Give Michael J Fox One Episode!



  • edited October 2010
    plrichard wrote: »
    Doodo!, you are the bane of the Telltale Forums existence and always have been. All you do is rile people up and then feel like people are attacking you. You demand things and then get personally offended when people try to explain to you why they won't happen. Just relax. Telltale is doing everything they can to make this game amazing for all of us. I doubt anyone would actually not want Fox in the game at all. Yet when people say "It's not likely that he'll be able to do it" you take it as "I DON'T WANT HIM TO DO IT!" when that is clearly not what they're saying.
    That was immature.

    No, you're wrong. I'm not trying to rile any one up in here. I think I've tried to reason with people at most. Just like I'm reasoning with you. To be honest I think what you've said and reasoned is sort of contrived. Especially the part where you tell me beyond any doubts how I think.

    I'm not demanding anything. LOL, Have him voice a few parts or I'll kill your dog! :mad:

    How many times have I said I liked the idea, loved it. I never demanded anything.

    No, I don't take it as they don't want him to do it. I honestly take it as they don't think he can do it. I truly believe he can do a few lines, a cameo. I don't think I know he can. I think positively that he might be able to do it. I'd like to see him do a few words to a few lines. That would be awesome.

    There's no official paper work here where Im demanding anything from TTG, haha. I don't slave drive any one at the company. But I'm the CEO :p
    That's right, I'm the boss. This is just a forum post after all...just like the last 2000...:D

    If you have personal issues with me then maybe you should start another thread or report me for being such a bane but let's keep this clean. Thanks.

    I honestly think all of you telling me to relax need to relax. This is really starting to feel like that airplane scene from Anger Management. And moving on...
  • edited October 2010
    The thing is, no matter how much we want or don't want Michael J Fox in for whatever reason.
    In the end it all depends on Telltale games/Bob Gale/Universal Pictures, they decide everything.

    So best thing is to ask them :)
  • edited October 2010
    Trackah123 wrote: »
    The thing is, no matter how much we want or don't want Michael J Fox in for whatever reason.
    In the end it all depends on Telltale games/Bob Gale/Universal Pictures, they decide everything.

    So best thing is to ask them :)

    I agree.But I'm having my fun here and I believe in the idea and love the idea that he could do a few words to a few sentences of dialog. That may make me come across like I have demands like I have TNT strapped across my body and I'm standing outside the TTG head quarters but I promise everyone it's a lot less malicious and demeaning than that...

    I don't see why anyone wants me to stop from having my fun. It's not like I have any power here. I'm just a excited fan who may have used a few words incorrectly and now a few people have the wrong idea about the intent of this thread which was meant to be a dream idea thread and for fun.

    I'd like to see him voice a few lines or sentences, that's the idea of this thread. That's the idea of the poll if you'd like to see that. Ultimately you're right it's not our choices that make that happen or don't. If it doesn't happen,tough for us lol.

    I still like the idea.

    I do feel that regardless TTG will do a great job. LOL.But as a excited fan boy I have went out of my way enough to create this thread. Maybe it is a little carried away but that's being excited for you.

    I still like the idea.

    I'm still very excited for the intended TTG end result, regardless. This is a dream thread.
  • edited October 2010
    You've been doing the same crap as this ever since you've joined the forums. And I don't think you want to call anyone immature on these forums, based on some of the threads you've created in the past.
  • edited October 2010
    I'd like to see him voice a few lines or sentences, that's the idea of this thread. That's the idea of the poll if you'd like to see that. Ultimately you're right it's not our choices that make that happen or don't. If it doesn't happen,tough for us lol.

    It's not up to TellTales neither.

    If they could they would.

    And who wouldn't want MJ Fox to be part of the game ?

    "Hey guys ololol do you want Harrisson Ford in the next Indiana Jones ?" It's as silly.

    We just all understand that he won't be available for the game, because of many reasons, the most important one being his condition.

    So your thread is completely pointless.

    Moreover, Do you realize just how lame your poll is ?
  • edited October 2010
    plrichard wrote: »
    You've been doing the same crap as this ever since you've joined the forums. And I don't think you want to call anyone immature on these forums, based on some of the threads you've created in the past.

    Relax, don't get so riled up. I'm not trying to rile you up. You can get angry and be all forward with me but let's be realistic fighting each other isn't mature.

    Strayth, same goes for you, since you're asking me.

    There are no official reasons why he isn't doing voice work. There is no official statement that he can't or won't do a cameo.

