BTTF Ep 4: Double Visions Predictions thread (Spoilers Warning!)



  • edited March 2011
    While trying to convince FCB that this is an alternate 1986, when you select the ticket on his desk, he says he saw a movie with edna that wasn't frakenstein (which makes me think that the original ticket should have changed instead of simply fading out, similar to what happens with photos) and he won the science fair.

    What I am wondering about is how we will beat young emmet in the science fair. Probably goin to be something lame like making sure his invention doesn't work...unless FCB somehow helps by giving you an invention that will win the fair.
  • edited April 2011
    Quoting myself from another thread.
    I just realised something... The first electric guitar was made in 1931!
    Do you think thats just a coincidence?

    Or will Marty end up not only inventing Rock'n'Roll but also his beloved instrument? :D

    Im almost certain now that Marty will invent the electric guitar in 1931. We still have his little guitar in the inventory at the end of the game.
  • Kamagawa wrote: »
    While trying to convince FCB that this is an alternate 1986, when you select the ticket on his desk, he says he saw a movie with edna that wasn't frakenstein (which makes me think that the original ticket should have changed instead of simply fading out, similar to what happens with photos) and he won the science fair.

    What I am wondering about is how we will beat young emmet in the science fair. Probably goin to be something lame like making sure his invention doesn't work...unless FCB somehow helps by giving you an invention that will win the fair.

    Has FCB been inventing much? I thought he was too busy being omnipotent(except for the less noticable stuff that he obviously didn't know about). I'd guess that he developed the citizen plus program, but other than that, has he done any rocket experimenting? Based on his monologue, I'd guess not.

    I'd still love to see a golf cart go 88 miles per hour:)
  • edited April 2011
    Like I said before. Assassinate Edna. Problem solved.

    Can't do it, she was the source on how to find Doc in 1931 in the first place.
  • edited April 2011
    Emo Hoe wrote: »
    I still think the prominently featured "strange lady" I keep seeing will play a role. She's the only background character that seems to of been repeated between episodes and time periods AND had a costume change.

    She walks past you outside Edna's in episode 1
    Then she walks past you in the street in 1931 just after you arrive.
    Then she is in the speak easy.
    And now she walks past you when you arrive in FCB 1986 with her new FCB outfit.

    It could just be model recycling but she seems TOO prominent in many cut-scenes and locations to me to be nothing.

    The driver of the golf cart that nearly hits Marty is the same guy as the roulette.... watcher? What do they call those people?
  • edited April 2011
    You know...I wonder how long that wheel will stay in the air...
  • edited April 2011
    You know...I wonder how long that wheel will stay in the air...

    i think it may get close to space, fall back to earth and get disentigrated in the process.
  • edited April 2011
    I think we will have to escape from where Edna's goons took us then find and set Doc or FCB straight. We'll somehow manage to get the DeLorean working and go to 1931. We will then make some cocamaime invention and win the fair and setting history on track
  • edited April 2011
    Well, if we don't see Doc's duplicate, I hope to see an explanation for it.

    Suffice to say, I really don't envy Marty in this game. Marty had some tough challenges to tackle in the movie trilogy - but, at least, he had Doc around to help him (even if it was the Doc of 1955).

    One thing we do know is that, someway or another, Marty does end up defeating Edna and her goons - and then fixing the time machine and going back to 1931. Whether or not he has a Doc to help him, be it FCB Doc or Duplicate Doc, remains to be seen.

    I just hope we don't have to wait all the way until May for that episode.
  • edited April 2011
    My two cents on a few things:

    I've thought long and hard over where old E. Brown with the scientific background appears once that is fixed in 1931...and my conclusion is that he appears in 1986 in the Delorean, right after he vanishes when they land in FCB 1986. (My proof is when Marty faded in 1955, he reappeared there when George but time back on a good track.) Somehow, he'd have to get back to Marty in 1931, only the irony is, he won't know Marty's there. Oh he'll guess all right, but he won't know for sure.

