BTTF Ep 4: Double Visions Predictions thread (Spoilers Warning!)

edited April 2011 in Back to the Future
After playing Episode 3,I can clearly say Im very pumped for episode 4...I think Edna will somehow kill someone O.o


  • edited March 2011
    Edna is crazy. Just leave it at that.
  • edited March 2011
    And may I add ONE thing...Jennifer's new look is VERY sexy!
  • edited March 2011
    I just have to come out and say it....

    but EDNA IS A F***ING PSYCHO!!!!!

    Plus I just love how telltale has no release date on the Ep. 4 preview. Just "Coming Soon"
  • CathalOHaraCathalOHara Moderator
    edited March 2011
    I still don't understand how Marty and Biff ended up in Kid's old speakeasy when they were under the courthouse when going in the bin... One REALLY long slide I gather?
  • edited March 2011
    I guess everyone predicting that Edna was gonna be a villain was on the money. Not that it was hard to predict.
  • edited March 2011
    All i can say about Edna is she is a wacky messed up person.
  • edited March 2011
    She was crazier than even I gave her credit for.

    And Marty's right...he shouldn't be allowed to drive the DeLorean anymore. lol

    Though, he was right, the windows are the dumbest design ever. Sure they look neat, but they suffer in practicality.
  • edited March 2011
    Edna is crazy psycho, I wonder if George will be involved in the rescue finally stand up and do the right thing as he said.
  • So one question is why is it called double visions? At the start of the season, I assumed it would be another situation wher there'd be 2 of the same character at the same time similar to the 1955 sequence in part II. We know marty goes back to 1931 in the next epsiode, will it be at a time he was already there? It does seem to be further in time as from the preview emmett and edna are at least dating.

    Looks like we'll have to rescue FCB or at least get info on how to build the flux capacitor from him. But the delorean seems damaged beyond repair? Can marty even drive it to get it up to 88 MPH?

    Also episode 5 has the premise of a cinematic chase through hill valley's past, present, and future. I kind of figured this would mean someone gets a time machine and doc and marty need to capture them similar to the ride. Will this be a 1931 character or will it be another case of the main characters succeeding in their plan only to return to the present and find everythings not quite right?
  • Though, he was right, the windows are the dumbest design ever. Sure they look neat, but they suffer in practicality.

    you could say the same thing about th entire delorean. I read it was rated one of the worst cars of all time.
  • edited March 2011
    Well it's clear that the plot for Ep 4 is going to be as follows:

    - Marty rescues Doc, rebuilds the time machine, and travels back in time to 1931.

    - He arrives either August 13, 1931, at the time Ep 2 concludes, or he arrives closer to August 25, the day of the Hill Valley Expo.

    - The goal is to convince Emmett and Edna that they are not compatible and break them up, to prevent the FCB 1986 from occurring.

    - Emmett must either see Frankenstein, and/or fail at the Hill Valley Expo to set things as they were in the original timeline.

    Whether all of that will occur during the one episode, I'm not sure, but it seems the most likely plot line.
  • the tagline for part 5 is a cinematic chase through hill valley's past, present, and future. So either the events setting this in motion happen in part 4 or we will still be in 1931 at the end of part 4 thus covering the past and possibly have them return to another alternate present (though not sure how this would incorporate the future).
  • edited March 2011
    You've been ninja'd, friend. Somebody's already made this topic. I gave my outline of the plot for Ep 4 there :)
  • I apologize, i dont know if i missed it or hit new topic first (it did take me a while to write it) anyways hopefully a mod can merge it.
  • edited March 2011
    the tagline for part 5 is a cinematic chase through hill valley's past, present, and future. So either the events setting this in motion happen in part 4 or we will still be in 1931 at the end of part 4 thus covering the past and possibly have them return to another alternate present (though not sure how this would incorporate the future).

    What intrigues me more is the "cinematic chase." Who are they chasing through time, and how? I guess if a character (most likely Edna) makes off with the DeLorean, could we see Doc & Marty uncovering the DeLoreon left by 1885 Doc, chasing the villain through time, and returning it so it remains undisturbed before the events of the third movie? Great scott!
  • edited March 2011
    I apologize, i dont know if i missed it or hit new topic first (it did take me a while to write it) anyways hopefully a mod can merge it.

    Not your fault. Somebody simply went back in time and made the topic before you did. A dangerous hobby, time travel...
  • edited March 2011
    OrangeAce wrote: »
    What intrigues me more is the "cinematic chase." Who are they chasing through time, and how? I guess if a character (most likely Edna) makes off with the DeLorean, could we see Doc & Marty uncovering the DeLoreon left by 1885 Doc, chasing the villain through time, and returning it so it remains undisturbed before the events of the third movie? Great scott!

