I just bought the Earth



  • edited September 2010
    Woo! Thank you! Now I just have to hope no one attacks me. I think I'm army-less. Perhaps I ought to sort that out...
  • edited September 2010
    apenpaap wrote: »
    Sorry, I have already given it away gathering an army against me would be useless, as Scandinavia is no longer mine. Gathering it against doodinthemood would be a much better idea. I'll give you Svalbard. It'll be a nice place to stage an attack on Norway from, and I hear it's not completely frozen over yet at this time of year.
    Should you decide to raise that army against me, though:
    ARR! I'll be ready for ye, ye landlubberin' bilgerat!

    I always wanted an earth of my own. If I decide to go skull knucklin', why not aiming for the best?

    But I like Norway. Pretty icebergs o,o
  • edited September 2010
    Why did you include the Isle of Man in Scotland?

    I am requesting that it be taken off and given to me so that I can name it The Isle of Freeman.
  • edited September 2010
    Hey apenpaap, can we establish a trade route? I'll give you bacon if you give me eyepatches and stuff.
  • edited September 2010
    I can give you bagpipes and kilts.

    and cute little scottie dogs
  • edited September 2010
    I'll take North America. I'll name it Hyrule, then change my name to King Ganondorf Dragmire. If the Hero of Time shows up to conquer serve me and my reign of terror love, I'll kill recruit him. You will have free access to as much restorative Lon Lon Milk as you prefer, as well as your own cow and horse. Free of charge.
  • edited September 2010
    I'll take Tasmania and make it a seperate nation. And I'll build theme parks on it that PWN all the ones on mainland Australia to make them jel-aous.
  • edited September 2010
    Remolay wrote: »
    I can give you bagpipes and kilts.

    and cute little scottie dogs

    Throw in battered mars bars and it's a deal.
  • edited September 2010
    I'll take North America. I'll name it Hyrule, then change my name to King Ganondorf Dragmire. If the Hero of Time shows up to conquer serve me and my reign of terror love, I'll kill recruit him. You will have free access to as much restorative Lon Lon Milk as you prefer, as well as your own cow and horse. Free of charge.

    I already "have" New England and Fealiks has Canada PLZ. I'll give you the rest of the US if I can have the entire East Coast.
  • edited September 2010
    Take it. I refuse to let the Red Sox or the Patriots into my kingdom. No good sports teams allowed into my Empire of Evil Beauty and Niceness.
  • edited September 2010
    Take it. I refuse to let the Red Sox or the Patriots into my kingdom. No good sports teams allowed into my Empire of Evil Beauty and Niceness.

    OK. All I really wanted from the East Coast was New England, New York, and Washington D.C, but the rest could be... useful, especially Disneyland.

    I really hope Seibert(or Bat Boy) doesn't find this thread. We don't want anybody thinking this is all real.
  • edited September 2010
    We don't want anybody thinking this is all real.

    Good thing someone else beat me to get Norway, or else I'd be going with the flow.
  • edited September 2010
    wait wait wait. I still haven't gotten my part. I own the northwestern portion of America as well as the western coast of Canada.
  • edited September 2010
    I'll take the Vatican City I've got big plans for the Catholic Church.
  • edited September 2010
    Can I haz Romania? Nobody wants it anyway, due to all the vampires...
  • edited September 2010
    JFreeman wrote: »
    Why did you include the Isle of Man in Scotland?

    I am requesting that it be taken off and given to me so that I can name it The Isle of Freeman.
    Okay, it's now the Isle of Freeman. I sure hope Remolay didn't build something cool there already.
    Fealiks wrote: »
    Hey apenpaap, can we establish a trade route? I'll give you bacon if you give me eyepatches and stuff.

    Matey, we allways want more trade through our waters. It's a deal.
    I'll take North America. I'll name it Hyrule, then change my name to King Ganondorf Dragmire. If the Hero of Time shows up to conquer serve me and my reign of terror love, I'll kill recruit him. You will have free access to as much restorative Lon Lon Milk as you prefer, as well as your own cow and horse. Free of charge.

    Sorry, too large. You can get a couple of states or a piece of Mexico, though.
    I'll take Tasmania and make it a seperate nation. And I'll build theme parks on it that PWN all the ones on mainland Australia to make them jel-aous.

    Okay. That means once someone claims Papua New Gunea, the entire Australian continent has been taken.
    Giant Tope wrote: »
    wait wait wait. I still haven't gotten my part. I own the northwestern portion of America as well as the western coast of Canada.

    You did get a nice piece of ocean, though.
    I'll take the Vatican City I've got big plans for the Catholic Church.

