Magic Pie - "Slightly Mad" - 10/10
Terrific songwriting backed but by amazing musicianship and technical proficiency. This song is a perfect blend of old school prog (from the likes of Yes and King Crimson), modern prog (a la Dream Theater) and Deep Purple-style classic rock. This song is insanely good.
Sometimes I forget why REM are amazing and then they pop up on the shuffle and realise they write fantastic songs. Video is pretty clever and features Michael Stipe dancing like yer da at your wedding.
Also, this thread is just totally 10/10's because we all just posts songs we love
Also, this thread is just totally 10/10's because we all just posts songs we love
Yeah, I sort of noticed things going in this direction as well. But, then again, I have posted some ratings/reviews of songs which I've hated, and some which I've been indifferent towards (but the latter to a lesser degree, though). I guess I will often talk about songs that I love because they're mostly the ones which I have anything interesting to say about them.
Overall, maybe a 7. For a non-Steve Perry Journey song, a strong 8...maybe 9. Classic sound...sounds straight out of the 80s Journey. I'm a fairly big Steve Perry fan and I, unfortunately, cannot ignore this song existing. I wish he did sing it. Not a fantastic song, but it's exactly what you think of when you imagine a song from Journey. It's.... well.... Journey.
Yeah, I sort of noticed things going in this direction as well.
Okay, then let me mix it up a bit.
"Just Dance" and "Poker Face" by Lady Gaga - 2/10
blech. urp... yuck.
Okay, so first I had heard about Lady Gaga from random TV shows that I watch (like NCIS) and then Linkara talked about her in one of his video reviews. So, I went to youtube and watched a couple of her music videos.
Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Boring and unoriginal. Toneless and annoying.
Track by track first impressions of I'm With You by RHCP
Monarchy of Roses - Strong start to the album. Nothing amazing, but it's certainly unique and funk-ful. Klinghoffer really knows his way around a guitar.
Factory of Faith - Anthony's "rapping" is as weak as it's ever been here, but the chorus is very catchy, and that bassline... oh man.
Brendan's Death Song - I've always been a fan of RHCP's softer songs, and tracks like this are why. Simplistic, but with a big emotional impact. Chad, for once, actually carries most of that impact here due to some great drumwork. I'm really liking how this album is mixed so far. Everyone's equally easy to hear.
Ethiopia - That's some funk-ass funk right there, at least until the chorus. This sounds like a Stadium Arcadium b-side, which (to me) is a FANTASTIC thing. Instant favorite.
Annie Wants A Baby - This is going to be one of those songs I like at first, then grow to be obsessed with. I can just feel it. Also, if the last song was a Stadium Arcadium b-side, this is easily a By The Way b-side that's been remixed during the Stadium Arcadium sessions. (sorry that these descriptions are getting more and more vague)
Look Around - Anthony's rapping again... much more listenably this time. But "put my peg into your square"? I thought we were past this, guys. Ah well. Extremely catchy song, but much weaker than the last few.
Adventures of Rain Dance Maggie - Damn, I love this song. Anybody who's reading this has already heard it, so... moving on.
Did I Let You Know - Hey, Josh is singing in the background! And he's not bad! This is RHCP fooling around outside their genre again, and it's great. (Right after I type that, Anthony says "I like you cheeky/so Mozambique-y". GODDAMMIT, ANTHONY. NOT COOL.)
Goodbye Hooray - Heavier song, seems designed to show off Josh. And my god, does he take advantage of it. If they never told anybody that Frusciante left, you'd think he was still there. Wow.
Happiness Loves Company - As the title indicates, this definitely has a happy feel to it. Appears to be single-bait, but in a good way. Fun little ditty.
Police Station - A lot of mellow, some heavier sections, what seems to be a piano (but after Wet Sand, I'll never make that assumption again)... extremely enjoyable.
Even You Brutus? - Oh, damn. YES. Just... just listen to it. Go on.
Meet Me At The Corner - Back to mellow, which I normally love, and this IS a great song... but after "Even You Brutus?" it sounds limp. Bad track placement.
Dance, Dance, Dance - It's a song. ... Okay, there are some good sections in it... but me no gusta. Shame that the album has to go out like this.
So yeah, I'm not a music critic, obviously, and I haven't let this album digest yet, but at first blush I love it. It's not their greatest effort, but it could have been a hell of a lot worse, what with expectations being through the roof. I just hope die-hard Frusciante devotees give it a chance.
