Nevermore - "The Heart Collector" - 10/10
A great song with one of the best metal choruses ever (in my opinion). It's so nice to come across a ballad-y metal song that isn't cliche and predictable.
I have to be in a very specific mood for ambient music, but when it clicks, it clicks HARD, as it did here. I had never really listened to Buckethead/Death Cube K until last night, and I think I've been missing out.
I'm a sucker for any musical, but I actually had low hopes for Billy Elliot. A lot of the songs proved me wrong though, this being the prime example. It's full of emotion, but the emotion feels real rather than over-the-top like in many musicals. It's sad yet uplifting at the same time. Plus - Geordie accents!
WhoCares - "Out of My Mind"" - 10/10
I first listened to this about 3 weeks ago, after reading about this band project on When I decided to go check them out, I was expecting mediocrity; so often, when amazing musicians come together from different bands, they fail to achieve anything of high quality. In fact, the idea of supergroups such as this just comes across as cheezy to me for some reason, and I'm not fond of the whole idea. Usually the final product is a song (or songs) that are only really of 'filler' quality. So I wasn't expecting much from this song, but I was surprised to actually be presented with something of brilliance - an amazing, Black Sabbath-y epic with some great riffs, solos and overall musicianship. The song actually wouldn't feel out of place on Heaven & Hell's self-titled album, given the dark nature of it. This track is very atmospheric, very entertaining to listen to, and just a very good song. I was pleased to find that the musicians involved actually managed to pull together to create something worthy of their respective statuses, rather than just a cheap, money-grabbing knock-off that was thrown together in 5 minutes.
"Holy Water" - 10/10
Also a terrific song with a great riff and a really nice chorus. This sound of this track bears a closer resemblance to Deep Purple's musical style this time around, with less of a Black Sabbath influence. It a little like Deep Purple's slower songs, such as (to give a recent example) "Walk On", but with some heavier riffing, and a more up-beat sound overall. It's great stuff, really; if it were to have appeared on one of DP's albums, it would have been a definite stand-out.
Same here. I still can't believe I'll never get to see them perform, and that there will never be another album...
You guys have all a lot of good music that I will never see live. Never say never though, unless they're dead. There's lots of old bands getting back together at this time.
Domain - "Last Days of Utopia" - 8/10
Amazing guitar-work, and some great musicianship, but the structure of the song is just a little too cliche and overdone in the world of power metal. Maybe I'd appreciate it a bit more if I were listening to it through something other than a 360p YouTube video.
Pride & Glory - "The Chosen One" - 10/10
Possibly my favourite song of theirs. It's a very well-written track, and I really like the influence that the orchestra has on the song overall.
Yeah, about that... their lead singer, Peter Steele, did indeed die last year. The cruel irony of it was, he had just started to get his personal life back together and away from his addictions.
I have to be in a very specific mood for ambient music, but when it clicks, it clicks HARD, as it did here. I had never really listened to Buckethead/Death Cube K until last night, and I think I've been missing out.
Buckethead is an amazing man, who is fantastic on both sides of the spectrum.
What can I say. I once stumbled upon Blue Oyster Cult through a music ramble, and I listen to them daily.
Such a stylistically diverse band, and highly influential.
This version turns what is an awesome song, up to 11.
Shame the sound quality is lacking though...
I've stepped away from rap for a few years now, but I've always enjoyed Eminem, and I decided to catch up on him recently. ... Holy shit. This song is fantastic. (and it turns out Rihanna is actually a pretty good singer)
Well, the whole album is fantastic, but I'm not going to do a track-by-track. I'll just say that LTWYL and You're Never Over are outstanding, and the rest are damn good too. Heck of a reintroduction to the genre.
LOL, I got up this morning and started searching for metal songs and I'm still doing just that. Feel free to add me on youtube if you have a channel. Being off work, I find lots of music during my day.
Maybe, I'll do the dishes .