    Regarding the two versions of characters the same age but different pasts goes, nobody has touched upon the possibility one of them vanishes. For all we know, the Biff 1985 Marty disappeared the moment time-travelling Marty arrived. My story still holds where we have seen two Martys (in 1955 and 1931) because their ages are slightly different and backgrounds the same, therefore the same instance occurring the right number of times.

    I'm positive Marty's parents know all about Marty's time-travelling because Doc told them. Look at the evidence in the movies - they're surprisingly ok with Marty befriending Doc and the night it all kicks off, Lorraine very deliberately tells Marty about her first date with George, while the latter deliberately doesn't pay any attention. Then when Marty returns from 1955 in Part I, his truck is waiting for him, as are his parents, very happy and very proud of their son but not talking about it. I think they bought him the truck to thank him for reforming how they got together and George's present relationship with Biff.

    George wrote the Star Wars comic or whatever it was that Marty accidentally left behind in 1955, meaning he's a writer but not of novels until the publishing of his book in the game.

    Going back to the double vision, the reason why we don't remember seeing two Martys at the end of the first film is he's in the blacked-out Delorean, chased by some angry terrorists. Then he time-travels, as the Marty at the end of his first adventure steps into focus. Whatever happened in 1955, Marty time-travels. It all works.

    In the preview text for Episode 4 on Telltale's BttF feature in the Games section, it says FCB and Marty together invent something to give young Emmett. I think it's designed to not only wow him but very deliberately go wrong at the expo.

    I think that's everything. I'm tired. Going to bed now/shortly.
  • edited April 2011
    I agree with you for when Marty returns from 1955. But I disagree with regards to before marty travels to 1955. If his parents knew about him timetravelling at the beginning of the first movie, then there is no original timeline and it suggests that the timeline is constantly being altered each time a marty goes to the past and never creating the suggested time loop that you see in the second movie.
  • edited April 2011
    Well I'm guessing the game begins in 1986B and you have to find a way to either get the dolorean working or get something else to travel thru time (hey Emmet got a train to, why can't something else?). Then as the preview showed you see emmet and edna together you try and go fix that mess.

    I never had a problem with Edna, her character was just overbearing. When you saw her in episode 1 in 1986 she acted like a cranky old grandmother. In 1922 she definitely follows through on the strickland name but all I saw was her wanting to outlaw dogs. It's just when you mix her up with doc you've got a mess. She could be the series main villain (which would be different than a Tannen) but she doesn't have to be.
  • edited April 2011
    i have a feeling those pinball machine parts that marty found near the end of the episode will be important for building the new time machine. I also think that the new time machine might be made from the electric car since that was the only car available at hill valley.

    Good call. It'd be funny since that's what doc gave the libyan in BTTF1 to get the plutonium. We've seen a few items that make references to the movies.
  • edited April 2011
    Has FCB been inventing much? I thought he was too busy being omnipotent(except for the less noticable stuff that he obviously didn't know about). I'd guess that he developed the citizen plus program, but other than that, has he done any rocket experimenting? Based on his monologue, I'd guess not.

    He had to have set up the camera system, right? I can't see Edna dirtier her hands with the set up. Regardless of whether that's an impressive knowledge of science for 1986, the combination of his 1931 scientific knowledge and his subsequent 1986 technological knowledge could still make him a formidable threat at a state fair.
  • edited April 2011
    Has FCB been inventing much? I thought he was too busy being omnipotent(except for the less noticable stuff that he obviously didn't know about). I'd guess that he developed the citizen plus program, but other than that, has he done any rocket experimenting? Based on his monologue, I'd guess not.

    The other thing I remember he did invent was a special kind of paint (or something) that made it easy to remove graffiti (and in turn reduced the severity of the crime), and that was what allowed Alt Jennifer to get away with constant vandalism.
  • techie775 wrote: »
    In 1922 she definitely follows through on the strickland name but all I saw was her wanting to outlaw dogs. It's just when you mix her up with doc you've got a mess. She could be the series main villain (which would be different than a Tannen) but she doesn't have to be.