My Dad just Downloaded the New Muppets Cover Album and I figured I'd take advantage of this opportunity to review a brand new album.
The Muppet Show Theme- OK Go An upbeat, techno-esque cover. It gets a little over-complicated at points, but overall it maintains the cheery and simplistic attitude of the original. 8/10
The Rainbow Connection- Weezer ft. Hayley Williams Rivers Cuomo and Hayley Williams, singing a flawlessly beautiful and calm duet version of a cherished childhood memory. What more could I ask for? 10/10
Mahna Mahna- The Fray A classic Muppets song that everybody knows. This cover treats the original version with the respect it deserves. 9/10
Movin' Right Along- Alkaline Trio This cover version treats the folky tune with a bit of fast paced rock and roll, while still capturing the humor of the original. Surprisingly enough, it WORKS. 8/10
Our World- My Morning Jacket While I've sadly never heard the original, This song is a fairly good version. Throw in a bit of background singing and we've got a solid cover. 7/10
Halfway Down The Stairs- Amy Lee A very somber cover of a song that was fairly somber to begin with. The bits of techno bleep just seem thrown in, but it's still pretty good. 8/10
Mr. Bassman- Sonde Lerche A bass-driven song accompanied by guitar and drums. Simple and down to earth, capturing the spirit of the original easily. 9/10
The Wishing Song- The Airborne Toxic Event The rock vibe kinda subtracts from the somber mood that this song was originally supposed to convey, but it still conveys the same message. 7/10
Night Life- Brandon Saller A hard rock cover of a normal rock song, but it still manages to please me. This is the kind of song that would get any kid into the hard rock genre. 9/10
Bein' Green- Andrew Bird At first, a surprisingly downbeat version of what is supposed to be an uplifting song. Afterwards, it's a bit more upbeat, and overall, it's a nice song. 8/10
I Hope That Something Better Comes Along- Matt Nathanson A good piano-driven cover of the classic "Why Bother with Women" message. Loses some of the humor in between the verses, but still good enough to please. 8/10
I'm Going to Go Back There Someday- Rachel Yamagata Another piano-driven cover with a background chorus. It captures the mood of the original almost perfectly and serves an ideal end to the album. 9/10
The Album overall: While I want to give it a higher score, this album just didn't do everything I expected to see. There was little material that actually surprised me and nothing really jumped out. On the other hand, it's a fairly good album, with plenty of artists giving their own unique takes on classic tunes. So... 8/10 No more, no less.
Animals As Leaders - "Tempting Time" - 5.5/10
Yeah, technically it's good and rather impressive, but the song itself is just doing nothing for me. It's a bunch of impressive, virtuosic instrumentation, but it's played over the top of some very bland and lifeless compositions. For me personally, this is just very unexciting music. I can appreciate it, but I get no kick out of it.
I love this song foor it's wit, sarcasm and the way Newman can turn a subject on its heads with a clever turn of phrase.
It's also the only time i've ever heard this particular view of black segregation in America expressed, to express it so eloquently and to music is testament to the genius of one of America's greatest living songwriters.
Couple all that up with Newman's distinctive foggy vocals and Piano work that I can only describe as Americana and you have a little slice of genius in just over three minutes.
Tasteless guitar wank, why do bands do this? Don't play something just because you can, if you play something it'd best have a point other than hoping I go "Oh wow! You're soooo good at guitar"
Megadeth - "The Scorpion" - 10/10
I've only just gotten into Megadeth, and I'm wondering why the heck I didn't give them any chance earlier. This song in particular has been one that's impressed me a whole lot. Terrifically powerful, suitably eerie and dark, and also extremely catchy. It's a fantastic mixture of great songwriting, competent musicianship, good production choices, and relatively imaginative lyrics. It's original, it's enjoyable, it's thematically rich, and it's pretty much all I could ask for in a hard rock song.
It's just one example of how Megadeth are so much more musically articulate than most other bands of their genre or style.
Also, it's in the same vain as a lot of Alice Cooper's stuff from his 'Brutal Planet' and 'Dragontown' albums (at least I think so), and that can only be a good thing, since those albums are two of Alice's greatest (but most underappreciated) musical achievements.
why do bands do this? Don't play something just because you can, if you play something it'd best have a point other than hoping I go "Oh wow! You're soooo good at guitar"
Because that's obviously all the band cares about - showing off their 'chops'. And, ultimately, there's going to always be a crowd who will lap this stuff up merely because they're suckers for soulless speed and technicality.
