BTTF Ep 4: Double Visions Predictions thread (Spoilers Warning!)



  • edited March 2011
    Bingo! It'll likely be FCB helping marty re create time travel but not go with him so we get the original doc back (I wonder if marty fixes the time line in 1931, does original doc re appear there?)

    I would assume that even if FCB in in 1931, the original Doc would still appear as a result of fixing the timeline. Hence the title: Double Visions.

    If this isn't possible, you wouldn't hear of an alternate marty being in bording school or that maths thing, he would be where original Marty is.

    I know I am probably thinking too hard, but it is possible that you can have young Doc, FCB and old Doc in 1931 at the same time. The issue is what will FCB do? would he fade out or somehow get killed or something to make only 1 old Doc?
  • edited March 2011
    I knew Edna was crazy from day one, but she's so ridiculous that she would attempt to mindslave an entire town (as Biff said, they're planning to make Citizen Plus mandatory) just so she can have her world be perfectly manicured and orderly. No lost shoes.

    She's someone I'd normally describe in a string of oh-so-clolrful four-letter words.

    On a different note, something tells me Biff may actually be an ally in the next episode. He wanted to clock you, sure, but he wanted to clock Edna more.

    I LOL'ed when he said he wanted to "beat down the Witch". LOL

    Also Boobies was classic when he saw the confiscated pron.
  • edited March 2011
    Well its still too early to tell what will happen in Ep.4 alot of the predictions are possible but from what we have seen in the preview we know this.

    Marty tells Jenifer about him being from an alternate 1986

    Marty has to rescue FCB so they can either repair the Delorean or build a new one using the orginal parts (hence the photo in the finale Outatime)

    He has to convince young Emmet to stop dating Edna and focus on science

    lets just hope we dont have to wait till the end of the month for Double Visions lol
  • Like I said before. Assassinate Edna. Problem solved.

    Like Doc said in episode 1, "It's About Time":
    Don't even think about it! Without my unjust incarseration, the events that sent you into the past might never happen, resulting in a paradox of continuum-shattering proporitons!

    How can a paradox like that be avoided if someone is prevented from doing something that causedthe person who prevented it from happening to go back in time to prevent it from happening in the first place? It can only happen the same way an impossible triangle can be constructed in its 3D form: with a big, in this case temporal, gap.

    The deaths that we have seen fixed in the movies and the game did not cause a paradox because the event that caused them to go back in time in the first place did not involve the deaths, i.e. in episode I(movie), Doc is shot(never really explained dead or not), and Marty goes off in the DeLorian forgetting that the time circuts were on, and ends up going... into the plot of episode 1. Then at the end, it is revealed that Doc had kept and repaired a letter that Marty wrote to him about what would happen, and had a bullet-proof vest on.

    Wow, it's been a while since I've seen Episode I...

    Then again... there is that issue of how that newspaper changed not to show Doc dead, and how Marty couldn't have seen that picture to know that Doc was going to be killed that specific date... Didn't Marty say, regarding the article,"Geez ...I gotta go rescue him!" just before the stacks of newspapers he was searching through toppled over and old Edna told him to get out? Doc has to be killed by gangsters the morning of June 14, 1931 if preventing something that causes someone to go back in time to stop it causes such a paradox, unless I'm missing something. Whether or not I'm correct about this paradox thing, someone is probably going to end up dead, preferrably Edna.

    All this speculation about time paradoxes makes me want to do two things:
    1. Go to the future to play the next two episodes and not spoil it for this forum other than a few hints that anyone can assume based on what we know(sorry, but you know how time paradoxes go...)
    and 2. for some strange reason write up my own theory about a possible Zelda timeline...

    Meanwhile, at the official website, they haven't updated the last character's sillhouette marked "coming soon!" in the characters section. It looks like the outline of Marty's character can fit into it perfectly. Could it be another version of Marty, perhaps a slightly older one?
  • Kamagawa wrote: »
    I would assume that even if FCB in in 1931, the original Doc would still appear as a result of fixing the timeline. Hence the title: Double Visions.

    If this isn't possible, you wouldn't hear of an alternate marty being in bording school or that maths thing, he would be where original Marty is.

    I know I am probably thinking too hard, but it is possible that you can have young Doc, FCB and old Doc in 1931 at the same time. The issue is what will FCB do? would he fade out or somehow get killed or something to make only 1 old Doc?

    it cant be FCB back in 1931 because if the timeline gets fixed, then the old doc will be gone for good and FCB will still remember the FCB timeline and have no memories of his previous time travels.
  • edited March 2011
    it cant be FCB back in 1931 because if the timeline gets fixed, then the old doc will be gone for good and FCB will still remember the FCB timeline and have no memories of his previous time travels.

    I understand this, don't worry, I am just thinking too much.

    Though if I am right, I think the writers will be better at explaining this line of thought properly.
    Perhaps I also watch too many movies and tv-shows involving timetravel.

    just to reaffirm, I think you are right. I just like thinking of alternatives. And lets face it, the gun-shaped lighter shouldn't exist once you go back in time to arrest Kid, thus creating a paradox.

    i still wonder who the person we chase in ep5 will be.

    Btw, if you want me to properly explain my line of thought, let me know and I will make a seperate thread for it.
  • Kamagawa wrote: »
    I understand this, don't worry, I am just thinking too much.

