Give Michael J Fox One Episode!

edited June 2011 in Back to the Future
Please give M J Fox one episode as a supporting character

He can play himself as a older MJ Fox.

This isn't a demand thread, it's a support thread. I think he can do some voice acting for one episode.

No hating, arguing, please. This thread is just a dream idea thread.

Please give him a cameo!
You could easily make everyone happy with just like 5-6 words of dialog. Or 2 sentences to one paragraph. easily.


  • edited October 2010
    I second the idea. Give him at least a few lines in one episode.
  • edited October 2010
    You really think it was TellTales' choice ?

    They tried to get him, because of his condition, he couldn't do it.

    He allowed them to use his likeness, that's already saying much, he trusts them. If he could do it he already would. He can't, get over it.
  • edited October 2010
    Strayth wrote: »
    You really think it was TellTales' choice ?

    They tried to get him, because of his condition, he couldn't do it.

    He allowed them to use his likeness, that's already saying much, he trusts them. If he could do it he already would. He can't, get over it.

    I said no hating. No I don't think it's their choice. But I think they could offer him a few lines in a episode and he could take them.

    There's no official word that he can't do a few lines, and even that he won't play a future version of the character. No hating, go hate some place else. This is a dream idea thread.

    Honestly even without his condition which isn't the official reason,though it's likely, his voice has changed, his voice has matured. But I think he could do a few sentences of dialog as a older, mature Marty, in a cameo.

    This game is only going to happen once, this is the last time BTTF will do anything like this. If he can do a few lines then I think he should. He may have rejected a full role but I feel that a cameo is not out of the question.
  • edited October 2010
    doodo! wrote: »
    Please give M J Fox one episode as a main supporting character

    He CAN play himself as a older MJ Fox.

    Eh.. I think we're good. If we don't got him for one, we just don't got him for all.
  • edited October 2010
    doodo! wrote: »
    I said no hating. No I don't think it's their choice. But I think they could offer him a few lines in a episode and he could take them.

    There's no official word that he can't do a few lines, and even that he won't play a future version of the character. No hating, go hate some place else. This is a dream idea thread.

    Honestly even without his condition which isn't the official reason,though it's likely, his voice has changed, his voice has matured. But I think he could do a few sentences of dialog as a older, mature Marty, in a cameo.

    I don't think there was any hate in it.

    Have you seen the presentation of the 25th anniversary edition with MJF in it?
    I sadly doubt MJF would be able to do even a small role.

    I really hope they will find one day a cure or better medication for Parkinson's.
  • edited October 2010
    I think he was just fine in his recent LetterMan interview that I posted which was like yesterday.
    Giant Tope wrote: »
    Eh.. I think we're good. If we don't got him for one, we just don't got him for all.

    ?? I don't get it.
    But this isn't going to happen again and if he can do a few lines then I am completely on board for him. I understand he turned down a younger role of himself, that's a hurdle to begin with, alone.
    His voice has changed.

    But if he could voice a few parts of himself as a older, mature Marty then by all means let him have one, please.

    This won't happen again. As it stands now, it looks like we already don't got him for all. It would be nice to have him for a few lines.
  • edited October 2010
    he also doesnt look THAT bad in the "tales from the future" documentary. he moves and talks a little bit weird, but thats it.

    A few sentences should be possible, shouldn't be a problem.

    and he also did this reunite-thing with giving interview, photoshooting and stuff, so its not that he cant do anything at all cause of his disease.
  • edited October 2010
    doodo! wrote: »
    I think he was just fine in his recent LetterMan interview that I posted which was like yesterday.

    I saws that too. I actually thought it was quite taxing to him.
    Hid did very well considering the circumstances, but he cleary had some trouble.

    I would have liked him doing a small cameo, but voice acting is also quite tough enough.

    I have a huge respect for him and the work he does and can only wish him the best.
  • edited October 2010
    Elmo wrote: »
    I saws that too. I actually thought it was quite taxing to him.
    Hid did very well considering the circumstances, but he cleary had some trouble.

    I would have liked him doing a small cameo, but voice acting is also quite tough enough.

    I have a huge respect for him and the work he does and can only wish him the best.

