[BTTF quotes thread] I must play this game! It is my density



  • edited April 2011
    "Doc!" *reaches out and grabs nothing* "No!" *steps back in horror*
  • edited April 2011
    *a crash of thunder in the air. Doc turns to Marty*

    Doc: "I'm sorry, Marty."

    *Doc fades from exsitence, followed by another crash of lightning & thunder*
  • edited April 2011
    *runs forward* "Doc! Come back! Doc!" *lightning crashes in the background*

    *jolts awake* "Doc!" *looks at hand and realises that it was all a dream*
  • edited April 2011
    *Marty's mother, from off-screen* "Marty? Is everything ok?"
  • edited April 2011
    "Yeah, Mom. It was just a nightmare...I was in the past...and Doc was there." *looks over at the photo taken in 1885*
  • edited April 2011
    Lorraine: "Well, you're save and sound now. Back in good old 1986...But, you'd better get up. You're father is waiting for you."
  • edited April 2011
  • edited April 2011
    Lorraine: "Weren't you going to meet him over at Doc's?"
  • edited April 2011
    *stands up* "Holy crap! I'm late!"


    *main credits roll*

    *runs into Doc's garage*

    "Dad! Are we too late to stop the...sale?!"
  • edited April 2011
    *George turns around and walks toward Marty*
    "Better late than never! You wouldn't believe how much rare stuff there is back here!"
  • edited April 2011
    *visibly upset* "That's Doc's stuff! The city has no right to-"
  • edited April 2011
    *places hand on shoulder*
    "Now son, I know you're upset, but your friend's been gone for months, and the city really seems hellbent on using his land for the new parking garage and..." *distracted* "Hey! is that a first edition Jules Verne?"
    *walks away*
  • edited April 2011
    *places hand on shoulder*
    "Now son, I know you're upset, but your friend's been gone for months, and the city really seems hellbent on using his land for the new parking garage and..." *distracted* "Hey! is that a first edition Jules Verne?"
    *walks away*


    "At least things can't get any worse."
  • edited April 2011
    *Biff turns on jukebox which starts playing 'Back in Time' for a few seconds*

    *Biff, wearing Doc's mind reading device, turns around* "Hey Marty!" *waves and gulps down soda*
  • edited April 2011
    *Biff turns on jukebox which starts playing 'Back in Time' for a few seconds*

    *Biff, wearing Doc's mind reading device, turns around* "Hey Marty!" *waves and gulps down soda*

    *looks wearily disgusted*

    "Hi Biff."
  • edited April 2011
    *Biff walks forward* "Come to see if the old crackpot had any buried treasure?" *gulps down more soda*
  • edited April 2011
    *Looks over Doc's clocks, the dog feeding machine, and Einstein's bowl*

    "No, I guess I'm just...remembering."

    (Soda? This is Biff we're talking about. That's beer.)
  • edited April 2011
    (Soda? This is Biff we're talking about. That's beer.)

    (I was trying to keep it PG.)

    *click on dog feeder*

    Biff- "Hey, let me..."

    George- *scolding* "Now, Biff. Leave Marty alone. This is a very emotional time for him."

    Biff- "Oh sure. Sorry, Marty." *walks away*

    *presses dog feeder and watches contraption*
  • edited April 2011
    "No wonder your president has to be an actor, he's gotta look good on television."

    This is ironically true and funny.
  • edited April 2011
    (If you click on the door)

    Marty: "I'd better stick around...Doc might have left something important behind, and he wouldn't want it to end up at Biff's place."

    (If you click on Einstein's Bowl)

    Marty: "I miss Einstein..."

    (If you click on Fish Tank)

    Marty: "A fish tank? I never knew Doc raised fish! Doc's fish had wierd taste in decor. Kinda like Doc."

    (If you click on clocks)

    Marty: "I wonder why Doc didn't take any of these with him?"

    (And if you click on More clocks)

    Marty: "Jennifer would like that. She's into old stuff."

    There, again just trying to cover all the bases, but thats enough for now. I'll save the TV and Amp and the others for someone else.
  • edited April 2011
    ~Note: This is the dialogue BEFORE you examine the Town Model.~

    (click on 'Amplifier')

    "It took me forever to repair this thing after I blew it out last time and now some jerk's going to pick it up for pennies."

    (click on 'Amplifier Controls')

    "Let's make some noise." *turns up all dials*

    (click again on 'Amplifier Controls')

    "I better not crank it up anymore. I really don't want to blow this thing out again."

    (click on 'Vat')

    "Doc musta whipped up some crazy compounds in that cauldron." *sniffs* "Smells like beef stew."