    Though if I am right, I think the writers will be better at explaining this line of thought properly.
    Perhaps I also watch too many movies and tv-shows involving timetravel.

    just to reaffirm, I think you are right. I just like thinking of alternatives. And lets face it, the gun-shaped lighter shouldn't exist once you go back in time to arrest Kid, thus creating a paradox.

    i still wonder who the person we chase in ep5 will be.

    I'm wondering that as well, i think the top suspects are edna or griff.

    I think the gun should still exist, didnt kid get it from another crime family? Though Marty couldnt have acquired it without kid being free in 1986.

    anyhow I think FCB will help marty re create time travel but have marty go back to 1931 alone. The hover conversions do not work on the time machine so we can rule out a flying delorean for most of episode 4 but if marty restores the timeline, that should restore the hover conversion.
  • edited March 2011
    I need Bttf ride!
  • I think the gun should still exist, didnt kid get it from another crime family? Though Marty couldnt have acquired it without kid being free in 1986.
    But if Marty did have the fake gun/lighter, wouldn't they have found it while he was being frisked?
  • edited March 2011
    Either they're going to fix the wrecked DeLorean, or they're going to find a duplicate of the original DeLorean buried under the theatre in 1931.
  • edited March 2011
    My prediction for episode 4, Marty needs help from Jennifer to free Citizen Brown. Once free, he builds the time machine and only Marty goes back in time to prevent Edna and Doc getting together as well as for Doc to meet his date with scientific destiny. Considering that there is the issue with the Science Expo indicated from the previews, Marty needs to convince Doc to mess up a science experiment on purpose.

    My prediction for episode 5, Marty needs to find the original Doc first and then they must repair the entire timeline. It's probably in this episode we finally find out why the Delorean has Edna's shoe.
  • edited March 2011
    Saw the teaser for Episode 4. That last line from Doc gave me the chills.
    There is no future for us.....

    I have a VERY bad feeling about how the game overall's gonna end. I hope this doesn't mean Doc dies or sacrifices himself to set things right....
  • edited March 2011
    Kamagawa wrote: »
    I actually agree with you. Maby it is clara? or Marty's daughter? or perhaps Doc's granddaughter? The person you chase in ep5? It does seem to be too much of a coincidence.

    either way, ep5 saya that mysteries will be solved. maby she is one of those mysteries.

    I have mentioned before that she seems to be the exact reason why Edna didn't go into the theater with Emmet. They were going in all right, when she spotted that woman (her name was Eunice, at least that's what I remember), scowled and turned back.
    Maybe she and Edna have some sort of a connection?
  • edited March 2011
    That's called a sight gag. I don't think anything will come of her. She's there for the gag of him running into the same looking lady regardless of time period and reality.

    Still, she was the one Edna scowled at, in front of the theater...
  • edited March 2011
    Kamagawa wrote: »
    and why do we never see the alternate Marty?

    You mean the Marty of FCB's timeline? I think you could ask that and you were told you were away at some math thing.
  • edited March 2011
    I wonder if marty as we know it in this game, isnt really timeline A marty at all, but a marty from a timeline Doc created in 1931. Doc may have gotten himself in trouble, and may have had to fix things himself for that 31 timeline, untill he was arrested and couldnt time travel anymore to fix the ongoing situation. w/o marty to help, but wait! theres marty!! but what marty is this? doc might be wandering as he answers martys Q's from inside his jail cell. Doc may be wondering that his trips during 31 to fix a few things he wronged, have have created alternate timelines.

    I say this because doc was cautious to answer questions when you meet him in episode 1. and the intro to episode 1, the JCpinneys lot, how things were off, signs of a timeline that isnt timeline A, a timeline this marty is now starting to see in his memories/dreams.

    Wouldnt that be a pickle for episode 5 :O what if all the problems in 31 were fixed just to see marty fading out, his timeline doesnt exist now, Doc wouldnt have been missing for so long, and the delorean wouldnt have come back with einney and edna's shoe.
  • edited March 2011
    PainDealer wrote: »
    Getting the DeLorean part fixed shouldn't be a problem in 1986?

    Alternative 1986 where everybody drives golf carts (If telltale replaces the delorean with a golf cart I will boycott every game they make from now on)
  • Solid Mike wrote: »

    I say this because doc was cautious to answer questions when you meet him in episode 1. and the intro to episode 1, the JCpinneys lot, how things were off, signs of a timeline that isnt timeline A, a timeline this marty is now starting to see in his memories/dreams.

    that was a dream
  • edited March 2011
    WARP10CK wrote: »
    Alternative 1986 where everybody drives golf carts (If telltale replaces the delorean with a golf cart I will boycott every game they make from now on)

    This is just inside of Hill Valley. I'm pretty sure there are still regular cars outside the walled city- Jennifer didn't seem to phased by the vehicle.
  • edited March 2011
    Fabula vir wrote: »
    You mean the Marty of FCB's timeline? I think you could ask that and you were told you were away at some math thing.

    You unintentionally proved my point. The real Marty never actually sees the alternate Marty. Alternate Marty is always outside of Hillvalley.
  • Kamagawa wrote: »
    You unintentionally proved my point. The real Marty never actually sees the alternate Marty. Alternate Marty is always outside of Hillvalley.

