I can't understand, I don't see the purpose of human life, maybe you guys can help me...? I can't see it anymore. I want to, but I can't. Beings can even control our thoughts, our species it's vulnerable. Help me to understand?
I can't understand, I don't see the purpose of human life, maybe you guys can help me...? I can't see it anymore. I want to, but I can't. Beings can even control our thoughts, our species it's vulnerable. Help me to understand?
There are only two options. Either human life has purpose or it does not.
If the universe is an entirely series of random chances then your life has no objective purpose. Because of this, life is not preferable to death. Neither option is superior to the either. There is no such thing as morality, or doing right or wrong. These are all constructs in order to facilitate a society. The reason for facilitating that society is to bring the maximum amount of pleasurable sensations to our lives as possible. However, at its base, the only reason this is preferable to death is because we perceive it to be. There is no inherent reason for life to be preferable to death. Taken to its utmost, this means suicide is as preferable an option as not committing suicide.
If the universe is purposely ordered then something external to ourselves gave rise to our existence. If this is so then it becomes important to question why we are here. To what end are we on the planet? There is no universal answer to this questions. There is no intrinsic purpose to each life. Even speaking from the traditional Judeo-Christian perspective, while every life is ultimately created to bring happiness to each other and thus to the Creator, each life is ordered to do so uniquely with unique skills and approaches.
These are the two basic options. There is the theoretical 'we have always been' explanation but given that there is insufficient scientific evidence to prove this point and in fact all collected data so far fits the Big Bang model, that is the presumption that girds the two conclusions.
One problem I see is you presume morality to be the default or natural course.
Can you explain? People are programmed in a way, even if not direct to discourage the moral awareness and joys of others. Some people go through life feeling ugly, hated, insignificant, what the hell kind of world are we living in?:(
What problems, what are you trying to solve, a problem within what we consider reality, what we consider construct, formula? Let me tell you, my friend humanity has evolved for many many years and it's always acknowledged it was primitive and destructive and tried to better itself, that is the truth. Any one trying to discourage some one trying to make a difference is doing so because they are programmed as a indirect result .
People will resist that the world is round or resist other life in the universe, people will resist morals. When in reality, you can map certain morals with major impacts on societies and the world.
Everybody worth their salt knows how shitty the works is. Every major theological inquiry begins with the assumption that man is 'evil' and not 'good' by default. And why? Because were animals. In the wild, animals rape, they kill, they pillage. There is no question that the world is filled with disgusting actions. Morality is unnatural in ghat context, because it exerts limits to the natural inclination of man's animal nature. Again, that is the basic presumption of plenty of theological inquiry, the question is not whether the world can be a horrible place , the question is what we do as a response to it.
Everybody worth their salt knows how shitty the works is. Every major theological inquiry begins with the assumption that man is 'evil' and not 'good' by default. And why? Because were animals. In the wild, animals rape, they kill, they pillage. There is no question that the world is filled with disgusting actions. Morality is unnatural in ghat context, because it exerts limits to the natural inclination of man's animal nature. Again, that is the basic presumption of plenty of theological inquiry, the question is not whether the world can be a horrible place , the question is what we do as a response to it.
But this species intellectual evolves, it always has, and should continue to. I know reality is some what objective as a animal. We are seen as costumers or business suits, that's how the world sees us in this culture, and those who can not conform starve to death in the streets. I know were animals, but we are human beings, a humanoid species. We are more than just animals.
We evolve . People like you can make all the difference in this world, more than people realize.
The hardest thing to realize as the world being round, the hardest thing is that the world doesn't have to be the way that it is. People have been greedy, abusive, manipulative.
The world does not need to be this way, yes it's objective, but only the weak and ignorant will think being born or a live means we must be subjected to violence outside of our physical molds.
And people are lead to not see the way things truly are because people manipulate and make money off of our ignorance. It's not a lie, or fairy tale, it's true.
This is a world of lies, secrets. There are things out there in our world people just couldn't believe, won't believe. I'm not asking them too.
This human species has evolved above slavery, above so much, yet it allows itself to create these nasty violent situations amongst one another. People are getting ruder, meaner, more disrespectful, and more divided and primitive, and easier to control.
People like you and others around the world, in this forum are the only hope.
There is literally 1000s of examples of subliminal violence , if I had to guess, XD, in a average human being's daily goings.
Again, you give the species too much credit. Which is nice but it can lead to disappointment.