    He's been pretty active lately though, he's been doing a few interviews. I don't have the disorder, I can't directly relate, but if he can do it then I'd really enjoy just a few lines.

    He does things, even though there is cleary trouble, and he pulls them off. He is a tough guy. If he would enjoy doing a few lines, could do a few, I think it would totally be worth it for the 25th Anniversary and for every one involved. Just a few lines would be superb.

    I only pictured a few lines, in the game, just something to make fan boys and girls smirk and light up.

    You could easily make everyone happy with just like 5-6 words of dialog. Or 2 sentences to one paragraph. easily.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited October 2010
    I swear to god, it's enough now. Enough, enough, enough.
    doodo! wrote: »
    They can get all of them. Trust me.
    doodo! wrote: »
    No MJ no pay!
    doodo! wrote:
    I bet michael j fox has already recorded his parts for this game. There's no way with the game this close to the end that they would just let things go and then on release day say by the way it's not him...
    doodo! wrote:
    Also, I'm suggesting that if they wait to tell me MJ FOX isn't in it I'm just going to be MORE disappointed than if they just come out and say it now that he can't, doesn't want to. I'm ok either way but will be disappointed if they lead me on...
    doodo! wrote:
    I'll be first to admit it's sort of childish but i will be a little sad, not because he didn't feel like doing it or couldn't but because we all love him in the role and it would just be great for everyone to have him voice marty one more time.
    doodo! wrote:
    I'm really just hoping. Though at the start of this thread I was making assumptions, but out of hope more than precision of any sort.
    doodo! wrote:
    The only reason I'd be disappointed is if they let me dream, day dream, hope, which lots of us do, then last moment say it's not him...I can handle the truth, whatever it is.
    doodo! wrote: »
    I don't care if Marty has Parkinson's or not as a older man! I want him in the game!
    doodo! wrote: »
    Oh come on any real fan would understand if it wasn't perfect. I'm sure he can handle most of it.
    doodo! wrote: »
    It just doesn't have any substance, heart, appeal to me if some random guy voices marty.
    doodo! wrote: »
    I'd like to see him involved in some way but if he can't be then I understand. I'd still really like to see him be involved in a short scene of the future or something.
    doodo! wrote: »
    I'd love if MJ Fox had just one scene where he was talking to his sound a like.
  • edited October 2010
    I swear to god, it's enough now. Enough, enough, enough.

    This is in the moment. Those are past discussions. I physically can't respond to all of those. At this moment and in the future, :p, I'd like, even if just a small role, to have MJ Fox do 2 lines or 6 words. Even if it's there just to make fans laugh and enjoy the experience more. It doesn't have to be stressful and so serious. This is a fun project! It's a anniversary too! It's meant for fans, it's meant to be fun, why not if possible have M J Fox try a few short lines? Even if it's just a small cameo I'd be in love!

    You shouldn't swear to God, taking the Lord's name in vain is a sin, don't you know?
  • edited October 2010
    doodo! wrote: »
    You could EASILY make everyone happy with just like 5-6 words of dialog. Or 2 sentences to one paragraph. EASILY.

    If MJF wants to do a cameo, I'm all up for it.

    My worry is that people start to expect and demand too much from this game.

    As I said, I'm all up for it, but I would have avoided the capital words in your initial post.
    I'm sorry to be arguing with you over this, but kind of demand it in the end TTG to be more active on this (not on purpose, but you do sadly).

    But to be honest, it wouldn't surprise me if TTG already asked MJF for a cameo as he is one of the big stars of the movie and no sane company would not try to involve him.
    We just have to wait and see.

    JAYSUS, seeing all the quotes of you from Vainamoinen, I think you actually demmand it on purpose now. So far I have only seen this thread. which was really the most harmless so far.
    Honestly, please stop now.
  • edited October 2010
    Elmo wrote: »
    If MJF wants to do a cameo, I'm all up for it.

    My worry is that people start to expect and demand too much from this game.

    As I said, I'm all up for it, but I would have avoided the capital words in your initial post.
    I'm sorry to be arguing with you over this, but kind of demand it in the end TTG to be more active on this (not on purpose, but you do sadly).