    Indiana Jones is different. Indy does not time travel in a animated world allowing for a small cameo role for himself. It's entirely a different story to re use an actor in live action than it is animation for a cameo. Anyways Indiana Jones is a live action character and he's physically able to do the role and a character that more appropriately can be written to age.

    If they made a Indiana Jones, recast-ed, the least I'd hope for is a cameo with Harrison Ford in a remake or something of that variety.

    Though, take Star Trek with time travel and spock as a example why it works much better if you have that opportunity of time travel.
  • edited October 2010
    Was Michael J Fox ever considered or was that completely unrealistic?

    He was considered but he is very busy (moreso than Christopher Lloyd) and our schedule is five episodes so I think it was just a little too ambitious to be able to pull that off.

    I'd consider that an official statement.
  • edited October 2010
    That says nothing against the actual thread, a cameo...

    It says nothing about his illness either.

  • edited October 2010
    Tell you what. Come back around August of 2011 and you should have your answer.
  • edited October 2010
    Doodo will never listen to other people's views.

    I don't know the guy, I assume its a guy? These days you can't tell.

    I'm a good judge of character and have come to the conclusion (from this thread) that Doodo hates to be wrong or, when he gets an idea in his head, he has to be right, no other views matter..... Ironic really considering this is a forum, peoples views will be different.

    The poll is useless really, its yes, or, er, yes..... Biased or what.
  • edited October 2010
    PedsterUK wrote: »
    Doodo will never listen to other people's views.

    I don't know the guy, I assume its a guy? These days you can't tell.

    I'm a good judge of character and have come to the conclusion (from this thread) that Doodo hates to be wrong or, when he gets an idea in his head, he has to be right, no other views matter..... Ironic really considering this is a forum, peoples views will be different.

    The poll is useless really, its yes, or, er, yes..... Biased or what.

    Yeah well people who think they figure some one out they don't know, usually have a ego complex of their own.

    I am a guy. I'm not trying to be right or wrong. LOL. I'd like to see MJ Fox voice a few parts. What's there to be right or wrong about that?

    What does this have to do with other views? The most of you aren't even on topic! If you want to talk about the topic be my guests...this is about the idea of him doing a small cameo. I like the idea.

    I don't know you, I'm not going to judge you or pretend I can read you.

    But if you want to play 20 guesses about me I'll watch you fail miserably.

    The poll is meant to be fun. If you don't think it would be cool if he voiced a small part, and you don't like the idea then you don't have to vote, so there is no vote for you...It's just a fun poll, it's not for debate. It's to see how many people like the idea. That's it...

    Don't like it? Then throw a fit and argue with me in my thread, that's fine but please remember to spare everyone else from it at some point in your life.
  • edited October 2010
    OK guys, deep breaths. No more snipping at each other please.
  • edited October 2010
    Originally Posted by Dan Connors
    Was Michael J Fox ever considered or was that completely unrealistic?

    He was considered but he is very busy (moreso than Christopher Lloyd) and our schedule is five episodes so I think it was just a little too ambitious to be able to pull that off.

    I am kinda surprised that he is more busy then Christopher Lloyd considering his condition tho.

    Then again the word "busy" is a widespread meaning. Busy with acting? Busy with his personal life?

    But yeah basically this is the answer then i guess.
    Even when i would still like to see any kind of involvement from Michael J Fox in this game.
  • edited October 2010
    The poll is meant to be fun. If you don't think it would be cool if he voiced a small part, and you don't like the idea then you don't have to vote, so there is no vote for you...It's just a fun poll, it's not for debate. It's to see how many people like the idea. That's it...

    But that's why it's so pointless. It's like asking: "Would you want this game to be good?"
    But let me add to that, I don't mind such a poll. It's nice to see you being so excited about it. Here is my advice to you though:

    In your debate you keep pretending as if everyone is saying they don't want MJ in the game. I have already told you this, we're all on the same fence as you. Every single person here would like to see M.J Fox in the feature role or do a cameo.
  • edited October 2010
    The poll is meant to be fun.

    *Stares at you*

    o_o ...

    Hu hu.

    * That was the Sheldon Cooper *
  • edited October 2010
    Another Big Bang Theory fan. Cool ^^
  • edited October 2010
    doodo! wrote: »
    See, it's people like you who make life miserable for the rest of us. Yes, he has a illness and lives as full a life as he can. This is a fun project, there shouldn't be high levels of stress here. I am glad they got a good voice actor to mimic him well. That doesn't mean that MJ FOX shouldn't or cant play a small cameo for fun and for the fans...

