Free episode not available before Febuary



  • edited December 2010
    It didn't fully pull out supporting, so to speak, but publishing TOR is now EA's business.

    EA paid for the use of the licence. Lucasarts can't "support" them any less than what they're actually doing. Of course the game will require some Star Wars ressources, thus LucasFILM being a key partner. But since the whole developement is assured by Bioware, and the whole promotion by EA, there's not much left of Lucasarts' involvment...
  • edited December 2010
    LuigiHann wrote: »
    Getting people to give you their email addresses by registering for a free episode, and then using that email to say "your free episode will be available two months after the game comes out, so how about you just buy it now instead?" is kind of tacky.


    Telltale hasn´t really done anything wrong, but this move just seem cheap and bit desperate.
  • edited December 2010
    What's false advertising is, is that I'm already waiting for years for my 'free DVD's' that came with Sam'n'Max Season 2/3 and Monkey Island. They're in 'Your order is being processed and will ship soon' mode for three years now...
  • edited December 2010
    MasterTutu wrote: »
    What's false advertising is, is that I'm already waiting for years for my 'free DVD's' that came with Sam'n'Max Season 2/3 and Monkey Island. They're in 'Your order is being processed and will ship soon' mode for three years now...

    Did you let them know by mailing them or something? I mean I know it shouldn't be like you ought to poke them whenever they get lazy but, 3 years is a long term.
  • edited December 2010
    MasterTutu wrote: »
    What's false advertising is, is that I'm already waiting for years for my 'free DVD's' that came with Sam'n'Max Season 2/3 and Monkey Island. They're in 'Your order is being processed and will ship soon' mode for three years now...

    three years? lol, dont you mean 3 month?
  • edited December 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    Did you let them know by mailing them or something? I mean I know it shouldn't be like you ought to poke them whenever they get lazy but, 3 years is a long term.
    I tried a few times, without result... :(
  • edited December 2010
    Cyphox wrote: »
    three years? lol, dont you mean 3 month?
    I paid around 10$ for shipment of the Sam&Max Season DVD on June 27, 2007.
  • edited December 2010
    Start a new topic in the Game Shopping support forum.
  • edited December 2010
    Farlander wrote: »
    It didn't fully pull out supporting, so to speak, but publishing TOR is now EA's business.

    Thanks for the link, hadn't heard about that. Not sure what it really means, but it certainly is odd for LA to pullout of that at this stage. With launches that are going to be this big the planning has to be done way up front.
  • edited December 2010
    Dear TTG, I loved and I love you.
    But this time you disappointed me.
    It's just a matter of sayin' or not sayin' things.
    I mean, it wasn't written ANYWHERE that the free episode would have come 2 months later.

    Sorry for the caps lock.
    And sorry for any eventual grammar mistakes (I'm Italian).

    Best regards
  • edited December 2010
    If you didn't see Alan mention it in the FAQ thread, everyone in the preorder forum gets a coupon that's good until tomorrow for 80% off everything in the Telltale Store. I just bought $150 worth of merch for $37.

    Just in case you needed one more factor to push you over the edge and preorder. :P
  • edited December 2010
    *shoots habit for still complaining*
  • edited December 2010
    doggans wrote: »
    If you didn't see Alan mention it in the FAQ thread, everyone in the preorder forum gets a coupon that's good until tomorrow for 80% off everything in the Telltale Store. I just bought $150 worth of merch for $37.

    Just in case you needed one more factor to push you over the edge and preorder. :P

    Haha, thanks so much, I would've missed this if you didn't post about it. It's definetly worth preordering just to get this coupon guys!
  • edited December 2010
    habit79 wrote: »
    I mean, it wasn't written ANYWHERE that the free episode would have come 2 months later.
    Just as it wasn't written ANYWHERE that the free episode would come out on day 1.

  • edited December 2010
    markeres wrote: »
    Just as it wasn't written ANYWHERE that the free episode would come out on day 1.


    Yet when it's not stated any different one would assume that the release would be the same as the actual release. Seriously, can the *sigh*. The obvious would be that it was to be released for everyone on launch.
  • edited December 2010
    Who would POSSIBLY even assume it was going to be released a month and a half later just because it's free?

    Let alone, it's pretty hard to assume that it was going to be released AFTER the date because, as I told you before but you like being a redundant piss off-er the way you are, Telltale has never done such a thing before when they gave out free episodes.
  • edited December 2010
    stemot wrote: »
    Yet when it's not stated any different one would assume that the release would be the same as the actual release. Seriously, can the *sigh*. The obvious would be that it was to be released for everyone on launch.

