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  • edited November 2012
    For me:

    Ringµ (J) 8/10
    Great movie but I like the US-Remake a lot more

    The Ring (US) 10/10
    I think the US "Remake" beats the original in every aspect except for one. The ending was a lot better in the original movie.

    Rings & Ring 2 (US) 4/10
    Now what in the fuck was that. A comedy for me. They cannot be serious with that script. The Prequel short film was okayish but why add effects on the mind that resemble a drug rehab when nothing like that was seen in the original movie. And then there is Ring 2 which is so absurd I was laughing the whole way through. RACHEL!

    Ring Spiral (J) 6/10
    This movie is based on the second Ring book but that doesn't make it any better. It was quite good in the first half until the protagonist sees the evil video tape and then all goes down the drain. Really. They involve cloning and it gets all kinds of ridiculous.

    Ring 2 (J) 7/10
    Since Ring Spiral was a massive flop they made a second continuation of Ringµ in Japan and it's good. About 20 minutes too long but in the end good. Also it has one of the fakest looking masks of all time in a movie in there. When I saw it I was terrified because it looked that fake. Apart from that enjoyable.
  • edited November 2012
    I can't get over someone rating ANOES 2 above the original. I mean, it's by far the worst of the franchise.
  • edited November 2012
    Rewatched Brave last night. I think this is my favorite Pixar movie and Merida is definitely my favorite Disney princess. Yes, she pretty much wants more out of life, just like every Disney princess ever, but she has an attitude about the whole thing that's really great. The music is fantastic, the visuals are fantastic, and the voice actors do wonderfully, though my favorite is Billy Connolly as King Fergus(Add Brave to the very short list of movies that Connolly has survived). Unlike my first viewing in the theater, I sat through the whole credits and was surprised by the post-credits scene. Thought it was pretty neat with the crow delivering all those bear sculptures.
  • edited December 2012
    Face/Off - 10/10

    This movie is still just as incredible as it was the first time I saw it, the story maybe a little weird is still really great. I stand by the fact that this is the best action movie of all times, one of the best movies ever directed by John Woo.

    The performances of villain/hero by John Travolta and Nicolas Cage is delivered superbly. As they go though the face change to be the other person, you can see they deliver a realistic performance of looking like someone who is pretending to be the other person. You are so immersed in the story and action you start to forget the whole role change and go though over half of the film rooting for Cage to beat Travolta's butt just to be reminded, oh year Cage was the bad guy.

    The shooting action scenes are really exiting and leaves you at the edge of your seat, heck the entire movie leaves you at the edge of your seat.

    Even the music is fantastic as it's delivered by the talented Hans Zimmerman.
  • edited December 2012
    The Last Airbender - 6/10

    Having recently finished watching and loving the crap out of the series this was based on, I decided to watch M. Night Shyamalan's take on it, mainly for the same train-wreck factor that I watched DragonBall Evolution. The story pretty much followed the first season's main plot line, though skipping over the Kyoshi Warriors, the pirates, Aang's poor first attempt at firebending, the chauvinistic views of both Sokka and the waterbending master of the Northern Water Tribe, and the fact that Zhao was promoted to general before his attack on the Northern Water Tribe. Two teens from the Southern Water Tribe discover the Avatar, a young boy named Aang frozen in the ice. Yada yada yada. If you've seen the show, you get the point. This movie...it did well in some places, but very poor in others.

    The actor playing Aang did a really, REALLY good job. And I liked how they portrayed his tattoo in this movie. Might have looked ridiculous otherwise.
    The actor playing Iroh also did a really good job portraying the character, even if he looked nothing like him.
    The effects were really good, especially on Appa and Momo, though both of those characters were very minimally used, despite being seen a lot in the show.