I once worked in a crack neighborhood in the 9th ward of New Orleans helping people by feeding them, passing out clothes, etc. One Satyrday we threw a huge barbecue forthe neighborhood. Lots of People came, there was music and dancing, etc. This was done on the street outside of the house we worked from. All paid by privately raised funds.
At the end of the day we found that the neighbors had robbed us blind.
Again, you give the species too much credit. Which is nice but it can lead to disappointment.
I once worked in a crack neighborhood in the 9th ward of New Orleans helping people by feeding them, passing out clothes, etc. One Satyrday we threw a huge barbecue forthe neighborhood. Lots of People came, there was music and dancing, etc. This was done on the street outside of the house we worked from. All paid by privately raised funds.
At the end of the day we found that the neighbors had robbed us blind.
You may acknowledge there are people capable of more, doing more, being better. Yes, the world we live in is not perfect, that doesn't mean that by design we have to be this way. If we see things as a equation, and put the human species into the earth we start to see why people act the way they do, do what they do.
Is there any research there, some what, but not as much as their could be, is their any brilliant researchers discovering these things, no, it's not funded. What's funded is for one example, largely weapons.
It's not the species, in the long term we know we are meant to evolve, we always have evolved. Some people will always refuse evolution, refuse modern views.
Some people in the most difficult situations will not likely be able to make a transition as they are trying to survive in a already difficult situation and have come accustomed to that situation.
There's lots of people who have lost respect for the human species are self centered, it's true, it's not a fair world we live in. It's not a easy world, this species will continue to evolve, anyone who stands in the face of progress or evolution cares more about technologies and business than they do the actual human species, human being.
When we get to that point, there is nothing left to live for. I miss the days where we sent man to the stars, wondering if we were the only thing in the universe.We used to have inspirational figures, people who made a difference, cared, would take a stand for everyone, not for their selves, make a difference, preach change. I miss that spirit, that energy. There are no more Martin Luther King juniors , there is little hope left, even the government, even the president was promising change, hope...
In my worldview there is only the infallible God, and that's all the inspiration I need.
1 Corinthians: chapter 1, verses 18-25
For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. For it is written:
“I will destroy the wisdom of the wise; the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate.” [Isaiah 29:14]
Where is the wise man? Where is the scholar? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe. Jews demand miraculous signs and Greeks look for wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles, but to those whom God has called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. For the foolishness of God is wiser than man’s wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man’s strength.
Doodo, things might seem pretty bad from where you're standing (where ever that is) but I think things will start to look up.
For one thing, there's tons of research being done that's pure science. I know I, for one, will probably not be doing any military research unless we decide to switch to biochemical warfare or organic machinery (The latter would, by the way, be awesome. I've spent quite a lot of time fantasizing about using specialized enzymes to run, say, a computer or something).
As for the whole refusing evolution thing...I don't see that changing any time soon. But honestly, unless you're planning on becoming a biology major, it really doesn't effect the daily life of most people that much. Actually, that's probably the reason that most people reject it. They haven't got a clue as to what it really is. One of my elementary school teachers was convinced that we're related to monkeys because a human had sex with a monkey six thousand years ago and then proceeded to tell my sixth grade class how wrong this was.
That aside, there's plenty of things to look forward to. Maybe not aliens, I think that if there were intelligent aliens within range, we would have heard something by now, what with all the radio signals we've been giving off. Unless they're sneaky aliens. But there's a whole world of scientific discovery out there, just waiting. So many unanswered questions. Every biochemistry class I take has professors listing out all the things we don't know...which is an impressive list.
We haven't plumbed the depths of the seas, we haven't explored the Amazon Rainforest, we haven't traveled into the deepest caves, or fully explored the Himalayas. There are questions about our past to be answered, about the creatures that came before us, about how they lived and died...and only now have we even begun to develop the technology that will help us to answer these questions.
And as for an inspirational figure...all I've got to say on the matter is: If you want a job done correctly, do it yourself.
I was going to say things, but I decided not to. The world is much more fascinating place than you believe it is. I can guarantee that, read what you just wrote, it's something any one could of said. I'm sorry if that's rude.
Group think is best when service to control or discipline. You speak of technologies that have already been fcked around with and I don't even want to tell you the things that have been researched. Do you actually believe your research is going to sacred that if you publish something or discover something some one isn't going to abuse it or manipulate it? That's not the world I live in, sorry to say. You're scientists are all programmed to think alike, hell you probably even get the same crap in school. Teachers , professors all paid to tell you that science has no morals or scientist are only interested in true science as people abuse your discoveries and knowledge and do things that would disturb you. I don't even want to dirty this page...