    But to be honest, it wouldn't surprise me if TTG already asked MJF for a cameo as he is one of the big stars of the movie and no sane company would not try to involve him.
    We just have to wait and see.

    No more caps. I don't think people should demand too much. I'm not trying to ask for alot myself. I'm just trying to compromise, realistically, and think this could work and really make a fun project that has fans excited even more amazing. This shouldn't be a menacing project, the team shouldn't be demeaning. I'm sure TTG has went to MJ Fox. I'm sure they are nice people who respect him in the up most. I'm sure this is a fun project and it's open to cameos. Why wouldn't they be open to cameos? ?It's for fun, it's the 25th anniversary. There shouldn't be immense stress and agitation. I highly doubt there is. A cameo is usually harmless...

    If he can do a few lines, then I think that's good enough for most to all fans. It's a compromise and I think it could really work. Even if it's just one or two lines of witty dialog. That's good enough for most fans.

    So what? I'm excited, I'm a fan. I'm not demanding anything, even if I've been forward in the past. Fans have an idea of what they want from a game, some times they get carried away. I think a cameo is a good and fun idea.
    If it's possible, I'd love to see it.
  • edited October 2010
    doodo! wrote: »
    No more caps. I don't think people should demand too much. I'm not trying to ask for alot myself. I'm just trying to compromise, realistically, and think this could work and really make a fun project that has fans excited even more amazing. This shouldn't be a menacing project, the team shouldn't be demeaning. I'm sure TTG has went to MJ Fox. I'm sure they are nice people who respect him in the up most. I'm sure this is a fun project and it's open to cameos. Why wouldn't they be open to cameos? ?It's for fun, it's the 25th anniversary.

    But if he can do a few lines, then I think that's good enough for most to all fans. It's a compromise and I think it could really work. Even if it's just one or two lines of witty dialog. That's good enough for most fans.

    So what? I'm excited, I'm a fan. I'm not demanding anything, even if I've been forward in the past. Fans have an idea of what they want from a game, some times they get carried away. I think a cameo is a good and fun idea. If it's possible, I'd love to see it.

    Dude, just relax. The first episode hasn't even been released yet. A cameo could be a surprise announcement one day or it could never happen.
    Maybe MJF simply said no. Respect the fact that not everything you want will happen.

    Just let it be. I'm pretty sure TTG got your message by now.
    The more you push this the less respect you show towards MJF and TTG.

    Anyway, I'm out of this thread.
  • edited October 2010
    I am excited for this project and if I didn't respect TTG or BTTF ( A Franchise MJ Fox is responsible for making amazing) then I wouldn't be as excited.

    Trust me, I'm very aware that everything I want wont happen. Just ask my invisible girl friend named Jenny...
  • edited October 2010
    doodo! wrote: »
    Just ask my invisible girl friend named Jenny...

    Claudia-Jenny or Elisabeth-Jenny?

    i like claudia-jenny more, but the most i like lea thompson. and she's still hot, just look at her in the "tales from the future" documentary. damn.

    edit: and claudia just looks like miss botox right now. kinda awful.
  • edited October 2010
    doodo! wrote: »
    This is in the moment. Those are past discussions. I physically can't respond to all of those. At this moment and in the future, :p, I'd like, even if just a small role, to have MJ Fox do 2 lines or 6 words. Even if it's there just to make fans laugh and enjoy the experience more. It doesn't have to be stressful and so serious. This is a fun project! It's a anniversary too! It's meant for fans, it's meant to be fun, why not if possible have M J Fox try a few short lines? Even if it's just a small cameo I'd be in love!

    You shouldn't swear to God, taking the Lord's name in vain is a sin, don't you know?

    Oh god, seriously, do give it a rest. Yes we'd all want MJ to be in the game. Yes we all wish MJ didn't have parkinsons. Yes we all wish MJ didn't name his son Blanket. But it's not going to happen, so just give it a rest. Be glad they got such a good voice actor that can mimic him well.
  • edited October 2010
    Here is the post that should end this discussion lol. =P

    What people somehow miss to realize and notice is that Parkinsons didn't just affect Michael's phsysical movement(which people are obviously convinced about that it shouldn't hinder voice recordings which I believe to still be a short assumption) but also heavily his speech. Look at any interview. Yes he can talk, yes he is easy to understand but has he ever produced a clean sentence? No, he has to stutter he hampers there is irregularity in his tone.

