Has anyone else tried the latest Doctor Who Adventure Game? I'm a little concerned because the installer has sat there for ten minutes not doing a damned thing. I can't even click the 'Cancel' button. It's like the thing's crashed.
And this is the second time I've downloaded it. Same thing happened with the first. I really don't want to download a 810MB file a third time, so someone else tell me they had the same thing!
EDIT: Looks like I was just panicking. It has installed, I just needed to leave it for around 15 minutes. Nice and professional there.
Yeah, I had issues too. Oddly enough, when I ignored the advice to close all programs, and opened up my internet browser, it started installing fine. Something to do with it confirming your location/TV license paying-ness.
I've just finished it and while it's longer it's very buggy, I managed to skip two parts around the end thanks to being able to walk through solid objects.
That's 'entirety of the second series of Adventure Games'. Don't want anyone getting confused, what with all the rumours of Matt Smith leaving! (Rumours he's denying, by the way.)
But yeah, this sucks. Especially as they've fixed absolutely none of the issues I had with the previous series of Adventure Games. Except maybe how short it was - this one seems pretty big, and given the download size, I should bloody well hope so.
Notes I mentally made during the game:
- Wow, these character movements are awkward. They're like marionette puppets being pulled on strings, or maybe robots tat don't quite understand human movement.
- Why does Rory never blink? His eyes seem to be staring into my soul. Please stop cutting to close-ups of him, it's very unnerving.
- Oh look, the very first thing we do in this 'Adventure Game' is a pointless platforming section to retrieve a lost screwdriver. Joy.
- Dear god, does no-one have any emotions? This must have been the most boring set of line readings ever.
- Oh look, it's that stupidly pointless room from TARDIS. And it's still stupidly pointless. Kinda fun reading all the facts, even if it is stupidly pointless.
- Hey, we can combine inventory items now. Nice, but I can't see it having that many applications. This is for kids, y'know.
- Dear god, the back half of Rory's head looks wrong! Arthur Darvill must be ashamed of what they did to him! And what's with the shoulders? Why can no-one ever get the shoulders right? It's like his jacket is two sizes too big and someone's left the hanger in them.
- More stealth sections! Yay! Only now they're pathetically easy with no-one to spot me and they get broken up every 20 seconds to eavesdrop on someone delivering unbelievably forced exposition. Woo.
- Wait, all this is part of one huge level? No wonder it took ages to load.
- God, not even the extras can put emotion into their voice! Is the script really that bad?
- OK, I know they kiss in the series, but doing it in a game, especially with the Robo-Rory, is just plain wrong.
- How come no-one is questioning Amy being in modern day clothes? She stands out like a sore thumb.
- Rutans! Awesome! And the appearance is actually fairly faithful! Phil Ford's done his homework. Nerd points to him.
- That's supposed to be someone from 1605 or whatever? Oh dear lord, that's a horrendous accent!
...so yeah, it's not that good. Haven't finished it due to utter indifference, but I can't imagine the rest of the game suddenly being 300% better.
I'm actually liking it so far...
Sure it's easy, and the performances aren't stellar, but everything just seems much better than the last series. The graphics are actually pretty decent this time too, and they obviously spent a lot of time crafting the environments. Plus, you could actually walk from the outside world into the TARDIS, which was pretty neat (not just when you're finding the screwdriver, but when you've landed in London).
Although I've just got past a bit where
The doctor randomly decides to help the conspirators
However, I liked how they haven't been portrayed as evil or whatever. That's been left for the player to decide.
Still, not a patch on what telltale could do with the franchise, but I think (for me at least) it's wandered into a realm where I wouldn't mind paying a few quid for an episode.
So was I the only one who ran into glitches where I walked off of the face of the Earth by walking into a wall or a fence? Also it was kind of odd how during one stealth section when I walked into a table the Sontarans in the room disappeared from existence.
I think I've had two bugs so far. One was when I fell in the thames I fell through the earth and teleported back to the shore. And the other I fell through a fence (and teleported back where I was before). Nothing game breaking. I had worse in the original series.