There's an entire world of people talking about personal experiences with things paranormal that some people can't even comprehend. And they aren't crazy, delusion. Your language is a primitive tool to manipulate you.
You want to talk logic, rational , with me in a world that labels people, fat, stupid, ugly is a prisoner of vanity and marketing, a weak fragile species easily controlled, manipulated...
Do you really think aliens never visited us, well believe what you want to believe. Rather what they want you to believe.
You can't prove it either way, but I bet that you believe they haven't been here, I bet it's in your subconsciousness, you might pretend to be open minded, but you don't have any true beliefs of your own.
You really think they won't study your research? The fields you mention have already been researched...
Only begun? No, technology is far above what is marketable of comprehensible to the common individual. Look up weather control device, it's no myth, they have studied it, they have said it's possible, they have UFOS that can levitate, they have free energy, it's not even hard to read about on line. Your idea of technology is very limited if you are looking at what's in your text books , history books, or consumer products.
There is research, at a certain level of business and "reality" and then there's RESEARCH.
Most evolutionist agree that evolution took a HUGE step forward, skipped evolutionary steps to get to intelligent human species. A missing gap.
And this BS phrases, when have they ever changed the world? One man can not change the world, he can only question it and make a difference by questioning it or answering it, or getting others to answer it. No one answers such questions they all repeat the same nonsense, BS...live in a fictional reality , suffer from the consequences of ignorant languages.
I'm not here to change the damn world, it takes alot of people to do that.
Billions of dollars goes into research, come now, think, (no offense you're intelligent) do you really, REALLY think over the past 50-60 years they haven't studied such things? Billions of dollars. To be honest with you, I'd even go back as far as the 70s for something as you've described.
The truth is you don't believe I've seen aliens, you don't even really believe it's possible. You don't believe they were here, are here. Not even a possibility because that's what the majority of you are supposed to believe, and it's always easy to revert back to your programming, nature, or what you believe. So even if you open your mind for 10 seconds you'll revert back.
Science has to be careful and methodical in order to yield accurate results that can be repeated. That is simply the way of science. Anything else is random guessing or religion. And as a scientist, one must be completely skeptical of everything until it is proven. I prefer to keep an open mind that anything that can be conceived is possible, but I do require adequate proof before I will admit that it exists. There simply isn't enough actual evidence that aliens have been here to really make an argument on that front. It's a religion, there's no science there.
And yes, technology has only just begun. I still maintain that. Weather control device? That's plebian. What about super computers that can control multiple robotic units via a wireless Internet connection? What about nanobots made out of proteins that can fix a body from the inside out?
I've seen some pretty neat tech, not consumer stuff. I've worked in labs, seen machines that can calculate the precise orientation of a molecule, others that can create pictures of a protein using the diffraction patterns of x-rays. It's not always the big flashy things that count as technological advances, it's the little things too.
As for my "BS phrases" what I mean is that talking about the world and how bad it is doesn't do a damn thing except make everyone miserable including yourself. You have to do things to make it better. Focus on coming up with ways to fix the problems, not lament that the problems exist. Sure you can't fix everything, nobody can do that, but you can choose one problem and try to either fix it or set up a platform so that somebody else can fix it in a later generation. That is what makes a great person great.
You mentioned Martin Luther King earlier. Did he solve the problem of civil rights? Hell no! We've still got racism and stuff. But what he DID do was set the stage so that improvements could be made after his death. And that is what we should aspire to, being an instigator for later change, do a little so that a lot may come of it later.
Edit: Dammit, DAISHI! You said the exact same thing that I did, but with fewer words!
Science has to be careful and methodical in order to yield accurate results that can be repeated. That is simply the way of science. Anything else is random guessing or religion. And as a scientist, one must be completely skeptical of everything until it is proven. I prefer to keep an open mind that anything that can be conceived is possible, but I do require adequate proof before I will admit that it exists. There simply isn't enough actual evidence that aliens have been here to really make an argument on that front. It's a religion, there's no science there.
And yes, technology has only just begun. I still maintain that. Weather control device? That's plebian. What about super computers that can control multiple robotic units via a wireless Internet connection? What about nanobots made out of proteins that can fix a body from the inside out?
I've seen some pretty neat tech, not consumer stuff. I've worked in labs, seen machines that can calculate the precise orientation of a molecule, others that can create pictures of a protein using the diffraction patterns of x-rays. It's not always the big flashy things that count as technological advances, it's the little things too.
