, one of which is back to the future!
I remember going down to Florida in 1990 and seeing that the Back to the Future Ride was going to be released in 1991, and I begged and pleaded to return to the Theme Park the following year so I could ride it, which I was fortunate enough to do. Being a nine year old, riding the Back to the Future ride was one of the greatest moments of my childhood. I was completely enveloped in the legend, wrapped up in all the make believe, even to the point where I sat in the front and told everyone not to touch the time circuits for fear of accidental time travel!
As I grew I bought the DVD box sets, now the Blu-Rays, I’ve watched the commentary, the special features and what have you.; and as I stated above, I got my son into the Back to the Future series, which wasn’t hard to do at all. There’s a magic about these movies that instantly entrances people, especially young children, and they can’t get enough of it. I’m reliving the whole experience vicariously though him! I bought him the Mini-mates, and the Back to the Future Part II car, with hover conversion. He runs around the house with the lights and sounds from the toy, having his own adventures and loving every minute of it. (He’s also a Ghostbusters Nut, but we’re talking BTTF Here!)
Back to the future helped get me interested in Science, not to mention Star Trek. Temporal Mechanics and physics intrigue me to the point that I read up on it quite often, and I’m always watching the Science Channel or Discovery. Dr. Michio Kaku is my hero!
I’ve been through it all with Back to the future. Everything from that god awful NES game, to wondering why Old Biff got out of the Delorean in pain; not to mention how in gods name he knew how to work the time machine in the first place, I never saw him put trash in Mister Fusion! I’ve wondered why in Back to the Future 3, when they blew out the fuel line, why they couldn’t just swap it with the one in the old Delgado Mine and write a P.S. to the 1955 Doc to replace that too! I’ve thought about what if’s, why’s, you name it; I’ve probably been through it with these movies.
But when I heard Telltale secured the rights to the movies, I was ecstatic. A friend of mine loves the Sam & Max, and Adventures of Monkey Island Series, and I knew it was in good hands except I hadn’t played a new adventure game in a long time. I was into the original Lucasarts games, Space Quest, Monkey Island and such, but it’s been a loooooong time. So I was unsure if the genre would capture me again. Regardless though, I still pre-ordered. :P
My Honest Review of the Trailer and the new game footage
Now, after seeing the trailer, I have to admit… I really like what I saw. (Especially since they fixed the lip-sync in the trailer!) First, hats off to Alan Johnson:
That is such a fanboy thing to do. Something that small, but incredibly thoughtful, just shows the type of effort that Telltale is putting into this game! With that act alone I realized that the rest of the trailer was going to be great.
However, I’ve also come to grips that things are going to be “different”. Christopher Lloyd is older now, his voice does show signs of his age. Does that bother me though? Nope. Who else would play Docter Emmett Brown? Seriously.
AJ’s Marty, while it isn’t perfect, is as good as we’re gonna get. He sounds the closest to Marty when he’s saying classic lines and also being loud. “What the hell is a jigowatt?!” is spot on. To be honest, if Michael J. Fox was well enough to do the voice himself, I doubt it’d sound as good as AJ’s does now. AJ does capture the character.
From watching the gameplay footage on GT TV, there are only two things that I’m a bit worried about. One is Marty’s walk. It… almost seems a bit space-man-on-the-moon-ish. I’m used to the speedier, younger, Michael J. Fox with his shorter stride and that small bounce in his step; like how he was walking with Jennifer past the clock tower in the beginning of part I.
The only other thing I could see wrong is that the Flux Capacitor is fluxing the wrong way. It’s pulsing outward, rather than inward, which I’m sure is an easy, easy fix. I know it’s been mentioned elsewhere so I’m sure Telltale is aware.
I’m super, super excited to get my hands on this game. It's been almost 20 years since we've had good, legit, BTTF content and I cant wait to see what Bob Gale and the TT team have come up with. I'm almost positive that they will do this franchise justice.
I'm also extremely interested to find out where this "new" Delorean comes from, and my god I hope it can fly at some point!
I know this has been mentioned elsewhere as well, but I wanted to give my own opinion on how I think it exists in this new story. It's either:
The Delorean is actually a "backup" made of the original. Doc probably built this one as some sort of contingency plan, similar to how on the BTTF ride he built the newer, larger Delorean for further Time Travel Research.
