The Last Item You Purchased?



  • edited June 2013
    As a summer promotion, they've started putting people's names on the labels.

    I did see a Chris one, but I'm not paying £1 for that little Coke when I can get a 1.25L bottle for the exact same price. I have some standards, thank you very much. Not many, but some.
    I keep seeing empty named bottles everywhere, but I've yet to see one in a shop. It's beginning to bug me. It's probably a conspiracy! The coke is a lie!

    As for what I've bought, "The Twin Dilemma", "Timelash", "Mark of the Rani" and "Vengeance on Varos". All for around £5 each. And that's my 6th doctor collection complete.
  • edited June 2013
    Oh, I forgot to mention I finally got round to purchasing Season 5 to the twilight zone on bluray.

    I got the whole original series now. Just need to watch them all now! :)
    (And then get the movie on bluray because hey why not?)
  • edited June 2013
  • edited June 2013
    I love that game. I still haven't beaten the HD version though. When I get to Kamui I just lose the will to play. Ice/snow sections in all games seem to do that to me. One of these days I'll finish the playstation version. And go replay the DS version.

    Oh, I bought a bottle of coke today, drank it and then just when I went to throw it away, I noticed it had a name on it. Apparently I was supposed to share it with some bloke called Alex.

    I also bought Paper Mario:Sticker Star (with some of the funds earnt from trading in an iPod touch, Les Miserables and Rollercoaster tycoon 3D), and went to see Epic (for which we were the only ones in the theatre, which was pretty awesome.)
  • edited June 2013
    Friar wrote: »
    Oh, I bought a bottle of coke today, drank it and then just when I went to throw it away, I noticed it had a name on it. Apparently I was supposed to share it with some bloke called Alex.

    Don't Alex is a dick.
  • edited June 2013


  • edited June 2013
    coolsome, you're turning into Elijah Wood or he's turning into you.


    Either way, it's getting creepy.
  • edited June 2013
    Rocksmith for the PS3

    It was the cheapest used copy on CEX (£25), and it says it includes the cable.
    If it doesn't then its going straight back!
    (Because I really want that cable to use with my lappy (got some new guitar software I want to utilise and I needed a better way to connect my guitar up to the PC))
  • edited June 2013
    Johro wrote: »
    coolsome, you're turning into Elijah Wood or he's turning into you.


    Either way, it's getting creepy.

    Cross Frodo with wolverine and you have coolsome.
  • edited June 2013
    Reminds me more of an emotionally dead JonTron.'s the beard, OK?
  • edited June 2013
    Reminds me more of an emotionally dead JonTron.'s the beard, OK?

    As long as its not the fat...
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited June 2013
    coolsome wrote: »
    As long as its not the fat...

    No, it's the sideburns. I want those sideburns. Forget the beard, those are enough.
  • edited June 2013
    I'm one of the few who actually dug this game in spite of its flaws and the terribly misleading advertising. I declare it to be the best 'Alien' game since 'ALIEN 3: The Gun' (I'm not counting 'Alien Vs Predator 2' because that's technically a spin-off game).
    Reminds me more of an emotionally dead JonTron.'s the beard, OK?

    I was thinking more along the lines of Wolverine, except Coolsome is far, far more badass than Hugh Jackman ever could be.
  • edited June 2013
    St_Eddie wrote: »
    I'm one of the few who actually dug this game in spite of its flaws and the terribly misleading advertising. I declare it to be the best 'Alien' game since 'ALIEN 3: The Gun' (I'm not counting 'Alien Vs Predator 2' because that's technically a spin-off game).

    I played through it a few times. It did get better after a few patches. Unfortunately the patches didn't replace more of the WY sprites or change the ending, but we can't win them all. Overall, I didn't mind it too much and I will eventually play it yet again.
  • edited June 2013
    Johro wrote: »
    I played through it a few times. It did get better after a few patches. Unfortunately the patches didn't replace more of the WY sprites or change the ending, but we can't win them all. Overall, I didn't mind it too much and I will eventually play it yet again.

    I actually played it without any patches since I'm offline and whilst there were a fair few glitches, there was certainly nothing too bad or game breaking. Maybe I just got lucky. Also, I think that I'm happier than most with the game because I waited a couple of months to buy it and therefore only paid £17.
  • edited June 2013

    This month the greatest magazine ever made features a whopping 17 page look back at the (once) genius of Lucasarts, in memorandum of they're recent closure. Amongst all of the usual goodness, there's also 6 pages devoted to Dr. Who games (1983 to 2012). Viva La Retro Gamer!

