Big Wreck - "Albatross" - 6/10
Somehow boring and memorable at the same time. Not a bad song, just nothing that really grabs me. If I was a bit more of a casual rock listener, I'd probably like it a whole lot more.
Pretty darn good. I'm just trying to figure out whether I enjoy the intro/outtro, or the actual song better. Oh well, all-in-all, a strong bit of atmospheric power metal.
Pretty darn good. I'm just trying to figure out whether I enjoy the intro/outtro, or the actual song better. Oh well, all-in-all, a strong bit of atmospheric power metal.
Just do a compromise and say they are equally good.
The last song I heard was I've Tried by Unisonic. It's a brand new melodic hardrock band with heavy metal legends Michael Kiske and Kai Hansen in it with some guy from Pink Cream 69 and Krokus. I've always loved everything that Michael Kiske puts his voice into, so I really cannot be too objective with this one 10/10
Truly one of Rush's greatest works.
Every track is pure quality and its hard to point out highlights. All of them have great aspects to them.
I definately suggest a few listens to the whole thing with the lyrics and opening paragraphs in hand, it really helps you to immerse into the whole concept of the album.
For me my favourites have to be Caravan, Clockwork Angels, Headlong Flight and The Garden.
Caravan is an excellent opener, and is a big heavy song with a fun riff, and some nice upbeat lyrics that make it hard to hate.
Clockwork Angels has just fantastic imagery in the lyrics and the music. Very deep. Requires multiple listens to catch everything.
Headlong Flight is just great. Great lyrics that make you think, awesome riffs, and it feels like a real rollercoaster of a song.
And as for The Garden. You just have to hear it for yourself. I don't think my words could really do it justice. Beautiful, beautiful song.
For a Rush album I'd give it a 9/10.
Truly a legendary album by a legendary band.
(Its amazing what can come from just 3 people. 3 great friends who just love doing what they do, and oh god does it show! )
Go get it!
Already ordered the fan pack of 'Clockwork Angels' a couple of weeks ago. I was planning on pirating it upon release, because I really didn't wanna have to wait for it to arrive in the mail before I got to hear it. But... I've decided to hold out; I've realized that I want to experience the album along with its visual and physical side. Because that's half of what made my first listenings of 'Snakes and Arrows' so special - was having the album's corresponding artwork inside the booklet to accompany and complement the music. Having that to look through as I listened to the music, having the lyrics to follow along to, and having the CD case sitting on my desk - that completed the experience of the album. So, with that in mind, I decided I wouldn't deprive myself of that same joy with 'Clockwork Angels'.
That decision has been agonizing, though. I really can't wait to hear it, after reading all of the positive feedback about it. My excitement really is rising dramatically each day. I'm glad to hear from you that's it's not a disappointment.
Oh he has a whole album. If I'm not mistaken(didn't look it up), it was voted as the worst music album by an athlete. That's quite a feat.
As for stuff I've recently listened to, I'm up in the air about rating Clockwork Angels(Rush) and The Electric Age(Overkill). Clockwork Angels is great and definitely up for album of the year(overall maybe 8.5/10...a 7 if I go by Rush standards. Snakes and Arrows had a lot of songs lower than these but it also had a couple that I liked even more).
I know nobody but me cares about Overkill, but this is the best album they've done since Horrorscope...maybe EVER. As far as metal goes, I don't think any album this year is even going to come close to this. The only two things I was disappointed in were:
1) The fact they have now completely given up the integration of album numbers in the titles. KILLBOX 13, RELIXIV, IMMORTALIS(15), Ironbound?, The Electric Age? It was a cool thing they had going.
2) The lack of an addition to their opus "Overkill", which would have been entry #6.
Overall, I'd give this an 8/10.
25 years. Pirner still sounds exactly the same. It's like Geddy Lee syndrome or something. I really liked their last release, Silver Lining and decided to check out the new album. It's decent. Only one song really stuck with me though, could be the novelty factor. These days I would consider anything memorable to be a success the way music is going. Overall, the last album was a bit better.
The new KISS album is all right. Like the last one, a little too much Gene singing for my taste, but they did let Eric sing another song which was good. No rating, I just heard it once. I'll probably pick it up tuesday.
Oh, taumel, you scallywag.
... I wish I hadn't!
Heaven Scent. OMG. Listening to it right now, I remember meeting Digweed back in 06. At a party with 150,000 people. His music blew the night UP.
Somehow boring and memorable at the same time. Not a bad song, just nothing that really grabs me. If I was a bit more of a casual rock listener, I'd probably like it a whole lot more.
Pretty darn good. I'm just trying to figure out whether I enjoy the intro/outtro, or the actual song better. Oh well, all-in-all, a strong bit of atmospheric power metal.
Rated eargasm/10.
Just do a compromise and say they are equally good.
Oh what the hell,
some Halford love too
Critical hit!
Though that song was good, I wouldn't exactly call that a critical hit. I'd give that rating to this. Or this.
In a word - awesomballs.
Despite enjoying much of the album's content, all of the faffing about did make it one of the hardest albums I've ever made myself listen to.
They were my favourite band. They changed their style to electronic and I didn't hear nothing from them since then.
Score: 10/10 It's perfect.
No score due to a lack of a measurement system that goes high enough.
Truly one of Rush's greatest works.
Every track is pure quality and its hard to point out highlights. All of them have great aspects to them.
I definately suggest a few listens to the whole thing with the lyrics and opening paragraphs in hand, it really helps you to immerse into the whole concept of the album.
For me my favourites have to be Caravan, Clockwork Angels, Headlong Flight and The Garden.
Caravan is an excellent opener, and is a big heavy song with a fun riff, and some nice upbeat lyrics that make it hard to hate.
Clockwork Angels has just fantastic imagery in the lyrics and the music. Very deep. Requires multiple listens to catch everything.
Headlong Flight is just great. Great lyrics that make you think, awesome riffs, and it feels like a real rollercoaster of a song.
And as for The Garden. You just have to hear it for yourself. I don't think my words could really do it justice. Beautiful, beautiful song.
For a Rush album I'd give it a 9/10.
Truly a legendary album by a legendary band.
(Its amazing what can come from just 3 people. 3 great friends who just love doing what they do, and oh god does it show!
Go get it!
That decision has been agonizing, though. I really can't wait to hear it, after reading all of the positive feedback about it. My excitement really is rising dramatically each day. I'm glad to hear from you that's it's not a disappointment.
1/10, and the one's solely for the "wtf?" factor.
As for stuff I've recently listened to, I'm up in the air about rating Clockwork Angels(Rush) and The Electric Age(Overkill). Clockwork Angels is great and definitely up for album of the year(overall maybe 8.5/10...a 7 if I go by Rush standards. Snakes and Arrows had a lot of songs lower than these but it also had a couple that I liked even more).
I know nobody but me cares about Overkill, but this is the best album they've done since Horrorscope...maybe EVER. As far as metal goes, I don't think any album this year is even going to come close to this. The only two things I was disappointed in were:
1) The fact they have now completely given up the integration of album numbers in the titles. KILLBOX 13, RELIXIV, IMMORTALIS(15), Ironbound?, The Electric Age? It was a cool thing they had going.
2) The lack of an addition to their opus "Overkill", which would have been entry #6.
Overall, I'd give this an 8/10.
Let's All Kill Each Other!
Weakest thing they’ve ever done.
A pleasant little overlooked song by the Barenaked Ladies with melodic qualities and the recognizable BNL style.
I give that song a 9/10, mostly because I love the Ghost video.