    To do a recording of a game which is heavy on dialogue, it's going to take him too much effort and energy to deliver the lines in a way he feels need to.
  • edited October 2010
    btw. where's the "NOO!!" in the poll?

    and as the second choice is "YES, if he can", does this mean the "YES!!!" means acutally"YES!! even if he cant do it, i dont care, fu u all" ??
  • edited October 2010
    Cyphox wrote: »
    btw. where's the "NOO!!" in the poll?

    and as the second choice is "YES, if he can", does this mean the "YES!!!" means acutally"YES!! even if he cant do it, i dont care, fu u all" ??

    I believe no is classified as hatin'.
  • edited October 2010
    I think in a different direction.

    Probably like it was already stated the voice acting is not going to happen due to his condition.


    He should be involved with the game somehow, it doesn't matter in what way.
    Maybe 1 picture of him holding the gamecover thats included in the game.
    Or maybe that he tries to play the game or someone plays it for him.
    A small message from him in any kind of form. Written or spoken or drawed.

    I think the fact is more about getting him involved in whatever way possible.
    For me it wouldn't feel right if he's completely left out of the game when it comes to involvement of this game.

    Anyone agrees with me on this one perhaps?

    and btw this counts for all the BTTF Actors.
  • CathalOHaraCathalOHara Moderator
    edited October 2010
    It would be great to see him act in some form again. He done a great job on Scrubs despite his Parkinson's disease.

    And I agree with Trackah123, he should try and do something to get involved. I'm sure Michael would want to as well!
  • edited October 2010
    You realize Universal has absolutely NO rights to use his likeness if he doesn't agree.

    So the fact that Telltales can use it is actually a sign of MJ Fox's involvment. He won't do much more, but it's already enough ! He knew there were gonna do justice to the franchise, and let them use his likeness.
  • edited October 2010
    Yeah maybe you're right about that one. It's probably all been discussed behind the scenes i guess.
  • edited October 2010
    Why is there a tag called 'michael jackson'
  • edited October 2010
    cause there are more idiots out there than you ever can count.
  • edited October 2010
    Michael could play "Old Marty" :D Just a cameo. A line or two. He could do it from his house with a normal microphone! We don't need super audio quality in this case!
  • edited October 2010
    Michael could play "Old Marty" :D Just a cameo. A line or two. He could do it from his house with a normal microphone! We don't need super audio quality in this case!

    I still completely agree.
    Origami wrote: »
    Here is the post that should end this discussion lol. =P

    What people somehow miss to realize and notice is that Parkinsons didn't just affect Michael's phsysical movement(which people are obviously convinced about that it shouldn't hinder voice recordings which I believe to still be a short assumption) but also heavily his speech. Look at any interview. Yes he can talk, yes he is easy to understand but has he ever produced a clean sentence? No, he has to stutter he hampers there is irregularity in his tone.

    To do a recording of a game which is heavy on dialogue, it's going to take him too much effort and energy to deliver the lines in a way he feels need to.

    I'm talking a few lines. I'm not talking a major part. No one, especially myself is suggesting it would be heavy on dialogue. I still think he could handle a few lines, and it just might end up happening. It would be a lot of fun if he had a cameo and if he thinks he could do it then he should definitely be offered one and given the chance. Even if it's just a few light lines as I've implied several times over it would really be enough for fans like myself who wish that he could play some part in the game. Even if its a small part, it's enough. Even if it's just one little segment, scene.

    He can talk, and I disagree that he's not clean to the point where it's not worth hearing or recording for the fans. It is clear enough. Even when he did his movie career, he had that pause and stammer thing going on. He's always had that before people even knew he had a illness. Now that he's open about it, every little mistake he makes in speech, which none of us are speaking off scripts usually in interviews...every little mistake or slur is automatically his illness in so many people's eyes...He does struggle. No one's perfect. No one is going to sound perfect in a interview. Or even a recording...

