You realize your perverted talk has corrupted the tags for this thread, right? I hope you're proud of yourselves.
heh heh heh...
anyway: Forbidden planet are now offering full blown Doctor who costumes in addition to the shirts. What I wouldn't give to live near one of those stores...
anyway: Forbidden planet are now offering full blown Doctor who costumes in addition to the shirts. What I wouldn't give to live near one of those stores...
Why on earth is the fifth and fourth doctors being spotlighted? I mean, I understand how everyone loves Tom Baker, but I'd for sure think that Matt Smith or David Tennant is higher in demand. Although Tennant's outfit is actually fairly easy to replicate, seeing as it's just a suit with a trenchcoat.
Why on earth is the fifth and fourth doctors being spotlighted? I mean, I understand how everyone loves Tom Baker, but I'd for sure think that Matt Smith or David Tennant is higher in demand. Although Tennant's outfit is actually fairly easy to replicate, seeing as it's just a suit with a trenchcoat.
No idea. Probably a licensing thing. I would have thought they would have chosen Colin Bakers coat, giving how difficult that would be to find/replicate (along with Peter's I suppose). I'm just hoping they see sense and release Tom Baker's scarf as a standalone purchase!
Why on earth is the fifth and fourth doctors being spotlighted? I mean, I understand how everyone loves Tom Baker, but I'd for sure think that Matt Smith or David Tennant is higher in demand. Although Tennant's outfit is actually fairly easy to replicate, seeing as it's just a suit with a trenchcoat.
I believe that the licensing for the "old Doctor Who" series and the "new Doctor Who" series are generally handled separately, which is why there are usually separate lines of merchandise.
I saw The Movie at the store today - it's so odd that every Doctor is finally available in DVD every store in North America.
Did you buy it? I'm rather ashamed to admit that I have yet to own a single patrick Troughton episode! It's kind of odd how similair the movie is to the new series. Even if some of the casting was terrible, as was the plot/research.
Oh and I found this article on the Doctor Who experience in London today. It opens for preview ticket holders on Friday. I won't be going until April though ¬_¬
Can't wait to see what they have in the shop, which looks fantastic! If any place has a 4th doctor scarf, it'll be here!
Did you buy it? I'm rather ashamed to admit that I have yet to own a single patrick Troughton episode! It's kind of odd how similair the movie is to the new series. Even if some of the casting was terrible, as was the plot/research.
The most sad thing about the movie, I think, is the fact that Paul McGann was pretty good as The Doctor. That guy deserved a series. I know that he has done some audio dramas as the eight doctor, but I really wish that the guy someday gets to do a direct-to-dvd movie or something else.
The most sad thing about the movie, I think, is the fact that Paul McGann was pretty good as The Doctor. That guy deserved a series. I know that he has done some audio dramas as the eight doctor, but I really wish that the guy someday gets to do a direct-to-dvd movie or something else.
Yeah, he's an awesome doctor, especially in the audios. I'm kinda hoping that in the inevitable multi-doctor 50th anniversary special (2013), he'll appear, at least to show his regeneration. Or maybe even a film with regads to the time war (featuring his regeneration at the end to christopher Eccleston). Maybe success with those two would prompt the BBC to realise the opportunity to continue with doctor who, with two doctors simultaneously. Actually, it's one route they may choose to do once the doctor's 13 regenerations are used up (if they don't choose to ignore the fact, of course!)
Yeah, he's an awesome doctor, especially in the audios. I'm kinda hoping that in the inevitable multi-doctor 50th anniversary special (2013), he'll appear, at least to show his regeneration. Or maybe even a film with regads to the time war (featuring his regeneration at the end to christopher Eccleston). Maybe success with those two would prompt the BBC to realise the opportunity to continue with doctor who, with two doctors simultaneously. Actually, it's one route they may choose to do once the doctor's 13 regenerations are used up (if they don't choose to ignore the fact, of course!)
Or maybe the BBC could use common sense and have a Doctor Who The X Doctors Special on 11-11-11
Yeah, he's an awesome doctor, especially in the audios. I'm kinda hoping that in the inevitable multi-doctor 50th anniversary special (2013), he'll appear, at least to show his regeneration. Or maybe even a film with regads to the time war (featuring his regeneration at the end to christopher Eccleston). Maybe success with those two would prompt the BBC to realise the opportunity to continue with doctor who, with two doctors simultaneously. Actually, it's one route they may choose to do once the doctor's 13 regenerations are used up (if they don't choose to ignore the fact, of course!)
They should use him for some special spin-off project. Like a video game or a new web series, a Doctor Who show online (or maybe not, because BBC would probably region lock it and I wouldn't be able to see it:( ).
Has anyone seen the Atop The Forth Wall review of Doctor Who Classics #7? (If you haven't it's part two of a two parter so you might want to see part one first if you care about the plot of AT4W).
Nicholas Courtney, Doctor Who's "Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart", died today at 81.
, he was always one of my favorite 'companions'
Yeah, this was seriously sad. Doctor Who wouldn't have been the same without him.
I actually got to meet Peter Davison, Janet Fielding, Sarah Sutton, and Frazer Hines at Gallifrey One this weekend, it was like a dream come true! For Doctor Who fans, I definitely suggest attending it one year, its a blast.