    DISCLAIMER: Though the above love fest may make it sound as though I am an employee of 'Image Publishing', I can assure you that I am not. I merely have very good taste in reading material.
  • edited June 2013



    Outside of the soundtrack, which is a physical copy, why THE FUCK did I buy THESE games instead of the PS1 Clock Tower, which I could have done. Fucking.....let my family guilt trip me into not spending over 30 dollars, and wanted a game with a mummy. Argh FUCK FUCK! Shadow of Destiny and Sphinx better be the best fucking games I've ever played in my LIFE!
  • edited June 2013
    St_Eddie wrote: »
    I actually played it without any patches since I'm offline and whilst there were a fair few glitches, there was certainly nothing too bad or game breaking.

    They did massive patches for PC to enhance graphics and overall physics. The game is much more atmospheric now and the Alien AI is a lot better. Last I heard, they were slowly rolling this out on consoles.
  • edited June 2013
    Johro wrote: »
    They did massive patches for PC to enhance graphics and overall physics. The game is much more atmospheric now and the Alien AI is a lot better. Last I heard, they were slowly rolling this out on consoles.

    Huh, sounds pretty good. I've lugged my PS3 up to my parents for the week so I'll try connecting to the Internet and downloading the patches. Might as well play some multiplayer whilst I'm at it too!

    Anyone with a PS3 can add me if they like; USERNAME: St_Eddie
  • edited June 2013

    I have that too!:D
  • edited June 2013

    And some Asiago Cheez-Its. Yum.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited June 2013
    oooookay, now can anyone find out if this cover was painted with gouache or not.
  • edited June 2013
    St_Eddie wrote: »
    This month the greatest magazine ever made features a whopping 17 page look back at the (once) genius of Lucasarts, in memorandum memorium of they're recent closure.

  • N7.N7.
    edited June 2013
    What was all this about? do will we get TWD new episode or DLC or ...?
  • edited June 2013
    1.N7 that has completely nothing to do with this point of this thread and it should be in the TWD thread. 2.Telltale are working on The Wolf Among Us based on the comic Fables. Just because TWD was good and was game of the year does not mean its the only series Telltale has worked on or will work on. They are still going to work on the bigger project instead of only working on TWD.

    On Topic i last bought an ITunes card and with it i got the Ace Attorny HD Trilogy, The first volume of the Sonic Legacy series on the Archie Sonic comic app, MineCraft Pocket Edition and Sonic 1.
  • edited June 2013
    N7. wrote: »
    What was all this about? do will we get TWD new episode or DLC or ...?
    Lucasarts was the company that was best known for making Star Wars games. They also made some of the best adventure games ever. After George Lucas sold the Star Wars rights to Disney, they shut down Lucasarts.

    This in no way affects The Walking Dead, which is being made by Telltale.
  • edited June 2013
    Chyron8472 wrote: »

    Thanks for pointing out the only grammar mistake that I've ever made (probably), you anal bastard surveyor of minute details.

    P.S. You had better believe that I'll be watching your grammar like a freaking hawk from now on.
  • edited June 2013
    He forgot to change "they're" to "their".

    Chyron, I am disappoint.
  • edited June 2013
    He forgot to change "they're" to "their".

    Chyron, I am disappoint.

    Fuck nuts! There goes the "probably". I am "disappoint" at myself. I am better than this. Fuck!
  • edited June 2013
    oooookay, now can anyone find out if this cover was painted with gouache or not.

    What, the Thrillkiller cover?
  • edited June 2013
    N7. wrote: »
    What was all this about? do will we get TWD new episode or DLC or ...?

  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited June 2013
    What, the Thrillkiller cover?

    Yes, of course. :)


    I already know that this one will be rather short as well. ;)
  • edited June 2013
    I purchased a gold for my sister becasue last week she had a birthday.
  • edited June 2013
    Rocko's Modern Life: The Complete Series.
  • edited June 2013
    Icedhope wrote: »
    Rocko's Modern Life: The Complete Series.

    A sound investment.
  • edited June 2013
  • edited June 2013

    Which I used to take these scary, privacy-invading images from very, very far away with 100% clarity. It actually scares me how far away I was from these people with this camera.




    Then I bought this for six dollars.

  • edited June 2013

    To replace broken one cos I need to play it till the new one is out in November.
  • edited June 2013



    Any other game-recommendations?
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