    Obviously you meant 1931 instead of 1922. Anyhow i think at this point we can rule out a main series villain. She is somewhat of a protagonist in episodes 1 and 2 as she does help up (help get into the soup kitchen and the lyrics to the song) and Kid tannen is easily the main villain in those 2 episodes.

    theres not really a main villain in the third episode for the most part, the villain is mostly the community and it's man vs himself; marty needs a way to get to Doc. The latter part its edna and to a lesser extent Biff (though this isn't Biff acting on his own free will).

    Episode 4 it definitely seems to be edna as the villain, no clue yet who it will be in 5.
  • edited April 2011
    you could say the same thing about th entire delorean. I read it was rated one of the worst cars of all time.

    As an owner of one of these cars, I needed to chime in here. The windows are small because the door itself is curved. Any bigger, and it wouldn't fit inside the door when rolled down. It's actually not so bad. You can get a nice crosswind with both windows down. Of course in april, that is. In June/July if you don't use the AC... you will die. The car becomes a pizza-oven.

    As far as it being one of the "worst cars of all time"... It was a brilliant concept, but by cutting corners and employing people with no automotive knowledge to work an assembly-line, quality control issues came from everywhere. Plus it was grossly UNDER-powered. In fact I've had to make drastic changes to the drivetrain to make it a reliable vehicle. I've always said that if BTTF came out 3 years earlier, the car would've been produced much longer. I don't mind though. It makes my car more rare.
  • edited April 2011
    Yeah, maybe, but I'll bet it's a pain at drive-thru windows. lol
  • edited April 2011
    Remember the woman in the first movie who was petitionins to save tha clock tower? mabe she was Edna, but the writers just didn't plan on showing her anymore after that. just a thought.

    I read somewhere on these forums that there is a hint that Biff has a daughter. Can someone give me a link or explination on how people are making assumptions about the gender of biff's child?
  • edited April 2011
    Saw the teaser for Episode 4. That last line from Doc gave me the chills.

    I have a VERY bad feeling about how the game overall's gonna end. I hope this doesn't mean Doc dies or sacrifices himself to set things right....

    Or they could pull a Doctor Who?
    Last season, the Doctor had to ERASE himself from existence so that the cracks in time would dissapear. (Yet his actions probably would still exist, or else the Daleks or whatever would have conquered/destroyed the earth)
    And he comes back because Amy remembers him ;o
    Which in the game would be Marty. Voila, sacrifice solved.
  • edited April 2011
    I have a feeling FCB will sacrifice himself, not old Doc. I can try explain if you want, but it will be a long post.
  • edited April 2011
    Kamagawa wrote: »
    I read somewhere on these forums that there is a hint that Biff has a daughter. Can someone give me a link or explination on how people are making assumptions about the gender of biff's child?

    In episode one, Edna yells at Tiff Tannen. Tiff is usually short for Tiffany. Tiffany is usually a girl's name.

    Tiff COULD be a boy's name, I suppose, but that's why the assumption is made.
  • edited April 2011
    The thing is Griff could be short for griffen, which is a girl's name, but Griff is a guy. If Biff has a daughter named Tiff, then he should have a son (griff's father). I always thought that Needles was Biff's son.
    If not, then why doesn't Marty have a Tannen? every other McFly has a Tannen that gives him/her grief.
  • edited April 2011
    In the first episode, Edna mentions a Tiffany Tannen - who is commonly believed to be Biff's daughter. After all, The Game has pretty much confirmed that Biff is (ordinarily) an only child.
  • edited April 2011
    Well, the kid's name is Tiff, I highly doubt Biff would be asshole enough to name a boy that.
  • edited April 2011
    Kamagawa wrote: »
    If Biff has a daughter named Tiff, then he should have a son (griff's father).

    Not necessarily. Biff could be Griff's maternal grandfather.
  • edited April 2011
    doggans wrote: »
    Not necessarily. Biff could be Griff's maternal grandfather.