    Sokka was done terribly. The guy almost looked the part, despite being too white, but his performance, while GOOD, was not Sokka. I don't think I've seen this much joy ripped out of a character in a long time.
    The mismatched casting. I mean, wow. All of the Fire Nation are INDIAN? Really Shyamalan? Did you even look at them in the show? They're very clearly meant to be Asian. This casting choice really affected Prince Zuko, who I think did an okay job despite looking more like fugitive Zuko than when he was still after the Avatar, but you couldn't see his scar, which made him hard to identify AS Zuko. And the Water Tribes are supposed to be Inuits, not white as white can be.
    The bending. Oh. My. God. It sucked, plain and simple. The effects were good, but the actual bending was terrible. The earthbenders seemed completely ineffective, needing several people DANCING to move a single rock. Aang's airbending wasn't done very well considering that he had way too many flourishes for the actions he was pulling off. The firebending...they need fire? No. Watch the show. When Zuko fights someone, he punches, and a fireball shoots from his hand. One scene late in the movie, Iroh actually starts throwing fire out of nowhere and the Fire Nation soldiers he attacks yell "He's making fire out of nothing!" and I ended up yelling "No, he's FIREBENDING." The only bending that seemed right was the waterbending, and even that seemed a little off.
    Speaking of bending, during the montage narration, Katara mentions that Aang is having trouble figuring out waterbending. That was a complete reversal considering that in the show, Aang picked it up SO well, he was making Katara jealous.
    They also say that the Avatar isn't allowed to have a family or anything like that and that's why Aang left. No. No, no, no. This was never a case in the series. In fact, in the later seasons, we find out that the previous Avatar had a wife and children.
    The climax at the end was done wrong. As I recall from the show, Aang temporarily joined with the ocean spirit, went into the Avatar State, beat the crap out of the Fire Nation fleet and took out General Zhao. Yeah...Zhao was taken out by some Water Tribe, Aang didn't join with the spirit, though he did go into the Avatar State and sent the fleet running. I guess two out of four might not be considered bad, but...yeah, it's bad.

    The parts that were kinda good, but also kinda bad:
    Katara. Wow, they were really close with her. Unlike Sokka who underwent a total personality change, Katara was really, REALLY close to how she was in the show. Her voice was even really good, so good that I thought the opening narration was being read by the voice actress from the show. But my God, would it have killed her to go to a beach or a tanning salon and at least try to LOOK the part! I know it's not her fault, but she just didn't look like Katara, she looked like a Katara cosplayer.
    Appa and Momo. I mentioned them in the effects earlier, but they are also characters, and I'll go into that now. They weren't exactly main characters, but they did get some focus in the series, none of which happens here. Appa is only used for transportation and is rarely seen interacting with the group outside of that. He also seemed a bit small. Momo, who they animated perfectly, was barely seen at all. In fact, I started playing a little game called "Spot the lemur". Only a couple of times did the camera actually hold on him for more than a few seconds, and he rarely took his place on Aang's shoulder.
    Yue. Wow. I mean wow. She looked the part more than almost anyone else in the entire movie, and for the most part, she acted the part as well. But the movie killed off both of her parents when at least her father was still alive in the series, though I can't remember about her mother. And the girl would not STOP SMILING. It's like the opposite of Kristen Stewart.
    Sozin's Comet. They mention that it will be arriving in three years. In the series, it was arriving at the end of the summer. I know they were using a longer time table to plan out for the sequels, but still.
    And finally, the names. I'm putting this in this category because it's primarily nitpicking. They changed a LOT of pronunciations of the names in this movie, enough so that it started getting on my nerves after a while. Come to find out, technically speaking, THE MOVIE got the pronunciations correct based on how the characters names are spelled in Chinese/Japanese/whatever Asian language it was. However. The show still did it one way, and I, as a fan, was a little off-put by the fact that they changed that.

    The forgettable:
    Was there music in this movie? I can't remember. Seems like there was, but I can't remember a single tune.

    Is this the worst movie I've ever seen? Not by a long shot. Is it as bad as Avatar fans make it out to be? OH YEAH. Is it the worst adaptation I've seen? Oh no, that would be a toss up between Super Mario Bros., DragonBall Evolution, and Eragon. Would I recommend it? I'm gonna stick with no, at least if you're a fan of the series. While it's not the worst bit of cinema, it loses so much of the heart of its source material that it comes across as really, really shallow. The characters are grim, there's little to no humor, and the screwing up of the casting really shows. The only reason it get's above a 5 is because, unlike DragonBall Evolution, The Last Airbender at least follows the story and, for the most part, the logic of the series it's adapting. And it had some pretty effects, even if the physical side(the silly martial arts) wasn't done well.
  • edited December 2012
    I'm rather tempted to watch The Last Airbender and see how it holds up if you haven't seen any of the series.