So I had the pleasent surprise of learning the Series 6 premiere is allegedly just over a month away (I'm probably behind on the date). The date I've heard is April 2nd, and I also heard that the gap will be ~3 months long. Therein, we should see the show return in Augusttime. I certainly hope this remains the standard, as it means less months without Doctor Who each year.
Hey, that's the day I'm visiting the doctor who experience!
I've heard a few dates chucked around. The most recent one being 26th of April. They'll probably coincide it with easter, like they did last year (and for one of the specials the year before that).
Also, 3 months isn't too bad to wait, I just hope the cliffhanger is awesome!
Oh, Qwertee are offering a cool shirt (for today/tomorrow only). And there's a new bus tour starting in Cardiff next month, which goes round all the doctor who locations! Who needs the star tours in holywood?
Hey, that's the day I'm visiting the doctor who experience!
I've heard a few dates chucked around. The most recent one being 26th of April. They'll probably coincide it with easter, like they did last year (and for one of the specials the year before that).
Also, 3 months isn't too bad to wait, I just hope the cliffhanger is awesome!
Oh, Qwertee are offering a cool shirt (for today/tomorrow only). And there's a new bus tour starting in Cardiff next month, which goes round all the doctor who locations! Who needs the star tours in holywood?
Well, I could have sworn Doctor Who was always on Saturdays, which makes the 26th null and void.
Forbidden planet are now offering full blown Doctor who costumes in addition to the shirts. What I wouldn't give to live near one of those stores...
Why on earth is the fifth and fourth doctors being spotlighted? I mean, I understand how everyone loves Tom Baker, but I'd for sure think that Matt Smith or David Tennant is higher in demand. Although Tennant's outfit is actually fairly easy to replicate, seeing as it's just a suit with a trenchcoat.
Oh my yes.
I believe that the licensing for the "old Doctor Who" series and the "new Doctor Who" series are generally handled separately, which is why there are usually separate lines of merchandise.
There is an official Tenth Doctor coat replica. It is quite pricey considering how... standard it is.
Somehow, the color just seems...wrong. I don't know, maybe it's just the lighting but it looks a bit orangy.
Did you buy it? I'm rather ashamed to admit that I have yet to own a single patrick Troughton episode!
Oh and I found this article on the Doctor Who experience in London today. It opens for preview ticket holders on Friday. I won't be going until April though ¬_¬
Can't wait to see what they have in the shop, which looks fantastic! If any place has a 4th doctor scarf, it'll be here!
The most sad thing about the movie, I think, is the fact that Paul McGann was pretty good as The Doctor. That guy deserved a series. I know that he has done some audio dramas as the eight doctor, but I really wish that the guy someday gets to do a direct-to-dvd movie or something else.
Or maybe the BBC could use common sense and have a Doctor Who The X Doctors Special on 11-11-11
They should use him for some special spin-off project. Like a video game or a new web series, a Doctor Who show online (or maybe not, because BBC would probably region lock it and I wouldn't be able to see it:( ).
(Linked due to hugeage)
The part about the Movie, mind you.
Is good movie too, once you overlook the Half-human part.
Anyway, it's valentines day apparently, so here are some Awesome Doctor who valentines e-cards!
Click Here
*edit* Hmm... just realised that it looked like I was giving them to remolay... woops. Oh well.
No! Not the Brigadier!
This seems to be a bad month for people I like. They keep dying.:(
Okay, for the duration of the month, you do not like ANYONE associated with Doctor Who.
Right, I'll get started now: Ahem...
Doctor Who sucks.
And I definitely do not like it or those associated with it. At all.
Okay, that should do it.:D
RIP Brigadier.
Tom Baker has written an article about Nicholas Courtney's passing away. It's rather touching, actually.
...I did this too.
Edit: Breaking news! Thinkgeek just added my new favorite T-shirt!
Impulse buy!
Yeah, this was seriously sad.
I actually got to meet Peter Davison, Janet Fielding, Sarah Sutton, and Frazer Hines at Gallifrey One this weekend, it was like a dream come true! For Doctor Who fans, I definitely suggest attending it one year, its a blast.
Anyway: Oh god! They've anounced a doctor who MMO...
I can't wait to see every player wearing a scarf, bow tie, stalk of celery, and wielding a question mark shaped umbrella.
Which reminds me, the latest issue of the Doctor Who adventures magazine comes with a free Fez. I'm going to pick one up on Monday!
I've heard a few dates chucked around. The most recent one being 26th of April. They'll probably coincide it with easter, like they did last year (and for one of the specials the year before that).
Also, 3 months isn't too bad to wait, I just hope the cliffhanger is awesome!
Oh, Qwertee are offering a cool shirt (for today/tomorrow only). And there's a new bus tour starting in Cardiff next month, which goes round all the doctor who locations! Who needs the star tours in holywood?
Well, I could have sworn Doctor Who was always on Saturdays, which makes the 26th null and void.
Anyway. Ernie Hudson from Ghostbusters is gonna be in the new series of Torchwood. Yay! (Spellcheck didn't like half the words in that sentence. Just thought you should know.)
Actually, there are two episodes that have been made, each at 4 minutes each, and entitled "Time" and "Space"
shh Spoilers...