Am I the only person who thinks the lipsync is kind of off in this trailer? It looks kind of weird, and Marty's default "closed mouth" expression seems slightly slackjawed.
Marty's walk cycle also looks a bit strange, hunched and flapping his arms, makes him look a lot less cool than in the movie. He also looks a lot younger to me.
Apart from the lip sync problem, the facial expressions could be stronger.
For the rest it all looks very promising, I'm looking forward to the story, with lots of time-travelling awesomeness.
They had to create an audio just for the trailer. In no way that's what we'll have for the game.
So you're telling me that every video game trailer ever has had terrible lipsync? Hell, lipsyc seems fine in episode ads as far back as the first episode of Season 1 of Sam and Max.
The second episode is coming out in February, according to the end of the trailer. It's possible that it'll come out Tuesday, February 1st, so not too much of a difference from getting an episode in January.
I sincerely hope that's the case. Not to say I won't mind waiting until the middle of the month.
It would also seem reasonable to (somewhat) evenly spread the release dates out.
Well, a two month gap between the first two episodes isn't too uncommon for Telltale. They did it on the first S&M seasons, so it's not that surprising. Also keep in mind that there's they'll probably not working through Christmas, so for the second episode to not suffer from this, they'll just take more time. I think it's a good choice!
(Buuutttt.... the first Season of S&M had that 2-month gap between eps 1 and 2 between October 17 and December 20. So it's not necessarily the holidays. ).
It is interesting that this Delorean appears all iced up, as it did on the very first trip (that effect decreases with each trip throughout the series). So that suggests that this is a "fresh" time machine. Combined with the blank "last time departed" panel and the non-specific seemingly pre-recorded message from Doc, it makes me think that this is a "fail-safe" machine that he had set up somehow, rather than the machine that he had been traveling around in
I like this idea. I bet this is it. How exactly he would set this up though, I have no idea. Does he have some kind of "Life Alert"-like button he carries around with him to send a DeLorean to Marty in case he gets in trouble?
Oh, and this doesn't completely solve the "No 'Last Time Departed'" problem, either, because the DeLorean still has to come from somewhere (somewhen?), even if Doc is storing it. With no "Last Time Departed", that implies the DeLorean is just appearing out of thin air, and Marty's trip to 1931 is the first time trip that DeLorean is taking.
Oookay, my thoughts on the trailer (arranged in the same style as Markeres' to prevent any spoilers):
- Marty's animations are brilliant. The facial expressions, the simple yet so perfect eye animations, the posture. You've outdone yourselves again, guys!
-The music, it's like Alan Silvestri playing just for us. Jared, brilliant work! I simply could not tell the difference.
- Lipsync, no problem here. When Tales of Monkey Island had it's first gameplay footage released, it had major lipsync issues. None of which were in the game.
- Not seeing a date on the time circuits... Telltase has hidden stuff before in their trailers. Again, in Tales of Monkey Island (SPOOOOOOOOOILER) you don't see Guybrush with a normal hand while hugging Elaine, even if in the game he has the hook. Clever stuff, to hide spoilers.
- Markeres made an interesting point: how does George know of Doc's existence? That will be an interesting thing to explore and, perhaps, it may prove useful in the next episodes. George helping Marty and Doc for a change? WOAH Mind blown!
- The DeLorean, no comment here, they couldn't have done it any better. Lights, sounds, moves, looks brilliant!
- Time period - well chosen! I sense some great emotional impacts here.
- Young Doc idea, weird at first when they announced it, awesome now as you see it in motion. Plenty of possibilities and it cannot get predictable!
- I don't know about you, but being able to control Marty and watch him on your PC screen... clearly this game will have a huge emotional impact on the fans.
- Looking at the screenshots that were released some time ago, compared to the story we heard of now, I think we'll see some cool flashbacks!
- I honestly say, if I got emotional over the trailer, I think this will be the second game that will have me in tears by the end of the season. The first one was Syberia II.
- Not seeing a date on the time circuits... Telltase has hidden stuff before in their trailers. Again, in Tales of Monkey Island (SPOOOOOOOOOILER) you don't see Guybrush with a normal hand while hugging Elaine, even if in the game he has the hook. Clever stuff, to hide spoilers.
