Free episode not available before Febuary



  • edited December 2010
    Not trolling you, jp-30. :I
  • edited December 2010
  • edited December 2010
    jp-30 wrote: »

    Wonderful, thank you.
  • edited December 2010
    jp-30 wrote: »

    Could you please refrain from slowchatting.
    This is a forum.
  • edited December 2010
    Strayth wrote: »
    I also have an important question :

    Can we buy the first episode only ? And have a promo to get the full season at 24 dollars as a whole (minus the already payed episode of course...) ?

    No cauz I got the feeling we're getting royally screwed somehow if we don't want to order the full season (and why should we if we don't even know if we like it / or if we can run it...).
    Telltale traditionally offers a season upgrade that allows you to buy a full season less the cost of one episode if you already own one episode (I've even been able to take advantage of this after getting episodes free as a bonus from other promotions in the past)

    I would think they will offer the season upgrade price for BTTF as well.
  • edited December 2010
    Xavian wrote: »
    Telltale traditionally offers a season upgrade that allows you to buy a full season less the cost of one episode if you already own one episode (I've even been able to take advantage of this after getting episodes free as a bonus from other promotions in the past)

    I would think they will offer the season upgrade price for BTTF as well.
    They didn't with "Devil's Playhouse" though, so I don't know if that means they're moving in a different direction.
  • edited December 2010
    True, and they didn't offer any of the episodes besides the first separately either, so I'm guessing they'll only sell full seasons and maybe the first episode (as some sort of demo) from now on.
  • edited December 2010
    SunnyGuy wrote: »
    True, and they didn't offer any of the episodes besides the first separately either, so I'm guessing they'll only sell full seasons and maybe the first episode (as some sort of demo) from now on.
    If they drop the price around the time of the second episode, it's almost the same as a season upgrade, though.
  • edited December 2010
    markeres wrote: »
    If they drop the price around the time of the second episode, it's almost the same as a season upgrade, though.
    so free episode people have to wait to Febuary? what a crock! how many more frickn suprises..huh? how many?.. (nods and shakes head)
  • edited December 2010
    so free episode people have to wait to Febuary? what a crock! how many more frickn suprises..huh? how many?.. (nods and shakes head)

    It's still free though. You haven't lost any money, you haven't invested into anything, you're still on the side, getting it for free, for nothing, $0, you just have to wait for it, meanwhile those people who have paid for ALL the season up front get it on the 22nd.
  • edited December 2010
    OK, I've asked for this 'you're whining' / 'you don't appreciate the situation' discussion to stop. It hasn't, so this thread is closing up for a while. May reopen it, but tomorrow is gonna be busy enough, I reckon.
  • edited December 2010
    I'm so mad. Christmas is canceled!!!
  • edited December 2010
    Why do I have the feeling that most people just didn't get the email ? ^^'

    I think that in a first time, we'll have a LOT of "why can't I download it ?!" while the game is out.

    And then it will be the apocalypse.
  • edited December 2010
    This is bullshit. Clever move telltale....I'll wait for this game to be in the discount bin for $5 before I buy it... have a nice day
  • edited December 2010
    Sorry JP but its true they are crying over something that is free.... If the issue is so absolutely upsetting as they make it out to be they really should consider paying for the game like we did who get to play today.

  • edited December 2010
    turley714 wrote: »
    This is bullshit. Clever move telltale....I'll wait for this game to be in the discount bin for $5 before I buy it... have a nice day

    you wont find it there.

    shell out the money, its totally worth it
  • edited December 2010
    you wont find it there.

    shell out the money, its totally worth it

    How would I know if it is worth it, if I have not tried it out or even seen any in game footage to have something to judge it by
  • edited December 2010
    smsff7 wrote: »
    How would I know if it is worth it, if I have not tried it out or even seen any in game footage to have something to judge it by

    i assume your a back to the future fan. thats how i assume you would like it.
  • edited December 2010
    Sorry JP but its true they are crying over something that is free.... If the issue is so absolutely upsetting as they make it out to be they really should consider paying for the game like we did who get to play today.

    1) There is NO demo.

    2) You can't buy the episode 1 alone.

    Just for that, crying is tolerated, and you have NOTHING to say about it Oo ...
  • edited December 2010
    turley714 wrote: »
    This is bullshit. Clever move telltale....I'll wait for this game to be in the discount bin for $5 before I buy it... have a nice day

    So because they are making you wait a bit longer to get something for FREE, you're going to avoid the game all together, ...waiting even LONGER for it to go on sale??