How did I miss this? Goodness doodo came out with some twaddle!!
Eh, he sure did; pretty much invariably. I'm actually over the moon that he's finally gone; his constant bullsh posts really did get tiresome after a while.
Megadeth - "The Scorpion" - 10/10
I've only just gotten into Megadeth, and I'm wondering why the heck I didn't give them any chance earlier. This song in particular has been one that's impressed me a whole lot. Terrifically powerful, suitably eerie and dark, and also extremely catchy. It's a fantastic mixture of great songwriting, competent musicianship, good production choices, and relatively imaginative lyrics. It's original, it's enjoyable, it's thematically rich, and it's pretty much all I could ask for in a hard rock song.
It's just one example of how Megadeth are so much more musically articulate than most other bands of their genre or style.
Megadeth really are the best of the big 4.
Metallica used to be pretty good, but then they lost something over the years.
Slayer stubbornly refuses to branch out, making most of their songs sound the same.
Anthrax are getting better, but they aren't as good.
Wow, that's also great. In fact, I like it better than "Sweating Bullets". I actually bought 'Youthanasia' a couple of days ago (online, and mostly just because I really like the cover art). I don't regret my decision at all now
By the way, just wondering, what's your opinion of Megadeth's album 'Risk'. I've seen/heard that one cop a bit of criticism across the interwebz, but is there actually anything all that wrong with it?
By the way, just wondering, what's your opinion of Megadeth's album 'Risk'. I've seen/heard that one cop a bit of criticism across the interwebz, but is there actually anything all that wrong with it?
I personally haven't got round to listening to that album.
But I will point out three other awesome Megadeth songs that you must listen to:
Also a great song, which I've actually heard a few times before. But I will say that 'Endgame' did produce some better tracks than this one, such as "44 Minutes" and the other single - "The Right to Go Insane".
Still, though, this one kicks some major arse, and is better listening for those who prefer classic thrash metal to hard rock.
This one I've heard as well; it's an absolute classic. My first experience with it, though, was during my Nightwish phase (which I'm still in, come to think of it), when I heard one of their live covers of the track.
From there, I sought out the original. So that was one of the few avenues that led to me coming to enjoy Megadeth's music. It's strange the ways you stumble upon music nowadays, in the age of the internet; the process of finding new music is very different to how it once was.
Hoobastank - Inside of You. That song is awesome, easily the next best thing next to The Reason. 10/10 - I love the song, I can't stop listening to it.
Karn Evil 9 - Emerson, Lake and Palmer: 10/10 in its entirety (Both parts of the 1st Impression are very good)
BTW In my mind I think Carl Palmer was one of the best if not the best rock drummer out there (but that's mainly after watching his solo during the 1st impression on youtube:)
every song is 10/10 eh? okay, I'm hitting random and rating whatever it is.
"Sold My Soul" - Mercyful Fate - 9
Okay... This isn't the best song off of "9", the (currently)last MF album. Decent track mainly due to the great guitar work. Not a whole lot to say about it. Mid-ranged lead locals with backing falsettos...typical of King Diamond. I'd give it a 6/10. Not really memorable, but I don't feel the urge to skip it either. Final note? If you're going to put on anything from 9, go for "Church Of Saint Anne" or "Burn In Hell" instead.
I originally found out about these guys as a result of hearing/watching some of their Dream Theater covers on YouTube, which, I must say, impressed me quite hugely; their playing ability is very good; as musicians/instrumentalists, they are highly capable. And, judging by "Nemesis" it seems they're quite adept songwriters as well, if not fully developed yet. There are some nice melodies and interesting arrangements scattered throughout the song, and it's mostly all enjoyable. Though I will say that some of the music does feel a little redundant; there's a lot of fat that could probably be cut out without damaging the song itself. Because, even as a prog fan, I do feel that it drags on unnecessarily for a bit long. I mean, if the actual compositions and riffs were a little more entertaining and varied, then the song's length would probably be justified, but, as it is, no - not quite.
But, in saying this, things really do pick up in the last 3 minutes; in fact, they pick up in a big way. Bad Salad lay down some riffs that just simply pump, soloing over the top as they subtly and smoothly transition between them. And it's not wanky soloing either; it's technically impressive, sure, but it's done in a way which works to benefit the song, and doesn't come at its expense. In fact, it's so integral to the music that I actually hesitate to even call it 'soloing'.