Yh but the Daleks have turned into jobbers now. Where as before they scared even The Doctor sometimes.
That could be because he's used to them constantly popping up. In Dalek, it was the very last Dalek, the race that destroyed his people. But it quickly became apparent that it wasn't, and they've been constantly appearing ever since. Even the Doctor must feel like shrugging his shoulders and saying "What, you lot again?" by this point.
If he actually does something like that next time they appear, I want a cookie.
While I love Matt Smith, I feel the overarching story overshadows the individual ones and I'm finding myself increasingly turned off by it. It's actually kind of irritating - I want to like this show, but I just... I find it really hard to do so when it's almost completely different from the Eccleston era, the series I fell in love with.
Like the 'Saints Row 2' of Doctor Who, if you will. Now it's Red Faction: Guerilla. Still good in its own way, but it's not the same thing.
The Silence are annoying! In series 5 we thought they where a powerful entity trying to blow the universe up simple and entertaining. Now there hell bent on
the universe from the
. Which make there Univeral ending actions just bumbling mistakes. Also it focases way to much on The Doctor him self I know the shows about him but it should be about him saving the universe from monsters not saving him self from them with nothing else on the line.
We're seeing their plans in reverse. Plan Two; Send a Woman to kill the Doctor. Plan Three: Send the equivalent of the A-Team to lock the Doctor up and attempt to destroy the universe. The question is now what is plan one?
You forget the Silence can control people's actions by suggestion. It's a dangerous tool I expect to become vital. Madame Kovarian was probably a good person who was told she hates the Doctor by the Silence and therefore she does.
Also; the show has never been the same show from era to era. The show started as an educational tool, turned into a fright-of-the-week monster half hour, then into a military drama, then into a gothic horror, then into a slapstick humor, then hard sci-fi, then back to a bizarre mixture of the previous three, into a Teacher-and-Apprentice show, then into a big damn movie, then a story about a man with humongous Survivor's Guilt. Now it's taken the form of a dark fairytale, reminscent of Gothic Horror. Not every era's to everyone's tastes. The eras I find myself most enjoying are Pertwee (Military Drama) and McCoy (Ooh, controversial opinion! Teacher-and-Apprentice Show), but I find aspects of each era to my liking. I very much like the feel of the Davison serials (Hard Sci-Fi with lots of Adventure), but I think that the stories aren't any good.
That said, my average grade for the Moffat era is probably far and away much higher than the RTD years. The only episode I didn't really enjoy yet has been Closing Time, but even that's saved by the last ten minutes. Whereas RTD constantly had episodes like The Long Game, Tooth and Claw, Love and Monsters, Fear Her, Gridlock, and the Waters of Mars. (I am intentionally leaving three episodes most people love that I can't stand there). Although Series Four is probably my favorite series since the revival, I enjoy the Moffat era much more right now.
One thing bugged me about Waters of Mars, and really any time when the discussion of saving somebody like that comes up:
Why not just take them into the future? Bring Adelaide Brooke to meet her granddaughter after the granddaughter has done all the things she was inspired to do. No major paradox, because everyone would have believed they died long enough for history to progress identically. Sure, they'd be a bit time-shocked from being pulled out of their present, but that seems better than being dead.
And yeah, I don't get why there wasn't still a major paradox at the end of Waters of Mars, since shooting oneself tends to be a lot less inspirational than dying on a mission. But whatever.
Well, I just finished "The Gunpowder Plot", and it was pretty awesome. I'm tempted to go through it again sometime and film it, and then edit it down into an episode.
Also, I received a history lecture from a silent. It was scary. Seriously, when I first saw it, I jumped a mile. I have no idea how I missed it when I entered the room...
Apparently it's already available for purchase over here. For $10. Nope.avi.
Argh, for some reason I thought 'Colony in Space' came out this week and then I suddenly realized it wasn't and I was about to go to the local store to get it. Next week, though. SOON.
