Dude...I wasn't on DAISHI's side. I wasn't on your side either. I think. I barely know what you were arguing about before I showed up.
I was simply saying that certain good behaviors are instinctive in humans and other good behaviors are taught. Same thing goes for bad behaviors. It is a mistake to generalize and say that without laws we're royally fucked up, because there was a point when we had no laws and somehow a society sprung up out of that. And it did so due to evolutionary traits.
That's all I'm saying.
You keep on putting words in my mouth and then insulting the opinion that you assumed I had. You do this so often that I sometimes wonder if you even bother to read what I write at all.
I'm not saying everything is hunky dory and we have nothing to worry about. I'm only saying that humanity wouldn't have survived it was naturally as bad as you seem to think it is. And I'll leave it at that, because you really aren't listening to what I'm saying anyways, so it's rather pointless to continue.
I never understood anyone. That's why I get confused. PEACE, you don't understand that I feel some love for you, everyone. It's just that I get frustrated. I'm sorry.
Any one who read this mess, I'm not sure what we were arguing about.
I was simply saying that certain good behaviors are instinctive in humans and other good behaviors are taught. Same thing goes for bad behaviors. It is a mistake to generalize and say that without laws we're royally fucked up, because there was a point when we had no laws and somehow a society sprung up out of that. And it did so due to evolutionary traits.
I agree with the first bit actually, I just assume you're always here to attack me, my whole long life I've been trying to understand humanity. Even if you think I'm wrong you might understand what that does to some one.
I don't see things so much in pure science as you do and it makes me feel disadvantaged to get my ideas out, I feel love for everyone. Even you, XD I don't know why. I love people...and I guess I'm just frustrated because honestly...it's like we're on different plains flying in opposite directions going in circles
I don't know , did we really say anything? I don't know I try to see things through my own scope, potential as a artist, I like metaphysical concepts. I don't like many of the more physical concepts because I'm creative and artsy, spiritual...
And the planet is going to get worse and worse, we didn't pollute either, we didn't have huge cities, saying that there is evidence we will survive because of the past bothers me I'm focused on now and the future.
And I guess we just don't understand one another. PEACE
Governments have to change, and they know it, it's even on your TV. They know we need to invest in technologies to help sustain our life on this planet. And people are afraid of pollution, poverty, it's true...
I think I pinned everything I hate about humanity on the first person to disagree with me, without taking into consideration that you're a individual and able of multiple points of view, perspectives and having a open mind. I've shown instability, perhaps I'm insecure because my points of view are so removed from reality, because people don't prove these concepts, that I don't handle conversations too well.
Most my metaphysical concepts I form on my own but actually are shared beliefs, things people thought of before or similar concepts...so I guess it gives me a sense of being aware in my pseudo sciences and I just don't handle rejection well because it's something I'm connected to on varying levels of interests, personally and then I've committed my life to analyzing people trying to understand our species and fit into this world and I guess the mixture is too much for me, I'm weak and argue or get insecure because I can't come to accept that I have beliefs with no real solid proof that are impossible to share, it's like arguing God.
And I don't mean to argue it, and strangely it just happens my beliefs often bring up real life subjects like evolution or other subjects. And then I know I have to face what's already known, and in the text books and it bothers me because science is a creative and growing field even if it is far more structured than philosophy.
I remember that even when the theory of evolution was created there was a missing gap in our evolution. That's a great suspect for people to run wild with their imaginations.
I don't mean to fight. It's like the subject of God, but it actually over laps with reality and maybe it's hard for me to open myself to that because my beliefs are metaphysical yet getting more real and I'm not ready to let go of my creative muse and look at some of our supposed facts and learn more about those different subjects.
It's a stressful thing to challenge everyone, everything you know and try to understand the entire multiverse. You begin to wonder if everything is already there, all the answers, then what's the point of even having a brain or listening to text books? Why should I even let it happen to me?