    I don't mind if he has to say just a few words. I have faith that if he can full interviews and do them fairly well that he can handle a small cameo in a video game. If he can that would be great. This is a dream idea thread.

    I still stand by that if he would like to try for a cameo, thinks it could work, then he definitely should be offered it. I still stand by a few words to a sentence is enough.
    Elvenmonk wrote: »
    Oh god, seriously, do give it a rest. Yes we'd all want MJ to be in the game. Yes we all wish MJ didn't have parkinsons. Yes we all wish MJ didn't name his son Blanket. But it's not going to happen, so just give it a rest. Be glad they got such a good voice actor that can mimic him well.

    See, it's people like you who make life miserable for the rest of us. Yes, he has a illness and lives as full a life as he can. This is a fun project, there shouldn't be high levels of stress here. I am glad they got a good voice actor to mimic him well. That doesn't mean that MJ FOX shouldn't or cant play a small cameo for fun and for the fans...
    Strayth wrote: »
    You realize Universal has absolutely NO rights to use his likeness if he doesn't agree.

    So the fact that Telltales can use it is actually a sign of MJ Fox's involvment. He won't do much more, but it's already enough ! He knew there were gonna do justice to the franchise, and let them use his likeness.

    Another rain cloud on a sunny day...

    It's understandable he would agree to let some one else voice a younger version of him if he feels unable and unable to do such a large role but you gotta be a downer or something to go against the idea of a small fun cameo that MJ Fox could do...that or you just don't get it...
  • edited October 2010
    He can talk, and I disagree that he's not clean to the point where it's not worth hearing or recording for the fans. It is clear enough.

    Please don't go twisting what I say. In no way wouldn't I welcome M.J Fox's voice in this game regardless of the way the lines are performed.
    It is clear enough. Even when he did his movie career, he had that pause and stammer thing going on. He's always had that before people even knew he had a illness.

    You do know he has the illness since 1991 right? Except for BttF, most of his known work and interviews were done post-91
    Now that he's open about it, every little mistake he makes in speech, which none of us are speaking off scripts usually in interviews...every little mistake or slur is automatically his illness in so many people's eyes...

    Yes people account it to the disease simply because he DIDN'T talk like that in old interviews when he didn't yet have Parkinson. It's simple to conclude then that Parkinson heavily affected his speech.
    He does struggle. No one's perfect. No one is going to sound perfect in a interview. Or even a recording...
    I didn't say you have to be perfect. But he obviously struggles more than the average interviewed person.

    And besides the whole speech. I bet Parkinson just sucks the energy out of one. Plus the effect of the medication he takes. Look, there is an obvious reason why Michael J. Fox became less and less active in Hollywood with every passing year.
    It's understandable he would agree to let some one else voice a younger version of him if he feels unable and unable to do such a large role but you gotta be a downer or something to go against the idea of a small fun cameo that MJ Fox could do...that or you just don't get it...

    Nobody is against it and everybody wants it as bad as you. But, unlike you, a lot of people have accepted it and just appreciate the fact that at least there is a BttF game and TellTale was able to find someone who sounds just like M.J Fox. And who knows....maybe there is a cameo in store.
  • edited October 2010
    Origami wrote: »
    Please don't twist what I say. I in no way wouldn't welcome M.J Fox's voice in this game regardless of the way the lines are performed.

    Well, that's all I'm saying. And I honestly think most people would feel and react the same. All I hope for is a cameo with a few lines. Nothing too lengthy or involved is necessary. Just a few clever, witty lines of humor or a few brainy words.

    I really think people feel the same way as you do about his performance. And I think they should to be honest. This is a fun project, it's a sequel ,and a 25th anniversary for fans.

    He doesn't even need to act it out dramatically, but if he can do what he did in Rescue Me as of last year then I don't think there's a problem there.

    All I'm trying to figure out here is if most people are on board with him saying just a few words, a small cameo. I honestly think most people would be good with it.
  • edited October 2010
    doodo! wrote: »
    I really think people feel the same way as you do about his performance. And I think they should to be honest. This is a fun project, it's a sequel ,and a 25th anniversary for fans.

