Free episode not available before Febuary



  • edited December 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    Basically, they could tell the free episode was going to be released at the same time with the second episode. Like, "you'll have to wait, by the way".

    I still don't see why it was required of them to lay it right out from the start. It built excitement to think that you'd get the first episode for free, and guess what? You still are!
  • edited December 2010
    But, to be fair they did say (paraphrasing, obviously) "Register here and enter the code to get Episode 1 free", followed by "Episode 1 is released in December", followed by "Episode 1 is released on December 22" and then a day or two out from Dec 22 that was followed by "Episode 1 isn't available to people who registered for the free download until February. But hey, you can buy the whole season if you want to play it sooner".

    It's easy to see why some people think they were strung along and/or misled somewhat.
  • edited December 2010
    jp-30 wrote: »
    But, to be fair they did say (paraphrasing, obviously) "Register here and enter the code to get Episode 1 free", followed by "Episode 1 is released in December", followed by "Episode 1 is released on December 22" and then a day or two out from Dec 22 that was followed by "Episode 1 isn't available to people who registered for the free download until February. But hey, you can buy the whole season if you want to play it sooner".

    It's easy to see why people thing they were strung along and/or misled somewhat.

    Those were general mass marketing e-mails though, not specifically tailored to those who had picked up the free episode. Yet again a lot of assuming was going on when nowhere did I find it mentioned that included the free episode. Personally I thought they would do something like that when I first heard it announced to give paying customers an advantage, but I guess I truly am in a minority.
  • edited December 2010
    Most people expected a delay between the release of the paid and free episode, but not in excess of 5 weeks.

    And I don't really see why the 'general mass-marketing' target of the emails should make any difference - the information is in public domain as soon as they're sent.

    Look, it's done, I have my episode, but I do think those feeling annoyed / disappointed have a genuine reason to feel that way.
  • edited December 2010
    jp-30 wrote: »
    Most people expected a delay between the release of the paid and free episode, but not in excess of 5 weeks.

    And I don't really see why the 'general mass-marketing' target of the emails should make any difference - the information is in public domain as soon as they're sent.

    Look, it's done, I have my episode, but I do think those feeling annoyed / disappointed have a genuine reason to feel that way.

    I could understand a slight annoyance, but 19 pages worth?!?! Since when do you have much of a right to complain when you get something for free anyway? To me, the best parallel I can see is getting a piece of commercial software for free and expecting the full benefit and support backing it that someone who paid for it will get. I don't think most of those who were complaining expected any delay, and they merely are mad that we who paid money for it got to play it before they did. I may be wrong here, but it feels like griping when they haven't spent any money and haven't been shortchanged anything.
  • edited December 2010
    I think some of us can agree that Telltale Games should've been a little more upfront with the release date of the free episode. But crying out "bait and switch" is a little much, don't you think? Okay, some people are being impatient and don't want to wait, but complaining about it isn't gonna change that. If you want to condemn Telltale for it, fine. If you wanna wait, that's fine too. I think this discussion should just be over with because neither side is going to be able to sway the other into their way of thinking.
  • edited December 2010
    Yeah, I've said that several times in this thread. Problem is that if this thread is locked (as I did for a while when there was too much personal bickering), new identical threads will be started, so best just to let people air their frustration in here. Maybe those who disagree with those that feel aggrieved should just avoid this thread and let them vent?

    Maybe the discussion wouldn't have gone on for so many pages if that had happened.
  • edited December 2010
    jweir wrote: »
    I could understand a slight annoyance, but 19 pages worth?!?! Since when do you have much of a right to complain when you get something for free anyway? To me, the best parallel I can see is getting a piece of commercial software for free and expecting the full benefit and support backing it that someone who paid for it will get. I don't think most of those who were complaining expected any delay, and they merely are mad that we who paid money for it got to play it before they did. I may be wrong here, but it feels like griping when they haven't spent any money and haven't been shortchanged anything.

    It's 19-pages long because many other people asked the same thing you're asking at the very moment and they were given the same answers.