    No, that was just stupid assumptions. It's just as fair to say I thought the free episode would be available in 2017, and it's great it's coming out sooner.
  • edited December 2010
    Haha, thanks so much, I would've missed this if you didn't post about it. It's definetly worth preordering just to get this coupon guys!

    This sounded so cool so I finally decided to pre-order the game now.

    But alas - the insider's forum will only be available in 24 hours for me to enter :( that's a real bummer.

    Does any anyone knows how I can get that coupon anyway?
  • edited December 2010
    The coupon is in the ""The Weekly Insider Forum Special" thread in the Insider forum
  • edited December 2010
    GuShPaNkA wrote: »
    This sounded so cool so I finally decided to pre-order the game now.

    But alas - the insider's forum will only be available in 24 hours for me to enter :( that's a real bummer.

    Does any anyone knows how I can get that coupon anyway?

    Maybe email Telltale about it? The offer does go until release, but there's no way in telling that you'd be let in before that.
  • edited December 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    as I told you before but you like being a redundant piss off-er the way you are, Telltale has never done such a thing before when they gave out free episodes.
    And, as I told you before, Telltale has never done a "free episode on the first day" deal before.

    Answer this: How exactly is it fair to the people who pre-ordered (or will order on the first day, or any time before February) that a bunch of people should get the first episode for free before February? Essentially, what we paid for was the ability to play the first episode before February.

    Look, I get it. You're annoyed, disappointed, angry, frustrated, whatever, that you can't play on the first day. Frankly, I would be too. But I still don't understand where the outrage and complaining comes from when you're getting something for free. And, whether or not you ever intend on getting the game doesn't change the fact that the first episode is free and you will get the free episode eventually either way. So, any argument that you're "not really getting it for free" just doesn't hold water.
  • edited December 2010
    That's what I thought...
    I tried asking help in this thread:

    hopefully Alan will help me soon.

  • edited December 2010
    markeres wrote: »
    And, as I told you before, Telltale has never done a "free episode on the first day" deal before.

    Answer this: How exactly is it fair to the people who pre-ordered (or will order on the first day, or any time before February) that a bunch of people should get the first episode for free before February? Essentially, what we paid for was the ability to play the first episode before February.

    Look, I get it. You're annoyed, disappointed, angry, frustrated, whatever that you can't play on the first day. Frankly, I would be too. But I still don't understand where the outrage and complaining comes from when you're getting something for free. And, whether or not you ever intend on getting the game doesn't change the fact that the first episode is free and you will get it eventually. So, any argument that you're "not really getting it for free" just doesn't hold water.

    By that logic is it fair for me, an owner of every S&M season, ToMI and Strong Bad; when they give out free episodes of the said seasons "only if you log in that day/week?". I surely paid for an episode some other plays for free. In fact, I paid for at least 2 seasons worth episodes that people plays for free. It's fair. It's fair for them because they were curious enough to log in that day and see that there was a free game. It's fair for me because I could play the games in the given order then. It's fair since it was only ONE episode that was given free, without any more limitations.

    You didn't pay for playing the game right when it's out. You paid for the game, its preorder bonuses, AND for not having to pay for more later. You didn't even know about the delay. Noone did.

    The way you put it, it sounds like you rather hate the ones getting the free episode just because you paid for it. It was fair when it was ruled out by Telltale that first episode could be given for free, and even preorderers were okay with it.

    Promising something free and then holding it out for various reasons is a dickery. It holds some water alright, you don't want to drink it because you put your order and it's done for you know. But I still don't know what bites you so hard to defy the logic of understandable budget plans going rubbish because of a really late reveal.
  • edited December 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    The way you put it, it sounds like you rather hate the ones getting the free episode just because you paid for it.
    I don't hate anybody for anything. I'm just bewildered, and somewhat offended, about all of the complaints about the free episode coming out in February.

    Again, disregarding whether or not someone will be purchasing the full game at a later date, why should someone be able to get something for free at the same time as those who paid for it? All of those other free game examples you listed came long after those games had been released. Honestly, I don't care if Telltale wants to give away all five episodes of BTTF for free, as long as it's after the season. But during the season, I just don't see how it's fair that some people should get episode 1 for free at the same time as those who paid for it.
  • edited December 2010
    It was unfair when The Devil's Playhouse's price went down to 20$ right after the time for preordering has just ended (Yes, by that logic, non-preorderers got one AND A HALF episode for free, and played their game the same day as everyone else).