Everyone keeps bringing up the Delgado Mine Delorean. I sincerely doubt they're going to do that. It has way too many problems trying to get the Delorean out of the past to 1986.
There's an excellent possibility that this is the same Delorean that was destroyed in the end of part III. Doc brown obviously traveled a helluva lot through time. So much, in fact, that he had money from various time periods in that briefcase, just in case he was in a jam. In the trailer, Doc says "You've come to my rescue in the past, or was it the future?" as he isn't sure when Marty rescued him previously. So, it's quite possibly that this Doc Brown is pre-1885 stranded Doc Brown, and he acts for help from a 1986 Marty whom he knows by this point is a seasoned time traveler.
From watching the gameplay footage on GT TV, there are only two things that I’m a bit worried about. One is Marty’s walk. It… almost seems a bit space-man-on-the-moon-ish. I’m used to the speedier, younger, Michael J. Fox with his shorter stride and that small bounce in his step; like how he was walking with Jennifer past the clock tower in the beginning of part I.
Just wondering, is there a place where I can see this game play footage?
I'm not sure if this is correct, but I've heard there is a scene or two in the movies where the flux capacitor fluxes the wrong way.
Also, I'm not sure spoiler tags are necessary when it's just speculation based on what's seen in the trailer, rather than any sort of official plot info.
As for the DeLorean, I guess it's possible that at some time between part III and the game, Doc re-built the time machine to spec with a brand-new DeLorean. It might involve him secretly time-travelling to the 80's to buy the new car & to gather the necessary parts, but it's probably at least possible.
wondering why Old Biff got out of the Delorean in pain; not to mention how in gods name he knew how to work the time machine in the first place, I never saw him put trash in Mister Fusion!
Mr. Fusion probably puts about 4.84 Gigawatts into the flux capacitor with one load of trash, so there's no need for Biff to worry about energy!
However, I’ve also come to grips that things are going to be “different”. Christopher Lloyd is older now, his voice does show signs of his age. Does that bother me though? Nope. Who else would play Docter Emmett Brown? Seriously.
Doc's an old man... so's Christopher Lloyd. In fact, we must presume that the actor's voice right now is more fitting the character than it was in the movies!
There's an excellent possibility that this is the same Delorean that was destroyed in the end of part III. Doc brown obviously traveled a helluva lot through time. So much, in fact, that he had money from various time periods in that briefcase, just in case he was in a jam. In the trailer, Doc says "You've come to my rescue in the past, or was it the future?" as he isn't sure when Marty rescued him previously. So, it's quite possibly that this Doc Brown is pre-1885 stranded Doc Brown, and he acts for help from a 1986 Marty whom he knows by this point is a seasoned time traveler.
I don't think that's the case because
when you see Doc in his prison cell, he's wearing a wedding ring, which means it'd have to be sometime after he got married to Clara.
I am one of the only negative ones on Kotaku.
Yes I loved Ghostbusters. It is definately one of the best movie licensed games.
It had a great script, the humour was spot on and it certainly felt like a ghostbusters film (especially by the way it ended).
What I am really looking forward to see it what has been pointed out to in the GT episode.
I want to hear young Brown converse with Marty with Marty being more knowledgeable about the subject.
Maybe it's in his inventory.
Maybe he wasn't wearing it that day.
Maybe he's so sad about Doc not being around that he doesn't even want to look at clocks because they'll just remind him of him, so he doesn't wear his watch anymore at all.
Or, maybe Telltale just plain forgot about it! :eek:
No I don't think they forgot about it.I think the omission was deliberate. The watch is pretty noticable in the movie.
I think the watch isn't there because they made the sleeves of the jacket reach up all the way to his hands. This done to attribute to a more cartoony style.
So Marty still has the watch. But it's probably beneath the sleeve. =P
EDIT: However Marty loses the watch from the end of BttF 1 and onwards. Probably because he took it off before sleeping that night.
I do hope that at some points Marty wears the walkman. It's very....'Marty-ish' lol
He could someone help me out? I remember seeing a screenshot of Einstein and Marty sitting together in the DeLorean. I can't recollect where I saw this. I can't find it in the GT vids either.
Was it a dream?