I could listen to those last three minutes over and over again; it's heavy prog rock brilliance that I think even Dream Theater would be somewhat proud of. In a way, that's the pay-off for sitting through the song's 11 minutes. You get a somewhat lackluster (but still enjoyable) 8 minutes of music, and then 3 minutes of superb music.
So, overall, it's a good prog song with some flaws, but it builds to a climax and ends on a high, leaving me wanting to listen to it again, which is what a songwriter should generally want to try to achieve. I look forward to hearing more from this band, as they'll undoubtedly only improve over the coming years, as they develop and cultivate their sound.
Deep Purple - "Don't Let Go" - 6/10
There's nothing in this song which really grabs my ear. It's probably the least entertaining track off of the 'Rapture of the Deep' album. It sports a pretty unexciting main riff, an uninteresting beat, and is just your stock standard rock song overall. In short, it's a filler. But, it has got a somewhat enjoyable groove, and some nice piano soloing late in the song, which gives it at least some life and character.
Deep Purple - "Back to Back" - 6.9/10
Back to back fillers, is what we have here. This track follows on from "Don't Let Go", and is basically the same deal. With a slightly more flavorsome riff, this track is marginally better than "DLG", but is also just a bit of a drag, with several interesting moments just lifting it out of plain mediocrity.
Deep Purple - "Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye" - 9/10
With a faster tempo, upbeat vibe, interesting riffing and, most importantly, some actual balls, this song is a hugely refreshing listen after sitting through the last two lackluster tracks. Still, I don't feel that the track is quite all it can be, and it doesn't quite meet the same standard as other songs off the album such as the title track and "Wrong Man".
Old joke. Best feature on the new Deep Purple disc? You can turn the volume down.
I listened to the new Dropkick Murphys album. They've only went and pulled an American Idiot style concept album, i'll need another proper listen before I can give n opinion.
It's odd seeing aul boys in work saying they like this band and stuff, they just exploded the second Shipping Up to Boston was in The Departed.
One of those songs wot does tell a story, this one the remarkable tale of a farmboy who leaves to make it in the city, but a series of disillusioning events lead him to a dramatic lasty resort.
Richly scored, well written, suitably sombre and dramatic when it needs to be. I give it five eggs.
Old joke. Best feature on the new Deep Purple disc? You can turn the volume down.
Hah, some might say that. I personally really like their later stuff, though. While their latest does have a slight case of 'the filler', it really does have some real gems on it.
Hah, some might say that. I personally really like their later stuff, though. While their latest does have a slight case of 'the filler', it really does have some real gems on it.
I agree.
Out of the Raptures of the Deep alone, I like:
- Money Talks
- Wrong Man
- Raptures of the Deep
- Clearly Quite Absurd (a bit cheesy, but its not horrible)
- Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye
- Junkyard Blues
Thats 6 good songs out of 10, and thats definately not a fail in my book!
(I argue that if a album has at least 3 or so good songs, then its not a fail of an album)
- Money Talks
- Wrong Man
- Raptures of the Deep
- Clearly Quite Absurd (a bit cheesy, but its not horrible)
- Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye
- Junkyard Blues
Thats 6 good songs out of 10, and thats definately not a fail in my book!
(I argue that if a album has at least 3 or so good songs, then its not a fail of an album)
I agree, with all of this... except for the absence of "Before Time Began" from that list; that song's truly superb.
And I actually don't consider "Clearly Quite Absurd" all that cheesy; I think it actually manages to avoid that label, personally, which is quite an achievement for a song of its style and chosen subject matter... Okay, maybe it is somewhat cheesy, but it's evened out with some good lyrical moments and a great overall tone. I love it.
Overall, the album really is pretty darn good. I mean, if "Don't Let Go" and "Back to Back" were relegated to the bonus disc, "Things I Never Said" was bumped up onto the main disc, and "Girls Like That" and "MTV" were given slightly better choruses, then I'd probably consider it to be amongst their few finest albums.
Maybe it's just my current mood, or the fact that it's late at night and I'm feeling like something different, but I'm actually really liking that.
I think it's cos it's a good song . I highly highly recommend Divine Comedy, here's a few of my favourites if you fancy.
A Lady of a Certain Age - The story of an aging pennyless socialite clinging on to past glorys.
Generation Sex - A brief reflection on the state of affairs in the late 90's. Keep your ears peeled for a genius reflection on Princess Diana's death about a minute in that really hits home.
Charge - A bawdy little song with a 'Charge of the Light Brigade' theme type thing going on.