    But by that logic, every time someone time travels, there should be 2 versions of them when they return to the present; Even at the end of part III there should have been 2 marty's; one with the timeline with the ravine named after Clara Clayton, the other one named after Clint Eastwood.

    or at the end of part I, he should have returned to find another marty in his house since this was an alternate timeline

    it seems logical that only 1 version of each person can exist per timeline. Yes we see several cases of 2 of the same person but each time, one eventually leaves.
  • edited March 2011
    But by that logic, every time someone time travels, there should be 2 versions of them when they return to the present; Even at the end of part III there should have been 2 marty's; one with the timeline with the ravine named after Clara Clayton, the other one named after Clint Eastwood.

    or at the end of part I, he should have returned to find another marty in his house since this was an alternate timeline

    it seems logical that only 1 version of each person can exist per timeline. Yes we see several cases of 2 of the same person but each time, one eventually leaves.

    I don't think its an issue. People only get duplicated by timelines when the time-travellers personal timeline is dramatically different to that of the alternate.

    In BTTF 1 and 3 Marty's changes don't change his personal timeline dramatically (eventually) just people around him. Afterall how does a ravine's name effect Marty's life?

    In BTTF 2 we see an alternate marty (out of town) because the Biff 1985 majorly altered Marty's timeline. He was driven out of town by Biff and was never friends with doc etc and thus not the same Marty.

    Same applies to the games really.
    There's not an alternate Marty spawned until the FCB 1886 because its only through changing Doc dramatically that Marty alters his timeline due to lack of doc and timetravelling etc again.

    And the duplicates can't be near each other theory therefore pans out.
  • edited March 2011
    I really am hoping to see Doc's duplicate (the Doc that was duplicated with the DeLorean to 2025) in the next episode.

    I have to say, I was surprised by how villainous Edna turned out to be. I was actually doubting that she burnt down the speakeasy (possibly because it seemed too glaringly obvious, which tends to go against storytelling conventions), but now I really think she did.
  • edited March 2011
    Emo Hoe wrote: »
    I don't think its an issue. People only get duplicated by timelines when the time-travellers personal timeline is dramatically different to that of the alternate.

    In BTTF 1 and 3 Marty's changes don't change his personal timeline dramatically (eventually) just people around him. Afterall how does a ravine's name effect Marty's life?

    In BTTF 2 we see an alternate marty (out of town) because the Biff 1985 majorly altered Marty's timeline. He was driven out of town by Biff and was never friends with doc etc and thus not the same Marty.

    Same applies to the games really.
    There's not an alternate Marty spawned until the FCB 1886 because its only through changing Doc dramatically that Marty alters his timeline due to lack of doc and timetravelling etc again.

    And the duplicates can't be near each other theory therefore pans out.

    Though in BTTF2 and ep2 there are 2 martys at the same time and current marty ALWAYS sees his past self without his past self seeing him. I think it is probably easyer plot-wise because if marty and altermate marty met or were in hillvalley at the same time it may be a bit of a headache. Though jeniffer technically did meet herself, though they both fainted. however, you might meet your future/alternate/past self while wearing a disguise.
    bttf4444 wrote: »
    I really am hoping to see Doc's duplicate (the Doc that was duplicated with the DeLorean to 2025) in the next episode.

    Somehow I don't think that Doc was duplicated.
    bttf4444 wrote: »
    I have to say, I was surprised by how villainous Edna turned out to be. I was actually doubting that she burnt down the speakeasy (possibly because it seemed too glaringly obvious, which tends to go against storytelling conventions), but now I really think she did.

    I still think it is/was Marty, Doc or FCB. least for the dinomite in the 2nd speakeasy.

    If FCB is in 1931, I will both be amazed (because I seem to be the only one expecting it and understands how it can be possible) and demand a cookie.
  • bttf4444 wrote: »
    I really am hoping to see Doc's duplicate (the Doc that was duplicated with the DeLorean to 2025) in the next episode.

    I have to say, I was surprised by how villainous Edna turned out to be. I was actually doubting that she burnt down the speakeasy (possibly because it seemed too glaringly obvious, which tends to go against storytelling conventions), but now I really think she did.

    Nice twist at the end to see that. I mean christ look what she does to doc at the end and they'd been together 55 years. Very villainous indeed. In the first 2 episodes, she's portrayed as a cranky old lady in the present but a rather likeable noble character in the past. But now we see she has a dark side in the present and past; the next episode should show more of that in both time periods.
    Kamagawa wrote: »
    Though in BTTF2 and ep2 there are 2 martys at the same time and current marty ALWAYS sees his past self without his past self seeing him. I think it is probably easyer plot-wise because if marty and altermate marty met or were in hillvalley at the same time it may be a bit of a headache. Though jeniffer technically did meet herself, though they both fainted. however, you might meet your future/alternate/past self while wearing a disguise.

    Somehow I don't think that Doc was duplicated.

    I still think it is/was Marty, Doc or FCB. least for the dinomite in the 2nd speakeasy.

    If FCB is in 1931, I will both be amazed (because I seem to be the only one expecting it and understands how it can be possible) and demand a cookie.