    Okay. You couldn't be any worse than it's current ownership, so go ahead.
    Can I haz Romania? Nobody wants it anyway, due to all the vampires...

    Silverwolfpet, I appoint thee Vampire Lord of Romania.
  • edited September 2010
    I rename my half of France "Fravi" because I lack imagination.
    I'm going to focus on tourism, especially Paris.
    Also, I'd like to take Belgium as well, since I'm still under the 50 million allowed.

    And I treat my peasants right. Actually I have a parliamentary monarchy so I don't have to deal with all that stuff, there is a Prime Minister for that. I'm still the Queen though, meaning that SeanT and Ragabash are both Kings. I hereby declare an alliance with whichever territories they might own (although they're probably both too busy to play this game).
  • edited September 2010
    Fiine. Istanbul and Kentucky. I want to replace the names of both with each other just for the confusion and the lulz. Oh and, thicker wrap doughs for KFC's Toasted Twister!

    As for the whole country's name, I'm thinking of naming it Norway to make it up the fact that I was unable to get the real Norway. Then I'll cry at my misfortune.
  • edited September 2010
    I still want the entire East Coast.
  • edited September 2010
    I'll rename the Netherlands to Da Netherlands. Because iz gangsta.
  • edited September 2010
    apenpaap wrote: »
    Okay, it's now the Isle of Freeman. I sure hope Remolay didn't build something cool there already.
    S'all right, only thing up there was a statue in tribute to The Freeman. Awesome pose with a crowbar andallthat.

    note to self: Never type an all that as one word
  • edited September 2010
    apenpaap wrote: »
    Japan has a lot more people than I will allow you to rule. Pick a region. Britain is only slightly over 50 million, but I think the place could be in pretty high demand, so pick Scotland, England, or Wales.

    That's no way to talk to the ruler of the world. I'd refuse your request, except you're requesting Scandinavia. I could use someone with your attitude in charge of the former Vikings. Speaking of which, Scandinavia has been lacking in the "sailing to distant shores and plundering them" department the past millenium. I sure hope your ideas will include pillaging.


    I like it. When Winslow drew up the current version of the world map, he forgot Iceland and Denmark are parts of Scandinavia too, but he'll remedy it in a future version of the map. Secret government base in one of Iceland's volcanoes is a great idea. Just don't forget I want to see Longboats show up on Europe's shores again.

    I'm not giving you the oceans. While they stay under the population limit, it would mess up my map. You can get a package deal of a couple of seas, though, if you want water.
    Actually it's past 70million now.
  • edited September 2010
    i call india
  • edited September 2010
    Can I claim the Peoples Republic of China? It shall soon no longer belong to the people! Muahahahaha!
  • edited September 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    I rename my half of France "Fravi" because I lack imagination.
    I'm going to focus on tourism, especially Paris.
    Also, I'd like to take Belgium as well, since I'm still under the 50 million allowed.

    I doubt anyone else wants Belgium anyway, so it's yours.
    Falanca wrote: »
    Fiine. Istanbul and Kentucky. I want to replace the names of both with each other just for the confusion and the lulz. Oh and, thicker wrap doughs for KFC's Toasted Twister!

    As for the whole country's name, I'm thinking of naming it Norway to make it up the fact that I was unable to get the real Norway. Then I'll cry at my misfortune.

    Hehehe, guess Svalbard really cooled you down, eh? Okay, the state of Istanbul and the city-state of Kentucky are yours. I want Svalbard back, though. It'll be a great place to send other people who threaten to rise up against me.
    I still want the entire East Coast.

    You already have Tokio and New England. What would you do if I gave you the rest of the East Coast?
    seibert999 wrote: »
    i call india

    No can do. Capitalization is very important. It makes the difference between "I had to help my uncle Jack off a horse yesterday." and "i had to help my uncle jack off a horse yesterday." Such differences could prove disastrous (And not in a good and/or funny way) in the hands of a head of state. And even if you did capitalize, India is way too populous.
    Friar wrote: »
    Can I claim the Peoples Republic of China? It shall soon no longer belong to the people! Muahahahaha!

    Nope. You can rule over a maximum of 50 million people.
  • edited September 2010
    Can I request an addition?

    If so, I would like the Isle of Ewe. Just because of the name. :D
  • edited September 2010

    I have a few small requests...

    Madagascar used to be a pirate haven, so I'll request that since the Caribbean has been taken.

    And, in a complete twist, I'd also like to request Hawaii, which I shall rename Ninjamaica, as a haven for ninjas.

    Also, a small parcel of land somewhere in Europe which is to be named Freedonia, and shall be overseen by Rufus T. Firefly.