    You forget though that, with the new timeline, Doc never went to 1885. So the delorean wouldn't have been left in the cave. Since Doc wouldn't have hit his head and created the flux capacitor. Now that he's with Edna.
  • edited March 2011
    OrangeAce wrote: »
    What intrigues me more is the "cinematic chase." Who are they chasing through time, and how? I guess if a character (most likely Edna) makes off with the DeLorean, could we see Doc & Marty uncovering the DeLoreon left by 1885 Doc, chasing the villain through time, and returning it so it remains undisturbed before the events of the third movie? Great scott!

    Maybe some kind of "Over-The-Fusion" (if you'll pardon the little BTTF humor) perspective of the DeLorean where we use the arrow keys and the mouse in a sort of literal "race?" Similar to Universal's Theme Park Adventure adaptation of the BTTF Ride?

    And yea, I was thinking about the spare DeLorean. But then they'd have to get hands on the dynamite to blow up the Delga-

    Doc's rocket fuel. Of course. That's probably why he keeps mentioning, "Never could keep those things from exploding" so often! He's done it in every episode so far.

    Hm, hang on. Needs tires? Perhaps using a Model A tireset hijacked off of a Ford or Chevy car of the time? Oh, I can see the Sunstar car model now. XD

    But I ramble. It's anyone's guess at this point!

    Jynxis wrote: »
    You forget though that, with the new timeline, Doc never went to 1885. So the delorean wouldn't have been left in the cave. Since Doc wouldn't have hit his head and created the flux capacitor. Now that he's with Edna.

    Right, to explain that: The Ripple effect hasn't caught up yet, else the current DeLorean wouldn't exist either. and neither would Marty. Hmm.....
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2011
    I apologize, i dont know if i missed it or hit new topic first (it did take me a while to write it) anyways hopefully a mod can merge it.

    Abracadabra! ;)
  • edited March 2011
    Jynxis wrote: »
    You forget though that, with the new timeline, Doc never went to 1885. So the delorean wouldn't have been left in the cave. Since Doc wouldn't have hit his head and created the flux capacitor. Now that he's with Edna.

    Wow, that's a very good point you have there. I wonder if young Emmett will have to invent the time machine ahead of schedule?

    "Woah, wait a minute, wait a minute, Emmett. Are you telling me that you build a time machine...out of a Ford Model A?"
  • edited March 2011
    you could say the same thing about th entire delorean. I read it was rated one of the worst cars of all time.

    It was mainly the Electrics in the car, you replace all the electrics (Wiring looms, metal contacts, alternator, battery, lights) and you have yourself a fantastic car!
  • edited March 2011
    smallo wrote: »
    It was mainly the Electrics in the car, you replace all the electrics (Wiring looms, metal contacts, alternator, battery, lights) and you have yourself a fantastic car!

    ...add a couple gravitational levitator thingies, time curcuits, a nice blender, a flux capacitor and you've got urself a time machine so ha!
  • edited March 2011
    I thought I remembered hearing something about the 88 MPH thing being a joke about how you'd be lucky to get a DeLorean to go that fast because of its crappy engine, and that they went through so many cars in the first movie, they had to put a Porsche engine in a DeLorean for the second movie.
    Jynxis wrote: »
    You forget though that, with the new timeline, Doc never went to 1885. So the delorean wouldn't have been left in the cave. Since Doc wouldn't have hit his head and created the flux capacitor. Now that he's with Edna.

    But Doc did still have the idea at some point in this timeline. He just interpreted it differently, resulting in his "man-in-a-Y-pose" emblem.
  • edited March 2011
    you could say the same thing about th entire delorean. I read it was rated one of the worst cars of all time.

    Doc Brown: The way I see it, if you're going to build a time machine into a car, why not do it with some style? Besides, the stainless steel construction made the flux dispersal...(watch beeps) Look out! (time machine comes back)

  • edited March 2011
    I still think the prominently featured "strange lady" I keep seeing will play a role. She's the only background character that seems to of been repeated between episodes and time periods AND had a costume change.

    She walks past you outside Edna's in episode 1
    Then she walks past you in the street in 1931 just after you arrive.
    Then she is in the speak easy.
    And now she walks past you when you arrive in FCB 1986 with her new FCB outfit.

    It could just be model recycling but she seems TOO prominent in many cut-scenes and locations to me to be nothing.
  • edited March 2011
    I reckon FCB wouldn't come with Marty because if he did, his memories would come with him and we want the original Doc back.