    Marty CAN NOT have burned down the speakeasy, he still has not time travelled to the point the speakeasy burned down and FCB has not time travelled at all yet.
  • edited March 2011
    But by that logic, every time someone time travels, there should be 2 versions of them when they return to the present; Even at the end of part III there should have been 2 marty's; one with the timeline with the ravine named after Clara Clayton, the other one named after Clint Eastwood.

    or at the end of part I, he should have returned to find another marty in his house since this was an alternate timeline.

    Marty is Marty. In BTTF 1 We see alternate and reality Marty both traveling to 1955, so there should be only 1 Marty. The same is in BTTF 2/BTTF 3 Marty travels with Doc and Jennifer from 1985 to 2015 and returns one day after flying off to 2015.

    Hmm... They didn't returned the same day. because they returned the same night to 1985 as Biff timeline. I think this would be a major paradox. What would happend if Marty returned from 1885 to 1985 (the same night when it was 1985A)? The same thing was in the game (
    Marty traveled from May 14, 1986 to 1931 and from 1931 to alternate May 15, 1986, but not May 14.
  • edited March 2011
    I really hope they DON'T have FCB1986 Jennifer time travel around with Marty and permanently replace the "normal" 1986 version (from the end of Part III, that is) somehow. Just a thought I had that kind of made me grimace.

    Yes, it's nice to see more of her, it's nice to see more character development, but I want to see the movie version! This one seems kind of shallow, like her whole existence is defined by rebelling against the crazy establishment. Marty wins her over not through any legitimate means, but because he doesn't make a fool of himself whilst playing guitar. We know that original timeline Jennifer can't be quite that shallow, because, as seen in Part II, she stayed with him after his hand got smashed in the wreck with the Rolls Royce, and he was always awful at playing guitar afterwards; yet she's still married to him 30 years after the wreck.

    And yes, I realize basically the indication is that a person is mostly the same person whatever the events they've lived with are; but still, I think it would be kind of disappointing. :(

    Anyway, as for actual predictions I feel more sure of... most of them have to do with episode 5, but ah well, here goes:

    Marty's dream in episode 1 will be an important, key plot point in episode 5, as will the OUTATIME liscense plate. It might actually happen, or at the very least it is directly relevant to whatever will be going on.

    We may have to time travel to 1985, due to something with the above.

    If we see the time train, Clara, or Jules and Verne, it will be in episode 5.

    If we see the good ol' pink hoverboard, it will be in episode 5.

    If we get to control the Delorean at all, it will be in episode 5.

    We'll see 2011 in Episode 5, and 2011 Marty and Jennifer of some sort. Jennifer will be played by Claudia Wells minus the digital alteration. Marty, though...?

    Some sort of lampshade hanging joke will be made at flying cars and hoverboards' expense in 2011. I suspect Marty will say something to the effect of, "are you sure that's gonna happen, Doc? We didn't screw up the timeline and prevent them, did we?"

    We'll see at least one new time period in Episode 5 that we haven't seen before (besides 1985, which is pretty similar to 1986). We may also see 1931 again, but we've been seeing lots of 1931, and I'm kinda hoping Episode 4 concludes that; yeah, it's interesting, but we want to see more time periods in this game than just the one year!

    First Citizen Brown and regular Doc will somehow both appear in episode 4. Not sure if this will be at the same time, but we'll interact with both of them.

    The whole second Delorean (and second Doc?) quandry, if it's going to be explained any further, should probably come up in episode 4 rather than waiting for the last minute with episode 5.

    Episode 5 will feature several stops to repair the timeline, perhaps back and forth, several things Marty has to fix. Also, the best the puzzles are going to get, I think; if there's any time for a difficulty spike, that's the one.

    I don't know if we will, but I kind of want to see a wacky refit Delorean. Through each of the movies, the Delorean was always changing; first the Mr. Fusion and flying circuits (well, technically, the hook thing was first, but that was a temporary addition), then the huge vacuum tube hood-mounted time circuits and the '50s whitewall tires, and then railroad wheels. I'd love to see some crazy stuff done to the Delorean before this game's over, too; in fact, FCB might come up with something a bit different right in episode 4, we can hope?

    And now for the crazy wild-mass-guessing that may never come up at all: the George McFly (and quite possibly Lorraine, too) of the primary 1986 (the one we saw in episode 1, as well as the end of Part I and III) knows what's going on. All of it, give or take.

    I've been thinking about it a bit. In 1955, George and Lorraine meet this very memorable stranger who had a huge impact on their lives inside a single week. Some dude named Calvin Klein. Lorraine was obsessed with him and would probably at least remember his face; George had plenty of reasons to remember him, too, as that strange man who kept sequestering him, trying to talk him into getting together with Lorraine in spite of how interested in "Calvin" she was.

    George also had a strange encounter in the middle of the night in his bedroom with an "alien", Darth Vader from the Planet Vulcan, who waved a strange raygun at him and used some kind of sound device to blare horrible noises in his ears, demanding compliance in regards to, again, going to the dance with Lorraine. The same thing Calvin Klein wanted, if he ever stopped to think about that in 30 years.

