Which of the new announcements are YOU most excited about?

edited February 2011 in General Chat
Which of the new announcements are YOU most excited about?

For me it has to be Fables. I've always been a fan of fairy tails and comic books AND adventure games, so it should be great. Puzzle Agent 2 is a close second.


  • edited February 2011
    Puzzle Agent 2. Without a shadow of a doubt.
  • edited February 2011
    Hector Badge of Carnage . Its proboly the only one il get. It looks awesome and funny as hell.
  • edited February 2011
    Kings Quest by far.... Walking Dead is second.
  • edited February 2011
    Kings Quest is the one I'm most interested in, but Fables looks interesting, and Puzzle Agent is fun, and Walking Dead sounds good too :).
  • edited February 2011
    Fables is the only one I'm not really interested in..... I took a peak at the books doesn't really seem like its for me.
  • edited February 2011
    From most to least...

    King's Quest: What can I say? I started following Telltale in the first place because I love adventure games. When I heard they'd be reviving another classic-but-sadly-forgotten series, how could I not get excited?

    Hector: Badge of Carnage: At first this was the announcement I cared the least about, but after watching the trailer it's growing on me. It seems to have the same style as the old-school point-and-click adventures, but with a filthy sense of humor. Should be a good laugh if nothing else.

    Puzzle Agent 2: I liked Puzzle Agent ("What if David Lynch made Professor Layton?" is probably the best premise I've ever heard, by the way), but I didn't like it enough to get really pumped at the announcement of a sequel. I do plan to get it, though.

    Fables: Never read the comic, though I've wanted to for a while. A Fables game seems...interesting, to say the least, but I'm not sure how much the final product will resemble the Telltale I know and love.

    The Walking Dead: Everything I said about Fables, but doubly so. Yes, I know The Walking Dead is a character-driven comic and not all about killing zombies. At the same time, though, one of the things I like most about Telltale is its humor. Not that I think Telltale should be forced to do nothing but games about silly cartoon characters for all eternity, of course, but I do wonder how much Telltale can carry themselves in a game that I'm guessing won't be funny. I am intrigued by The Walking Dead, but at the same time I'm very skeptical.
  • edited February 2011
    Fables>Puzzle Agent 2>King's Quest>The Walking Dead>Hector: Badge of Carnage. This list changes every time I think about it.
  • edited February 2011
    Honestly, Puzzle Agent 2 because it's the one I know anything about. The others sound really cool and I have no clue why I've never played a Kings Quest game, but I know Puzzle Agent. I know the story behind it and the plot thus far.

    Hector looks a bit too dark for me, so I may end up ignoring that.
  • edited February 2011
    For me?

    Hector: Badge of Carnage
    Puzzle Agent 2
    King's Quest
    The Walking Dead

    I don't like zombies. They're the reason we can't have nice things.
  • edited February 2011
    I feel a little worried for TTG as they are working on so many titles now... I much preferred it when I heard about one series at a time...

    My main concern: quality over quantity?

    It's curious that they've only just gotten started with Back to the Future, and have Jurassic Park in pre-order stage. I agree with embracing many franchises, but 7 known titles at one time seems really challenging and resource-draining.

    The only ones I have a shred of hope for are Hector or Puzzle Agent, as those seem to be feasible side-projects.

  • edited February 2011
    The Walking Dead>Hector: Badge of Carnage>King's Quest>Puzzle Agent 2>Fables>

    It was a very close call between The Walking Dead and Hector: Badge of Carnage. Hector looks GREAT but The Walking Dead has the potential to be fantastic, though we're still waiting for details for what the game will be like. I think I like the idea of TWD more even if I am really looking forward to Hector.
  • edited February 2011
    I feel a little worried for TTG as they are working on so many titles now... I much preferred it when I heard about one series at a time...

    My main concern: quality over quantity?

    It's curious that they've only just gotten started with Back to the Future, and have Jurassic Park in pre-order stage. I agree with embracing many franchises, but 7 known titles at one time seems really challenging and resource-draining.