Possibly, but if there is supposed to be a date, it's not likely to be too outlandish (like Guybrush's hook), probably sometime in '85 or '86 if it's a new "fail-safe" DeLorean, or '31 if Doc had sent it from then. They could have also just chosen an arbitrary date and put it in there. By having no "Last Time Departed" at all, that just fuels more speculation. So, I think the no "Last Time Departed" is indeed part of the game's story.
I always thought that human lip-syncing isn't Telltale's strongest suit. I mean, Sam, Max, and the Homestar Runner gang's lip-sync is pretty good, but Bosco, Sybil, Tycho, and some of the characters with humanoid faces are a little awkward. I understand this since about two-thirds of each of their games are cinematic scenes, which means that the awkward lip-syncing is more obvious, and they need to use automatic lip-syncing instead of manual lip-syncing because it saves time and money (they use automatic lip-syncing, right?). Though, recent games, like TOMI and Devil's Playhouse, while not perfect, has shown improvements.
Also, I haven't seen the video with gameplay in it. Links?
EDIT: Okay, someone already posted it before. Sorry.
Also I did notice that the display for where the delorean had been was not set at all. So if the delorean hasn't come from another timezone, then it is very mysterious, as to where it HAS been.
Considering the climax of BTTF 3, this is very strange.
TellTale, could you just answer this : Are all of the footage we've seen pretty recent, or have you tweaked a few things since you put the trailer together ? (or at least since you picked the scenes for the trailer)
Well, I think everyone knows who Doc Brown is. After all, he has been in the papers a few times. One for the Brown Mannor burning down at the start of part 1 & and in part II for getting some kind of award (as opposed to being commited to the looney bin). I mean, in part 1 before the time machine, even Mr. Strickland knew about Marty '...hanging out with that nutcase Emmit Brown.'
Something else I just noticed about the trailer: There's no "Last Time Departed" on the time display in the DeLorean. So that may rule out Doc sending it for Marty. Which, of course, begs the question: Where When the hell did it come from?!? :eek:
That is one of my biggest questions about the game so far; where did the new DeLorean come from? I mean, the last time was saw it (from the trillogy) it was destroyed by a train.
But I must say, I'm really excited about the new BTTF game now. TTG, you guys have really outdone yourselves. (Boy, I seem to be saying that with each progressive game that comes out.)
Just watched the whole Spike TV episode (my my Ms Explosion Man ... cool) and its looking good. Like the fluidity of the movement, looked to be moving based on the mouse which is cool (will the telltale cursor be in the final game?), and the style of the game. Really wets my appetite
Only thing I didn't like about the show was the ep with Chris Lloyd. She didn't seem like a good interviewer and Lloyd didn't really answer her questions.
Well, I think everyone knows who Doc Brown is. After all, he has been in the papers a few times. One for the Brown Mannor burning down at the start of part 1 & and in part II for getting some kind of award (as opposed to being commited to the looney bin). I mean, in part 1 before the time machine, even Mr. Strickland knew about Marty '...hanging out with that nutcase Emmit Brown.'
OK, to be more specific, George McFly knows of the existence of Doc Brown's friendship with Marty. That's still pretty major, and something that was never touched upon, at all, in the trilogy. Nobody in the McFly family seemed to know about it, in fact (Lorraine meeting "Uncle Doc" for two seconds doesn't count).
OK, to be more specific, George McFly knows of the existence of Doc Brown's friendship with Marty. That's still pretty major, and something that was never touched upon, at all, in the trilogy. Nobody in the McFly family seemed to know about it, in fact (Lorraine meeting "Uncle Doc" for two seconds doesn't count).
True, I supose if you are going to ask for a family member to be your lab partner or whatnot, you'll have to get the parent's permision first. So yeah, they would know about Marty & Doc. And besides, I'm guessing after 6 months of missing doc, I'm sure he would ask his dad for help and advice (thats what it sounds like in the trailer).
I really like that they're bringing in George so early on, and I hope that they will definitly explain what George and Lorraine knew of Doc. I'd actually find it interesting if TTG Sinaz' ideas about George and Lorraine "wisening up" found their way into the game - with Bob Gale's explicit consent.