    In 1985, when George is a successful... what, exactly? Office guy? Accountant? His first novel comes out. Yeah, that's nice, and might be successful, but they did say it was his first novel. Anyway, it's called "A Match Made in Space" and has "Darth Vader" right there on the cover. This suggests he remembered what happened and was inspired to write a book about it, at least; but how much more he understands...? And hey, he's been working on that book for a while. It's probably got some root in the notes he was messing with way back in 1955.

    But, now, here's the thing. In 1985, Darth Vader, the planet Vulcan (and the salute), Calvin Klein brand clothing including some suspiciously familiar (to Lorraine) purple underwear they have in stock in Hill Valley stores that year, hairdryers, audio cassettes, headphones, and the very same Van Halen song- which Marty likes and owns a copy of, and must sound weirdly familiar to George- all this stuff exists. And their kid looks JUST LIKE "Calvin Klein." Meanwhile, if they ever got curious enough to look it up- wouldn't you?- they'd discover that the real Calvin Klein who owns the company bears no resemblance to the mysterious stranger from 1955; unlike Marty. Clues are everywhere!

    And then there's the matter that "Calvin Klein" ALSO accurately predicted that said kid would set fire to the living room rug when he was 8. Calvin Klein, who looks exactly like Marty. This has got to be weirding them out.

    You might think, "Ah, maybe George thinks Lorraine cheated on him with 'Calvin Klein', who she's had a secret liason with all this time!"- but she might have an alibi, they could maybe do a paternity test (did they have those in the 70s though?)- since Lorraine must be just as baffled as George-, Marty looks a lot like some old family portraits and does seem physically related, and besides all that, they seem to have a pretty happy marriage in 1985, so...

    And then there's the fact that their kid is hanging out with the resident mad scientist, Doc Brown. Granted, he's never built anything that works, but...

    George is a smart guy, and Lorraine seems to be fairly smart too. What if they figured it all out?

    Marty wouldn't have to know that they knew. Maybe they asked Doc first. Doc, knowing darn well what's going on from his own part in the events in 1955, would give them a whole speech about not knowing too much about your own future, about not messing up the timeline, and how they should be very careful not to let Marty know they know until he's actually time traveled. Maybe they'd agree to wait on Doc giving them the go-ahead before they talk to Marty about it.

    ...but then, they have no way of knowing once he has time traveled. Maybe they're a bit suspicious when he shows up wearing his Clint Eastwood getup. But they never get the go-ahead from Doc because no one's seen him by May 14th, 1986; no one knows what's going on with him but Marty and Jennifer, and they assume the time travel is a secret and should stay that way. all of this would explain why George stayed inside Doc's lab in 1986 when Marty ran out to check on the Delorean crashing up the driveway; he peeked out the windows, and went, "ah ha!," but didn't stop to explain to Marty just yet. (Biff didn't check it out because he was semi-unconscious from the incident with the amplifier).

    ...but, he did show up standing right next to the time machine- I mean, RIGHT next to it- when Marty showed up in his "model T factory uniform"/"Halloween costume (in May)", made a brief quip at the silly clothes, and assured Marty, "I'm sure you know what you're doing." He practically saw him off, just short of seeing the actual time travel for himself.

    Maybe this will come up in episode 5? :)
  • edited March 2011
    Nice twist at the end to see that. I mean christ look what she does to doc at the end and they'd been together 55 years. Very villainous indeed. In the first 2 episodes, she's portrayed as a cranky old lady in the present but a rather likeable noble character in the past. But now we see she has a dark side in the present and past; the next episode should show more of that in both time periods.

    Marty CAN NOT have burned down the speakeasy, he still has not time travelled to the point the speakeasy burned down and FCB has not time travelled at all yet.

    Thats why i said for the dinomite. According to what we know about the timetravel mechanics used in the storyline, the original speakeasy arsonist was not Doc, Marty or FCB and the dinomite being found was too much of a coincidence. The dinomite might be obtained in a similar fashion to the lighter (i.e) FCB could do something that makes marty end up with dinomite before he leaves for 1931...again).

    just to troll a little...
    do yourself a favour and watch an anime movie called the dissapearance of haruhi suzumiya.

    At the end, the main character gets saved by his future self.

    Second, If Marty can't be the arsonist because he hasn't done it yet, then BttF 2 is invalid because he hasn't lived to 2015 yet. Also he shouldn't be able to have a future self then as it implies he already did everything and went back to 1985 and lived till 2015. Further, by the same logic, if you time travel to the future, you don't have a future self as you havn't lived to the future as you time travelled there. You should actually be on record as a missing person or something.

    End of trolling

    You see me trollin, you hating.
  • edited March 2011
    Mitsukara wrote: »
    In 1985, when George is a successful... what, exactly? Office guy? Accountant? His first novel comes out. Yeah, that's nice, and might be successful, but they did say it was his first novel.

    It was his first novel, but presumably he was already a very successful short story writer. He was already known for being an author when he's murdered in Part II.
    Kamagawa wrote: »
    Second, If Marty can't be the arsonist because he hasn't done it yet, then BttF 2 is invalid because he hasn't lived to 2015 yet. Also he shouldn't be able to have a future self then as it implies he already did everything and went back to 1985 and lived till 2015. Further, by the same logic, if you time travel to the future, you don't have a future self as you havn't lived to the future as you time travelled there. You should actually be on record as a missing person or something.