    And Griff could take the Tannen name instead of his father's name.
  • edited April 2011
    Things That Will Indefinitely Happen In Episode Four:

    1. We will indefinitely have to break up Emmett and Edna, similar to having to hook up George and Lorraine in the first film.
    2. Thus, our inventory will consist of water balloons, fake vomit, a plastic spider on a fishing pole, shaving cream, whoopie cushion...
    3. Also, we will indefinitely have to give Emmett disasterous dating advice.
    "Remember to put your hand on her knee and squeeze it. If she gets upset, just put it up higher."
  • edited April 2011
    Julianne wrote: »
    3. Also, we will indefinitely have to give Emmett disasterous dating advice.
    "Remember to put your hand on her knee and squeeze it. If she gets upset, just put it up higher."

    I desperately want this speech option to be in the episode.
  • edited April 2011
    Julianne wrote: »
    3. Also, we will indefinitely have to give Emmett disasterous dating advice.
    "Remember to put your hand on her knee and squeeze it. If she gets upset, just put it up higher."

    Reminds way too much of Tales "interagation" puzzle.
  • edited April 2011
    who knows but we have to get doc back on track....

    Maybe double visions refers to how doc and edna see things...
  • edited April 2011
    Quoting myself from another thread.

    Im almost certain now that Marty will invent the electric guitar in 1931. We still have his little guitar in the inventory at the end of the game.

    What if Marty uses his electric guitar in the sciencefair, which would make him the inventor of the electric guitar. And since is a wonderful invention we will beat Emmett and his path take's another turn.

    And technically Doc and Marty can still be in 1885 in this timeline aswell since it's a necessary event to make the 1986B. That's why alot of the BTTFstuff works, since their actions is necessary to create the "present" like when they went back to 1955 after 1985A. Do you get it?
  • edited April 2011
    What if Marty uses his electric guitar in the sciencefair, which would make him the inventor of the electric guitar. And since is a wonderful invention we will beat Emmett and his path take's another turn.

    And technically Doc and Marty can still be in 1885 in this timeline aswell since it's a necessary event to make the 1986B. That's why alot of the BTTFstuff works, since their actions is necessary to create the "present" like when they went back to 1955 after 1985A. Do you get it?

    Yep thats how i ment it. Maybe i should have put invent in quotation marks.
    I guess inventing is kind of relative when time travel is involved.
  • edited April 2011
    And Griff could take the Tannen name instead of his father's name.

    Tiff could be a single mother. Or Griff's last name might not actually be Tannen. So many possibilities!
  • What if Marty uses his electric guitar in the sciencefair, which would make him the inventor of the electric guitar. And since is a wonderful invention we will beat Emmett and his path take's another turn.

    And technically Doc and Marty can still be in 1885 in this timeline aswell since it's a necessary event to make the 1986B. That's why alot of the BTTFstuff works, since their actions is necessary to create the "present" like when they went back to 1955 after 1985A. Do you get it?

    No because it's different; at the point in time when Biff went back to November 12th 1955, the furthest back any of the characters had gone to this point was November 5th 1955.

    Now that 1885 has been added to the mix, THAT is the farthest the ripple effect can change.

    But you may be right; it's unlikely that in the biffhoric timeline, either doc or marty travelled through time yet we did see a time travelling marty in 1955 (so he must have gone back to a previous timeline) and in fact in the FCB timeline where Doc clearly did not invent time travel, we still have evidence of doc and marty in 1931 (the photograph).

    So i guess we can assume at this point, changing the timeline does not prevent previous time travels. The time travellers simply came from a different timeline.