As for my "BS phrases" what I mean is that talking about the world and how bad it is doesn't do a damn thing except make everyone miserable including yourself. You have to do things to make it better. Focus on coming up with ways to fix the problems, not lament that the problems exist. Sure you can't fix everything, nobody can do that, but you can choose one problem and try to either fix it or set up a platform so that somebody else can fix it in a later generation. That is what makes a great person great.
You mentioned Martin Luther King earlier. Did he solve the problem of civil rights? Hell no! We've still got racism and stuff. But what he DID do was set the stage so that improvements could be made after his death. And that is what we should aspire to, being an instigator for later change, do a little so that a lot may come of it later.
Edit: Dammit, DAISHI! You said the exact same thing that I did, but with fewer words!
You've likely seen labs that can afford such technologies , scientist funded for those technologies. You act like technology isn't way above us, over our heads , like we aren't like children playing with grenades. And we are.
You think making change means I have to do something, I disagree. Entirely this whole world is structured on BS vanity and confrontation, even on a global waring scale.
People should respect their own place, I'm a philosopher, others should be open to truths, questioning their worlds. I don't have to do anything to prove my self worth, people should respect one another and not just go along with everything like it's right or as if it's the true way things are, or should be.
Spreading awareness is everything.
I'm not ultimately physically confrontational, but I can't stand to be around ignorant professors teaching their BS to young adults.
The only reason you don't think there is proof for the paranormal is because you're not looking for it, you're programmed a scientist to think one way, and one way that they can rely on, discipline you and make you a function.
There are millions of stories if not billions of UFOS, aliens, they are not hard to find. Stories of individuals some unique very different many surprisingly familiar .
There is plenty of evidence of aliens having been here. Plenty of it all around the world, people saying it all around the world. There is lots of time taken to discredit some of these theories and you have to ask why some of those theories have such time and effort put into discrediting them when there are literally millions of other accounts....
It's mis communication, if someone tells you a advanced technology exists, do you really ask why or how or not believe them. Of course not because they want you to believe it, they allow for it. There are millions of people saying they have experienced abductions and seen things and people like you won't believe them or even believe in the possibility.
As a scientist , blah blah blah, more language babble. This is a entire universe and humans are full of vanity, it's not just to control us, but it's in that we really think even for one pathetic moment we are the only life to ever visit this planet or this solar system...
This species is primitive and expects me to be violent or go out and do something to make a change, when the only real change I see necessarily is people start to actually form their own thoughts and not just be drones to a particular perspective or mind set. Yet people fight for being, thinking differently because they don't have open minds. You're disciplined isn't that obvious, structured in logic, science. You're part of a equation, business, program...
There's people all around the damn world, many once skeptics, not skeptical anymore...You want proof and evidence to impress your peers or follow your training, conditioning, programming. Yet you live in a mysterious universe and a world of lies.
There is honest to God, people who still believe we don't use teleportation devices....
They don't just let any one research top secret research, I'd like to think that's obvious...
There is honest to God, people who still believe we don't use teleportation devices....
For subatomic particles, perhaps, but not with significantly complex molecular structures. And anyway, I thought the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle negated the possibility of a working transporter.
For subatomic particles, perhaps, but not with significantly complex molecular structures. And anyway, I thought the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle negated the possibility of a working transporter.
If knowledge were adequate, especially older knowledge we'd be able to build technologies in labs in our basements. There are always more advanced technologies being studied, created, than the media openly expresses or people can learn about on wikipedia. And there are plenty of retired Nasa officials saying, yes, aliens are real.
You make claims but have no action, words and no proofs. All you're saying right now is in vain.
There is plenty of proof, I don't need math to see that it exists or is out there. People speak their damn minds. And people are open to the world. I don't need to see in a equation that I exist or these things exist. There's a whole world of people saying these things are real, they have experienced them.
More proof accounts, witnesses than lots of things you believe. Hell, maybe there's even more people who do believe than don't!
Keep calling me vain, name calling, I have my own beliefs and I'm not changing that for anyone, especially some one calling me names.
You won't believe because YOU DONT WANT TO because they don't want you to. Or you won't consider it, show me proof, show me proof.
I am open to different things, you or no one else is going to make me think I'm vain or need proof to consider both sides of the world. Science is vain, assumes it can be without morals and yet it has a god like power to destroy, play god.
For subatomic particles, perhaps, but not with significantly complex molecular structures. And anyway, I thought the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle negated the possibility of a working transporter.