    According to Zemeckis and Gale, when you go to the future, you go to the most likely future given the circumstances of your timeline. 47-year-old Marty was based on the likely events: that Marty would return to 1985, grow to be 47, and live a normal--but slightly depressing--life.
  • edited March 2011
    doggans wrote: »
    It was his first novel, but presumably he was already a very successful short story writer. He was already known for being an author when he's murdered in Part II.
    Oh yeah, good point. I overlooked that. :)
  • edited March 2011
    doggans wrote: »
    According to Zemeckis and Gale, when you go to the future, you go to the most likely future given the circumstances of your timeline. 47-year-old Marty was based on the likely events: that Marty would return to 1985, grow to be 47, and live a normal--but slightly depressing--life.

    Firstly, thanks and good point. I forgot about that.

    Secondly I did kinda say I was trolling and trying to mess Michael J Fox is Canadian because he and I differ greatly on some plot points, 1 being the issue of einstien attacking edna in ep1 and ep2.
  • Mitsukara wrote: »
    I really hope they DON'T have FCB1986 Jennifer time travel around with Marty and permanently replace the "normal" 1986 version (from the end of Part III, that is) somehow. Just a thought I had that kind of made me grimace.
    Probably not for the same reason they dont bring Jennifer back to 1955 to repair the timeline in part II; so the timeline can transform around her and she will wake up with no memory of it. Yes she fell in love with marty again but i think marty wants the old jennifer back. He'll probably need FCB Jennifers help since he has no clue where anything is in this timeline
    Mitsukara wrote: »

    If we see the time train, Clara, or Jules and Verne, it will be in episode 5.
    You're probably right but all 3 episodes so far end with what leads into the next episode; episode 1 ends with marty fading, episode 2 ends in first citizen brown timeline, episode 3 ends with edna being evil so it's quite likely that whatever it is which causes the cinematic chase though hill valley history will happen near the end of episode 4 so don't count out seeing the train or docs family at the end of the episode.
    Mitsukara wrote: »

    If we see the good ol' pink hoverboard, it will be in episode 5.
    probably. We dont know where it is (marty references it saying if he had HIS hoverboard in episode 3.
    Mitsukara wrote: »
    If we get to control the Delorean at all, it will be in episode 5.
    Yes. Not sure if we will, so far its only been controlling Marty but we could control him while driving
    Mitsukara wrote: »
    We'll see 2011 in Episode 5, and 2011 Marty and Jennifer of some sort. Jennifer will be played by Claudia Wells minus the digital alteration. Marty, though...?
    We dont know if we will see 2011. We are supposed to see the future but not sure of the year. You're likely referencing Doc remarking he visits Marty and Jennifer in 2011. AJ does seem like a talented voice actor as he did do other voices in episode 3
    Mitsukara wrote: »

    Some sort of lampshade hanging joke will be made at flying cars and hoverboards' expense in 2011. I suspect Marty will say something to the effect of, "are you sure that's gonna happen, Doc? We didn't screw up the timeline and prevent them, did we?"
    Yeah some people have already theorized at how Marty will be expecting the future we see in 2015
    Mitsukara wrote: »
    We'll see at least one new time period in Episode 5 that we haven't seen before (besides 1985, which is pretty similar to 1986). We may also see 1931 again, but we've been seeing lots of 1931, and I'm kinda hoping Episode 4 concludes that; yeah, it's interesting, but we want to see more time periods in this game than just the one year!
    I was kind of worried a the start of the game that the bulk of the game will be in 1931 but the time period is growing on me as it has had a fair amount of development with interesting characters (trixie, arhur, danny parker, edna, and Kid whom we've likely seen the last of). Perhaps episode 4 will end in 1931 thus covering the 'past'
    Mitsukara wrote: »
    First Citizen Brown and regular Doc will somehow both appear in episode 4. Not sure if this will be at the same time, but we'll interact with both of them.
    I dont think they can co-exist. From the preview it looks like we will see 1931 after doc and Edna start dating (emmett remarks edna is his muse)
    Mitsukara wrote: »
    The whole second Delorean (and second Doc?) quandry, if it's going to be explained any further, should probably come up in episode 4 rather than waiting for the last minute with episode 5.
    That may be what causes the cinematic chase in episode 5. I'm sure the telltale team knows that has been the hot topic since the first episode and perhaps that is one of the mysterIES that get solved.
    Mitsukara wrote: »
    Episode 5 will feature several stops to repair the timeline, perhaps back and forth, several things Marty has to fix. Also, the best the puzzles are going to get, I think; if there's any time for a difficulty spike, that's the one.
    Yeah for sure. A puzzle involving the time circuits would be interesting.
    Mitsukara wrote: »
    Now for the crazy wild-mass-guessing that may never come up at all: the George McFly (and quite possibly Lorraine, too) of the primary 1986 (the one we saw in episode 1, as well as the end of Part I and III) knows what's going on. All of it, give or take.

    I've been thinking about it a bit. In 1955, George and Lorraine meet this very memorable stranger who had a huge impact on their lives inside a single week. Some dude named Calvin Klein. Lorraine was obsessed with him and would probably at least remember his face; George had plenty of reasons to remember him, too, as that strange man who kept sequestering him, trying to talk him into getting together with Lorraine in spite of how interested in "Calvin" she was.