    So please don't raise the heat, intentionally or unintentionally.
  • edited December 2010
    I'm one of the free people and I got an e-mail to download it. But, I can't play it cuz it won't let me activate it :(

    That is just mean. And on Christmas Eve to boot. The tags for this thread are mean too.

    And I don't buy the "it's free" argument because there is a cost which is a one month wait. Not every "cost" is in money.

    It is easy for many to say it doesn't matter, because they already have access to it. And no, of course it's not the worst thing in the world, like baby murders, but it is wrong. Really, poor logic, and piss poor public relations, that whole crybaby argument.

    I imagine what it would be like in the shoes of someone excitedly downloading and ready for their fun weekend and then told (in meaning, anyway) HAHA PSYCH!!! EVERYONE ELSE GETS IT NOW BUT YOU HAVE TO WAIT A MONTH!!! and then coming here and seeing more HAHA CRYBABY! stuff. Mean!

    No, of course you didn't kill the customers but you made them wait a month. and no you are not babykillers, but you are mean, and/or dumb, to do this.

    Thank goodness for Steam, and cheaper, too.
  • edited December 2010
    I bought the whole season for 20 bucks. Cheaperer than Steam.

    But yeah, there is a problem with empathy.
  • edited December 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    It's 19-pages long because many other people asked the same thing you're asking at the very moment and they were given the same answers.

    So please don't raise the heat, intentionally or unintentionally.

    I still fail to see the issue how Telltale is evil for giving an episode away for free, but then there are those who will find a reason to complain about anything for any reason. I'm done with this thread as I still see it as false vilification, but it's clear some will see otherwise. I hope I haven't been written off as a fanboy for my statements as I haven't been pleased with other aspects of the marketing surrounding this, but fail to see how this begins to compare to those of us who actually spent as much money and got less, or more money and got the same. Now those actually get my goat, but that's another topic for another thread...
  • edited December 2010
    Well in the end the ones that get the free episode and you guys will pay the same price anyway so... Yeah, it's not an argument of price. It's an argument of budget planning. Some people don't want to pay for the game this month and this was backed up by assumptions born from their free game giveaway, whose revelation of delayage totally ruined entire plannings of those people.
  • edited December 2010
    mrskittens wrote: »
    Thank goodness for Steam, and cheaper, too.
    Yes... thank goodness for paying more for getting less.

    Which about sums up this thread, right?
  • edited December 2010
    Yes... thank goodness for paying more for getting less.

    Which about sums up this thread, right?

    Am I reading your point correctly? I just bought the series there fore $2.50 less. Are you saying that I paid more to get less?
  • edited December 2010
    mrskittens wrote: »
    Am I reading your point correctly? I just bought the series there fore $2.50 less. Are you saying that I paid more to get less?

    Well, no Puzzle Agent, no 80% off coupon on everything on Store, no forums... But I didn't like these bonuses anyway.

    Btw my 20$ purchase also had Puzzle Agent which I gifted to my sister.
  • edited December 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    Well, no Puzzle Agent, no 80% off coupon on everything on Store, no forums... But I didn't like these bonuses anyway.

    Btw my 20$ purchase also had Puzzle Agent which I gifted to my sister.

    Thanks for clarification, that it was a comparison to another site, not this one.

    I, too, didn't need the bonuses, but would not have minded an additional $2.50 off, oh well, I'm happy with where I went, tho it sounds like you did even betterer ;)
  • edited December 2010
    i never received this email so i had no clue, kinda feel dicked over in a weird way.
  • edited December 2010
    Well my goodness! The tags for this forum are so condescending that I don't think I feel comfortable around such vileness. I came to the forum to check out why I could not download the game I received with my movie purchase. I declare, you would think purchase incentives are evil! But then I suppose that if this had happened to the taggers with something the like of 'World of Warcraft', they would be in a tizzy. I'm glad other casual gaming sites I am a member of are not so ......