And I know the truth is stranger than fiction. Science can explain alot but I get frustrated when people seem to only approach a problem with science and logic. when somethings might not be as they seem .
I wasn't using evolution to defend ignorance. I'm simply saying that certain actions, even killing your boss, wouldn't be logical under an evolutionary argument. Altruism is built into humans due to the social structure inherent in our species. The laws we have are a byproduct of our natural tendencies to stick together in groups and to not injure those within our groups, laws just solidify this.
The violence that you were referring to is not a product of evolution, it's a product of advanced society in which social norms have changed. Your argument is that all human beings are by nature violent, brutal, and rapists. My argument is that in order to arrive in some sort of social structure that didn't immediately dissolve, there has to be some sort of background that ISN'T based in violence. An innate tendency towards order where the violent, aggressive members are cast out of the pack to eke out a living alone, where the survival of individuals depends on the survival of the group.
In short, if we were all violent by evolution, society should logically not exist at all.
I would actually argue against innate altruism when taken beyond the immediate social structure, but I also find evolutionary psychology to, by and large, make too many assumptions. My greater point though, is thank you for spelling my name in all caps. How I like it.
I would actually argue against innate altruism when taken beyond the immediate social structure, but I also find evolutionary psychology to, by and large, make too many assumptions. My greater point though, is thank you for spelling my name in all caps. How I like it.
Bu-but I didn't spell your name in all caps in the bit that you quoted...
And I agree that evolutionary psychology is a bit wishy-washy compared with most sciences. But it does make a certain amount of sense, especially in the case of altruism, as altruism has been observed in other species as well.
I'm only human, sorry for the arguing. My family is gone, my entire family left me at home. It sucks, I don't even know where they went. They just left me...I don't like it at all. I want to howl like a hound dog.
I stepped in water and saw this, and fainted. It will stay with me. I know water is a good medium for teleportation....rather psychic energy. It fascinates me but at the time the feeling was indescribable.
Actually it's around the corner where people will say I'm not entirely insane, in a couple of years, at least within 100.
Yeah, real funny , they love experimenting on little young girls and parents watching family films with their young children. What a beautiful and great reality , world we all live in. Let's laugh it all off like jack asses.
Yeah, real funny , they love experimenting on little young girls and parents watching family films with their young children. What a beautiful and great reality , world we all live in. Let's laugh it all off like jack asses.
And you're my future. You're my future, you're younger than I am. I know you want to be immature, but you're picking the wrong battle.
You're only going to loose against yourself. You just don't give a shit about the future of our species, I imagine like most worthless people on this planet. No offense.
Considering that kids used to watch their parents have sex (remember that people lived in one room houses) I don't think that exposure to sexuality early is damaging as long as parents guide the child.
Considering that kids used to watch their parents have sex (remember that people lived in one room houses) I don't think that exposure to sexuality early is damaging as long as parents guide the child.
There is a lot more exposure to these things than ever before, and sex in a natural way is one thing, cramming it into cartoons for children. Why? Why? And sex doesn't mean the same thing anymore. You're argument is weak, I'm sorry, sex has evolved in the media and in our minds and is used to market us and is a totally different hell in the modern world.
And if parents could do the job they wouldn't be programmed to go see children movies that they are 100 percent clueless have penises and boobies in them...
You think the thoughts of individuals are so bold yet they don't even know half of what their mind is seeing. Nor can they explain to the child the idea of sex is subliminally planted , and guess what they hear about it some where else like searching the net for disney characters and finding porno...
Subliminal messaging has been shown to be an overrated phenomena, in fact there's little evidence to suggest it has an effect. I do agree that over exposure to something indeed does have an effect, but again that's left to parents to deal with.
These productions don't happen in a donut shop, lots of money goes into this, frame by frame is over looked. Are you that out to lunch that you think no one is going to notice the word sex or boobies in a movie? Not to mention even if it's close it's a problem, even if by chance, for a child to see the word sex so freely, it becomes a problem...if anything it doesn't belong in a damn child's film anyways.