    George also had a strange encounter in the middle of the night in his bedroom with an "alien", Darth Vader from the Planet Vulcan, who waved a strange raygun at him and used some kind of sound device to blare horrible noises in his ears, demanding compliance in regards to, again, going to the dance with Lorraine. The same thing Calvin Klein wanted, if he ever stopped to think about that in 30 years.
    If anyone should figure it out it should be Biff; mysterious kid comes out of nowhere, befriends George, gets in Biffs face the entire time. At the same time, a mysterious old man gives him a book telling the future that 'Calvin' is after and once he gets it he vanishes
    Mitsukara wrote: »
    Mitsukara wrote: »
    In 1985, when George is a successful... what, exactly? Office guy? Accountant? His first novel comes out. Yeah, that's nice, and might be successful, but they did say it was his first novel. Anyway, it's called "A Match Made in Space" and has "Darth Vader" right there on the cover. This suggests he remembered what happened and was inspired to write a book about it, at least; but how much more he understands...? And hey, he's been working on that book for a while. It's probably got some root in the notes he was messing with way back in 1955.

    But, now, here's the thing. In 1985, Darth Vader, the planet Vulcan (and the salute), Calvin Klein brand clothing including some suspiciously familiar (to Lorraine) purple underwear they have in stock in Hill Valley stores that year, hairdryers, audio cassettes, headphones, and the very same Van Halen song- which Marty likes and owns a copy of, and must sound weirdly familiar to George- all this stuff exists. And their kid looks JUST LIKE "Calvin Klein." Meanwhile, if they ever got curious enough to look it up- wouldn't you?- they'd discover that the real Calvin Klein who owns the company bears no resemblance to the mysterious stranger from 1955; unlike Marty. Clues are everywhere!
    It is georges first novel but it's not a new one. Remember the newspaper from 1973 in the alternate timeline lists him as an author. Biff calls it marty's new book so presumably Marty ordered it.
    Mitsukara wrote: »

    And then there's the fact that their kid is hanging out with the resident mad scientist, Doc Brown. Granted, he's never built anything that works, but...
    While doc is deemed a mad scientist in 1985, doesnt seem that way in 1955. Not like anyone freaks out when they see him in the school in 1955
    Mitsukara wrote: »
    George is a smart guy, and Lorraine seems to be fairly smart too. What if they figured it all out?
    way too big of stretch to deem that. Just because their kid looks similar to him is not enough evidence that he was a TIME traveller
  • edited March 2011
    Kamagawa, why do you think Doc wasn't duplicated - even though the DeLorean was. I'm just wondering what your theory.

    I guess I'm just a real sucker for alternate counterparts.
  • edited March 2011
    bttf4444 wrote: »
    Kamagawa, why do you think Doc wasn't duplicated - even though the DeLorean was. I'm just wondering what your theory.

    I guess I'm just a real sucker for alternate counterparts.

    It's just that whenever the idea of a duplicate is used, 1 is good and 1 is evil.
    It there is a duplicate doc, he probably would also be in the prison in 1931.
    I think Doc would have found out somehow if there was a duplicate Doc.
    Then there should be a duplicate einstien.
    It is just a guess as it hasn't really been hinted at, though it would be an interesting plot twist if we are chasing duplicate doc in ep5. If there is a duplicate Doc, maby he burnt down the speakeasy, someone saw him do it and mistook the real Doc for duplicate Doc.

    Everything is speculation though. For all we know FCB could be in 1931 because ep3 hints at the possibility of having to beat young Emmet in the science fair (when talking to FCB, he says he won the science fair). I doubt Marty can outmatch Doc without revealing the invention of timetravel.
  • WARP10CK wrote: »
    Alternative 1986 where everybody drives golf carts (If telltale replaces the delorean with a golf cart I will boycott every game they make from now on)

    I'd love to drive a golf cart going 88 miles per hour. I'd also love to see how it wouldn't attract attention with its flashy time circuts and flux capacitor and (plutonium, was it?) rods (or blender fuel thingy).

    On the subject of alternate versions, I don't understand... We see two different Docs, Martys, biffs, and Jennifers, usually at the same place and at the same time in BTTF (movie) II. But they are at different ages, and the one that does not belong on that day has gone back(or in Marty's or Jennifer's case, forward) in time. I have yet to see Marty and Alternate Marty at the same age at the time when Marty should be. As a matter of fact, how long has it been since Marty came back from his last adventure at the beginning of the series? If it's been any more than a week, surely they must have seen each other by then.
  • edited March 2011
    It's a predictions thread, so I'm just making guesses based on what I've seen. It's all speculation. :)

    Speaking of which, I forgot to mention that I strongly suspect episode 5 will be the one to explain the Speakeasy fire mystery. The speakeasy fire was part of what Doc was so curious about in 1931 in the first place, back in episode 1; it makes sense that it would be discovered at the end of the story, and no sooner. The thing with Edna and Kid Tannen in Episode 2 seems kind of like a red herring to diffuse people's curiousity and surprise them later, although it is still possible she did it.
    Probably not for the same reason they dont bring Jennifer back to 1955 to repair the timeline in part II; so the timeline can transform around her and she will wake up with no memory of it. Yes she fell in love with marty again but i think marty wants the old jennifer back. He'll probably need FCB Jennifers help since he has no clue where anything is in this timeline
    Hopefully so, yeah.