    And one more, if it's not too much trouble: San Rafael, CA

    I shall oversee my far-reaching empire from my orbiting death ray. (I bought orbiting rights from the big-hatted guy. Had to get credit from the storekeeper.)

    In recompense for this lengthy request, I shall build a monument in your honor, The Apenpaaparthenon.
  • edited September 2010
    apenpaap wrote: »
    You already have Tokio and New England. What would you do if I gave you the rest of the East Coast?

    I would make Tokyo and D.C. two parts of a huge Telltale theme park. The only way between parks is by Telltale-themed planes.
  • edited September 2010
    apenpaap wrote: »
    Hehehe, guess Svalbard really cooled you down, eh? Okay, the state of Istanbul and the city-state of Kentucky are yours. I want Svalbard back, though. It'll be a great place to send other people who threaten to rise up against me.

    You can have it. I can't even spell the name. Thou shall not rule unless ye spell.

    I rename the newly united lands of Istanbul and Kentucky; Kenstantinople: Land of pirated copies of Windows 7 served with coleslaw. Or just Kenstantinople. I might use that long line for our new anthem.
  • edited September 2010
    Did anyone call Transylvania and or the surrounding regions, if not I'll take them.
  • edited September 2010
    apenpaap wrote: »
    No can do. Capitalization is very important. It makes the difference between "I had to help my uncle Jack off a horse yesterday." and "i had to help my uncle jack off a horse yesterday." Such differences could prove disastrous (And not in a good and/or funny way) in the hands of a head of state. And even if you did capitalize, India is way too populous.

    I can do better. How about this "Can i have India?"
  • edited September 2010
    seibert999 wrote: »
    I can do better. How about this "Can i have India?"

    I like the way you still resist capitalizing when you address yourself.

    I think the real reason why you couldn't get the land is because it's simply too populated. It would be unfair.
  • edited September 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    I like the way you still resist capitalizing when you address yourself.

    I think the real reason why you couldn't get the land is because it's simply too populated. It would be unfair.

    One man got all of Canada and part of the United States
  • edited September 2010
    seibert999 wrote: »
    One man got all of Canada and part of the United States

    But it's only Canada.
  • edited September 2010
    Can I have Madagacar?
  • edited September 2010
    seibert999 wrote: »
    One man got all of Canada and part of the United States

    The first post states rules, and the rules say "no more than 50 million people". Canada has like 30 million, while India has what, a billion?
    It's divided not by size but population, so you'll have to take that into account.
  • edited September 2010
    Can I request an addition?

    If so, I would like the Isle of Ewe. Just because of the name. :D
    The Isle of Ewe is in the Carribbean, so you can't have it, as it's mine.
    Klatuu wrote: »

    I have a few small requests...

    Madagascar used to be a pirate haven, so I'll request that since the Caribbean has been taken.

    And, in a complete twist, I'd also like to request Hawaii, which I shall rename Ninjamaica, as a haven for ninjas.

    Also, a small parcel of land somewhere in Europe which is to be named Freedonia, and shall be overseen by Rufus T. Firefly.

    And one more, if it's not too much trouble: San Rafael, CA

    I shall oversee my far-reaching empire from my orbiting death ray. (I bought orbiting rights from the big-hatted guy. Had to get credit from the storekeeper.)

    In recompense for this lengthy request, I shall build a monument in your honor, The Apenpaaparthenon.
    I'll consider it. I'm too lazy to make a new map now anyway, so I have some time to think about it.
    I would make Tokyo and D.C. two parts of a huge Telltale theme park. The only way between parks is by Telltale-themed planes.
    You already have the technological capital of the world, and will thus receive millions of geek pilgrims. Your empire is large enough.
    Icedhope wrote: »
    Did anyone call Transylvania and or the surrounding regions, if not I'll take them.
    Silverwolfpet took all of Romania.
    seibert999 wrote: »
    I can do better. How about this "Can i have India?"
    No. It's too populous.
    seibert999 wrote: »
    One man got all of Canada and part of the United States
    Yeah, but there are living like 30 Canadians and 20 Rednecks in the area I gave him, while even giving you a single Indian train would be over the 50 million people limit.
    seibert999 wrote: »
    Can I have Madagacar?

    Klatuu asked for it first, and he's going to build a monument in my honour.
  • edited September 2010
    why are you
  • edited September 2010
    He can not take all of Romania, well I'll just PM him, and see about that...I at least want Dracula's Castle.
  • edited September 2010
    Well!! We're four pages in guys! I guess there's no hope in calling Ire...

    oh, nobody asked for it... I guess i'll take it then....

    Also Swaziland, cos I wanna be the dick who asks for a country that I think you mightn't have heard of
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