I'm sure George and Lorraine knew that Marty and the Doc were close, even though it was not directly stated in the films. The whole town knows of Doc Brown, he's the local scientist. In 1955 the police officer seemingly knows him (when he ask Doc for a permit for the "specialized weather sensing equipment") and Mr. Strickland even knows that Marty and Doc hang around together.
You know, after that "alternate" Telltale logo from the beginning of the trailer, I'm just waiting for some inattentive magazine or website to mistakenly call them Talltale Games.
Is it possible that Doc dug up the DeLorean from that abandoned mine, sent it after Marty and in the final episode they bury it in there again so Marty and Doc can dig it out in BTTF3? Can someone bring pros and cons to this? I'm not sure if it's an eligible theory...
Is it possible that Doc dug up the DeLorean from that abandoned mine, sent it after Marty and in the final episode they bury it in there again so Marty and Doc can dig it out in BTTF3? Can someone bring pros and cons to this? I'm not sure if it's an eligible theory...
Nice idea, the only downside is that there is no date for where the DeLorean came from, so in theory
it seems unlikely it came from that time period. Need to watch it again wasn't paying attention to whether the DeLorean had the mixer on the back to get its 1.21gigawatts.
Doc didn't send the DeLorean to Marty, Marty did, after rebuilding it using components he found from different time periods throughout the whole season.
OK, to be more specific, George McFly knows of the existence of Doc Brown's friendship with Marty. That's still pretty major, and something that was never touched upon, at all, in the trilogy. Nobody in the McFly family seemed to know about it, in fact (Lorraine meeting "Uncle Doc" for two seconds doesn't count).
If I remember correctly, Doc and Marty's friendship began when Doc asked the McFly family if a young Marty would be interested in a job raking the leaves on his lawn (or something). I think Marty's family knows about Doc, but they trust him, and there probably just wasn't a point in the movies where they needed to bring it up.
If Jennifer, and even Strickland know about Doc, of course George and Lorraine do.
If I remember correctly, Doc and Marty's friendship began when Doc asked the McFly family if a young Marty would be interested in a job raking the leaves on his lawn (or something). I think Marty's family knows about Doc, but they trust him, and there probably just wasn't a point in the movies where they needed to bring it up.
If Jennifer, and even Strickland know about Doc, of course George and Lorraine do.
OK, to be even more specific, George McFly openly acknowledges the existence of Doc Brown's friendship with Marty for the first time ever in any official Back to the Future visual media. There, how's that?
Why is everybody so surprised that George would know about Doc? I should hope Marty's parents would know that their son was spending his free time hanging out with a crazy old man. Even Mr. Strickland knew that he was hanging out with him.
Er... wait... Do you mean George knows about the time travel thing? Where in the trailer does it suggest that?
Why is everybody so surprised that George would know about Doc?
Because it's never mentioned, at all, in the movies. Why is everyone inferring that Marty's parents do know about his friendship with Doc? Would any responsible parents allow their teenage son to leave the house after 1 AM to go hang out with a "crazy" scientist? Lorraine doesn't even want Marty to spend the night alone with Jennifer. I always figured Marty had to sneak out of the house to go to the mall at the beginning of the first movie. Now, whether the new versions of Marty's parents at the end of the movie know about the friendship is another matter, but we don't really spend enough screen time with them to know for sure.
Hahaha thanks. That was my idea actually.
"Barking, you idiot! You're barking up the wrong tree! I know that and we don't even have trees in the future."
Anywhoo, easier way to see the trailer;
LOL indeed. I used to have part 2 for the computer and it's as pathetic as it's NES counterparts. Although I never got to see such a lame commercial.
They had to create an audio just for the trailer. In no way that's what we'll have for the game.
Apart from the lip sync problem, the facial expressions could be stronger.
For the rest it all looks very promising, I'm looking forward to the story, with lots of time-travelling awesomeness.
Well, a two month gap between the first two episodes isn't too uncommon for Telltale. They did it on the first S&M seasons, so it's not that surprising. Also keep in mind that there's they'll probably not working through Christmas, so for the second episode to not suffer from this, they'll just take more time. I think it's a good choice!