    What are you insinuating? That I wouldn't want M.J Fox in the game?

    All I'm trying to figure out here is if most people are on board with him saying just a few words, a small cameo. I honestly think most people would be good with it.

    I think you should read the topic again and see how many 'I dont want it's you can find. People just explain the likeliness of it happening.

    Really....if I'd known better I would almost call you a troll. How can you say people wouldn't want M.J Fox in the game. >=(
  • edited October 2010
    I really don't want to focus my energy on "us". What I'm insinuating is that most people would love to have MJ Fox voice something in the game, even if it was small and even if it wasn't completely clear. Most people would love a small cameo, that's how I personally feel. That's what I'm after.

    I don't get the problem, likeliness, I mean really it's a small cameo I personally have in mind, which I think is most likely and very possible to happen.
    Just a few words, or lines. I know he may struggle, probably would but i think most people would feel the same way you do about his performance, they'd want to hear it regardless and would enjoy it.

    Really he is clear enough for a recording of a few lines.

    "Well, I figured, what the hell."

    He does fine in interviews and I think it would definitely be worth it to the fans if they just had a small cameo.
  • edited October 2010
    Okay, I understand your understanding that a small cameo could have been done.

    But who knows....there could be plenty of reasons. Maybe TellTale didn't ask M.J. Fox for a cameo? Maybe M.J. Fox DOES have a cameo in the end product?
  • edited October 2010
    Origami wrote: »
    Okay, I understand your understanding that a small cameo could have been done.

    But who knows....there could be plenty of reasons. Maybe TellTale didn't ask M.J. Fox for a cameo? Maybe M.J. Fox DOES have a cameo in the end product?

    Yeah, time will tell. :p

    But I think people are perfectly fine with the idea of him doing one.
  • edited October 2010
    Maybe it will be like they did with Earl Boen, only slightly different. Have the entire game and, before releasing it to the DVD, insert a quick cameo.

    By the way, as far as I understood from the latest interview with Dan Connors, they actually talked to him but he's too busy at the moment.
  • edited October 2010
    It'd be nice if he voiced the final line in the series.
  • edited October 2010
    It'd be nice if he voiced the final line in the series.

    That might be cool and they could sneak it in, surprise every one. Maybe he could say something at the very end, as he's in the present. Or future present. He could say something about the movies and game mythology and leave us thinking.

    Though I completely don't mind if it's sooner. Anything, any way they could appropriately get him involved with a few lines would be completely awesome for the fans.
  • edited October 2010
    We have 5 months, and a lot can happen in those months. Yes, the voices are recorded some time before, and I guess not all lines are used, but that doesn't mean Michael wouldn't find time to do a small role quickly if he agrees to it. So, chill, as Doc said "your future hasn't been written yet!".
  • edited October 2010
    Why is everyone telling me to relax? I'm excited about this project and want to contribute a conversation. I don't want to relax, I think it's fair to be excited that TTG is making a BTTF game. And I'm just having fun, I think it's a fun idea, also simply, a good idea.

    I like to see the positive out look. I think it's fun.

    I'm not here to be outlandish and I appreciate how others can relate to what I'd love to see out of this project. I think it's a very fun idea that is worth supporting, pursuing for a project like this one.

    And, I don't feel like I'm overly hyped up to the point where I'm not allowing anything fun or interesting to be said about this project. I think it's a fun idea and a cameo is totally possible.

    I really like some of the suggestions others have made , I personally think we should all have a exciting, inspired, ideas with this project and especially on the forums.

    I would love to see him voice just a few words to a few lines.
  • edited October 2010
    Doodo!, you are the bane of the Telltale Forums existence and always have been. All you do is rile people up and then feel like people are attacking you. You demand things and then get personally offended when people try to explain to you why they won't happen. Just relax. Telltale is doing everything they can to make this game amazing for all of us. I doubt anyone would actually not want Fox in the game at all. Yet when people say "It's not likely that he'll be able to do it" you take it as "I DON'T WANT HIM TO DO IT!" when that is clearly not what they're saying.
This discussion has been closed.