Here Comes the Flood - A song about armageddon/media scaremongering. I don't care much for the fan video on this one.
The Certainty of Chance - I've no idea what this one's about. But it's sure as hell powerful.
Terrific songwriting backed but by amazing musicianship and technical proficiency. This song is a perfect blend of old school prog (from the likes of Yes and King Crimson), modern prog (a la Dream Theater) and Deep Purple-style classic rock. This song is insanely good.
I think I've mentioned how much I love this theme before, but my God is it amazing.
Sometimes I forget why REM are amazing and then they pop up on the shuffle and realise they write fantastic songs. Video is pretty clever and features Michael Stipe dancing like yer da at your wedding.
Also, this thread is just totally 10/10's because we all just posts songs we love
Overall, maybe a 7. For a non-Steve Perry Journey song, a strong 8...maybe 9. Classic sound...sounds straight out of the 80s Journey. I'm a fairly big Steve Perry fan and I, unfortunately, cannot ignore this song existing. I wish he did sing it. Not a fantastic song, but it's exactly what you think of when you imagine a song from Journey. It's.... well.... Journey.
Max Payne 2 - Max's Choice Duty vs Passion The best song in all of Max Payne 2 imo. 10/10
Okay, then let me mix it up a bit.
"Just Dance" and "Poker Face" by Lady Gaga - 2/10
blech. urp... yuck.
Okay, so first I had heard about Lady Gaga from random TV shows that I watch (like NCIS) and then Linkara talked about her in one of his video reviews. So, I went to youtube and watched a couple of her music videos.
Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Boring and unoriginal. Toneless and annoying.
Monarchy of Roses - Strong start to the album. Nothing amazing, but it's certainly unique and funk-ful. Klinghoffer really knows his way around a guitar.
Factory of Faith - Anthony's "rapping" is as weak as it's ever been here, but the chorus is very catchy, and that bassline... oh man.
Brendan's Death Song - I've always been a fan of RHCP's softer songs, and tracks like this are why. Simplistic, but with a big emotional impact. Chad, for once, actually carries most of that impact here due to some great drumwork. I'm really liking how this album is mixed so far. Everyone's equally easy to hear.
Ethiopia - That's some funk-ass funk right there, at least until the chorus. This sounds like a Stadium Arcadium b-side, which (to me) is a FANTASTIC thing. Instant favorite.
Annie Wants A Baby - This is going to be one of those songs I like at first, then grow to be obsessed with. I can just feel it. Also, if the last song was a Stadium Arcadium b-side, this is easily a By The Way b-side that's been remixed during the Stadium Arcadium sessions. (sorry that these descriptions are getting more and more vague)
Look Around - Anthony's rapping again... much more listenably this time. But "put my peg into your square"? I thought we were past this, guys. Ah well. Extremely catchy song, but much weaker than the last few.
Adventures of Rain Dance Maggie - Damn, I love this song. Anybody who's reading this has already heard it, so... moving on.
Did I Let You Know - Hey, Josh is singing in the background! And he's not bad! This is RHCP fooling around outside their genre again, and it's great. (Right after I type that, Anthony says "I like you cheeky/so Mozambique-y". GODDAMMIT, ANTHONY. NOT COOL.)
Goodbye Hooray - Heavier song, seems designed to show off Josh. And my god, does he take advantage of it. If they never told anybody that Frusciante left, you'd think he was still there. Wow.
Happiness Loves Company - As the title indicates, this definitely has a happy feel to it. Appears to be single-bait, but in a good way. Fun little ditty.
Police Station - A lot of mellow, some heavier sections, what seems to be a piano (but after Wet Sand, I'll never make that assumption again)... extremely enjoyable.
Even You Brutus? - Oh, damn. YES. Just... just listen to it. Go on.
Meet Me At The Corner - Back to mellow, which I normally love, and this IS a great song... but after "Even You Brutus?" it sounds limp. Bad track placement.
Dance, Dance, Dance - It's a song. ... Okay, there are some good sections in it... but me no gusta. Shame that the album has to go out like this.
So yeah, I'm not a music critic, obviously, and I haven't let this album digest yet, but at first blush I love it. It's not their greatest effort, but it could have been a hell of a lot worse, what with expectations being through the roof. I just hope die-hard Frusciante devotees give it a chance.
Fail, mister. Never give up on the music.
The Muppet Show Theme- OK Go
An upbeat, techno-esque cover. It gets a little over-complicated at points, but overall it maintains the cheery and simplistic attitude of the original.