    (click on 'Jukebox')

    *puts quarter in but is pushed aside by Biff* "Hey. Let me try, Marty."
    *George, scolding* "Now, Biff. Let Marty have his turn."
    *Biff gives an apologetic look* "Oh sorry, Marty."

    (click on 'Mind-reading helmet')

    "Feels like that was a lifetime ago. Actually, I guess it was."

    (click on 'Scientific Equipment')

    *turns release valve* "Hope that wasn't poison gas or anything..."

    (click again on 'Scientific Equipment')

    "I'll probably never know what this is for..."
  • edited April 2011
    (click on the TV)

    Carl Sagan: "Does nature contrive it that, even with a time machine, you cannot go back, to prevent your own conception, for example?"
  • edited April 2011
    (Talking to Biff *before clicking on town model*)

    "What're you doing here?"
    "Well, I was as bummed as anybody to hear that the old nutcase had kicked it..."
    "He's not-"
    "But I'm not above picking through the remains. You know what they say, 'Don't look a gift horse in the butt.'."

    "Doc's not dead, you know. He's still around."
    "Oh really? Do you see him around here?"

    "I'm looking for something...in particular."
    "Yeah? Something valuable?"
  • edited April 2011
    (click on BOOKS)

    "Wow, Doc sure loved his Jules Verne."
  • edited April 2011
    (Talk to George before the Town Model)

    Marty: "Hey Dad..."

    Marty: "Who's Running this sale anyway?"
    George: "Oh, that would be me, son."
    Marty: "You? Why?"
    George: "Well, once it became apparent that the bank was going through with the sale, I volentired to oversee it, to make sure Doc's stuff would be treated with a modicum of respect. Isn't that right Biff?"
    Biff: "You got it, Mr. McFly!"

    Marty: "I'm telling you, this sale is a joke! Doc's only been gone for a few of months, and I happen to know...
    George: "Yes, you told us he's not dead., he's on a trip. Let's say your right. Have you considered that this "trip" may not have been entirely voluntary? I hate to say it, but Doc's run up some pretty sizable debts around town. Maybe he's just hiding from his creditors."

    Marty: "You got Doc wrong! Sure, maybe he's not so good with money...that's just because his mind is always on bigger things. But he's still a strait-up guy, he'd never run away from this problems."
    George: "Well, you know him better than I do, son. But, the bank is within their rights to sell off his stuff. Maybe you should find some things to remember him by, before Biff grabs them all."

    Marty: "What's Biff doing here? He wasn't a friend of Doc's."
    George: "It's a public sale, Marty. Everyone is allowed...even Biff."

    Marty: "Do you think dreams can predict the future?"
    George: "Well, you know I don't go in for that mystical stuff, but I do think they reflect how your FEELING about the future. What did you dream?"
    Marty: "Oh, just...weird stuff. About Doc."
    George: "Well, thats understandable, don't you think?"
    Marty: "I guess, but...I fell like it was telling me something..."

    Marty: "I'll keep looking around, thanks Dad."

    (I'll save the other Biff line for when you talk to George again...and if you wanted the 'using the Amp before asking George to butt out' lines. OH, and I guess we missed this one...)

    (Click on Electrical Equipment)

    Marty: "Looks like a hand cranked Lightning Rod...or maybe a Lightning Powered Pencil Sharpner?"
  • edited April 2011
    I'm pretty sure we covered all the bases in terms of dialogue before the town model so I'll just continue with the plot. I propose that for the plot-based cutscenes, we take turns with the lines of dialogue and with the 'pointless clicking' parts, we'll divide it in chunks like what we were doing above.

    (click on 'Town Square Model')

    "Doc built this model of downtown Hill Valley way back in 1955. The clock tower in the courthouse even works..."

    *notices the back of the clock tower is peeled back*

    "What the-? Is that Doc's notebook in there?"
  • edited April 2011
    *Biff quickly grabs the Courthouse before Marty can get it*

    Biff: "Hey, that looks just like the Courthouse! You got to hand it to the old coot, he was good with his hands."
  • edited April 2011
    "Uh, Biff, can I see that a minute-?"
  • edited April 2011
    Biff: "This would look great in my fish tank! Give the old carp something new to nibble on."
  • edited April 2011
    //Italics indicate dialogue options. The '~' marks where the dialogue is default whichever option is chosen.\\

    "Ya know, you and my folks go way back..."
    "Yeah, so?"
    "So how about lettin' me have that model courthouse, um, for old time's sake?"
    "Naw, I think I'll keep it."

    "Can I see that model courthouse for just a second? I need to get something out of it."
    "Like what, a 'not guilty' verdict?" *gives Biff a non-amused look* "That was a joke."
    "Oh. Ha. But really, can I--?"
    "No, I think I'll hold on to it."