  • edited December 2010
    mslemon wrote: »
    Well my goodness! The tags for this forum are so condescending that I don't think I feel comfortable around such vileness. I came to the forum to check out why I could not download the game I received with my movie purchase. I declare, you would think purchase incentives are evil! But then I suppose that if this had happened to the taggers with something the like of 'World of Warcraft', they would be in a tizzy. I'm glad other casual gaming sites I am a member of are not so ......


    Well, it's internet, it's the most sincere insult someone can get.
  • edited December 2010
    and this is not a casual gaming website
  • edited December 2010
    Obviously alot of people are upset. If you look at the poll on top, there are significantly more people at varying levels of upset then happy, fanboys might disagree, but then they'll always disagree with anything that makes what they are fans of look bad. However its still not right, all we can hope though is Telltale will learn from this, especially when it impacts their bottom line.
  • edited December 2010
    LordRiker wrote: »
    Obviously alot of people are upset........all we can hope though is Telltale will learn from this, especially when it impacts their bottom line.

    And on that note I do appreciate the opportunity to express opinions here. I'm not even one of the ones affected but I am imagining myself in their shoes and I sure wouldn't want to have it happen to me. I do hope that this feedback is being heard. Thank you.
  • edited December 2010
    but complaining about it isn't gonna change that.

    Says who? It's certainly not set in stone. We can always hope Telltale see reason and change things before February.
    I think this discussion should just be over with because neither side is going to be able to sway the other into their way of thinking.

    But this is not the point of this discussion. The point is to complain to show Telltale the mistake they've made and to - at least - make them refrain from using the same tricks in the future.
  • edited December 2010
    I can understand telltales side in delaying the free version till february. It just needs to be clearly stated. In the signup page, i didnt notice anything about it being delayed.. only "FREE!" for signing up and i never recieved an email stating i would have to wait till feb, only a serial number for my product.. I always considered user error on my part, so i checked the inbox, spam and trash folders and just never recieved anything from telltale.
    giuliop wrote: »
    Says who? It's certainly not set in stone. We can always hope Telltale see reason and change things before February.

    But this is not the point of this discussion. The point is to complain to show Telltale the mistake they've made and to - at least - make them refrain from using the same tricks in the future.
  • edited December 2010
    giuliop wrote: »
    Says who? It's certainly not set in stone. We can always hope Telltale see reason and change things before February.


    But this is not the point of this discussion. The point is to complain to show Telltale the mistake they've made and to - at least - make them refrain from using the same tricks in the future.

    Thank you. I meant to address this when I saw the post you responded to and similar ones. I could not have said it better, though.
  • edited December 2010
    I have no idea what's the reason why they did it this way but it could be that they just ran out of time. I mean the release of the first episode already felt rushed, so...

    Holding a demo back by intention doesn't make a lot of sense to me, as that's what demos are for. I wonder if it wouldn't be enough if you implement a property into the game engine and if the flag is set to demo, you also can only play the scenes marked with demo. Would be more rough and less appealing but could spare you some time. Hmm some progress flag attached to situations like conversations/puzzles (would need puzzles of course!) would make more sense. Anyway this could save you some time but it still needs to be tested/uploaded/announced/...

    If you want to know how the game is, there are tons of walkthrough on youtube and other video sites, also HD versions which don't look too bad compared to the game (minus on bumps but plus on features according to the individual quality settings). Screenshot from one of those...

  • edited December 2010
    I don't care about Telltale delaying the free episode to February. What I'm more upset about is the lack of a demo. I already know that I want the game, but I need to know if my computer is up to the task. I'm not going to pay for a game I can't play (not making that mistake twice).

    So I'm going to be patient and wait until I've tried the free episode or when telltale finally release a demo.
  • edited December 2010
    Telltale just sent me an e-mail that my game was ready! I rushed to download it but apparently they just wanted to break my heart because once I entered my details into the launcher, it told me I didn't own the game :(
  • edited December 2010
    Admittedly, I haven't been around the forums for a while since I've moved on from doing the arts/entertainment thing back in to hard news (bigger market paper keeps me from having much free time). But even so...