    So at this point here;s all the timelines (i'm ignoring ones that were simply changing them back such as the second trip to 1955)
    A: the original one without time travel
    B: the timeline after marty visits 1955
    C: the biffhoric timeline
    D: doc in 1885 without marty
    E: the timeline we see at the end of part III
    F: doc in 1931 without marty
    G: marty's initial trip in 1931 where arthur gets killed
    H: the compromised timeline where Kid Tannen doesnt go to jail
    I: the current FCB timeline

    so for instance Marty, Jennifer, Doc, and Einstein come from timeline B (marty is actually from timeline A) to timeline C. Doc and marty are the only ones who remember that timeline
    During timeline C, 1955 still would have the visit from marty from timeline A.
    during timeline G, marty is never born but still exists for a day in 1931 (from timeline F). Normally the events of 1955 still could happen but those events depend on George McFly who is also not born in this timeline
    timeline H also doesn't seem to have Marty not time travel depending on when he was forced to leave hill valley but the time travel events of 1931 and 1955 still happen as it's directly stated that Marty causes biff to fall in manure (also implying that this is the first timeline biff finds out about Marty time travelling BEFORE 2015)
    timeline I: we know the time travels in 1931 still happen but presumably the ones in 1955 do not as it likely would have come up in conversation with Emmett Brown and he would have remembered he was destined to invent time travel.
  • edited April 2011
    The Doc wrote: »
    And may I add ONE thing...Jennifer's new look is VERY sexy!

    I totally agree:D
  • edited April 2011
    No because it's different; at the point in time when Biff went back to November 12th 1955, the furthest back any of the characters had gone to this point was November 5th 1955.

    Now that 1885 has been added to the mix, THAT is the farthest the ripple effect can change.

    But you may be right; it's unlikely that in the biffhoric timeline, either doc or marty travelled through time yet we did see a time travelling marty in 1955 (so he must have gone back to a previous timeline) and in fact in the FCB timeline where Doc clearly did not invent time travel, we still have evidence of doc and marty in 1931 (the photograph).

    So i guess we can assume at this point, changing the timeline does not prevent previous time travels. The time travellers simply came from a different timeline.

    So at this point here;s all the timelines (i'm ignoring ones that were simply changing them back such as the second trip to 1955)
    A: the original one without time travel
    B: the timeline after marty visits 1955
    C: the biffhoric timeline
    D: doc in 1885 without marty
    E: the timeline we see at the end of part III
    F: doc in 1931 without marty
    G: marty's initial trip in 1931 where arthur gets killed
    H: the compromised timeline where Kid Tannen doesnt go to jail
    I: the current FCB timeline

    so for instance Marty, Jennifer, Doc, and Einstein come from timeline B (marty is actually from timeline A) to timeline C. Doc and marty are the only ones who remember that timeline
    During timeline C, 1955 still would have the visit from marty from timeline A.
    during timeline G, marty is never born but still exists for a day in 1931 (from timeline F). Normally the events of 1955 still could happen but those events depend on George McFly who is also not born in this timeline
    timeline H also doesn't seem to have Marty not time travel depending on when he was forced to leave hill valley but the time travel events of 1931 and 1955 still happen as it's directly stated that Marty causes biff to fall in manure (also implying that this is the first timeline biff finds out about Marty time travelling BEFORE 2015)
    timeline I: we know the time travels in 1931 still happen but presumably the ones in 1955 do not as it likely would have come up in conversation with Emmett Brown and he would have remembered he was destined to invent time travel.

    Yes. Of course, and Marty may have existed in 1955 even if George never was born, since he is a Timline-A guy, and he traveled back to 1955, but then he faded out of existence (if we follow the BTTF-timtravel rule) at the same time as he got there, because the timeline caught up with him.
  • edited April 2011
    Either they're going to fix the wrecked DeLorean, or they're going to find a duplicate of the original DeLorean buried under the theatre in 1931.

    But how are they even able to get the original in 1986 because it won't be there. (because FCB never even built the Time Machine) And if they fix the broken DeLorean and go back to 1931, taking the DeLorean will make a time paradox and f*** up everything.

    "Nobody calls me Mad Dog, especially not some doodied up egg suckin' gutter trash!"
  • edited April 2011
    I'm predicting Marty reveals the Electric guitar to win the science fair
  • edited April 2011
    it will be great when episode 4 and episode 5 of back to the future comes out then hoping more back to the future game and more story episodes to its great to play back to the future
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