    How do I make life miseravle for you? The fact I'm perfectly content with a perfect sound alike? The fact that I said in a perfect world we'd have him be able to do it?
    Also, it's pretty sad if you're life is miserable for one person to not do voice acting for a game, even though there's a perfect sound a like.
    I'd go as far to say you're the one who makes life miserable for the rest of us because you refuse to drop subjects and keep complaining about something that can't/wont change/happen. Just let it be. Learn to be content with what you have and don't be greedy. It just makes you look like an ass (as ironically as using that statment just made me look like an ass) with how selfish/greedy you sound over this.
    You're also the type of person who would knit-pick something as little as Marty not wearing his orange vest. Yes, I know it's iconic, but perhaps this game takes place during the summer, why would you need the coat during the summer? Or he out grew it, could be a year later and he decided to get a new coat because that one got ripped or whatever. Me? I'd be fine with either of the changes as they don't change what Back to the Future was about.

    Also are you kidding? Have you ever tried making a game? It's pretty stressful and demanding, even for something as simple as voice acting.*

    *Not bad talking voice acting, but most people think it's easy when it's not.
  • edited October 2010
    You're also the type of person who would knit-pick something as little as Marty not wearing his orange vest. Yes, I know it's iconic, but perhaps this game takes place during the summer, why would you need the coat during the summer? Or he out grew it, could be a year later and he decided to get a new coat because that one got ripped or whatever. Me? I'd be fine with either of the changes as they don't change what Back to the Future was about.

    No! You crossed a line there! >=(
    Marty should not get rid of the orange vest!!!
  • edited October 2010
    Stop the fighting, stop the picking on or I'm going to close this thread, Kapesh?
  • edited October 2010
    Origami wrote: »
    No! You crossed a line there! >=(
    Marty should not get rid of the orange vest!!!

    Not sure if I see what you did there.
  • edited October 2010
    the orange west is actually red.

    im sick of reading this thread, its not about doodo!, its about the possibility of mjf doing a few lines (JUST A FEW LINES) for the game.
  • edited October 2010
    Icedhope wrote: »
    Stop the fighting, stop the picking on or I'm going to close this thread, Kapesh?
    Please do, or even edit the poll answers to be more open, like:

    No, we know he is busy;
    Maybe, theres 5 months for the season, a lot can happen between then; < my answer.
  • edited November 2010
    Please get the thread back on track or I will close the thread and temp ban those responsible. Thanks.
  • edited November 2010
    Trackah123 wrote: »
    I think in a different direction.

    Probably like it was already stated the voice acting is not going to happen due to his condition.


    He should be involved with the game somehow, it doesn't matter in what way.
    Maybe 1 picture of him holding the gamecover thats included in the game.
    Or maybe that he tries to play the game or someone plays it for him.
    A small message from him in any kind of form. Written or spoken or drawed.

    I think the fact is more about getting him involved in whatever way possible.
    For me it wouldn't feel right if he's completely left out of the game when it comes to involvement of this game.

    Anyone agrees with me on this one perhaps?

    and btw this counts for all the BTTF Actors.

    I missed this one with all the excitement. :p

    Sure, that could be kind of cool if they thought of something really clever and creative. His voice obviously is pretty inescapable, esp now at his age. But if they could use a photo cleverly and meaningfully, then that could definitely work. It would have to be for this project some how.

    I don't think there's any official word that he isn't voice acting any parts because of his condition. There is a official link in this thread that says because he's too busy. But that's not really the topic as much as it is conditions that we have no real say or part in. If he can or can't do it, that's up to him and others, it's not really the topic, it's conditions we have no real say or part in.:)

    I don't want to get abstract, I'd prefer to stand by the cameo option, but if he had to do something else I guess it could work, if they were creative enough and meaningful enough with the process and intent behind the idea.
  • edited November 2010
    Even if this wouldn't all work and he would be left out entirely then he still deserves a free copy of all 5 episodes of the BTTF games i think :)
  • edited November 2010
    Trackah123 wrote: »
    Even if this wouldn't all work and he would be left out entirely then he still deserves a free copy of all 5 episodes of the BTTF games i think :)

    :p Aren't they paying him already though?

    I just think this is a fun project and a opportunity to get him involved. I don't think there will be too many people who would complain if he does a small cameo. Even though it's assumed he physically can't I think no matter how we preformed in a small cameo would be good enough for everyone.