    We dont know if we will see 2011. We are supposed to see the future but not sure of the year. You're likely referencing Doc remarking he visits Marty and Jennifer in 2011.
    Yes, that is the only pointer making me suspect you'll go there... but why would they mention something so specific if they had no intention of showing us? That would be pretty disappointing. It might be the ending sequence rather than part of the gameplay, but I really, really expect to see 2011.
    AJ does seem like a talented voice actor as he did do other voices in episode 3
    I had no idea he was Leech! Totally surprised me on that one. Pretty cool work, then. I suppose he could be pretty good as older Marty; I mean, Michael J Fox played his older self just fine back in Part II, too. Still, I'm a bit of a foolish dreamer...
    I was kind of worried a the start of the game that the bulk of the game will be in 1931 but the time period is growing on me...
    Oh yeah, 1931 has had some pretty cool stories to tell, I just want to see more time periods fleshed out before all is said and done. :)
    From the preview it looks like we will see 1931 after doc and Edna start dating (emmett remarks edna is his muse)
    Yep, almost certainly.
    I'm sure the telltale team knows that has been the hot topic since the first episode and perhaps that is one of the mysterIES that get solved.
    I hope so! Even if they don't go the crazy two-docs route, they ought to at least give the issue a little clarification. Or some Clarafication, I'd settle for that *flees incoming hurled tomatoes*
    If anyone should figure it out it should be Biff; mysterious kid comes out of nowhere, befriends George, gets in Biffs face the entire time. At the same time, a mysterious old man gives him a book telling the future that 'Calvin' is after and once he gets it he vanishes
    Yeah, but, Biff kinda did figure it out, it just took him a long time ^^ He's probably suspicious by the 80s too, though, especially after seeing the flying Delorean. Still, George is clearly smarter than Biff, and has plenty to work with too in my book. But it's really just a guess on my part...
    It is georges first novel but it's not a new one. Remember the newspaper from 1973 in the alternate timeline lists him as an author. Biff calls it marty's new book so presumably Marty ordered it,
    Technically, he says "Mr. McFly" I think, so he might've meant George. Lorraine sort of coos about "your first novel!" to George at the same time, so while I guess it's possible the book had come out previously, I got the impression it was a new release in 1985.
    While doc is deemed a mad scientist in 1985, doesnt seem that way in 1955. Not like anyone freaks out when they see him in the school in 1955
    Yeah, but I meant George and Lorraine might get suspicious by the time of 1985 when Marty is hanging out with Doc, not suspicious of Doc back in '55. They had less to go on then.

    Just a guess... it would explain the biggest bit of weirdness in episode 1, though. ^^
  • edited March 2011
    Okay, here are my thoughts on the whole duplicate Doc issue.

    * I postulate that Duplicate Doc (I'll call him Doc 2) was duplicated with the DeLorean to 2025, while Original Doc (I'll call him Doc 1) was sent back to 1885.

    * It's possible that Doc 1 either never ran into his other self - or, if he did, he decided not to disclose that to Marty (and, by extension, to us).

    * I doubt that Doc 2 would be evil, since both Docs would have the same exact memories up until lightning struck the DeLorean. Perhaps, neither Doc is less real than the other - and we just think of Doc 1 as being the real deal, because we haven't yet met Doc 2.

    * There could be a number of reasons why Doc 2 has not yet shown up in the 1980s. We have to think fourth dimensionally. After all, 1985/1986 would be the past by that point.

    * I heard that the DeLorean was in a dystopian version of 2025. If that's the case, he may have to find out what went wrong - and then take care of that.

    * There's nothing to exclude the possibility of, in the final timeline, Doc 2 deciding to settle back in October of 1985.

    * I was thinking that, in the next episode, Doc 2 would show up in 1986 - and help Marty fix the time machine. And then the two would go back to 1931 together.

    * There would be the question of at which point Doc 1 got a hold of the other DeLorean. It could also be possible for Doc 2 to invent another time machine. Also, I do wonder what became of the time train.

    * Finally, it just doesn't make sense for Doc to not be duplicated - since he was inside the DeLorean. Einstein would not be duplicated, because he was not in the DeLorean at that point in time. It would just be too arbitrary.
  • edited March 2011
    Marty kicks down the door while Doc is failing to get Edna pregnant.

    "Great Justice!" FCB shouts, as Marty pulls out his gun and shoots Edna, tossing the Doc Brown science notebook.

    "It's time to make things right!" Marty shouts.
  • edited March 2011
    Marty kicks down the door while Doc is failing to get Edna pregnant.

    "Great Justice!" FCB shouts, as Marty pulls out his gun and shoots Edna, tossing the Doc Brown science notebook.

    "It's time to make things right!" Marty shouts.

    I was drinking water while reading this post. 1/3 of it is in my stomach. 2/3 of it now resides on my laptop screen.
  • edited March 2011
    i have a feeling those pinball machine parts that marty found near the end of the episode will be important for building the new time machine. I also think that the new time machine might be made from the electric car since that was the only car available at hill valley.
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