The Rainbow Connection- Weezer ft. Hayley Williams
Rivers Cuomo and Hayley Williams, singing a flawlessly beautiful and calm duet version of a cherished childhood memory. What more could I ask for?
Mahna Mahna- The Fray
A classic Muppets song that everybody knows. This cover treats the original version with the respect it deserves.
Movin' Right Along- Alkaline Trio
This cover version treats the folky tune with a bit of fast paced rock and roll, while still capturing the humor of the original. Surprisingly enough, it WORKS.
Our World- My Morning Jacket
While I've sadly never heard the original, This song is a fairly good version. Throw in a bit of background singing and we've got a solid cover.
Halfway Down The Stairs- Amy Lee
A very somber cover of a song that was fairly somber to begin with. The bits of techno bleep just seem thrown in, but it's still pretty good.
Mr. Bassman- Sonde Lerche
A bass-driven song accompanied by guitar and drums. Simple and down to earth, capturing the spirit of the original easily.
The Wishing Song- The Airborne Toxic Event
The rock vibe kinda subtracts from the somber mood that this song was originally supposed to convey, but it still conveys the same message.
Night Life- Brandon Saller
A hard rock cover of a normal rock song, but it still manages to please me. This is the kind of song that would get any kid into the hard rock genre.
Bein' Green- Andrew Bird
At first, a surprisingly downbeat version of what is supposed to be an uplifting song. Afterwards, it's a bit more upbeat, and overall, it's a nice song.
I Hope That Something Better Comes Along- Matt Nathanson
A good piano-driven cover of the classic "Why Bother with Women" message. Loses some of the humor in between the verses, but still good enough to please.
I'm Going to Go Back There Someday- Rachel Yamagata
Another piano-driven cover with a background chorus. It captures the mood of the original almost perfectly and serves an ideal end to the album.
The Album overall:
While I want to give it a higher score, this album just didn't do everything I expected to see. There was little material that actually surprised me and nothing really jumped out. On the other hand, it's a fairly good album, with plenty of artists giving their own unique takes on classic tunes. So...
8/10 No more, no less.
The lyrics are inane but the chorus is pretty catchy and so is the beat! Great dance track. I'd say 8/10.
The Muppet Show Theme - OKGo 9/10
The Rainbow Connection - Weezer 10/10
Halfway Down the Stairs - Amy Lee 9/10
vote: 10/10
Yeah, technically it's good and rather impressive, but the song itself is just doing nothing for me. It's a bunch of impressive, virtuosic instrumentation, but it's played over the top of some very bland and lifeless compositions. For me personally, this is just very unexciting music. I can appreciate it, but I get no kick out of it.
I'm not giving my songs scores anymore.
I love this song foor it's wit, sarcasm and the way Newman can turn a subject on its heads with a clever turn of phrase.
It's also the only time i've ever heard this particular view of black segregation in America expressed, to express it so eloquently and to music is testament to the genius of one of America's greatest living songwriters.
Couple all that up with Newman's distinctive foggy vocals and Piano work that I can only describe as Americana and you have a little slice of genius in just over three minutes.
Glad to see this thread's still alive!!
Tasteless guitar wank, why do bands do this? Don't play something just because you can, if you play something it'd best have a point other than hoping I go "Oh wow! You're soooo good at guitar"
I can smell the spot cream off this one.
How did I miss this? Goodness doodo came out with some twaddle!!
My Balls- Has a nice catchy beat and hilariously awesome lyrics. An excellent start to this band's career.
Zombie Love Song- A nice satire of both zombie movies and overly sappy love songs.
Bottles of Beer- An upbeat and catchy reimagining of the classic time-passing song.
Club Villain- A excellent beat and plenty of clever and imaginative lyrics.
The Stereotypes Song- A slight misstep in my opinion, but still pretty creative and funny.
The Unofficial Smithers Love Song- Who doesn't love a good reinterpretation of a popular TV show? Answer: Nobody.
Orphan Tears ft. Wax- The trippiest and funniest party song I've ever heard in my life.
Mr. Douchebag- An excellent slam on the Jersey Shore phenomenon. What's not to like?
Transphobic Techno- Kind of annoying in all of it's repetition. Not much to say otherwise.
Grandma Got a Facebook- A clever situational song about how your grandma hits on your friends.
I love this group and their hilarious songs, if you couldn't tell. Check them out here.
And no, I am in no way involved with this group.