It's just a little pic on the GT site in reference to the BTTF episode.
Is it just me, or does Marty look somewhat...miffed in that pic?
Assumption bordering on spoiler:
Agree. I think peoples just dont uderstand problem of this trailer. Graphic is part of game, main part of gameplay, without graphic you cant paly it. I love telltale games, they are all great. But problem of this trailer not in graphic level, cartoony, or count of poly. Traler was made realy horrible becouse its bad quality, just bad quality. And if The Game will be same quality that trailer i didnt buy it.
I think you may be right, would make sense.
Also I'd like to know who repaire the Speaker at Docs given Marty totalled it at the beginning of BTTF1. Marty is unlikely to afford it, George while now cool likely wouldnt and Doc only returned to pickup Einstein. Did Marty, in alt not turn it all the way up? (i know it doesn't really matter but I am curious)
Hm, yea. Much much better now - and well, the lip syncing is actually pretty good, heh.
Seriously I have watched this trailer 30 times now. Can't get enough of it.
And a big applause to the writers. I love how they made the liquidation of the Brown estate part of the set-up. It feels so natural within the franchise and not out of place at all.
Great Scott! You're right!
It's not just the sync, the mouth animation is better too.
(PS. hello forum)
- Marty going alone to 1936
- Doc Brown being back in 1986 with his radiation suit and then returning to 136 with
radiation suit
- Marty and Einstein traveling through time.
Doc gestures looking reeeeally nice.
They won't forget what BTTF is all about.
Hill Valley, 1986...
All that trouble without Doc makes Marty really sad, you can see that.
Why does it say "George" and not "Dad"? Did someone f*** up the timeline again?
After what happened in 1955, it's difficult for Marty to think of George as 'dad'
PS. Can you grab the screen of the same 1986 street only in 1931? I want to see the difference back to back, and GT TV HD version behaves somewhat buggy for me. Thanks.
That's about the same street in '31. Note that Einstein's (or one of his predecessor's) position hasn't changed in 55 years.
You guys are AWESOME.
interesting hadn't notice the dog in the same position in 1986. Guess that's a puzzle / hint / clue then
Or a Futurama reference!
...Ah, damn, I made myself think of the end of "Jurassic Bark". I'll be back once I'm done crying.
(Warning, this may be TL DR but you can skip down to where I talk about the game and such)
I was three and a half when Back to the Future came out. By the time it started showing up on Movie Channels (Hey! I was privileged and had Cable.
I can remember very clearly receiving a small toy car, that had rubber wheels, was silver, and when you pulled it back it wound up so it could propel itself forward. This was by Delorean. I couldn’t wait to get home to watch Back to the Future on VHS and play around with the car as I did so. Before I even knew it was Back to the Future, it was the “time machine movie.”
As I grew up, I watched Back to the Future II and III when I was seven and eight. I actually watched them in an old Drive-in Movie theater that, unfortunately, no longer exists. As the trilogy was released on VHS I saved up my allowance and bought it, and I’ve honestly seen the movies, each one, well over 100 times. I can recite the screenplay to this day, verbatim, and there were periods when I was young where’d I’d have to watch at least one of them everyday I came home from school. Hey! Don’t think I’m crazy! I’m sure there where some of you out there that did the same thing. Being a father now, my son does it as well with the movies he loves, one of which is back to the future!
I remember going down to Florida in 1990 and seeing that the Back to the Future Ride was going to be released in 1991, and I begged and pleaded to return to the Theme Park the following year so I could ride it, which I was fortunate enough to do. Being a nine year old, riding the Back to the Future ride was one of the greatest moments of my childhood. I was completely enveloped in the legend, wrapped up in all the make believe, even to the point where I sat in the front and told everyone not to touch the time circuits for fear of accidental time travel!
As I grew I bought the DVD box sets, now the Blu-Rays, I’ve watched the commentary, the special features and what have you.; and as I stated above, I got my son into the Back to the Future series, which wasn’t hard to do at all. There’s a magic about these movies that instantly entrances people, especially young children, and they can’t get enough of it. I’m reliving the whole experience vicariously though him! I bought him the Mini-mates, and the Back to the Future Part II car, with hover conversion. He runs around the house with the lights and sounds from the toy, having his own adventures and loving every minute of it. (He’s also a Ghostbusters Nut, but we’re talking BTTF Here!)
