I don't think you missed out on it. For some reason when I type www.backtothefuturegame.com/offer into my address bar and press enter, it works, but when I click a link to it, it goes to the regular site.
Origami, did you pre-order the game ? Because BTTF at 8.95$, it's just the episode 1. With the coupon you have it for free but Puzzle Agent is given only if you preorder the whole season at 24.95$ and not just the free episode.
If what you say is true, than everything is clear.
But then why did Telltale set it up in a way that when you want to redeem your coupon to preorder BttF episode 1 for free, that also Puzzle Agent is put in your cart?
I may not be qualified to answer this but I believe that is the dollar donated to the MJF foundation.
Owh I see. But the dollar wasn't really what confused me though. I would've payed that dollar anyway, even if I don't know what its accounted for.
I just didn't know how the coupon worked. As the BTTF is already 0,00 in the Item Total section. So I thought the GIGAWATTS code is a 10 dollar discount and thus should make this purchase 1 dollar since the BTTF was already 0,00.
Yeah, that was my question after ordering the free episode... two seconds later, 24.95$ was missing from my account (and seriously, I don't miss them. Plus, Puzzle Agent is great).
Telltale and mates, I've just registered at this forum and I'd like to get the free episode with the '121GIGAWATTS', is it legal?
If I get this free episode, will I be able to buy the others without any problems?
Sorry if this question was done already, I couldn't find the answer for this searching the forum.
Thanks and greetings!
Telltale and mates, I've just registered at this forum and I'd like to get the free episode with the '121GIGAWATTS', is it legal?
If I get this free episode, will I be able to buy the others without any problems?
Sorry if this question was done already, I couldn't find the answer for this searching the forum.
Thanks and greetings!
The most popular thread which you could have found is aptly named "free episode not available before February". Oh, wait, that title also answers your question. What a coinkidink!
Wait does it have to be delivered to me, or is there a way to directly download it and then input it. Or do I download it from a third party and then imput the code? Can I do that?
Wait never mind, I asked this question when it asked me for my billing address. Lets me download it for FREE!!! SWEET! Why the hell didn't they advertise this on their site!!!!?
It's the same for me, so don't worry.
The offer is not working correctly right now, we should have it fixed in the morning.
Edit: Seems to work just fine, yeah.
If "Item Total" says $8.95, enter the coupon code 121GIGAWATTS in the "Got a Coupon Code? Enter it here:" slot.
It says:
BTTF: 8.95 0.00
Puzzle Agent 9.95 9.95
Discount applied -8.95
Total in your cart 9.95
But shouldn't it be 1.00?
I mean, the Item totals is 9.95 minus the coupon should be 1.00 right?
Sorry for being such a cheapskate. If it turns out I have to pay for 9.95 for Puzzle Agent I will. =D
I may not be qualified to answer this but I believe that is the dollar donated to the MJF foundation.
If what you say is true, than everything is clear.
But then why did Telltale set it up in a way that when you want to redeem your coupon to preorder BttF episode 1 for free, that also Puzzle Agent is put in your cart?
Owh I see. But the dollar wasn't really what confused me though. I would've payed that dollar anyway, even if I don't know what its accounted for.
I just didn't know how the coupon worked. As the BTTF is already 0,00 in the Item Total section. So I thought the GIGAWATTS code is a 10 dollar discount and thus should make this purchase 1 dollar since the BTTF was already 0,00.
But as Amy Lukima said ten post above
That explains everything then.
Okay, I'll purchase Puzzle Agent the regular way then.....or should I consider preordering the whole BttF season...hmmm
You don't get Puzzle Agent for free when getting the free episode, the offer only applies when you purchase the full season.
I hope the free episode really gets sales up.
If I get this free episode, will I be able to buy the others without any problems?
Sorry if this question was done already, I couldn't find the answer for this searching the forum.
Thanks and greetings!
The most popular thread which you could have found is aptly named "free episode not available before February". Oh, wait, that title also answers your question. What a coinkidink!
They're gonna come out at the same time as Episode 2. You mark my words. That's exactly what's going to happen.
Seriously posting a link to a pirated version of Episode 1 on THESE forums? :mad: Prepare to meet the banhammer.
Good work