I've only just gotten into Megadeth, and I'm wondering why the heck I didn't give them any chance earlier. This song in particular has been one that's impressed me a whole lot. Terrifically powerful, suitably eerie and dark, and also extremely catchy. It's a fantastic mixture of great songwriting, competent musicianship, good production choices, and relatively imaginative lyrics. It's original, it's enjoyable, it's thematically rich, and it's pretty much all I could ask for in a hard rock song.
It's just one example of how Megadeth are so much more musically articulate than most other bands of their genre or style.
Also, it's in the same vain as a lot of Alice Cooper's stuff from his 'Brutal Planet' and 'Dragontown' albums (at least I think so), and that can only be a good thing, since those albums are two of Alice's greatest (but most underappreciated) musical achievements.
Hah, yes, that basically sums it up
Because that's obviously all the band cares about - showing off their 'chops'. And, ultimately, there's going to always be a crowd who will lap this stuff up merely because they're suckers for soulless speed and technicality.
Eh, he sure did; pretty much invariably. I'm actually over the moon that he's finally gone; his constant bullsh posts really did get tiresome after a while.
Really? I think this is the funniest thing Ray William Johnson ever did.
Megadeth really are the best of the big 4.
Metallica used to be pretty good, but then they lost something over the years.
Slayer stubbornly refuses to branch out, making most of their songs sound the same.
Anthrax are getting better, but they aren't as good.
I personally am loving Sweating Bullets.
(Go listen to that!)
Also Train of Consequences is a great song too.
Wow, that's also great. In fact, I like it better than "Sweating Bullets". I actually bought 'Youthanasia' a couple of days ago (online, and mostly just because I really like the cover art). I don't regret my decision at all now
By the way, just wondering, what's your opinion of Megadeth's album 'Risk'. I've seen/heard that one cop a bit of criticism across the interwebz, but is there actually anything all that wrong with it?
I personally haven't got round to listening to that album.
But I will point out three other awesome Megadeth songs that you must listen to:
A Tout Le Monde
Hanger 18
EDIT: This one too!
Symphony of Destruction
Also a great song, which I've actually heard a few times before. But I will say that 'Endgame' did produce some better tracks than this one, such as "44 Minutes" and the other single - "The Right to Go Insane".
Still, though, this one kicks some major arse, and is better listening for those who prefer classic thrash metal to hard rock.
This one I've heard as well; it's an absolute classic. My first experience with it, though, was during my Nightwish phase (which I'm still in, come to think of it), when I heard one of their live covers of the track.
From there, I sought out the original. So that was one of the few avenues that led to me coming to enjoy Megadeth's music. It's strange the ways you stumble upon music nowadays, in the age of the internet; the process of finding new music is very different to how it once was.
BTW In my mind I think Carl Palmer was one of the best if not the best rock drummer out there (but that's mainly after watching his solo during the 1st impression on youtube:)
"Sold My Soul" - Mercyful Fate - 9
Okay... This isn't the best song off of "9", the (currently)last MF album. Decent track mainly due to the great guitar work. Not a whole lot to say about it. Mid-ranged lead locals with backing falsettos...typical of King Diamond. I'd give it a 6/10. Not really memorable, but I don't feel the urge to skip it either. Final note? If you're going to put on anything from 9, go for "Church Of Saint Anne" or "Burn In Hell" instead.
Can' out...of my head...
Don't know what rating that classifies this as. Probably a high one because I keep on pressing the replay button.
I originally found out about these guys as a result of hearing/watching some of their Dream Theater covers on YouTube, which, I must say, impressed me quite hugely; their playing ability is very good; as musicians/instrumentalists, they are highly capable. And, judging by "Nemesis" it seems they're quite adept songwriters as well, if not fully developed yet. There are some nice melodies and interesting arrangements scattered throughout the song, and it's mostly all enjoyable. Though I will say that some of the music does feel a little redundant; there's a lot of fat that could probably be cut out without damaging the song itself. Because, even as a prog fan, I do feel that it drags on unnecessarily for a bit long. I mean, if the actual compositions and riffs were a little more entertaining and varied, then the song's length would probably be justified, but, as it is, no - not quite.
But, in saying this, things really do pick up in the last 3 minutes; in fact, they pick up in a big way. Bad Salad lay down some riffs that just simply pump, soloing over the top as they subtly and smoothly transition between them. And it's not wanky soloing either; it's technically impressive, sure, but it's done in a way which works to benefit the song, and doesn't come at its expense. In fact, it's so integral to the music that I actually hesitate to even call it 'soloing'.