If knowledge were adequate, especially older knowledge we'd be able to build technologies in labs in our basements. There are always more advanced technologies being studied, created, than the media openly expresses or people can learn about on wikipedia. And there are plenty of retired Nasa officials saying, yes, aliens are real.
Wikipedia isn't entirely useless, you know.
In quantum mechanics, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle states a fundamental limit on the accuracy with which certain pairs of physical properties, such as the position and momentum of a particle, can be simultaneously known. In other words, the more precisely one property is measured, the less precisely the other can be controlled, determined, or known.
In physics, the term observer effect refers to changes that the act of observation will make on the phenomenon being observed. This is often the result of instruments that, by necessity, alter the state of what they measure in some manner. [...] For an electron to become detectable, a photon must first interact with it, and this interaction will change the path of that electron. It is also possible for other, less direct means of measurement to affect the electron.
I remember talking about this in my physics class in high school.
First, given the number of planets that we can observe and the number about which (namely Earth) is inhabitable, there is some sort of formula which extrapolates to calculate how many habitable planets there may likely be in all the star systems in all the galaxies in all the universe. This figure- the probability of other habitable planets in the universe- is very likely indeed.
Then, we can discuss how many of those planets which is capable of sustaining life actually is sustaining life at present.
Further, of those life sustaining planets is the probability by which a certain percentage is sustaining intelligentor sentient life.
Of that value is the probability of a percentage of life out there whose level of technology is equal to our own.
Of that value is the probability of a percentage of life out there whose level of technology exceeds our own to the point of being able to contact us remotely.
Of that value is the probability of a percentage of life out there who has the capability of traveling to other distant star systems from theirs.
Of that value is the probability of a percentage of life out there who would be close enough or care enough to bother coming to ours.
While the first value in all of this (the probability of other habitable planets) may indeed be very high, the last value (the probability of aliens from distant planets visiting us) is very, very VERY infinitesimally low.
Not only this, but my own personal experience with UFO sightings:
Once upon a time, I was watching a show called Sightings which talks about aliens and ghosts and such. During one particular episode, a group of various people were being interviewed about their witnessing what they believed to be an alien spacecraft in the sky. They all described this alien craft as big, black, boomerang-shaped, and made no noise whatsoever as it slowly flew over them.
Fast forward to the day when I went to take the ASVAB test (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) which was being administered at a military base. While there, I saw a craft in the sky: it was big, black, boomerang-shaped and made absolutely no noise unless it was taking off or landing.What did I see?
A B-2 Stealth Bomber.
That's right, folks. I have personal experience of making an on-the-spot realization that a once-classified military aircraft I was currently watching had been mistaken by a lot of people for being an alien spaceship.
There are no aliens from outer space visiting us. The likelihood that they would or even could is extremely low, and even if they (hypothetically) did, why would they only bother people and places in extremely rural areas?
You're under the assumption that the United States government wouldn't prefer people to think that Area 51 has alien spacecraft, so that people are too caught up in the alien nonsense to actually gain any significant knowledge or interest about what actually goes on there.
You're also assuming that the United States government wouldn't go out of its way to stifle the spread of accurate facts regarding military secrets (such as those videos, had they been true) or spend money to disseminate false information to throw people off (which imo is more likely what those videos actually do.)
I didn't read it, saw something that interested me or was amusing, XD
I can't understand, I don't see the purpose of human life, maybe you guys can help me...? I can't see it anymore. I want to, but I can't. Beings can even control our thoughts, our species it's vulnerable. Help me to understand?
I need more, do you understand what my questions are asking?
I AM NOT putting you down, maybe I just miscommunicated my ideas.
If you mean my posts in your question, that's the best I could come up with.
Oh, that's ok. Peace be with you friend.
There are only two options. Either human life has purpose or it does not.
If the universe is an entirely series of random chances then your life has no objective purpose. Because of this, life is not preferable to death. Neither option is superior to the either. There is no such thing as morality, or doing right or wrong. These are all constructs in order to facilitate a society. The reason for facilitating that society is to bring the maximum amount of pleasurable sensations to our lives as possible. However, at its base, the only reason this is preferable to death is because we perceive it to be. There is no inherent reason for life to be preferable to death. Taken to its utmost, this means suicide is as preferable an option as not committing suicide.
If the universe is purposely ordered then something external to ourselves gave rise to our existence. If this is so then it becomes important to question why we are here. To what end are we on the planet? There is no universal answer to this questions. There is no intrinsic purpose to each life. Even speaking from the traditional Judeo-Christian perspective, while every life is ultimately created to bring happiness to each other and thus to the Creator, each life is ordered to do so uniquely with unique skills and approaches.
