The Newly Regenerated Doctor Who Thread



  • edited December 2010
    Less than 3 hours to go... I'm more excited for this than I was for christmas this morning...

    Also, this.
  • edited December 2010
    I liked that special ^^ it was deep and made gd tv
  • edited December 2010
    I wont have it until 9 EST.
  • edited December 2010
    I have to admit, it was a great episode. An interesting take on The classic tale. Loads of funny lines too!

    Also, here's the series 6 trailer, incase anyone missed it. "I wear a Stetson now. Stetson's are cool."
  • edited December 2010
    Well, that was... good.

    So... was that when silence fell? Or was it just sligth foreshadowing that she was singing about silence falling?
  • edited December 2010
    That ep makes me wish I could screw with someones whole life in 3o minutes
  • edited December 2010
    About to see the episode on BBC America. We recorded it but it's about to air again, so might as well.

    Edit: wow...
  • edited December 2010
    I missed it, damn! Hopefully they'll have an encore screeninmg in Aus.
  • edited December 2010
    As awesome as David Tennant was Ill have to vote for Christopher Eccleston.
  • edited December 2010
    Well the next Doctor Who "adventure game" episode is out now if anyone still cares.
  • edited December 2010
    Mr Nutt wrote: »
    Well the next Doctor Who "adventure game" episode is out now if anyone still cares.

    It was out three days ago! :p
    It's the best of the bunch, so hopefully the second season will be great!

    In other news Someone edited marilyn monroe's wikipedia page. Unfortunately, it's been edited back, but here's a screen.
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited December 2010
    I loved the Christmas episode! Of course, A Christmas Carol is one of my favorite stories, so I'm a little biased. ;)

    I also loved the fourth episode of Doctor Who: The Adventure games. The Vashta Nerada are very terrifying monsters, so the feeling of suspense worked much better here than in previous episodes. I also liked that the story picked up right where the last left off. I hope we get four interconnected stories next season. :)

    On a side note, it was also interesting that both the television and video game Christmas episodes featured alien sharks. Sharks aren't the first thing that comes to mind when I think of Christmas, but in both cases, it worked. :D
  • edited December 2010
    Missed the Xmas special and sort of kicking myself for it, as my aunt and uncle are the only people I know who have BBC America. Will probably have to wait until I get back to York to see it. >.<
  • edited December 2010
    mgrant wrote: »
    Missed the Xmas special and sort of kicking myself for it, as my aunt and uncle are the only people I know who have BBC America. Will probably have to wait until I get back to York to see it. >.<
    Well, you've got until sunday to catch it on the iplayer!
  • edited December 2010
    Friar wrote: »
    Well, you've got until sunday to catch it on the iplayer!

    Judging by the post, I guess that mgrant is currently in America.
  • edited December 2010
    From my experiences, I'd say the iPlayer is hard to use in the United States. I know that from trying to watch QI for the first time. Luckily on that case YouTube saved the day
  • edited December 2010
    Well I've just finished the episode and to be honest if the controls weren't so bad it would have been a nice episode... by the low standards of these so called adventure games.
  • edited December 2010
    Judging by the post, I guess that mgrant is currently in America.

    Yes, in California. I just barely managed to get out of Heathrow on Tues. I've tried iplayer before here and it was a pile of fail, so I'll have to just...hunt down other less legal means I guess.
  • edited December 2010
    So I caught up today and watched 6 episodes from Series 5 (that I've yet to see), and have only three more to go before I've officially seen all the new series.
  • edited December 2010
    The best Christmas Special yet! It avoided the things I disliked about previous specials: the characters felt more genuine, the story had a lot more substance and Christmas was more than just a setting, it was actually ABOUT Christmas. Michael Gambon played the "Scrooge" type character brilliantly. It was unusual in the sense that the roles of Amy and Rory seemed almost totally absent. One other minor critique: another breach of the Father's Day Paradox Rule where the older man and his younger self as a boy hugged. I'm starting to think I should just forget the Father's Day paradox rule as this is now the second time Moffat has waived it.

    I was also a little confused as to how the Doctor only managed to extract a half sonic screwdriver from the shark when really none of it should have been able to have been recovered.

    Apart from that, absolutely brilliant. I loved it! It's certainly one of the best DW Christmas special for me because Christmas was more than a setting or a set-piece, it was embedded into the soul of the writing leaving the audience to contemplate Christmas spirit and meaning.

    4 out of 5
  • edited December 2010
    The do not touch your other self rule only applies when the fabric of reality is already weakened.
    So as long as you do not travel to the same spot 5 times and create a paradox there is no problem with touching your your older/younger self.
    (Otherwise there would have been a problem in all the previous multiple doctor episodes)
  • edited December 2010
    You know the real reason it was Ok for young and old versions of the same person to touch?

    Wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey stuff.

    Covers everything.
  • edited December 2010
    I just finished "Vincent and the Doctor", and I'm not ashamed to admit that it left me a quivering mass of tears. Just... wow.