    "C'mon...I saw it first!"
    "Yeah, I guess you're right." *continues* "But I picked it up first."


    *glares* "Give it here, Biff!" *tries to grab it out of hands*
  • edited April 2011
    *Marty and Biff struggle over the model Courthouse, then the top opens up*

    Biff: "Well, well, lookie what we have here...Looks like plans for something?...What's a 'Flux Catheter'?"
  • edited April 2011
    "It's none of your business! Doc asked me to-"
  • edited April 2011
    Biff: "Brown's worm food, kid. But this looks like it might be worth somthing, ha."
  • edited April 2011
    (Click on Town Model again)
    Marty: "Seems kinda empty without the courthouse."

    (Click on the Door again)
    Marty: "I can't leave until I get that notebook back from Biff!"

    (Click on Dog Feeder, after telling George to back off)
    *Marty turns it on, then Biff appears beside him*
    Biff: "Hey, I want to try something."
    *Biff puts a can of beer...uh, soda in the Feeder slot. The hand moves it to the can opener. Afterwards, Biff grabs the can before the hand dumps it on floor and drinks the beer...uh, soda and tosses it in the garbage bin.*

    (Click on the Jukebox, after telling George to back off)
    *Marty tries to put in a quarter to the machine, but Biff shoves Marty out of the way.*
    Biff: "Wait! I got one."
    *Biff puts in a quarter and the Jukebox starts playing 'Back in Time'*

    (and if you click the Jukebox again)
    *Marty puts in a quarter into the machine, and before Marty picks something, Biff interupts.*
    Biff: "Hey, don't cut off my music!"
  • edited April 2011
    (talk to 'Biff')

    "I just can't let you keep that notebook. It's dangerous!"
    "What, is it set to explode or somethin'?"
    "Well...in a way..."
    "I'll take my chances."

    "It's just a notebook with Doc's scribblings. What did Doc ever accomplish?"
    "Then it's worthless right?"
    "If it was really worthless, you wouldn't want it so bad."

    "I only want that notebook because...well, I'm sentimental. It's like a piece of Doc."
    "Doc's dead! Time to get over it and move on."

    "That notebook wouldn't mean anything to you. You wouldn't even understand what's in it."
    "You callin' me ignorant?"

    "I'll pay you for it."
    "How much?"
    "Not enough!"
  • edited April 2011
    *Geroge puts a box on the table with Marty's guitar in it.*

    (click on Marty's Guitar)

    Marty: "Hey dad, why does my guitar have a price tag on it?"
    George: "Sorry son. Must have been an overzealous clerk. Just pick it up, I'll iron things out with the bank."

    (talk to George again.)

    Marty: "About Biff...Dad, I know your trying to help."
    George: "He talks a big game, son, but he's not so tough. I've been dealing with him for a long time...believe me, I can handle him."
    Marty: "So can I."
    *George gives Marty a look*
    George: "...I guess you can. Okay son, I'll stay out of your way. But you know where to find me."

    *Marty gives a glance of to Biff's direction*
    George: "Problem?"
    *Marty nods*
    George: "Biff?"
    Marty: "He's got this...thing, see, and I really need to get it back."
    George: "If he stole something from you...!"
    Marty: "No...it's one of Doc's notebooks. He found it first, but..."
    George: "Oh. Well then I'm not sure what to tell you. I guess you'll just have to appeal to his better angels...or something."
    Marty: "Or something..."

    George: "No luck with Biff?"
    *Marty shakes his head no*
    George: "Well, don't give up. Sure, he can act stubborn sometimes. But underneath it all he's just a big pushover."

    Marty: "That notebook is Doc's legacy! I've got an obligation to protect it!"
    George: "Now hold on a minute. Didn't you just get done telling me Doc's still around? Off traveling somewhere?"
    Marty: "Yeah..."
    George: "Then how is it your obligation to protect his legacy? You can't have it both ways, Marty. If Doc's alive, he can protect his own legacy."
  • edited April 2011
    Man. Its like Im playin the game! I even read it and imagine it like the game! My brain does a good impersonation of the characters in the game!!!! lol!
  • edited April 2011
    VeryTori wrote: »
    Man. Its like Im playin the game! I even read it and imagine it like the game! My brain does a good impersonation of the characters in the game!!!! lol!

    Same here, but unfortunately I can't remember quite that much of the dialogue.
  • edited April 2011
    Then just do it while playing the game. I do not know all of the dialogue at heart either.
  • edited April 2011
    *plugs guitar into the amplifier*

    "Here's an oldie, but a goodie. One, two, three-"
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