I'll be picking up the rest of the first series of the New Eighth Doctor Adventures today or tomorrow, though. And that CC subscription I've been meaning to pick up but then I decided to get more Eighth Doctor so . And then I'll be exactly where Friar is in both Eighth Doctor audio series, thus meaning any move further will anger him furiously! Guahahaha?
On a related note, I've now learned the subscriber bonus CD Extras for the Main Range are around half an hour each, which means I can never forgive myself if I don't get them for every possible release. Also, Nick Briggs said Eight will have a new theme next year for his new box set - I reserve the right to complain about it, seeing as we've seen a Post-Lucie Doctor in the Company of Friends and he just had the Tom Baker theme!
Boxset? Like the Eighth doctor collection set (that was awesome but messed up my shelving system.)?
There'll be a set featuring the Doctor after the final New Eighth Doctor Adventure, theoretically showing the latest BF intend to go with him before the Time War occurs and BF can't touch him. From what I know of To the Death, it'd certainly make sense from a character point of view.
There'll also be another set featuring the Seventh Doctor, Professor Klein (but from our universe, not the Nazi one), Raine (from the Lost Stories), and UNIT (theoretically with almost-recurring character Brigadier Bambera, seeing as she was in Animal).
The Eighth Doctor one is currently hoped for 2012 release, but may be pushed into 2013 if necessary.
Also, Nick Briggs said Eight will have a new theme next year for his new box set - I reserve the right to complain about it, seeing as we've seen a Post-Lucie Doctor in the Company of Friends and he just had the Tom Baker theme!
Can't be any worse than the eighth Doctor's current new theme tune.....
Why must they taint everything good and pure? And by that I mean Doctor Who. Ugh.
Has anyone played the DS Doctor Who game 'Evacuation Earth'? It actually plays like a kid-friendly Professor Layton. And by that, I mean the puzzles are aimed at kids. Still fun, mind, and way better than the Adventure Games.
Awesome! But I'm not a mod...
Also, there's now an official convention. And it almost sounds like an episode of Doctor Who: Confidential.
The Official Doctor Who Convention is the ultimate event for Doctor Who enthusiasts. With unparalleled access to the cast and crew, this event offers fans a one-off chance to immerse themselves behind the scenes of the world’s longest running sci-fi show.
No other Doctor Who event gets you closer. Delve, as never before, into the creative minds behind the hit TV show, with unique opportunities to witness experts demonstrate how the special effects and prosthetics have created some of the iconic scenes and characters. Interactive panel discussions with cast and crew, photo and autograph sessions and a show case of official costumes and props, will give every true fan the chance to celebrate and share their passion for all things Doctor Who.
Already confirmed are Matt Smith and Steven Moffat, with more special guests to be announced in the coming weeks!
Your ticket includes:
Interactive Q&A panel discussions with the cast and crew
Prosthetics & special effects demonstrations
Official props and costume displays
Official merchandise & collectables
The Official Doctor Who Convention is a one day Convention, whereby the programme of events is the same for Saturday and Sunday. Visitors are therefore encouraged to choose which day they would like to attend.
Autograph and photo opportunities with the main cast members will be available as an upgrade option on a first come first served basis.
Tickets are strictly limited to this brand new event and include unique Official Doctor Who Convention 2012 merchandise – check out the TICKET INFO page for details and to book your tickets today.
I find it funny unofficial fan conventions in America can have vastly superior guests. This coming year's Gallifrey will have the entire principal cast of the TV movie! Hopefully Paul McGann makes a video similar to the videos Peter Davison made the past two years, but going by how camera shy he is it's unlikely that he'd do it.
I find it funny unofficial fan conventions in America can have vastly superior guests. This coming year's Gallifrey will have the entire principal cast of the TV movie!
Yes, but.... I mean, I've never been to Los Angeles, but I do know what Cardiff's like. I know where *I*'d prefer to go!
I'd rather go to Cardiff, I think. Because Daleks on Tourist information signs are awesome.