I could listen to those last three minutes over and over again; it's heavy prog rock brilliance that I think even Dream Theater would be somewhat proud of. In a way, that's the pay-off for sitting through the song's 11 minutes. You get a somewhat lackluster (but still enjoyable) 8 minutes of music, and then 3 minutes of superb music.
So, overall, it's a good prog song with some flaws, but it builds to a climax and ends on a high, leaving me wanting to listen to it again, which is what a songwriter should generally want to try to achieve. I look forward to hearing more from this band, as they'll undoubtedly only improve over the coming years, as they develop and cultivate their sound.
Edit: My gosh, I go on sometimes, don't I?
There's nothing in this song which really grabs my ear. It's probably the least entertaining track off of the 'Rapture of the Deep' album. It sports a pretty unexciting main riff, an uninteresting beat, and is just your stock standard rock song overall. In short, it's a filler. But, it has got a somewhat enjoyable groove, and some nice piano soloing late in the song, which gives it at least some life and character.
Deep Purple - "Back to Back" - 6.9/10
Back to back fillers, is what we have here. This track follows on from "Don't Let Go", and is basically the same deal. With a slightly more flavorsome riff, this track is marginally better than "DLG", but is also just a bit of a drag, with several interesting moments just lifting it out of plain mediocrity.
Deep Purple - "Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye" - 9/10
With a faster tempo, upbeat vibe, interesting riffing and, most importantly, some actual balls, this song is a hugely refreshing listen after sitting through the last two lackluster tracks. Still, I don't feel that the track is quite all it can be, and it doesn't quite meet the same standard as other songs off the album such as the title track and "Wrong Man".
I listened to the new Dropkick Murphys album. They've only went and pulled an American Idiot style concept album, i'll need another proper listen before I can give n opinion.
It's odd seeing aul boys in work saying they like this band and stuff, they just exploded the second Shipping Up to Boston was in The Departed.
The Plough by The Divine Comedy
One of those songs wot does tell a story, this one the remarkable tale of a farmboy who leaves to make it in the city, but a series of disillusioning events lead him to a dramatic lasty resort.
Richly scored, well written, suitably sombre and dramatic when it needs to be. I give it five eggs.
Hah, some might say that. I personally really like their later stuff, though. While their latest does have a slight case of 'the filler', it really does have some real gems on it.
Maybe it's just my current mood, or the fact that it's late at night and I'm feeling like something different, but I'm actually really liking that.
Five eggs indeed.
I agree.
Out of the Raptures of the Deep alone, I like:
- Money Talks
- Wrong Man
- Raptures of the Deep
- Clearly Quite Absurd (a bit cheesy, but its not horrible)
- Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye
- Junkyard Blues
Thats 6 good songs out of 10, and thats definately not a fail in my book!
(I argue that if a album has at least 3 or so good songs, then its not a fail of an album)
Atmospherically rich, and truly beautiful towards the end.
I agree, with all of this... except for the absence of "Before Time Began" from that list; that song's truly superb.
And I actually don't consider "Clearly Quite Absurd" all that cheesy; I think it actually manages to avoid that label, personally, which is quite an achievement for a song of its style and chosen subject matter... Okay, maybe it is somewhat cheesy, but it's evened out with some good lyrical moments and a great overall tone. I love it.
Overall, the album really is pretty darn good. I mean, if "Don't Let Go" and "Back to Back" were relegated to the bonus disc, "Things I Never Said" was bumped up onto the main disc, and "Girls Like That" and "MTV" were given slightly better choruses, then I'd probably consider it to be amongst their few finest albums.
Classic Zimmer, man loves a good old orchestra sting. He can't really do wrong can he?
I think it's cos it's a good song
A Lady of a Certain Age - The story of an aging pennyless socialite clinging on to past glorys.
Generation Sex - A brief reflection on the state of affairs in the late 90's. Keep your ears peeled for a genius reflection on Princess Diana's death about a minute in that really hits home.
Charge - A bawdy little song with a 'Charge of the Light Brigade' theme type thing going on.
Here Comes the Flood - A song about armageddon/media scaremongering. I don't care much for the fan video on this one.
The Certainty of Chance - I've no idea what this one's about. But it's sure as hell powerful.
The Dogs and the Horses - And a nice big finish to top it off.
That's more than enough, I tried to get a mix of songs in here, but there's far far more quality tunes in the catalogue.