Back to the future helped get me interested in Science, not to mention Star Trek. Temporal Mechanics and physics intrigue me to the point that I read up on it quite often, and I’m always watching the Science Channel or Discovery. Dr. Michio Kaku is my hero!
I’ve been through it all with Back to the future. Everything from that god awful NES game, to wondering why Old Biff got out of the Delorean in pain; not to mention how in gods name he knew how to work the time machine in the first place, I never saw him put trash in Mister Fusion! I’ve wondered why in Back to the Future 3, when they blew out the fuel line, why they couldn’t just swap it with the one in the old Delgado Mine and write a P.S. to the 1955 Doc to replace that too!
But when I heard Telltale secured the rights to the movies, I was ecstatic. A friend of mine loves the Sam & Max, and Adventures of Monkey Island Series, and I knew it was in good hands except I hadn’t played a new adventure game in a long time. I was into the original Lucasarts games, Space Quest, Monkey Island and such, but it’s been a loooooong time. So I was unsure if the genre would capture me again. Regardless though, I still pre-ordered. :P
My Honest Review of the Trailer and the new game footage
Now, after seeing the trailer, I have to admit… I really like what I saw. (Especially since they fixed the lip-sync in the trailer!) First, hats off to Alan Johnson:
That is such a fanboy thing to do. Something that small, but incredibly thoughtful, just shows the type of effort that Telltale is putting into this game! With that act alone I realized that the rest of the trailer was going to be great.
However, I’ve also come to grips that things are going to be “different”. Christopher Lloyd is older now, his voice does show signs of his age. Does that bother me though? Nope. Who else would play Docter Emmett Brown? Seriously.
AJ’s Marty, while it isn’t perfect, is as good as we’re gonna get. He sounds the closest to Marty when he’s saying classic lines and also being loud. “What the hell is a jigowatt?!” is spot on. To be honest, if Michael J. Fox was well enough to do the voice himself, I doubt it’d sound as good as AJ’s does now. AJ does capture the character.
From watching the gameplay footage on GT TV, there are only two things that I’m a bit worried about. One is Marty’s walk. It… almost seems a bit space-man-on-the-moon-ish. I’m used to the speedier, younger, Michael J. Fox with his shorter stride and that small bounce in his step; like how he was walking with Jennifer past the clock tower in the beginning of part I.
The only other thing I could see wrong is that the Flux Capacitor is fluxing the wrong way. It’s pulsing outward, rather than inward, which I’m sure is an easy, easy fix. I know it’s been mentioned elsewhere so I’m sure Telltale is aware.
I’m super, super excited to get my hands on this game. It's been almost 20 years since we've had good, legit, BTTF content and I cant wait to see what Bob Gale and the TT team have come up with. I'm almost positive that they will do this franchise justice.
I'm also extremely interested to find out where this "new" Delorean comes from, and my god I hope it can fly at some point!
I know this has been mentioned elsewhere as well, but I wanted to give my own opinion on how I think it exists in this new story. It's either:
Just wondering, is there a place where I can see this game play footage?
Also, I'm not sure spoiler tags are necessary when it's just speculation based on what's seen in the trailer, rather than any sort of official plot info.
As for the DeLorean, I guess it's possible that at some time between part III and the game, Doc re-built the time machine to spec with a brand-new DeLorean. It might involve him secretly time-travelling to the 80's to buy the new car & to gather the necessary parts, but it's probably at least possible.
The individual parts are uploaded on youtube by some guy, which makes them more accessible. But I don't really know if gametrailers is OK with that.
Mr. Fusion probably puts about 4.84 Gigawatts into the flux capacitor with one load of trash, so there's no need for Biff to worry about energy!
Doc's an old man... so's Christopher Lloyd. In fact, we must presume that the actor's voice right now is more fitting the character than it was in the movies!
I was sceptical about that, but the trailer's rather quiet lines have definitly convinced me.
Seconded. He walks like an ape, sorry.
Not seconded.
I care about so many details so feverishly, I think I'll just let this one slip.
Thanks very much. I can see why he'd do it though, the ads are ridiculous, IMO anyways.
I don't think that's the case because