The fact there is a slim chance of spotting the crew filming and being hired as an extra is one of the main reasons Cardiff is on my university shortlist!
Silent. The singular is Silent.
Well it is late... I should probably go to bed or something.
Unless bunkbeds are involved. :-P
I didn't see a single doctor who outfit last night. And the family wouldn't let me turn the dog into K9. Sadface.
And this is the second time I've downloaded it. Same thing happened with the first. I really don't want to download a 810MB file a third time, so someone else tell me they had the same thing!
EDIT: Looks like I was just panicking. It has installed, I just needed to leave it for around 15 minutes. Nice and professional there.
But yeah, this sucks. Especially as they've fixed absolutely none of the issues I had with the previous series of Adventure Games. Except maybe how short it was - this one seems pretty big, and given the download size, I should bloody well hope so.
Notes I mentally made during the game:
- Wow, these character movements are awkward. They're like marionette puppets being pulled on strings, or maybe robots tat don't quite understand human movement.
- Why does Rory never blink? His eyes seem to be staring into my soul. Please stop cutting to close-ups of him, it's very unnerving.
- Oh look, the very first thing we do in this 'Adventure Game' is a pointless platforming section to retrieve a lost screwdriver. Joy.
- Dear god, does no-one have any emotions? This must have been the most boring set of line readings ever.
- Oh look, it's that stupidly pointless room from TARDIS. And it's still stupidly pointless. Kinda fun reading all the facts, even if it is stupidly pointless.
- Hey, we can combine inventory items now. Nice, but I can't see it having that many applications. This is for kids, y'know.
- Dear god, the back half of Rory's head looks wrong! Arthur Darvill must be ashamed of what they did to him! And what's with the shoulders? Why can no-one ever get the shoulders right? It's like his jacket is two sizes too big and someone's left the hanger in them.
- More stealth sections! Yay! Only now they're pathetically easy with no-one to spot me and they get broken up every 20 seconds to eavesdrop on someone delivering unbelievably forced exposition. Woo.
- Wait, all this is part of one huge level? No wonder it took ages to load.
- God, not even the extras can put emotion into their voice! Is the script really that bad?
- OK, I know they kiss in the series, but doing it in a game, especially with the Robo-Rory, is just plain wrong.
- How come no-one is questioning Amy being in modern day clothes? She stands out like a sore thumb.
- Rutans! Awesome! And the appearance is actually fairly faithful! Phil Ford's done his homework. Nerd points to him.
- That's supposed to be someone from 1605 or whatever? Oh dear lord, that's a horrendous accent!
...so yeah, it's not that good. Haven't finished it due to utter indifference, but I can't imagine the rest of the game suddenly being 300% better.
Sure it's easy, and the performances aren't stellar, but everything just seems much better than the last series. The graphics are actually pretty decent this time too, and they obviously spent a lot of time crafting the environments. Plus, you could actually walk from the outside world into the TARDIS, which was pretty neat (not just when you're finding the screwdriver, but when you've landed in London).
Although I've just got past a bit where
Still, not a patch on what telltale could do with the franchise, but I think (for me at least) it's wandered into a realm where I wouldn't mind paying a few quid for an episode.
Also, Rory seems to have fish eyes.
To be fair, that WAS Rory's daughter he was facing.
Yh but the Daleks have turned into jobbers now. Where as before they scared even The Doctor sometimes.
If he actually does something like that next time they appear, I want a cookie.
Like the 'Saints Row 2' of Doctor Who, if you will. Now it's Red Faction: Guerilla. Still good in its own way, but it's not the same thing.
...god that was nerdy.
You forget the Silence can control people's actions by suggestion. It's a dangerous tool I expect to become vital. Madame Kovarian was probably a good person who was told she hates the Doctor by the Silence and therefore she does.