    People have a funny idea of Logic.
  • edited December 2010
    Attention people currently angry/annoyed at Telltale for this, you CAN actually play the game right now instead of waiting for February, and no, I don't mean buying the whole season or pirating.
  • edited December 2010
    SunnyGuy wrote: »
    Attention people currently angry/annoyed at Telltale for this, you CAN actually play the game right now instead of waiting for February, and no, I don't mean buying the whole season or pirating.

    Care to elaborate on that a lil bit more?
  • edited December 2010
    Find the link to download it (should be somewhere on the waiting thread), download it, play it.

    At least that's what I've heard, but I don't see why people would be lying about that.
  • edited December 2010

    I thought they would screw up like that, but, I didn't count on some users immediately broadcasting it Q_Q
  • edited December 2010
    this sucks!
    it's like if someone tells you that he'll give you free ice cream... a week later!
  • edited December 2010
    This is insanely stupid. I purposely didn't put any money away for BTTF because I thought I would have episode 1...
  • edited December 2010
    This is utter BS and reeks of a underhanded scam. Nowhere did it mention this before, now suddenly on the release day they come out with this?

    I'll tell you what this is, its a cheap attempt to get more sales, and its going to back fire on them. I was planning personally to buy the season once i saw if it worked on my PC and it was enjoyable and pay the 24$ but now with this underhanded BS, I'll wait till this is in the proverbial bargain bin.

    Just because its free, does not mean this isnt a bait and switch tactic. If they would have mentioned this from day one, it'd be fine to me personally but to spring it suddenly like this is slimely and they lost my support.
  • edited December 2010
    They did spring it a few days back, not on launch day.
  • edited December 2010
    I never got a email, and it never said it on the page when they were offering the promotion. Its clearly a underhanded decision and I dont support underhanded companies.
  • edited December 2010
    It's underhanded for a company giving you a free game to decide when they're gonna release it? Seriously?

    Maybe, I don't know, Telltale wants to reward the people who bought/pre-ordered the game by giving them access to it first. The free download for episode 1 is supposed to be available before episode 2 comes out, so what do you lose for having to wait? Nothing. You're still getting the game for free and you're still getting it before any other chapters are released. So seriously, chill.
  • edited December 2010
    Got to love fanboys who like trolling other threads to which they have no business being in. It is underhanded because they should have mentioned it up front. Its just all around a very Jerk move, and it should have been obvious to them there would be backlash.

    PS Downloading it from the waiting thread doesnt work, it does not give a option to enter the key, only asks you to log in, to which it notes you dont own the complete pack, so they lied or Telltale changed it.
  • edited December 2010
    How the hell am I trolling? Because I disagree with the fact that you're complaining about something you're getting for free?
  • edited December 2010
    This same argument has been going on for pages now. People's feelings on this matter won't change, so can we maybe not get drawn into 1 on 1 arguments about the situation, please.
  • edited December 2010
    look, how about we all just

  • edited December 2010
    What annoys me is that I would have preordered it and got the bonus's if I knew this was going to happen.

    I chose testing the game on release over the bonus's that came with the preorder, I would not have done that if Telltale had been honest!

    And I never got the email...
  • edited December 2010
    I just want an apologize.

    And first episode for free.

    And Susan Coffey between two large bread buns.
  • edited December 2010
    now since i know i have to wait until february to play my episode 1 ill just buy it for ps3 thanks though.:)
  • edited December 2010
    Isn't it out there in february as well?
    Tiranno wrote: »
    No wonder Telltale isn't a major retail developer yet.
    Pfff, like pretty much all other indie-devs they don't even aim for that, the DL Game method works fine for them. Gladly enough though, unlike those others TTG does offer discs after the season is done.
    Without that, I probably never became their client, I like my shiny disc collection...
  • edited December 2010
    I just went ahead and paid for the game even though I registered for the free episode. What do I have to lose since I planned on paying for it in the first place? I know they could've let us know back in October that we'd have to wait, but I think Telltale is being pretty generous offering a whole episode for free to begin with. And from what I hear the episodes won't be available separately until all episodes are out so those of you waiting for the free episode have an advantage of trying before you buy.
  • edited December 2010
    Thats the problem with fanboys, they bend over and cheerfully take it from corporations. Its why Activision is still in business despite their atrocities. The fact remains it doesnt matter if its free or not, Telltale willfully mislead customers in this situation.

    The responsible thing to do, if they had planned this was to make the offer next year or put a notice in with the promotion, the fact they didnt is a real Scrooge thing to do especially so close to the holidays. You can defend underhanded practices if you want, but that doesnt mean people who got shafted have to support this company.
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