    I have to say that I almost don't recognize the company anymore. The Telltale I covered and was familiar with when Emily and Chris and Jake were around this ain't.

    That old Telltale may have made a similar decision for whatever reason, but that Telltale was responsive to their fans/customers. No clue who this new 'Alan Johnson' guy is, but I'm absolutely shocked that there hasn't been some official acknowledgement/response from Telltale even if it was only something along the lines of the typical 'we had to make a tough business decision and this is the way it is'.

    Seeing the way this has been handled -- or more correctly, hasn't been -- raises concerns that the Telltale I'd been impressed with after their first press release showed up in my inbox is a thing of the past.

    It's probably inevitable that the small, feisty start-up that was Telltale had to give way to the more typical business as they've garnered success after success and the massively increased customer base that goes along with it.

    Still. It's always disappointing to see it happen with a company that was justly renowned for their openness and almost unprecedented interaction with their community.
  • edited December 2010
    Alan filled in the blank spot right after nikasaur left, and I think he does his job as efficiently as her.

    But yeah, all employees remain silent about that. It's not about the productivity of new guys but, I don't know, maybe they don't want to raise an even more heated argument. I mean, you're right, there is a big problem here and at least a word from someone would chill people a little.
  • edited December 2010
    I heard about the game through the ad in the BTTF blu-ray and immediately rushed over to try the game out.

    I hurried through the registration process and "ordered" the game, but it wasn't until I spent several minutes wondering how I was supposed to download the game, that I finally saw that I wasn't going to be able to play it until next year.

    There should have absolutely been a disclaimer on the advertisement included in the move, stating this very thing. It could have saved me a lot of trouble of getting absolutely nothing.
  • edited December 2010
    Well you know what they say, Absolute power corrupts, absolutely. It was probaly a pipe dream to expect Telltale to stay true to their roots with the community and not "sell out" after garnering alot of success. I agree it is pretty sad they dont even have the balls to address the community, even if it is a canned PR response.

    I wonder how long before they get absorbed into EA or Activision, at this rate they'll fit in nicely. The poll at top is indicative people are upset. Tally up all the Disappointed or Angry options and you get 55 upset players to 27 happy ones. That alone should be enough for them to address their community, Im thinking they probably dont even care anymore about fans, just people with valid credit cards.
  • edited December 2010
    I received an Email yesterday with a link to download the first episode. I thought it wouldn't be available till Feb? I haven't downloaded it yet, maybe it won't unlock yet??

    Anyway, thought I'd ask as there seems to be no mention of it here.
  • edited December 2010

    Apparently, you're wrong about your last sentence.

    Anyway, not sure why they're mailing everyone about it but the free episode is still waiting to be unlocked in February. Sorry.
  • edited December 2010
    That's interesting. I never received an email telling me the first episode was available but I have been sent the same newsletter three times now. :p
  • edited December 2010
    The emails that people seem to be getting are about Back to the Future's first episode being released, not that the free episode is available for download.
  • edited December 2010
    The emails that people seem to be getting are about Back to the Future's first episode being released, not that the free episode is available for download.

    The (free) episode is availabale for download, I just tried clicking the DL link in the email and am downloading as I write.
    Falanca wrote: »

    Apparently, you're wrong about your last sentence.

    Anyway, not sure why they're mailing everyone about it but the free episode is still waiting to be unlocked in February. Sorry.

    What I meant about it not being mentioned was that the free DL was available.
  • edited December 2010
    doggans wrote: »
    I'm confused.

    It's simple. I wasn't really interested in the game when it was first announced. Then after seeing the trailer, I expected it to be good because it was Telltale.

    I was disappointed with the product.
  • edited December 2010
    Yeah, for some reason some of us got that email saying we could download it. It even gives us the link and lets us download it.

    Unfortunately, the game launcher prevents you from playing it. When you login with your Telltale login, it says you haven't purchased the game.

    So yeah, it's a bit of a tease. You can download it but it won't unlock till Feb.

    Sorry :(
  • edited December 2010
    Hi, What's the link to the free episode? Please send it to me.
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