    I've never been a huge fan of Van Gogh's art, though I identify with him through the bipolar and the need to be creative, but I definitely have a newfound appreciation for it. I never thought of Starry Night as a depiction of synesthesia, but now I can't see it as anything but.
  • edited December 2010
    I rewatched Pandorica and Big Bang and The Doctors speach in Time of Angels about not putting him in a trap if you want your exictence to continue
    came true for The Allience
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited December 2010
    ShaggE wrote: »
    I just finished "Vincent and the Doctor", and I'm not ashamed to admit that it left me a quivering mass of tears. Just... wow.

    Oh goodness, I was the same. Definitely one of my favourite episodes.

    One of the few things where the Christmas special faltered is that
    Abigail's situation / last day
    didn't make me cry. At first I thought it was just because there wasn't enough time to develop her character, but then I remembered the Van Gogh episode and how much that affected me. She was just too underdeveloped for me to be emotionally engaged.
  • edited December 2010
    ShaggE wrote: »
    I just finished "Vincent and the Doctor", and I'm not ashamed to admit that it left me a quivering mass of tears. Just... wow.

    I've never been a huge fan of Van Gogh's art, though I identify with him through the bipolar and the need to be creative, but I definitely have a newfound appreciation for it. I never thought of Starry Night as a depiction of synesthesia, but now I can't see it as anything but.

    Such an awesome episode. It didn't make me cry the first time round, but the second... I couldn't stop!
  • edited December 2010
    So yeah, finished Series 5. Funanigans were had. Now I don't know what to do for 4 months.
  • edited December 2010
    So yeah, finished Series 5. Funanigans were had. Now I don't know what to do for 4 months.

    Watch them again! I've just started re-watching them and there's already things I've noticed that round out the over-arching story so well.
  • edited December 2010
    linorn wrote: »
    Watch them again! I've just started re-watching them and there's already things I've noticed that round out the over-arching story so well.

    The problem is I read the summaries of things before I watch them so I understand them the first time.

    Part of the reason I loved Lost was it all made sense as I knew what everything meant.

    In other news, I hope they keep the trend of each doctor having a superlative to describe everything. 9 was Fantastic, 10 was brilliant, and 11 appears to be 'Cool'.
  • edited December 2010
    There's lots of little things that you won't have noticed on your first watch. In ep1 Amelia is praying to Santa - in the Christmas ep she doesn't know what Christmas is. Also in ep1 you see the Doctor go past the window due to him being sucked back through his timeline at the end of the series.
  • edited December 2010
    Part of the reason I loved Lost was it all made sense as I knew what everything meant.

  • edited January 2011
    So yeah, finished Series 5. Funanigans were had. Now I don't know what to do for 4 months.
    Well, you could start on the spinoff series "torchwood". It centres around captain jack, and a team of people in Cardiff on the rift trying to stop aliens. It's a more adult version of doctor who (or so they claim anyway). It takes a while to get started, but some episodes are truly great (two episodes have reduced me to tears). Others are just really cringeworthy (episode two was about an alien who absorbed orgasms.) Still worth watching them all though. It also ties in with the main series, which is nice (series one ends in a cliff hanger which was resolved in series 3 of doctor who)

    Oh, and series 4 spoilers:

    *edit* it's worth bearing in mind that, if you do decide to watch it, series three (or "children of Earth") was a mini-series which was meant to be viewed at one episode a day.
  • edited January 2011
    Friar wrote: »
    Well, you could start on the spinoff series "torchwood". It centres around captain jack, and a team of people in Cardiff on the rift trying to stop aliens. It's a more adult version of doctor who (or so they claim anyway). It takes a while to get started, but some episodes are truly great (two episodes have reduced me to tears). Others are just really cringeworthy (episode two was about an alien who absorbed orgasms.) Still worth watching them all though. It also ties in with the main series, which is nice (series one ends in a cliff hanger which was resolved in series 3 of doctor who)

    Oh, and series 4 spoilers:

    *edit* it's worth bearing in mind that, if you do decide to watch it, series three (or "children of Earth") was a mini-series which was meant to be viewed at one episode a day.
    Eh, I tried it, and enjoyed it. Not really great for the people like me who have short attention spans when the main character isn't a crazy alien.
  • edited January 2011
    Well, he's an omnisexual Captain Scarlet... does that help? And technically, he's not from Earth, so that does make him an alien!
  • edited January 2011
    hes definitely crazy!
  • edited January 2011
    Apparently David Tennant got engaged today to Georgia Moffett, who played his daughter in doctor who, and is also fith doctor, Peter Davison's daughter. Huh. Congratulations to the pair (if it is indeed true!)!
  • edited January 2011
    I got this today

  • edited January 2011
    coolsome wrote: »
    I got this today


    Is that an audiobook? Who's reading it?
  • edited January 2011
    Totally random thought judging by the like 20th rewatch of Series 6 Trailer: I hope Moffat doesn't have every River episode A.) A Two-Parter and B.)feature the Doctor finding a new type of hat, remarking how cool it, only to have river shoot it.
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