    Do you think I might enjoy it more from that perspective than you did from yours?
  • edited December 2012
    Very likely. A lot of my major problems with it come from differences with the source material.
  • edited December 2012
    That being said though, Dragonball Evolution was unforgivable.
    And Legend of Chun Li?

    Lets never talk about that movie. EVER!!!!
  • edited December 2012
    Chun Li: Maybe I should watch that.
  • edited December 2012
    Don't. It's not only a massive betrayal of everything the games were about, but it's also an incompetently shot film with a cast of uniformly terrible people (except the black guy, who's the only one having ANY fun - the audience included). I recommend you instead watch Film Brain's dissection of it.
  • edited December 2012
    You'd be right to feel that way. SUCH a bad film.

    <Remembers he has it on his shelf>

  • edited December 2012
    I recommend you instead watch Film Brain's dissection of it.

  • edited December 2012
    I'm rather tempted to watch The Last Airbender and see how it holds up if you haven't seen any of the series.

    Do you think I might enjoy it more from that perspective than you did from yours?

    The movie is okay. Nothing special but certainly worth seeing (with Rifftrax if you must)
  • edited December 2012
    Coming to America 9.5/10

    My God, this movie is funny. I love Eddie Murphy’s sense of humor, and I will never forget the bar-pickup scene. Hilarious!
  • edited December 2012
    The Empire Strikes Back: Despecialized Edition (a fan edit by Harmy) -- 11/10

    Return of the Jedi: Despecialized Edition (a fan edit by Harmy) -- 9.975/10
    (kept from being a 10 or 11 because of a single second-long wobbly composite shot of the Sarlacc pit.)

    These edits restore Star Wars to what I remember; what I love so much.
  • edited December 2012
    Chyron8472 wrote: »
    These edits restore Star Wars to what I remember; what I love so much.

    And Greedo still shot first.:D
  • edited December 2012
    I watched Star Wars: Despecialized Edition, just not lately. I'd similarly give it a 9.975/10, same as Jedi, for a single miscolored, wobbly composite shot of a dewback. Harmy does have a v2.0 wherein he reportedly fixes that (among a few other changes/corrections I don't know about nor notice the need for), so I'll need to download it and check.

    I'd have to give Adywan's Star Wars: A New Hope Revisited fan edit an 11/10 though. Perhaps a 12.
  • edited December 2012
    I wouldn't grade Adywan's quite that high on account of putting in Battle of the Heroes for the duel between Vader and Obi-Wan, along with Obi-Wan activating his lightsaber first.
  • edited December 2012
    Noname215 wrote: »
    Coming to America 9.5/10

    My God, this movie is funny. I love Eddie Murphy’s sense of humor, and I will never forget the bar-pickup scene. Hilarious!

    Amazing film. SEXUAL CHOCOLATE!

    Back to the Future 8.5/10 - it was on telly tonight. I think I saw it once when I was little but to be honest, everything I'd remembered about it was what I'd seen on Family Guy...

    I thought I might as well watch it because I'm looking at getting the game and it would probably help to remember the films.
  • edited December 2012
    looby wrote: »
    Back to the Future 8.5/10 - it was on telly tonight. I think I saw it once when I was little but to be honest, everything I'd remembered about it was what I'd seen on Family Guy...

    I thought I might as well watch it because I'm looking at getting the game and it would probably help to remember the films.

    If you haven't watched the movies at least a gazillion times and are absolutely starved for more Back to the Future, you probably won't enjoy the "game". Not trying to start something again here, but you're pretty new around here, and it might be a good idea to look into what people are saying about it before spending any money on it.
  • edited December 2012
    flesk wrote: »
    If you haven't watched the movies at least a gazillion times and are absolutely starved for more Back to the Future, you probably won't enjoy the "game". Not trying to start something again here, but you're pretty new around here, and it might be a good idea to look into what people are saying about it before spending any money on it.