    We've seen him in recent interviews and in sitcoms and I think he could handle a few words to a few sentences easily. But that's just me being positive and if you would, dreaming.

    If he can or can't isn't really up to us, and I don't think we can really decide or truly assume, lecture either way. The only official news so far is that he was very busy.

    But he's his own man, and lives his own life. But I'd love to see it and that's the point of the thread.

    I don't think TTG is going to owe him anything if he can't or doesn't choose to do it. LOL This is for fun...and lots of money.

    LOL, but for fun for me, and hopefully those involved and true fans.
  • edited November 2010
    True true, but i think its more a sign of kindness/respect from TellTale/Universal/Bob Gale etc towards Michael J Fox to give him the episodes :)

    In this case it would not be about owing something to someone, but just pure kindness :)

    In fact all the BTTF actors that want it should have free copies of it :D
  • edited November 2010
    Trackah123 wrote: »
    True true, but i think its more a sign of kindness/respect from TellTale/Universal/Bob Gale etc towards Michael J Fox to give him the episodes :)

    In this case it would not be about owing something to someone, but just pure kindness :)

    In fact all the BTTF actors that want it should have free copies of it :D

    Maybe, I don't know if it works that way lol but it would definitely be kind. :D I like the idea!

    But I don't know if they'd do it, lol.
  • edited November 2010
    I wonder if M.J Fox's son is looking forward to this. =)
  • edited November 2010
    Is he usually supportive of these sort of things? I don't know if his son is a fan of his father's films or not. That would be interesting to know, but if MJ Fox isn't directly involved then his son may or may not be emotionally involved with the project.

    Maybe his son knows about a secret cameo.
  • edited November 2010
    Check out the reunion!

    I'd call this very encouraging.

    Also, this is just as encouraging if not even more! AWESOME!
  • edited November 2010
    I like this interview where mr strickland even forgot the name Robert Zemeckis. instead he said Richard Zemeckis :D
  • edited November 2010

    I want to be a flux capacitating member too!!

    Hm, on topic, it's probably harder than it looks to get Michael to be ready for an interview or a shot. However, we can all hope. Telltale brought Earl Boen, maybe they'll manage to arrange something with Michael.
  • edited November 2010
    Trackah123 wrote: »
    I like this interview where mr strickland even forgot the name Robert Zemeckis. instead he said Richard Zemeckis :D

    I was there, it's where I met Chris Llyod tee hee!
  • edited November 2010
    Yes, let's hope that if there is a way that they will use it to their advantage and no time when be wasted on this project. If he has the opportunity to work around issues that held him back from the project then I hope he and TTG can work together on it.

    It would mean alot to me and many others as well. IT's magic, that's movies, and games for you, pure magic. He aint too old for a little magic. Anything can happen, and what a thrill it would be to have him back even if just for a few moments.
  • edited November 2010
    And like Marty said in the movies "If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything" :D
  • edited November 2010
    Strayth wrote: »
    You really think it was TellTales' choice ?

    They tried to get him, because of his condition, he couldn't do it.

    He allowed them to use his likeness, that's already saying much, he trusts them. If he could do it he already would. He can't, get over it.

    That basically sums the situation up. As absolutely wonderful as it would be to have him involved in this project, it's highly unlikely that it will happen.
  • edited November 2010
    Eff One wrote: »
    That basically sums the situation up. As absolutely wonderful as it would be to have him involved in this project, it's highly unlikely that it will happen.

    No, not really to every claim you've made. :p

    A. It's not unlikely that it can or will happen. That's totally not up to us or foreseeable.
    B. It doesn't sum it up, there's choices to be made in the future
    C. It's an assumption to begin with that it has anything to do with his condition, the only official news I've seen is that he's too busy.
    D. No one ever said a cameo was impossible or would never happen.
    E. That's all folks!
  • edited November 2010
    ok i'm with doodo here, although some things needs to be said

    how interesting would be to some bttf fan that MJF plays some other character than Marty? Well then, what about if MJF could do a line or two when the "REAL" Marty, or Marty 1, meets, let's say other Marty in 1985? So the other Marty would have couple of lines, just enough for cameo, and it would still be Marty?

    Yeap, genius am i? :D
  • edited November 2010
    how interesting would be to some bttf fan that MJF plays some other character than Marty? Well then, what about if MJF could do a line or two when the "REAL" Marty, or Marty 1, meets, let's say other Marty in 1985? So the other Marty would have couple of lines, just enough for cameo, and it would still be Marty?

    That could work!:cool:
This discussion has been closed.