These productions don't happen in a donut shop, lots of money goes into this, frame by frame is over looked. Are you that out to lunch that you think no one is going to notice the word sex or boobies in a movie? Not to mention even if it's close it's a problem, even if by chance, for a child to see the word sex so freely, it becomes a problem...if anything it doesn't belong in a damn child's film anyways.
I'm only saying that according to the animation team is was supposed to be SFX, a common abbreviation of "special effects" as a tribute to the animators. I can't speak for whether they're lying or not, but I think it's a bit more likely that dirty minds corrupted the meaning than the animators.
Of course, you like your conspiracies, so conspire away and don't mind me.
Yeah, Disney makes lots of lame excuses, they sort of had to, what was the other option to say yeah those are real boobies, undeniable, and yeah it was sex?
The mind picks out patterns, shapes, even if it is SFX, guess what...in such a distorted spelling a large percentage could still read it as sex...
I lived in a world with hidden refrences to sex in cartoons that we only get when we where grown up and watched them back. And it did me no harm!
Also Cow and Chicken had to be the king and queen of that.
Things are getting progressively worse every decade, I don't have time to present every case in the world, you've already admitted to these things in cartoons. I can't help you see the rest of the picture.
I shouldn't have to.
I guess if you don't care, and I do care, and believe this is real, enough to waste my time, if you don't care, why should I waste my time? Look it up yourself.
I was simply saying that certain good behaviors are instinctive in humans and other good behaviors are taught. Same thing goes for bad behaviors. It is a mistake to generalize and say that without laws we're royally fucked up, because there was a point when we had no laws and somehow a society sprung up out of that. And it did so due to evolutionary traits.
That's all I'm saying.
You keep on putting words in my mouth and then insulting the opinion that you assumed I had. You do this so often that I sometimes wonder if you even bother to read what I write at all.
I'm not saying everything is hunky dory and we have nothing to worry about. I'm only saying that humanity wouldn't have survived it was naturally as bad as you seem to think it is. And I'll leave it at that, because you really aren't listening to what I'm saying anyways, so it's rather pointless to continue.
Any one who read this mess, I'm not sure what we were arguing about.
I agree with the first bit actually, I just assume you're always here to attack me, my whole long life I've been trying to understand humanity. Even if you think I'm wrong you might understand what that does to some one.
I don't see things so much in pure science as you do and it makes me feel disadvantaged to get my ideas out, I feel love for everyone. Even you, XD I don't know why. I love people...and I guess I'm just frustrated because honestly...it's like we're on different plains flying in opposite directions going in circles
I don't know , did we really say anything? I don't know I try to see things through my own scope, potential as a artist, I like metaphysical concepts. I don't like many of the more physical concepts because I'm creative and artsy, spiritual...
And the planet is going to get worse and worse, we didn't pollute either, we didn't have huge cities, saying that there is evidence we will survive because of the past bothers me I'm focused on now and the future.
And I guess we just don't understand one another. PEACE
Governments have to change, and they know it, it's even on your TV. They know we need to invest in technologies to help sustain our life on this planet. And people are afraid of pollution, poverty, it's true...
Oh well, peace.
Most my metaphysical concepts I form on my own but actually are shared beliefs, things people thought of before or similar concepts...so I guess it gives me a sense of being aware in my pseudo sciences and I just don't handle rejection well because it's something I'm connected to on varying levels of interests, personally and then I've committed my life to analyzing people trying to understand our species and fit into this world and I guess the mixture is too much for me, I'm weak and argue or get insecure because I can't come to accept that I have beliefs with no real solid proof that are impossible to share, it's like arguing God.
And I don't mean to argue it, and strangely it just happens my beliefs often bring up real life subjects like evolution or other subjects. And then I know I have to face what's already known, and in the text books and it bothers me because science is a creative and growing field even if it is far more structured than philosophy.