    Oh ok, will do! Looking at the BttF forum on here probably would help but for some reason it never occured to me before -_-
  • edited December 2012
    BTTF:The Game isn't terrible. It's just really easy and a bit buggy in places.

    For a BTTF fan, it's a good buy. For an old-school adventure gamer, it's decent if bought when on sale.

    Now, Jurassic Park:The Game... Don't get that.
  • edited December 2012
    I was expecting Pan's Labyrinth to be a cheesy Mexican movie, but WOW. The movie's story, acting and characters were all top-notch. One of the best movies I've seen in years. 9/10
  • edited December 2012
    Citizen Kane 7/10
    To be fair my opinion on it might change once I've seen the bonus material and the audio commentary on it but from a today's point of view it is still an impressive film. My problems with it lie more in the first few minutes of the movie which no one would leave in a movie nowadays. It's mostly stuff we will see in the rest of the movie again.
    The movie itself is almost episodic and, again, some scenes are shown several times but told from a different point of view.
    To be honest the way it's all put together reminds me a lot of Pulp Fiction. And that's kinda great but well. Tarantino did it differently. Not saying better. Different.

    Also I'm a little unhappy about the fact that the audio commentary I want is not on the DVD I bought and most likely exclusive to the US version of the DVD which I cannot play.
  • edited December 2012
    RoboCop – 10/10

    After I read some information about the upcoming RoboCop reboot I felt nostalgic and wanted to re-watch the 1987 version again, and it really holds its own really well so many years after.

    I can with confidence say I can find nothing wrong with this movie at all. The acting is top notch, you can see all the practice Peter Weller put into his robotic movements really pays of, and it’s really believable making you think it’s an actual robot/cyborg and not just a guy in a suit.
    The story is delivered really well; man gets turned into robot that becomes more human as he delves into his past life. This is neatly emphasized when you listen to his voice; it sounds really robotic with a hollow undertone, then changes completely to human near the end.
    I find the movies representation of the future really charming as you can clearly see elements from the 80’s in it, women with huge glasses and colourful clothing, huge old fashioned televisions to tape-reel-recorders.

    I don’t know that if liking the old one so much, I will set myself up to a huge disappointment when the reboot comes out. Don’t get me wrong I can’t wait to see what José Padilha will do with Paul Verhoeven’s classic and how Joel Kinnaman will act out the role as RoboCop. The only negatives are the change in his style, the new Robo Bat Cop Man look doesn't really appeal. He is no longer that knight in shining armour, but black and stealthy with some transformers mixed in (yea like a combat mode thing). And no more robotic moves as the new RoboCop have to be more “human”.
    The movie will not see the light until 2014 so it can still change I guess, so I will just wait and see what is going to happen. And if worse comes to worse, the old one is still awesome. :)
  • edited December 2012
    Avatar 2/10

    That’s it. I hate James Cameron’s movies. The Academy might have liked this movie for it’s special effects, but if you overlook that, you find 3 hours worth of excremental dialogue and what doesn’t even come close to being considered good acting.

    Not to bash Sam Worthington and Sigourney Weaver, no, but this movie just sucks. And what made it suck for me was Zoe Saldana. Ugly blue cat bitch.
  • edited December 2012
    In Time 7/10

    I liked that it wasn't another Hollywood remake, but something more original. The idea of "time is money" taken to extreme was interesting. The acting was alright and it looked good. Overall, the kind of movie I'd watch again if it came on T.V., but I wouldn't run out and buy a copy.

    And as far as Noname's feelings for Avatar? I sat through 20 minutes and was bored to death and turned it off. I don't know how he made it through the whole thing.
  • edited December 2012
    RoboCop 2 - 6/10

    Even though it's not as good as the first one, it's still a worthy sequel.
    It was not really as story driven as the first one, as that one was about internal battle. The second one is just your average outside forces to fight with.
    It didn't take itself quite as serious as there was plenty of lol moments.

    It was the last RoboCop movie to star Peter Weller, but he did stop at the top as the rest is not worthy of his talents.

    RoboCop 3 - 4/10

    I am not really sure what to think about this one, some part of me like it and some part of me don't.
    It still follows the same recipe as the first two ones did, but it did kind of lose its charm and the PG-13 rating did not do it justice.