These are the two basic options. There is the theoretical 'we have always been' explanation but given that there is insufficient scientific evidence to prove this point and in fact all collected data so far fits the Big Bang model, that is the presumption that girds the two conclusions.
I suppose I'll be killed if I continue, but I can't stop thinking, wondering.
Can you explain? People are programmed in a way, even if not direct to discourage the moral awareness and joys of others. Some people go through life feeling ugly, hated, insignificant, what the hell kind of world are we living in?:(
What problems, what are you trying to solve, a problem within what we consider reality, what we consider construct, formula? Let me tell you, my friend humanity has evolved for many many years and it's always acknowledged it was primitive and destructive and tried to better itself, that is the truth. Any one trying to discourage some one trying to make a difference is doing so because they are programmed as a indirect result .
People will resist that the world is round or resist other life in the universe, people will resist morals. When in reality, you can map certain morals with major impacts on societies and the world.
But this species intellectual evolves, it always has, and should continue to. I know reality is some what objective as a animal. We are seen as costumers or business suits, that's how the world sees us in this culture, and those who can not conform starve to death in the streets. I know were animals, but we are human beings, a humanoid species. We are more than just animals.
We evolve . People like you can make all the difference in this world, more than people realize.
The hardest thing to realize as the world being round, the hardest thing is that the world doesn't have to be the way that it is. People have been greedy, abusive, manipulative.
The world does not need to be this way, yes it's objective, but only the weak and ignorant will think being born or a live means we must be subjected to violence outside of our physical molds.
And people are lead to not see the way things truly are because people manipulate and make money off of our ignorance. It's not a lie, or fairy tale, it's true.
This is a world of lies, secrets. There are things out there in our world people just couldn't believe, won't believe. I'm not asking them too.
This human species has evolved above slavery, above so much, yet it allows itself to create these nasty violent situations amongst one another. People are getting ruder, meaner, more disrespectful, and more divided and primitive, and easier to control.
People like you and others around the world, in this forum are the only hope.
There is literally 1000s of examples of subliminal violence , if I had to guess, XD, in a average human being's daily goings.
I once worked in a crack neighborhood in the 9th ward of New Orleans helping people by feeding them, passing out clothes, etc. One Satyrday we threw a huge barbecue forthe neighborhood. Lots of People came, there was music and dancing, etc. This was done on the street outside of the house we worked from. All paid by privately raised funds.
At the end of the day we found that the neighbors had robbed us blind.
You may acknowledge there are people capable of more, doing more, being better. Yes, the world we live in is not perfect, that doesn't mean that by design we have to be this way. If we see things as a equation, and put the human species into the earth we start to see why people act the way they do, do what they do.
Is there any research there, some what, but not as much as their could be, is their any brilliant researchers discovering these things, no, it's not funded. What's funded is for one example, largely weapons.
It's not the species, in the long term we know we are meant to evolve, we always have evolved. Some people will always refuse evolution, refuse modern views.
Some people in the most difficult situations will not likely be able to make a transition as they are trying to survive in a already difficult situation and have come accustomed to that situation.
There's lots of people who have lost respect for the human species are self centered, it's true, it's not a fair world we live in. It's not a easy world, this species will continue to evolve, anyone who stands in the face of progress or evolution cares more about technologies and business than they do the actual human species, human being.
When we get to that point, there is nothing left to live for. I miss the days where we sent man to the stars, wondering if we were the only thing in the universe.We used to have inspirational figures, people who made a difference, cared, would take a stand for everyone, not for their selves, make a difference, preach change. I miss that spirit, that energy. There are no more Martin Luther King juniors , there is little hope left, even the government, even the president was promising change, hope...
*sighs* , what a world, what a world.
For one thing, there's tons of research being done that's pure science. I know I, for one, will probably not be doing any military research unless we decide to switch to biochemical warfare or organic machinery (The latter would, by the way, be awesome. I've spent quite a lot of time fantasizing about using specialized enzymes to run, say, a computer or something).
As for the whole refusing evolution thing...I don't see that changing any time soon. But honestly, unless you're planning on becoming a biology major, it really doesn't effect the daily life of most people that much. Actually, that's probably the reason that most people reject it. They haven't got a clue as to what it really is. One of my elementary school teachers was convinced that we're related to monkeys because a human had sex with a monkey six thousand years ago and then proceeded to tell my sixth grade class how wrong this was.