    The only ones I have a shred of hope for are Hector or Puzzle Agent, as those seem to be feasible side-projects.


    I'm not too concerned, as BttF is well under way meaning the large bulk of the work is probably done now and that two of the five are fairly smaller projects (and we have no idea how big the others are anyway) plus I read that I think they're looking to expand a bit so we could possibly see crossover releases. I'm sure they wouldn't have taken on this projects without knowing that they have or will have the creative talent to handle them.

    Also, we don't even know how long they have set aside to do all these games, could be a year, or even two.
  • edited February 2011
    I'd spring for a None poll option. I love that TTG are growing and doing some interesting properties but none really appeal to me and make me go "OMG I have to get that".

    I'll check the trailers as they appear and decide then. I expect they'll be good though.
  • edited February 2011
    I would like to see a chart how TT thinks about it.
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited February 2011
    I loved Puzzle Agent, so I'm very excited for the sequel.

    I always wanted to see a King's Quest with a more LucasArts-design philosophy (but not completely without deaths), so I'm excited for that one too, but less so.

    I'm unfamiliar with the rest of them, but out of the three Fables seems like it would appeal to me most, since I love the concept of taking storybook characters and putting into a modern real world setting.

    Then, probably Hector: Badge of Carnage. The trailer for the first episode looked funny to me, but not enough to make me excited for it. It is interesting that Telltale is taking over an episodic game from someone else though. Maybe there's hope for Penny Arcade Adventures in the future after all?

    The Walking Dead is the least interesting to me personally. I'm not a big fan of zombies. But I'm willing to give it a chance.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited February 2011
    I'm actually not exited at all. I'm kind of looking forward to Hector, because I can somehow place the gameplay in a direction I might like, but for the rest of the franchises, I have no idea where TTG is going with them, and I knew none of them (besides Puzzle Agent). Yes, that also applies to King's Quest, incredible, isn't it? The first Puzzle Agent felt like a simple puzzle book to me. Entertaining... maybe, but not exactly first-class gameplay. No need for part 2 for me, although it DOES have more gameplay than BTTF ever will.

    Voting for Hector... but with a grain of salt.

    I was so skyrocketingly hyped for BTTF (as everybody has seen ;) ), and it really doesn't feel good hitting solid earth from that height with every new episode. Maybe it's good that I know nothing of the new franchises and won't build up any expectations. Also, no purchase in that five-game-list is a must.

    Indeed, after seeing 15 minutes of Jurassic Park "game" footage, I'm rather sure I don't need that as well.
  • edited February 2011
    You should consider relocating to the moon.
  • edited February 2011
    Mostly interested in Hector and intrigued by Fables. The rest, I'll wait and see.
  • edited February 2011
    King's Quest, mainly due to nostalgia. Which can be said about basically anything Telltale has ever put out, in my case. I'm really curious about how it turns out, but I'm not expecting miracles. All of the games based on older titles have always been in the shadow of the originals. Even ToMI, which I consider their best work, can't compare to SOMI, MI2LR or COMI. Maybe EMI, but if EMI didn't exist, TOMI would be considered the black sheep. At least by me. S&M wasn't even close to as good as the original LucasArts game, and I wasn't even a big fan of that. Bone 1 and 2 obviously not as good as their books, and BTTF not nearly as good as the movies.

    They make games of varying quality even within their seasons, and all of them are based on licenses that they can't possibly live up to in anyway. But they're trying and that's good enough. I don't regret pre-ordering BTTF, but I am disappointed with the wasted potential.
  • edited February 2011
    I am mildly interested in Puzzle Agent 2. I actually hoped we'd get a new location and a fresh case but judging by the teaser I guess not. Again with the garden gnomes and snowmobiles. Meh...
    Hector seems ok, but I never heard about it. I might give it a try.
    As for the other titles? Well... Umm... After seeing what they did to BttF I can't get excited about any popular franchise they happened to grab.
    I wish they did something original instead.
  • edited February 2011
    I picked King's Quest as "Most Exciting," but if this were changed to "Most Likely To Pre-Order," it would be Puzzle Agent 2!
  • edited February 2011
    When I told my son (aged 8) what games are announced he said "YEAH! GRICKLE"

    He said Puzzle Agent is what he looks forward to most.... and King's Quest second. Mainly because being a young child I do not let him read Walking Dead.
  • edited February 2011
    Puzzle Agent.
    Its a shame this looks like a closure to nelson's adventure.

