Problems with login/ unlock/ reinstall/ Windows 7 (merged threads)

edited February 2011 in Back to the Future

my system: W7 Pro 64bit.

I downloaded bttf_101_setup.exe , I selected English language (my system is German). I install the game on E:\Games\Back ... Game\ . I start it, all on screen text is in German ?? I click "Spielen", it crashes with:


I've let the installer check for DirectWhatever and it didn't feel like updating. I've a HD 5970 and the 10.12 drivers.

I close it, start again. Log in again, click again on the button and it says it downloads Episode 1. Wtf, thought I just installed that?

Download goes quick, I get a new installer titled "Episode 1 Setup", weird, just thought I did that.

I look in my installed software and of course it's there, start menu entry is also there, it *is* installed.

I don't know how to proceed from here, installing it over itself again doesn't sound good to me.

Any ideas, support, anyone?

Achja, and I don't want that German, I just want everything in English please.


  • edited December 2010
    I'm on Windows 7 64 as well, the game installed fine but I can't start it...

    I 2x click the icon, and it crashes, I didn't even get to enter my serial number yet.

    I tried changing the compatibility mode and running as admin, but doesn't work.
  • edited December 2010
    I'm having the same problem on WIN 7 .. installed fine I guess but double click icon and no start! :(
  • edited December 2010
    when i enter my name and passwort in the launcher, it loads for a second than nothing...
  • edited December 2010
    Same here. Win 7 x64. ATI video card. I disabled my second monitor. I rebooted and re-installed already. Poker night at the Inventory works fine still.
  • edited December 2010
    I'm reinstalling now... And then I'm going to try and restart the computer.

    I feel very senile doing this, but I'm out of options.

    EDIT : Thanks Alex, I'll try this as well... I do have 2 monitors too, might be what's freaking it out.
  • edited December 2010
    A little bit miffed, try to log in to start the game but says i havent bought BTTF even though purchased all of it in october, BTTF appears in my games list but without any download links, help!
  • edited December 2010
    anyone try redownloading the installer? someone on another thread said they are uploading a new image for downloading and the file size is different.
  • edited December 2010
    Hmmm I have windows 7 64bit and I'm playing it now.. no issues at all.

    I have an ati 4870 on catalyst 10.12

    :/ Any questions ask and I'll try and trouble shoot with you

    Also edit since seeing new posts, I am using dual monitors as well
  • edited December 2010
    Same problem here
  • edited December 2010
    Same issue, Win 7 X64, Nvidia GTX260, single monitor. Installed the game, it downloaded again and installed a second time, now I click on play and nothing happens.
  • edited December 2010
    i installed it just fine. but i thought we had to put in the serial number. i never had to do that.
  • edited December 2010
    Same here.. Another preorder :P
  • edited December 2010

    I've just installed the game (during which time DirectX complained at me, but I can't blame you for that). When I started the application I made sure to turn off any popups, hints, goals... anything which could help me. But it keeps telling me to do stuff... suggesting that I click things. Is this a bug or are you making your games easier?

    Also, when I re-open the launcher it has forgotten my logon details and insists on redownloading the software. Surely I don't have to download 400MB everytime I start it?

    Please help. Normally your software is of a very high quality and I don't experience any glitches. Am I just really unlucky this time?

  • edited December 2010
    Well i've emailed Telltale, i guess we just wait now......
  • edited December 2010
    Not sure if it's because I restarted my computer

    OR because I unplugged my 2nd monition

    but it works now ! :D
  • edited December 2010
    Davejb wrote: »
    Same issue, Win 7 X64, Nvidia GTX260, single monitor. Installed the game, it downloaded again and installed a second time, now I click on play and nothing happens.

    Running Vista and I had the same problem. It seems to want to re-download the game from the start screen every time you start??
  • rfcrfc
    edited December 2010
    Yes, I'm also using Dual-Monitor. I was never asked for any serial so far, only to log in.

    I downloaded it again right now, still the same file, checked the MD5 hash.

    Uninstalled/installed it again, it did start. On screen language was still German.

    The game itself was only a small window (on my 1600x1200), so I went straight into the settings, adjusted them. Since the resolution did not adjust, I quit.

    I was in front of the launcher again, but I could not just launch it, the previous button "Spielen" was now "Online Community" and always opened some telltale game page.

    I quit the launcher, started it again, clicked on "Spielen" and it started to download the same installer again. I found out it gets saved to C:\Users\<user>\Documents\Telltale Games\Episode 1\ .

    I'm stuck here, again it always wants to download the installer again. I can delete the "Episode 1" directory in my user dir, then I've to log in again and it just starts downloaded the installer again.

    I waited for the whole download within the launcher, compared it to what I've downloaded twice: it is the same binary.
  • edited December 2010
    Mines just been updated, thankyou Telltale for the quick response!!
  • edited December 2010
    About time :D :D
  • edited December 2010
    Further to my previous rant...

    When I let the software download itself again, it tries to install and (obviously) complains that all of the files are in use. So I press ignore a lot, and the install completes but the launcher sits at "Installing".