That aside, there's plenty of things to look forward to. Maybe not aliens, I think that if there were intelligent aliens within range, we would have heard something by now, what with all the radio signals we've been giving off. Unless they're sneaky aliens. But there's a whole world of scientific discovery out there, just waiting. So many unanswered questions. Every biochemistry class I take has professors listing out all the things we don't know...which is an impressive list.
We haven't plumbed the depths of the seas, we haven't explored the Amazon Rainforest, we haven't traveled into the deepest caves, or fully explored the Himalayas. There are questions about our past to be answered, about the creatures that came before us, about how they lived and died...and only now have we even begun to develop the technology that will help us to answer these questions.
And as for an inspirational figure...all I've got to say on the matter is: If you want a job done correctly, do it yourself.
Group think is best when service to control or discipline. You speak of technologies that have already been fcked around with and I don't even want to tell you the things that have been researched. Do you actually believe your research is going to sacred that if you publish something or discover something some one isn't going to abuse it or manipulate it? That's not the world I live in, sorry to say. You're scientists are all programmed to think alike, hell you probably even get the same crap in school. Teachers , professors all paid to tell you that science has no morals or scientist are only interested in true science as people abuse your discoveries and knowledge and do things that would disturb you. I don't even want to dirty this page...
There's an entire world of people talking about personal experiences with things paranormal that some people can't even comprehend. And they aren't crazy, delusion. Your language is a primitive tool to manipulate you.
You want to talk logic, rational , with me in a world that labels people, fat, stupid, ugly is a prisoner of vanity and marketing, a weak fragile species easily controlled, manipulated...
Do you really think aliens never visited us, well believe what you want to believe. Rather what they want you to believe.
You can't prove it either way, but I bet that you believe they haven't been here, I bet it's in your subconsciousness, you might pretend to be open minded, but you don't have any true beliefs of your own.
You really think they won't study your research? The fields you mention have already been researched...
Only begun? No, technology is far above what is marketable of comprehensible to the common individual. Look up weather control device, it's no myth, they have studied it, they have said it's possible, they have UFOS that can levitate, they have free energy, it's not even hard to read about on line. Your idea of technology is very limited if you are looking at what's in your text books , history books, or consumer products.
There is research, at a certain level of business and "reality" and then there's RESEARCH.
Most evolutionist agree that evolution took a HUGE step forward, skipped evolutionary steps to get to intelligent human species. A missing gap.
And this BS phrases, when have they ever changed the world? One man can not change the world, he can only question it and make a difference by questioning it or answering it, or getting others to answer it. No one answers such questions they all repeat the same nonsense, BS...live in a fictional reality , suffer from the consequences of ignorant languages.
I'm not here to change the damn world, it takes alot of people to do that.
Billions of dollars goes into research, come now, think, (no offense you're intelligent) do you really, REALLY think over the past 50-60 years they haven't studied such things? Billions of dollars. To be honest with you, I'd even go back as far as the 70s for something as you've described.
The truth is you don't believe I've seen aliens, you don't even really believe it's possible. You don't believe they were here, are here. Not even a possibility because that's what the majority of you are supposed to believe, and it's always easy to revert back to your programming, nature, or what you believe. So even if you open your mind for 10 seconds you'll revert back.
And yes, technology has only just begun. I still maintain that. Weather control device? That's plebian. What about super computers that can control multiple robotic units via a wireless Internet connection? What about nanobots made out of proteins that can fix a body from the inside out?
I've seen some pretty neat tech, not consumer stuff. I've worked in labs, seen machines that can calculate the precise orientation of a molecule, others that can create pictures of a protein using the diffraction patterns of x-rays. It's not always the big flashy things that count as technological advances, it's the little things too.
As for my "BS phrases" what I mean is that talking about the world and how bad it is doesn't do a damn thing except make everyone miserable including yourself. You have to do things to make it better. Focus on coming up with ways to fix the problems, not lament that the problems exist. Sure you can't fix everything, nobody can do that, but you can choose one problem and try to either fix it or set up a platform so that somebody else can fix it in a later generation. That is what makes a great person great.
You mentioned Martin Luther King earlier. Did he solve the problem of civil rights? Hell no! We've still got racism and stuff. But what he DID do was set the stage so that improvements could be made after his death. And that is what we should aspire to, being an instigator for later change, do a little so that a lot may come of it later.
Edit: Dammit, DAISHI! You said the exact same thing that I did, but with fewer words!