    Oh well, if I really am into these games I can always try Proffesor Layton.

    Strange more people are excited about fable than walking dead.
    I thought more people liked the the walking dead.
  • edited February 2011
    I like that Hector, The Walking Dead, and Fables is reaching out to a more mature audience. It might be nice to talk to most of the community like they're peers rather than like they're younger brothers.
  • edited February 2011
    I like that Hector, The Walking Dead, and Fables is reaching out to a more mature audience. It might be nice to talk to most of the community like they're peers rather than like they're younger brothers.

    That's how you talk to your younger brother? Good lord, man.
  • edited February 2011
    That's how you talk to your younger brother? Good lord, man.
    I don't have a younger brother, so I wouldn't know.
  • edited February 2011
    Then why didn't you just say "like they're adults rather than like they're children" because we all know that's what you meant. It's a little late in the game to be civil, especially since your intention is self-defeating, seeing as your subtle message is anything but civil. Don't tell me you are suddenly getting scared of getting into an argument or getting criticized.
  • edited February 2011
    Hector Badge of Carnage. Then next would be Puzzle Agent 2. Would wanna try and play the first one soon then..
  • edited February 2011
    I'm excited for Jurassic Park, and Puzzle Agent 2. Walking Dead, was a good show, and a great comic book, but their are too many zombie games now. Fables I know next to nothing about so, I'm uninterested...and Kings Quest...of all the Sierra games they could have chosen from...this, this sort of makes me angry that their attempting a kings quest game, I love the series...but..well I think Dashing said what I was feeling so...yeah.
  • edited February 2011
    Then why didn't you just say "like they're adults rather than like they're children" because we all know that's what you meant. It's a little late in the game to be civil, especially since your intention is self-defeating, seeing as your subtle message is anything but civil. Don't tell me you are suddenly getting scared of getting into an argument or getting criticized.
    The underlying message is that I'd prefer to talk to people who don't frustrate me because their entire realm of experience is kid's cartoons and chid/young teen-oriented mainstream media. I would like to not be frustrated by the sorts of people that were drawn in by the Homestar Runner franchise because it was "random", or something along those lines. I would like to talk to people who share my level of experience or exceed it(this isn't that hard, by the way, I'm definitely not calling myself the king of the intellectual mountain). I'm tired of being exacerbated by people who think like this without regards to content, context, and intended audience. Also, I think that an adult may be more likely to be treated as an "equal" by game designers, who may in turn increase the frequency and intelligence of in-game puzzles. My core message, which I'd hardly say was attempting to be subtle, is that the community as a whole seems to be inhabited by a larger portion of younger children or those with the mentality of younger children than I would like, and this leaves me frustrated. It's true, this probably isn't an entirely civil statement to be making, but it reflects an actual annoyance on my part.
  • edited February 2011

    Now that's more like it, Mr. Dashing.
  • edited February 2011
    I am really kind of surprised that Kings Quest is number two on that poll... I guess its just been too long for some of the younger gamers to get excited about it.
  • edited February 2011
    Irishmile wrote: »
    I am really kind of surprised that Kings Quest is number two on that poll... I guess its just been too long for some of the younger gamers to get excited about it.
    I'm not. Every other Sierra fan I know is, at the very best, worried and unsure about this installment. People who like King's Quest are not the ones who want to play a Telltale King's Quest. It's the people who love LucasArts adventures and want King's Quest "fixed" for some reason, or who somehow feel like they "missed out" on something from a story and atmosphere perspective, that want to play a Telltale King's Quest. Puzzle Agent is already done, already "proven", we already have the story and art design, it is coming off of a cliffhanger ending, and it already has an installment rich with puzzles. It's far higher on my list of things that could possibly turn out good.
  • edited February 2011
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    Strange more people are excited about fable than walking dead.
    I thought more people liked the the walking dead.