    Also, to get FCB out of Edna's custody, you're going to have to tell Jennifer about the Time Travel (in the preview) and get her to distract Edna so you can rescue FCB.

    Well, that's what I think.

    "Nobody calls me Mad Dog, especially not some doodied-up egg suckin' gutter trash!"
  • edited March 2011
    I think the "climactic chase" in Episode 5 is going to be chasing Marty's past self through time, making sure that everything that's supposed to happen, DOES happen. Making certain no paradoxes occur.
  • edited March 2011
    Like I said before. Assassinate Edna. Problem solved.
  • edited March 2011
    Jynxis wrote: »
    Doc wouldn't have hit his head and created the flux capacitor. Now that he's with Edna.

    I think he kinda did get the vision of the flux capacitor, but mis-interpreted it as something to do with law and order, hence the logo on gates, doors and his shirt resembling it.
  • edited March 2011
    Like I said before. Assassinate Edna. Problem solved.

    I knew Edna was crazy from day one, but she's so ridiculous that she would attempt to mindslave an entire town (as Biff said, they're planning to make Citizen Plus mandatory) just so she can have her world be perfectly manicured and orderly. No lost shoes.

    She's someone I'd normally describe in a string of oh-so-clolrful four-letter words.

    On a different note, something tells me Biff may actually be an ally in the next episode. He wanted to clock you, sure, but he wanted to clock Edna more.
  • edited March 2011
    Emo Hoe wrote: »
    I still think the prominently featured "strange lady" I keep seeing will play a role. She's the only background character that seems to of been repeated between episodes and time periods AND had a costume change.

    She walks past you outside Edna's in episode 1
    Then she walks past you in the street in 1931 just after you arrive.
    Then she is in the speak easy.
    And now she walks past you when you arrive in FCB 1986 with her new FCB.

    It could just be model recycling but she seems TOO prominent in many cut-scenes and locations to me to be nothing.

    I actually agree with you. Maby it is clara? or Marty's daughter? or perhaps Doc's granddaughter? The person you chase in ep5? It does seem to be too much of a coincidence.

    either way, ep5 saya that mysteries will be solved. maby she is one of those mysteries.

    What I want to know is why does it seem so easy to convince Jennifer that Marty is a time-traveller? and why do we never see the alternate Marty?
  • edited March 2011
    Episode could be chasing Jen.The Jen we know of is fairly staid and responsible.The Jen we have here is a complete rebel. She might want to adjust things to her liking.

    "I'm a square?"
  • edited March 2011
    So who is the speakeasy arsonist :D
  • edited March 2011
    Emo Hoe wrote: »
    I still think the prominently featured "strange lady" I keep seeing will play a role. She's the only background character that seems to of been repeated between episodes and time periods AND had a costume change.

    She walks past you outside Edna's in episode 1
    Then she walks past you in the street in 1931 just after you arrive.
    Then she is in the speak easy.
    And now she walks past you when you arrive in FCB 1986 with her new FCB outfit.

    It could just be model recycling but she seems TOO prominent in many cut-scenes and locations to me to be nothing.

    That's called a sight gag. I don't think anything will come of her. She's there for the gag of him running into the same looking lady regardless of time period and reality.
  • edited March 2011
    bosbeetle wrote: »
    So who is the speakeasy arsonist :D

    Edna. They said so in Episode 2.
  • edited March 2011
    Edna. They said so in Episode 2.

    Kid found her snooping around and assumed she was the one who had planted the explosives but it wasn't confirmed.
  • edited March 2011
    You have a point. For all we know, when Marty goes back in the net episode, he was the one who planted them.
  • edited March 2011
    But the delorean seems damaged beyond repair? Can marty even drive it to get it up to 88 MPH?

    Getting the DeLorean part fixed shouldn't be a problem in 1986?
  • I reckon FCB wouldn't come with Marty because if he did, his memories would come with him and we want the original Doc back.


    Bingo! It'll likely be FCB helping marty re create time travel but not go with him so we get the original doc back (I wonder if marty fixes the time line in 1931, does original doc re appear there?)

    Speculation on the cinematic chase; by this time, the timeline should be restored (or at least the FCB timeline avoided) and thus the hidden delorean should appear in the mine. Now if someone steals the original delorean, one disadvantage is that one can fly the one from 1885 can not (though a 1931 character would have no clue how to fly it).

    Maybe it will be just a case of marty travelling to 1955, 2015, and 1885 to make sure everything happens the way it does. I'd be okay with that.
  • edited March 2011
    Any doubts I had about Edna not being the arsonist vanished when I saw how bat**** crazy she was in Citizen Brown.
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