You've likely seen labs that can afford such technologies , scientist funded for those technologies. You act like technology isn't way above us, over our heads , like we aren't like children playing with grenades. And we are.
You think making change means I have to do something, I disagree. Entirely this whole world is structured on BS vanity and confrontation, even on a global waring scale.
People should respect their own place, I'm a philosopher, others should be open to truths, questioning their worlds. I don't have to do anything to prove my self worth, people should respect one another and not just go along with everything like it's right or as if it's the true way things are, or should be.
Spreading awareness is everything.
I'm not ultimately physically confrontational, but I can't stand to be around ignorant professors teaching their BS to young adults.
The only reason you don't think there is proof for the paranormal is because you're not looking for it, you're programmed a scientist to think one way, and one way that they can rely on, discipline you and make you a function.
There are millions of stories if not billions of UFOS, aliens, they are not hard to find. Stories of individuals some unique very different many surprisingly familiar .
There is plenty of evidence of aliens having been here. Plenty of it all around the world, people saying it all around the world. There is lots of time taken to discredit some of these theories and you have to ask why some of those theories have such time and effort put into discrediting them when there are literally millions of other accounts....
It's mis communication, if someone tells you a advanced technology exists, do you really ask why or how or not believe them. Of course not because they want you to believe it, they allow for it. There are millions of people saying they have experienced abductions and seen things and people like you won't believe them or even believe in the possibility.
As a scientist , blah blah blah, more language babble. This is a entire universe and humans are full of vanity, it's not just to control us, but it's in that we really think even for one pathetic moment we are the only life to ever visit this planet or this solar system...
This species is primitive and expects me to be violent or go out and do something to make a change, when the only real change I see necessarily is people start to actually form their own thoughts and not just be drones to a particular perspective or mind set. Yet people fight for being, thinking differently because they don't have open minds. You're disciplined isn't that obvious, structured in logic, science. You're part of a equation, business, program...
There's people all around the damn world, many once skeptics, not skeptical anymore...You want proof and evidence to impress your peers or follow your training, conditioning, programming. Yet you live in a mysterious universe and a world of lies.
There is honest to God, people who still believe we don't use teleportation devices....
They don't just let any one research top secret research, I'd like to think that's obvious...
For subatomic particles, perhaps, but not with significantly complex molecular structures. And anyway, I thought the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle negated the possibility of a working transporter.
If knowledge were adequate, especially older knowledge we'd be able to build technologies in labs in our basements. There are always more advanced technologies being studied, created, than the media openly expresses or people can learn about on wikipedia. And there are plenty of retired Nasa officials saying, yes, aliens are real.
You believe it's lies because you're structured to believe in that.
It's not vain to think for yourself, I express myself you can express yourself. It's not vain. It's called having a mind of my damn own.
There is plenty of proof, I don't need math to see that it exists or is out there. People speak their damn minds. And people are open to the world. I don't need to see in a equation that I exist or these things exist. There's a whole world of people saying these things are real, they have experienced them.
More proof accounts, witnesses than lots of things you believe. Hell, maybe there's even more people who do believe than don't!
Keep calling me vain, name calling, I have my own beliefs and I'm not changing that for anyone, especially some one calling me names.
You won't believe because YOU DONT WANT TO because they don't want you to. Or you won't consider it, show me proof, show me proof.
I am open to different things, you or no one else is going to make me think I'm vain or need proof to consider both sides of the world. Science is vain, assumes it can be without morals and yet it has a god like power to destroy, play god.
You have to give up these paranormal ideas and see the light of studying REAL SCIENCE!
Fine. I can respect that
Wikipedia isn't entirely useless, you know.
In quantum mechanics, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle states a fundamental limit on the accuracy with which certain pairs of physical properties, such as the position and momentum of a particle, can be simultaneously known. In other words, the more precisely one property is measured, the less precisely the other can be controlled, determined, or known.
In physics, the term observer effect refers to changes that the act of observation will make on the phenomenon being observed. This is often the result of instruments that, by necessity, alter the state of what they measure in some manner. [...] For an electron to become detectable, a photon must first interact with it, and this interaction will change the path of that electron. It is also possible for other, less direct means of measurement to affect the electron.
Further, regarding extraterrestrial aliens:
You're also assuming that the United States government wouldn't go out of its way to stifle the spread of accurate facts regarding military secrets (such as those videos, had they been true) or spend money to disseminate false information to throw people off (which imo is more likely what those videos actually do.)