I remember that even when the theory of evolution was created there was a missing gap in our evolution. That's a great suspect for people to run wild with their imaginations.
I don't mean to fight. It's like the subject of God, but it actually over laps with reality and maybe it's hard for me to open myself to that because my beliefs are metaphysical yet getting more real and I'm not ready to let go of my creative muse and look at some of our supposed facts and learn more about those different subjects.
It's a stressful thing to challenge everyone, everything you know and try to understand the entire multiverse. You begin to wonder if everything is already there, all the answers, then what's the point of even having a brain or listening to text books? Why should I even let it happen to me?
And I know the truth is stranger than fiction. Science can explain alot but I get frustrated when people seem to only approach a problem with science and logic. when somethings might not be as they seem .
I would actually argue against innate altruism when taken beyond the immediate social structure, but I also find evolutionary psychology to, by and large, make too many assumptions. My greater point though, is thank you for spelling my name in all caps.
Bu-but I didn't spell your name in all caps in the bit that you quoted...
And I agree that evolutionary psychology is a bit wishy-washy compared with most sciences. But it does make a certain amount of sense, especially in the case of altruism, as altruism has been observed in other species as well.
Any of you who exercise or do yoga, I think you're wise...
Enjoy this video, it starts to get into it.
Actually it's around the corner where people will say I'm not entirely insane, in a couple of years, at least within 100.
This is a serious issue to me, I don't think you understand how screwed up those are who you let control your life. They only care about money.
Good news, it's not mine
Part 4
Hehe its a penis.
You're only going to loose against yourself. You just don't give a shit about the future of our species, I imagine like most worthless people on this planet. No offense.
*gigiles* it says sex tehehee!
There is a lot more exposure to these things than ever before, and sex in a natural way is one thing, cramming it into cartoons for children. Why? Why? And sex doesn't mean the same thing anymore. You're argument is weak, I'm sorry, sex has evolved in the media and in our minds and is used to market us and is a totally different hell in the modern world.
And if parents could do the job they wouldn't be programmed to go see children movies that they are 100 percent clueless have penises and boobies in them...
You think the thoughts of individuals are so bold yet they don't even know half of what their mind is seeing. Nor can they explain to the child the idea of sex is subliminally planted , and guess what they hear about it some where else like searching the net for disney characters and finding porno...
I hate rule 34.
I'm pretty sure it was supposed to say SFX.
Even if it was meant to its clearly an E not an F even if its by chance.
These productions don't happen in a donut shop, lots of money goes into this, frame by frame is over looked. Are you that out to lunch that you think no one is going to notice the word sex or boobies in a movie? Not to mention even if it's close it's a problem, even if by chance, for a child to see the word sex so freely, it becomes a problem...if anything it doesn't belong in a damn child's film anyways.
Programmed Smrogrammed. Il decide whats best for me or my kids or w/e based on my opinions my mind and my judgement.
Well then quit bitching about the sex in it you put it there!
You're a joker, well the jokes on you and the future you encourage.
I'm only saying that according to the animation team is was supposed to be SFX, a common abbreviation of "special effects" as a tribute to the animators. I can't speak for whether they're lying or not, but I think it's a bit more likely that dirty minds corrupted the meaning than the animators.
Of course, you like your conspiracies, so conspire away and don't mind me.
The mind picks out patterns, shapes, even if it is SFX, guess what...in such a distorted spelling a large percentage could still read it as sex...
I lived in a world with hidden refrences to sex in cartoons that we only get when we where grown up and watched them back. And it did me no harm!
Also Cow and Chicken had to be the king and queen of that.
Things are getting progressively worse every decade, I don't have time to present every case in the world, you've already admitted to these things in cartoons. I can't help you see the rest of the picture.
I shouldn't have to.
I guess if you don't care, and I do care, and believe this is real, enough to waste my time, if you don't care, why should I waste my time? Look it up yourself.
I will post more links XD