(Buuutttt.... the first Season of S&M had that 2-month gap between eps 1 and 2 between October 17 and December 20. So it's not necessarily the holidays.
Where did I say that exactly ?
I'm telling you why it's off. The audio clips are put together, they're not "triggered" by the game.
The fact that the sync is better on other games trailers is easily explanable :
1) More time to work on the trailer
2) Non human faces to match
3) The audio clips chosen couldn't be displayed the way they actually are because of timing
Trust me, reason 1 is the most likely.
The sync lip in the footage clip was much better.
Oh, and this doesn't completely solve the "No 'Last Time Departed'" problem, either, because the DeLorean still has to come from somewhere (somewhen?), even if Doc is storing it. With no "Last Time Departed", that implies the DeLorean is just appearing out of thin air, and Marty's trip to 1931 is the first time trip that DeLorean is taking.
-The music, it's like Alan Silvestri playing just for us. Jared, brilliant work! I simply could not tell the difference.
- Lipsync, no problem here. When Tales of Monkey Island had it's first gameplay footage released, it had major lipsync issues. None of which were in the game.
- Not seeing a date on the time circuits... Telltase has hidden stuff before in their trailers. Again, in Tales of Monkey Island (SPOOOOOOOOOILER) you don't see Guybrush with a normal hand while hugging Elaine, even if in the game he has the hook. Clever stuff, to hide spoilers.
- Markeres made an interesting point: how does George know of Doc's existence? That will be an interesting thing to explore and, perhaps, it may prove useful in the next episodes. George helping Marty and Doc for a change? WOAH Mind blown!
- The DeLorean, no comment here, they couldn't have done it any better. Lights, sounds, moves, looks brilliant!
- Time period - well chosen! I sense some great emotional impacts here.
- Young Doc idea, weird at first when they announced it, awesome now as you see it in motion. Plenty of possibilities and it cannot get predictable!
- I don't know about you, but being able to control Marty and watch him on your PC screen... clearly this game will have a huge emotional impact on the fans.
- Looking at the screenshots that were released some time ago, compared to the story we heard of now, I think we'll see some cool flashbacks!
- I honestly say, if I got emotional over the trailer, I think this will be the second game that will have me in tears by the end of the season. The first one was Syberia II.
Also, I haven't seen the video with gameplay in it. Links?
EDIT: Okay, someone already posted it before. Sorry.
Considering the climax of BTTF 3, this is very strange.
Tho there are a few minor issues thats not a big deal but like some others already mentioned the low fps / lipsync / some character movements.
And what i found is no character shadows on some scenes? some have them some don't? You can see it on the gametrailers TV thingie.
Just a little polishing up here and there would fix it :cool:
But without a doubt it will be good!
Everything seems perfect for me anyway.
That is one of my biggest questions about the game so far; where did the new DeLorean come from? I mean, the last time was saw it (from the trillogy) it was destroyed by a train.
But I must say, I'm really excited about the new BTTF game now. TTG, you guys have really outdone yourselves. (Boy, I seem to be saying that with each progressive game that comes out.)
Only thing I didn't like about the show was the ep with Chris Lloyd. She didn't seem like a good interviewer and Lloyd didn't really answer her questions.
Oh, oops. Looked like the TTG logo on my small screen
So does this mean that the TTG logo is based on the flux capacitor
True, I supose if you are going to ask for a family member to be your lab partner or whatnot, you'll have to get the parent's permision first. So yeah, they would know about Marty & Doc. And besides, I'm guessing after 6 months of missing doc, I'm sure he would ask his dad for help and advice (thats what it sounds like in the trailer).
Nice idea, the only downside is that there is no date for where the DeLorean came from, so in theory
Not for BTTF. But Bill & Ted are gonna love it.
If I remember correctly, Doc and Marty's friendship began when Doc asked the McFly family if a young Marty would be interested in a job raking the leaves on his lawn (or something). I think Marty's family knows about Doc, but they trust him, and there probably just wasn't a point in the movies where they needed to bring it up.
If Jennifer, and even Strickland know about Doc, of course George and Lorraine do.
Er... wait... Do you mean George knows about the time travel thing? Where in the trailer does it suggest that?