    Robert John Burke had to take over the role, but that don't bother me as he did an amazing job. And even though the suit was hard to fill after Peter Wellers awesome performance, Robert had studied hard to mimic all of his movements to a T.

    But I must admit that even thought it was called RoboCop 3, he was not really that present in the movie as he spent most of his time off screen or offline.
    And most of his battles was kind of meh, as he just got kicked around like a tin can. And it really started to lose its seriousness when the jet pack was introduced, not that it had a lot of seriousness it to begin with.
  • edited December 2012
    RoboCop Prime Directives - 6/10

    This movie was split into 4 parts each lasting about 90 minutes each.
    The episodes was entitled, Dark Justice, Meltdown, Resurrection and Cash and Burn.
    The story takes place 10 years after the original RoboCop completely ignoring 2 and 3. Delta City has finally been build but OCP is on the verge of total financial collapse. Robo has spent all the 10 years keeping the town safe, but is now almost rendered completely obsolete.

    This movie was made by a small company in Canada and was made on a very low budget. All of this can be seen as the acting was not Hollywood blockbuster and the special effects was really corny. You could also see they had no money to get really good make up artists. They did however get robo suits from the original creator Rob Bottin. The main role of RoboCop went to Page Fletcher, I will admit he was not the best choice as he is only 5 feet tall making Robo look like a midget.

    The story starts out really dark and angsty but does a complete 180 half way through making it a cheap sci-fi with a maniac villain with a killer virus.

    They went away from the PG13 and made it really gory and bloody as the first movie, and this can be seen as people get their hands blown of, and heads smashed in with a sledgehammer. But they spent to much of the money in drawn out action sequences that was not really that spectacular, as it was just people running around shooting at robo while he stood completely still taking them down one by one, or breaking though glass.

    I do think it had it's own kind of charm though if you completely forget about the first movies and keep this as a movie all it's own. If they have had more funding I am sure they could have done better, I personally think they did ok considering what they had to work with.
    But it is of course a given that it would be no way near as good as the original, no movie ever can.
  • edited December 2012
    dustpuffs wrote: »
    And as far as Noname's feelings for Avatar? I sat through 20 minutes and was bored to death and turned it off. I don't know how he made it through the whole thing.

    I was drunk as shit. At least, that’s how I felt afterwards.
  • edited December 2012
    Noname215 wrote: »
    I was drunk as shit. At least, that’s how I felt afterwards.

    Why do I get the feeling that this explains a lot of your other past posts?
  • edited December 2012
    Why do I get the feeling that this explains a lot of your other past posts?

    Do I look like DAISHI to you?
  • edited December 2012
    Noname215 wrote: »
    Do I look like DAISHI to you?

    I dunno. You refused to post your picture in the Post a Pic thread so we have no basis for comparison.

    Hell, you don't even have a name!

    For all we know, you could be DAISHI trollplaying as a slightly different person!

    And DAISHI could really be Comrade Pants, come back from the grave of forgotten passwords!

    We could all be Comrade Pants and NEVER EVEN KNOW IT.

    This suddenly got freaky. I'm outta here.
  • edited December 2012
    I gave a description in that same thread! Besides, don’t you know that I actually have two different accounts on this? For all you know, I could be coolsome!
  • edited December 2012
    Noname215 wrote: »
    I gave a description in that same thread! Besides, don’t you know that I actually have two different accounts on this? For all you know, I could be coolsome!

    You probably didn't want to admit that. Dupes are a bannable thing.

    Good Will Hunting - 9/11
  • edited December 2012
    I don’t really. I just said that because Alcoremortis said that Comrade Pants could be anyone in disguise. It was also to scare coolsome.
  • edited December 2012
    You probably didn't want to admit that. Dupes are a bannable thing.

    I think it depends on how funny they are, Secret Falafel.
  • edited December 2012
    Noname215 wrote: »
    I gave a description in that same thread! Besides, don’t you know that I actually have two different accounts on this? For all you know, I could be coolsome!

    Naw, I already checked. The only account you share an IP with is Bobber.
  • edited December 2012
    Yeah, I know. He was my brother.
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