    Right now people wanted to act smart by both playing the first episode and waiting for such a discount to come. And Telltale made his new move then. It's a play of chess with no sign of moralty. If anything, it's unfair for those who wanted to play the first episode before buying the complete season AND playing them at the same time with anyone else.
  • edited December 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    Right now people wanted to act smart by both playing the first episode and waiting for such a discount to come.
    Well, look at it this way: If the price does go down after the first episode comes out, you'll be paying less for the game than I did.
  • edited December 2010
    I'll rule the earth, I dare say.
  • edited December 2010
    I'm not a rich man by any means, but I'm still stunned at the level of outrage some people here have over a game that costs 25 dollars. In a day and age when the average price of a new game is 60 dollars, this is a great deal for a video game.

    Then to complain about a FREE episode of said game because you have to wait 2 months... I guess I gave the people of the interwebs too much credit in believing they could be reasonable.

    So to those crying over the wait, boo f***ing hoo.

    I only wish this forum had an ignore button for these whiners.
  • edited December 2010
    markeres wrote: »
    Well, look at it this way: If the price does go down after the first episode comes out, you'll be paying less for the game than I did.

    Didn't you just get TOMI: Deluxe Edition plus Voodoo Cards for 14 dollars because of the 80% off deal? >.>

    And Spykes hit the nail on its head.
    The game is freaking 25 dollars!!!(20 through Facebook)
    Here in the Netherlands we pay 60 euro's(=70 dollars) for games in stores.
  • edited December 2010
    Spykes wrote: »
    I'm not a rich man by any means, but I'm still stunned at the level of outrage some people here have over a game that costs 25 dollars. In a day and age when the average price of a new game is 60 dollars, this is a great deal for a video game.

    Then to complain about a FREE episode of said game because you have to wait 2 months. I guess I gave the people of the interwebs too much credit to be reasonable.

    Boo f***ing hoo. I only wish this forum had an ignore button for these whiners.

    But then we would be able to skip your heartwarming post.
    Origami wrote: »
    Didn't you just get TOMI: Deluxe Edition plus Voodoo Cards for 14 dollars because of the 80% off deal? >.>

    And Spykes hit the nail on its head.
    The game is freaking 25 dollars!!!(20 through Facebook)
    Here in the Netherlands we pay 60 euro's(=70 dollars) for games in stores.

    You might be knowing the economy here. We do pay 100 dollars on a game.

    It's not the deal of what's cheap and what's not, though. 25$ means of a different thing from person to person.
  • edited December 2010
    25$ means of a different thing from person to person.

    Assuming you could afford the computer to run Back To The Future: The Game,
    I have some trouble believing that 25 dollars is the difference between comfortable home and cardboard box.
  • edited December 2010
    OK, this discussion has been going on since the news of the delayed free episode broke.

    Nobody's going to change their feelings on the matter. Some people feel angry/sad/disappointed. It's natural as they won't be able to partake in the discussion of the game while the topics are hot, and may well have to avoid the forums altogether due to possibly being spoiled.

    Can we maybe just let it go now, and let everyone live with their own opinions on this matter?
  • edited December 2010
    Origami wrote: »
    Assuming you could afford the computer to run Back To The Future: The Game,
    I have some trouble believing that 25 dollars is the difference between comfortable home and cardboard box.

    I should advice you on not to talk about assumptions about anyone's budget plans by actually knowing little to nothing.

    If you're curious, this is a used lappy I bought from a friend this month for 500 liras, or 300$. Because the price was high for my or my relatives' budget I had to divide the payment to three. Actually six, because dad helps with half of each payment. He's quite uncomfortable with it.

    But enough about me, really.
  • edited December 2010
    Spykes wrote: »
    I only wish this forum had an ignore button for these whiners.

    Knock yourself out.
  • edited December 2010
    I should advice you on not to talk about assumptions about anyone's budget plans by actually knowing little to nothing.

    It's what the likes of me, great detectives, do.
    It's called deducing. ;)

    But you are basically backing up my post. Because of your situation you wisely didn't pre-order BttF and are waiting for a more suitable oppertunity.
    That's exactly my point. If you have trouble affording it, then don't. If you can easily afford it then don't whine about missing out on 5 dollars.
  • edited December 2010
    Right - no more of this line of discussion please.

    Everyone has different circumstances and different feelings on how this was handled. Can we all just respect each others feelings an opinions on the timing of the free episode release, even if you disagree with them.

    Thank you.
  • edited December 2010
    mod edit: Any more, and you may miss the launch. Two warnings is enough.
  • edited December 2010
    I'll leave this be.

    I made a flaw in my logic though. Because there are also a group of people who pre-order the game now because of their unawareness of TTG's tendency to offer it later on for a cheaper price.
  • edited December 2010
    It's okay, thanks for approaching in such an understanding manner.

    I would stop posting a bit before but I do kind of like trolling 8D
  • edited December 2010
    You were trolling?
    Me not noticing...does that mean you failed? -_-
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