Also; the show has never been the same show from era to era. The show started as an educational tool, turned into a fright-of-the-week monster half hour, then into a military drama, then into a gothic horror, then into a slapstick humor, then hard sci-fi, then back to a bizarre mixture of the previous three, into a Teacher-and-Apprentice show, then into a big damn movie, then a story about a man with humongous Survivor's Guilt. Now it's taken the form of a dark fairytale, reminscent of Gothic Horror. Not every era's to everyone's tastes. The eras I find myself most enjoying are Pertwee (Military Drama) and McCoy (Ooh, controversial opinion! Teacher-and-Apprentice Show), but I find aspects of each era to my liking. I very much like the feel of the Davison serials (Hard Sci-Fi with lots of Adventure), but I think that the stories aren't any good.
That said, my average grade for the Moffat era is probably far and away much higher than the RTD years. The only episode I didn't really enjoy yet has been Closing Time, but even that's saved by the last ten minutes. Whereas RTD constantly had episodes like The Long Game, Tooth and Claw, Love and Monsters, Fear Her, Gridlock, and the Waters of Mars. (I am intentionally leaving three episodes most people love that I can't stand there). Although Series Four is probably my favorite series since the revival, I enjoy the Moffat era much more right now.
And yeah, I don't get why there wasn't still a major paradox at the end of Waters of Mars, since shooting oneself tends to be a lot less inspirational than dying on a mission. But whatever.
Also, I received a history lecture from a silent. It was scary. Seriously, when I first saw it, I jumped a mile. I have no idea how I missed it when I entered the room...
Or did I?
Argh, for some reason I thought 'Colony in Space' came out this week and then I suddenly realized it wasn't and I was about to go to the local store to get it.
I'll be picking up the rest of the first series of the New Eighth Doctor Adventures today or tomorrow, though. And that CC subscription I've been meaning to pick up but then I decided to get more Eighth Doctor so
On a related note, I've now learned the subscriber bonus CD Extras for the Main Range are around half an hour each, which means I can never forgive myself if I don't get them for every possible release. Also, Nick Briggs said Eight will have a new theme next year for his new box set - I reserve the right to complain about it, seeing as we've seen a Post-Lucie Doctor in the Company of Friends and he just had the Tom Baker theme!
There'll be a set featuring the Doctor after the final New Eighth Doctor Adventure, theoretically showing the latest BF intend to go with him before the Time War occurs and BF can't touch him. From what I know of To the Death, it'd certainly make sense from a character point of view.
There'll also be another set featuring the Seventh Doctor, Professor Klein (but from our universe, not the Nazi one), Raine (from the Lost Stories), and UNIT (theoretically with almost-recurring character Brigadier Bambera, seeing as she was in Animal).
The Eighth Doctor one is currently hoped for 2012 release, but may be pushed into 2013 if necessary.
Speaking of the Eighth Doctor;
Can't be any worse than the eighth Doctor's current new theme tune.....
Speaking of Ponifyed Doctors.
Has anyone played the DS Doctor Who game 'Evacuation Earth'? It actually plays like a kid-friendly Professor Layton. And by that, I mean the puzzles are aimed at kids. Still fun, mind, and way better than the Adventure Games.
Too late. Almost twenty years since the show jumped the shark...
It jumped the shark for me when Ian and Barbra left.
My reaction to the End of Time.
Sexiest couple ever.
Oh, wait...
Doctor pony head incoming!
And the body too!
Also, there's now an official convention. And it almost sounds like an episode of Doctor Who: Confidential.
Tickets are £99, which rules me out. Grumble.
And because everyone else is posting pictures:
On a shirt.
What, boring? Padded-out? Cancelled?
Yes, but.... I mean, I've never been to Los Angeles, but I do know what Cardiff's like. I know where *I*'d prefer to go!
The fact there is a slim chance of spotting the crew filming and being hired as an extra is one of the main reasons Cardiff is on my university shortlist!
LA's great. Just make sure not to go driving around randomly, wear headbands, or go to the ATM at night. Asides from that it's a fantastic place.
I might use some of my unused/forgotten about birthday money to get it.