Funny covers, though. LOL. It's taken me a very long time to understand Gothic metal, I mean to identify it, I think I'm getting better at it. It's the hardest genre for me to personally define for myself.
If any one can post a female fronted band not in my collection, that would be cool. LOL awesome metal cover! Kiss by the ROSEEEEEE! LOL METAL is my happy sauce right now...
David Garrett - "Smells Like Teen Spirit" - 10/10
Oh my gosh, this is awesome! I just listened to it after Vainamoinen linked to it in another thread. I actually get more listening pleasure out of this that the original. It sounds absolutely superb.
Has to be one of their best clean vocal songs. I wouldn't go so far as to call it a great song though. The solo was off from the usual pace. The riffs were forgettable, but this band has always been more about the subject matter than the music itself. I must admit that I do have a crush on the new album. It's been 7 years since the last one(well 8 from now, but the new one came out late last year)...and it's pretty good. It's no DAHMER, but it's good.
I get a lot of fun listening to Blonde on Blonde whilst driving recently again...
"Now the rainman gave me two cures
Then he said, "Jump right in"
The one was Texas medicine
The other was just railroad gin
And like a fool I mixed them
And it strangled up my mind
And now, people just get uglier
And I have no sense of time
Oh, Mama, can this really be the end
To be stuck inside of Mobile
With the Memphis blues again."
A great song with one of the best metal choruses ever (in my opinion). It's so nice to come across a ballad-y metal song that isn't cliche and predictable.
I have to be in a very specific mood for ambient music, but when it clicks, it clicks HARD, as it did here. I had never really listened to Buckethead/Death Cube K until last night, and I think I've been missing out.
I'm a sucker for any musical, but I actually had low hopes for Billy Elliot. A lot of the songs proved me wrong though, this being the prime example. It's full of emotion, but the emotion feels real rather than over-the-top like in many musicals. It's sad yet uplifting at the same time. Plus - Geordie accents!
I first listened to this about 3 weeks ago, after reading about this band project on When I decided to go check them out, I was expecting mediocrity; so often, when amazing musicians come together from different bands, they fail to achieve anything of high quality. In fact, the idea of supergroups such as this just comes across as cheezy to me for some reason, and I'm not fond of the whole idea. Usually the final product is a song (or songs) that are only really of 'filler' quality. So I wasn't expecting much from this song, but I was surprised to actually be presented with something of brilliance - an amazing, Black Sabbath-y epic with some great riffs, solos and overall musicianship. The song actually wouldn't feel out of place on Heaven & Hell's self-titled album, given the dark nature of it. This track is very atmospheric, very entertaining to listen to, and just a very good song. I was pleased to find that the musicians involved actually managed to pull together to create something worthy of their respective statuses, rather than just a cheap, money-grabbing knock-off that was thrown together in 5 minutes.
"Holy Water" - 10/10
Also a terrific song with a great riff and a really nice chorus. This sound of this track bears a closer resemblance to Deep Purple's musical style this time around, with less of a Black Sabbath influence. It a little like Deep Purple's slower songs, such as (to give a recent example) "Walk On", but with some heavier riffing, and a more up-beat sound overall. It's great stuff, really; if it were to have appeared on one of DP's albums, it would have been a definite stand-out.
Only regret is that they are one of the few I never got to see live. rating: classic
I came across like 100 new bands tonight, this was one of them.
Same here. I still can't believe I'll never get to see them perform, and that there will never be another album...
You guys have all a lot of good music that I will never see live. Never say never though, unless they're dead. There's lots of old bands getting back together at this time.
Amazing guitar-work, and some great musicianship, but the structure of the song is just a little too cliche and overdone in the world of power metal. Maybe I'd appreciate it a bit more if I were listening to it through something other than a 360p YouTube video.
Pride & Glory - "The Chosen One" - 10/10
Possibly my favourite song of theirs. It's a very well-written track, and I really like the influence that the orchestra has on the song overall.