    I wonder if more people aren't excited for The Walking Dead because most of us knew it was coming. I mean it didn't really get the benefit of surprise.

    Or maybe people here just plain aren't as interested in TWD. It's hard to say. At any rate I'm sure TWD will bring in a whole new generation of Telltale fans to these forums as it gets closer to and around release.

    Edit: There is a lot more activity on TWD forums then Fables which is probably indicates a higher interest than this poll suggests. On another note the King's Quest forums are exploding, probably due in large part to the surprise and controversy of Telltale acquiring an old Sierra licence.
  • edited February 2011
    I'm not. Every other Sierra fan I know is, at the very best, worried and unsure about this installment. People who like King's Quest are not the ones who want to play a Telltale King's Quest. It's the people who love LucasArts adventures and want King's Quest "fixed" for some reason, or who somehow feel like they "missed out" on something from a story and atmosphere perspective, that want to play a Telltale King's Quest. Puzzle Agent is already done, already "proven", we already have the story and art design, it is coming off of a cliffhanger ending, and it already has an installment rich with puzzles. It's far higher on my list of things that could possibly turn out good.

    I just want to say that firstly I would consider myself more a LucasArts fan than Sierra as I played more LucasArts games than Sierra ones during my formative gaming years. I mean, I've only recently started playing through the King's Quest series and will move on to the Space Quest series when I'm done with that.

    With that in mind, I want to tell you what I would like from Telltale's King's Quest. I want it to be more like a Sierra game than a LucasArts game. I want to explore Daventry. I want to experience an epic story. I don't want to be mollycoddled. Alternative puzzle solutions are a good idea (actually, just thought that it could be a nice homage if they used some of the crazier puzzle solutions of the original series as possible alternative solution to a situation or just as possible actions you can do in the game just for the old school fans). I would love it if they could make it possible to have multiple/optional story strands though out different episodes, but I don't know if that's even technically possible.

    But I don't want to experience the same story again. Playing through KQ I I thought to myself that I would love to see this remade with today's technology and while that it's still true, I don't want Telltale to take that route. If they recreated the world of Daventry and the other places with their technology and created a new or intersecting storyline that fits the series then I would be happy.

    This is frustrating, I can sort of see in my head what I want to say but I don't know if I'm getting it across with my words. I can only hope for the best. Plus a little sleep wouldn't go amiss.
  • edited February 2011
    Puzzle Agent 2, easily.
  • edited February 2011
    I'm not. Every other Sierra fan I know is, at the very best, worried and unsure about this installment. People who like King's Quest are not the ones who want to play a Telltale King's Quest. It's the people who love LucasArts adventures and want King's Quest "fixed" for some reason, or who somehow feel like they "missed out" on something from a story and atmosphere perspective, that want to play a Telltale King's Quest. Puzzle Agent is already done, already "proven", we already have the story and art design, it is coming off of a cliffhanger ending, and it already has an installment rich with puzzles. It's far higher on my list of things that could possibly turn out good.

    Just want to add that I am more of a Sierra fan than a Lucasarts fan, although I like the games from both companies. The old Sierra quests were what got me into adventure games as a kid, and I consider myself to be a big fan. I do not have any worries about Telltale's version will be like, especially considering that all we know about it so far is that it is a King's Quest game. After E3, I will be able to better decide how I feel about it.
  • edited February 2011
    Walking Dead without a doubt!
  • edited February 2011
    only one i'm interested in is kings quest... the rest i'll have to wait for more information before I decide
  • edited February 2011
    I don't have a younger brother, so I wouldn't know.

    Well good then.
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