    I made the mistake of clicking the "Installing" button again, and it's now download itself again.

    I tried running the episode 1 exe independently but it just brings up the launcher.

    This is shambolic.
  • edited December 2010
    still got problems, keeps crashing after the menu screen!!!!!!, redownloading again 3rd times a charm.......
  • edited December 2010
    Evening folks (it's gone midnight here in the UK). Long time player, first time poster.

    I've just downloaded the installer/hub for BTTF for the Mac. Once the download had finished I ran it and discovered I needed to let it download some more stuff. The download went quite quickly but then the orange progress bar stayed on 100% for about 10 minutes so I decided to shut the program down.

    However, every time I open the program it now crashes in TTArchive::InitAchive(String const&). I've attached more details of the crash if it helps the dev team. This is 100% every time I run it on my system.

    I'm not disappointed as I know these things can happen and that you'll do your best to fix it. I'm off to bed now, hopefully I'll awake to a solution.

  • rfcrfc
    edited December 2010
    I found a fix: as a cautious computer citizen I've UAC enabled. BTTF requires admin rights to run, i.e. right click on BTTF and Run as administrator -> game launches for me, reproducible every time.

    I figured the reason why it worked once after installation: installer asks me for administrator rights and thus when launched directly from within the installer when finished, it has the required admin rights.

    Nevertheless, requiring a game to have admin rights is IMO unacceptable.
  • edited December 2010
    I didnt change anything.
    And in the game you can change graphics settings like AA and resolution.
    So far great game no bugs at all so far :)
  • edited December 2010
    Sorry, duplicate of this thread:

    It's late... I apologise.
  • edited December 2010
    I had the same exact problem, also with a Mac.
    I downloaded the game again, and this time around I got to the "Play" button.
    BUT...every time I click on it, the game quits. And with these crashes, there's no
    window that pops up about the crash.
  • edited December 2010
    If it still crashes you all should check the event logs (Applications)

    its under "Control Panel -> Administrative tools -> Event Viewer"

    Mostly you can see in Event Viewer (Applications) what crashes the "BackToTheFuture101.exe"
    It could be a self-crash or a different DLL or EXE file thats causing "BackToTheFuture101.exe" to crash.

    Also it seems that this game has a few QT*.DLL files (Quicktime?). Maybe updating Quicktime helps? not sure.
  • rfcrfc
    edited December 2010
    Do you run as admin or do you have UAC disabled?
  • jmmjmm
    edited December 2010
    No problems here too.

    Running as a regular user, UAC enabled.
  • jmmjmm
    edited December 2010
    QT*.DLL are unrelated to Apple's Quicktime (In fact, they are part of the QT Framework)

    I'm using Win7/x64, Dual Monitor with UAC enabled and running as a regular (non admin) user.

    I had trouble with an firewall/antivirus product with another game, AND the game worked once after the installation.
    Updating the AV/FW solved the issue.
  • rfcrfc
    edited December 2010
    Trackah123 wrote: »
    Also it seems that this game has a few QT*.DLL files (Quicktime?). Maybe updating Quicktime helps? not sure.
    Please don't spread any such miss information. These are the QT Framework libraries, no relation to QuickTime at all. There's nothing third party to download/upgrade for the game (except your usual system drivers for everything, including audio/video).
  • edited December 2010
    Ok sorry, thats why i said "not sure" and "Quicktime?" with a question mark behind it.

    Forget the quicktime part then, my bad!
    But the event viewer could still possibly help to figure out whats causing crashes etc.
  • edited December 2010
    Our specs are :
    Nvida geforce 6150 SE intergrated
    Windows 7 OS
    3GB system memory
    500gb hard drive
    HP Pavilion P 6517

    Are we missing something? We installed it and the music and video jumps, we tried giving it the admin rights and nothing is working.
  • edited December 2010
    U got the latest DirectX and Graphics Card drivers installed?
  • edited December 2010
    Had the same issues (posted in another thread), but automatically ran as admin and it works fine.

    Windows 7 Ultimate x64
    ATI Radeon HD 5770 (Catalyst 10.12/Driver 8.801-101125a-109686E)
    Dual Monitors
    Windows Firewall/Microsoft Security Essentials
  • edited December 2010
    Launcher gives errors when I try to run it. It only works when I push it to work several times.
  • edited December 2010
  • edited December 2010
    Any background programs running that could possibly increase your harddisk activity in such a way it could slow down your game?
  • edited December 2010
    We have everything shut but the game. No windows opened or any other files that could possibly slow it down. It gets to where the start screen is suppose to be and then it starts to skip. Then it becomes darn near impossible to get your mouse over the QUIT button.
  • edited December 2010
    I installed it and opened the game. It was right to a screen that says:

    Unlock your game
    You are currently in offline mode. Go online to take full advantage of all Back to the Future: The Game's features, or unlock your game in offline mode here.

    To unlock your game while offline, please copy the request code in the box to the right and send it to our customer service department at

    Thing is IM NOT OFFLINE!!!! Is this a bug??? Anyone else have this problem?
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