Yeah, about that... their lead singer, Peter Steele, did indeed die last year.
Buckethead is an amazing man, who is fantastic on both sides of the spectrum.
Blue Oyster Cult: Veteran of the Psychic Wars (extended live version)
What can I say. I once stumbled upon Blue Oyster Cult through a music ramble, and I listen to them daily.
Such a stylistically diverse band, and highly influential.
This version turns what is an awesome song, up to 11.
Shame the sound quality is lacking though...
Better than their two hits in my opinion. Awesome.
Plus, they influenced Maiden :P
Really not that good, pretty generic. But, it's the first metal band I've seen to have a kid in the band.
I've stepped away from rap for a few years now, but I've always enjoyed Eminem, and I decided to catch up on him recently. ... Holy shit. This song is fantastic. (and it turns out Rihanna is actually a pretty good singer)
Well, the whole album is fantastic, but I'm not going to do a track-by-track. I'll just say that LTWYL and You're Never Over are outstanding, and the rest are damn good too. Heck of a reintroduction to the genre.
I think this is a chick singing, can't tell to be honest...I like it but it sounds like a chick, hope it is.
Bloodlined Calligraphy
Laura nichol is still my favorite.
Midnattsol I know too many female metal bands to remember a third of them...
Lyriel - Memoria
Whyzdom-the train
Pretty good.
Enora Yet another one...
Not bad
Tears Voyage (well, definitely not bad, it's Sharon Adel)
bad recording , but it's not bad.
Runaway by Eowyn
Another female fronted band.
SPK - A Heart that Breaks (In no Time or Place)
SPK - A Heart that Breaks (In no Time or Place)
Some pretty good music involved here.
LOL, bad Romance metal
Check this out, LoL. I love metal so so much.
Unheard Apology
YEAHHHHHHH!!!!! METALLLLLL! This is it! A small time metal band rocking the *BEEEEEEEP* out!
LOL!!!!!!! Another Bad Romance metal version
OMG I love metal, here's another one
This is much better.
LOL, I got up this morning and started searching for metal songs and I'm still doing just that. Feel free to add me on youtube if you have a channel. Being off work, I find lots of music during my day.
Maybe, I'll do the dishes .
Funny covers, though. LOL. It's taken me a very long time to understand Gothic metal, I mean to identify it, I think I'm getting better at it. It's the hardest genre for me to personally define for myself.
EDIT: WHAT!? WHAT!? Christopher Lee in a "gothic" band!?
Nope. and start a station with those parameters. Best and easiest way to add to your collection.
Thanks for sharing. This is another funny cover, that will show you other covers in related videos.
This is pretty awesome...
Oh my gosh, this is awesome! I just listened to it after Vainamoinen linked to it in another thread. I actually get more listening pleasure out of this that the original. It sounds absolutely superb.
Has to be one of their best clean vocal songs. I wouldn't go so far as to call it a great song though. The solo was off from the usual pace. The riffs were forgettable, but this band has always been more about the subject matter than the music itself. I must admit that I do have a crush on the new album. It's been 7 years since the last one(well 8 from now, but the new one came out late last year)...and it's pretty good. It's no DAHMER, but it's good.
Monkey Island - LeChuck's Theme (Band Version)
by SongeLeReveur
Fantastic. All instruments performed and mixed together by himself.
just 10/10 for me
by Fireflight
I don't usually get choked up on a song, but this one gets me every time.
And the thing is, the chorus is absolutely true.
"Now the rainman gave me two cures
Then he said, "Jump right in"
The one was Texas medicine
The other was just railroad gin
And like a fool I mixed them
And it strangled up my mind
And now, people just get uglier
And I have no sense of time
Oh, Mama, can this really be the end
To be stuck inside of Mobile
With the Memphis blues again."
I want to see this show. So, so badly.
remixed by Hylian Ensemble