Steam Summer Camp.

edited July 2011 in General Chat
I know there's already a thread about this on the BttF board, but I thought a more general one might be helpful.

It's time for the annual Steam Summer Sale. Among many other great deals, you can now get every single Telltale game for $50.

Oh, and BttF is half-off today only. Thought that's worth sharing.


  • edited June 2011
    That drawing of Marty and Max on the main page is fantastic.
  • edited June 2011
    I hope everything in the Summer Shop will be available after the event. I assume everything will be except for the TF2/Portal 2/MNC skins.

    A lot of games seem to have gotten DLC, though.
  • edited June 2011
    I hope more items get added, but they keep the older ones aswell. I could only get the Killing Floor skins. :/
  • edited July 2011
    Star Wars Battlefront 2 is on sale even more now.

    An old game, but a fantastic one.

    Have it on PS2, was one of the best multiplayer games I ever played!

    Had to get the PC version. It has mods! MODS!

  • edited July 2011
    I just got the heroes 5 pack even though I already have retail copies of all the games. HELP. These prizes are insane.

    These specials sound interesting. To bad you can only get 4(?)
    I want the "standalone game" the TF2-item, The Winter Voices mission and well. That's about it really.
  • edited July 2011
    It's time for a brand new episode of:

    Rather Dashing's Steam Sale Picks!

    In this episode, we'll look over things that are on sale through the tenth, as well as the (Kudos to anyone that picked up The Witcher 2 and/or either or both of the Bit.Trip games!)

    Today's Deals!


    Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - $2.50 (75% off)
    Store Page

    I've always really liked this game. The morality system is fun, the character creation is top notch, the world definitely feels more like Star Wars than the prequels ever did, and the story is simply wonderfully written. Definitely a must-play for anyone that is even SLIGHTLY a fan of the original Star Wars films. When I had started playing this, I had FORGOTTEN how much I loved the universe due to Lucas's prequels, and was only playing it due to the rave RPG reviews and Bioware's involvement. This game rekindled that love of the franchise, and for that I will be eternally grateful.


    Just Cause 2 - $5.00 (75% off)
    Store Page (demo available)

    As a physics sandbox, this game is a TON of fun. Grapple onto vehicles(from motorbikes all the way up to passenger planes), surf them, take them over, put them into a near-crash and parachute away. Blow shit up. Go anywhere. This game world is MASSIVE and gives you a lot of options for just toying around. This price point is definitely not bad for this kind of fun.

    Non-Daily Deals
    DISCLAIMER: Remember that any general deals may become Daily deals with steeper discounts at a later point, and this is more likely for some games than others. For certain discounted games, it may be best to wait until the end to see if it becomes a deal of the day at some point before finally plunging in and buying it! With that in mind, let's move on to the non-daily picks!


    VVVVVV - $2.50 (50% off)
    Store Page (demo available)

    VVVVVV is one of the best games ever made. Originally sold for $15(a steal even at that price), the game was eventually knocked down to $5. Now, at 50% of even that, there really is no excuse not to pick up this game. The designer takes a very simple concept here: A platformer in which your character can't jump. Instead, he has the ability to flip gravity on its axis, to reverse it. In less capable hands, this could have turned out to be, at the best, a shallow gimmick. But Terry Cavanagh takes this relatively simple gimmick and exploits it for all its worth, giving the player some of the best level design I've seen in a game. The challenges this game offers are definitely hard, but frequent and liberal use of checkpoints mean the game doesn't ever truly get frustrating.


    Time Gentlemen, Please!/Ben There, Dan That! Double Pack - $1.24 (75% off)
    Store Page (demo available)

    Absolutely ridiculous, hilarious, and tons of fun to play through. These games are point and click adventures in a very classic sense, with an extremely distinctive style to them. The humor can easily be seen as quite crude, because it is, and some words could be seen as quite naughty, because they are. The game definitely requires the player to jump into the universe and to think in a preposterous way in order to solve many of the puzzles, but there's always a certain twisted method behind the seemingly unrestrained madness. Definitely pay close attention to everything in your environment and every line of dialog, because the hints clues can often be pretty obscure! All the same, for $1.24, this double-pack(which only contains one game that is actually sold for money normally) is definitely worth it. Anyone interested but not willing to jump in at the $1.24 price point can actually pick up the first game in the pack for free here.


    Greed Corp - $2.50 (75% off)
    Store Page

    Recommending this game is easy. It's a very atmospheric and well thought-out turn-based strategy game. The game is a constant battle between short-term destructive strategies that weaken you over the long term or long-term strategies that may leave you at the mercy of those who would take a more...."opportunistic" route. Play is actually very simple: There are only two units, and one of those doesn't move and isn't(inherently) a combat unit. You have walkers, which can fight other walkers and claim land, and you have harvesters, which mine gold from a spot but destroy the surrounding land, reducing your tactical possibilities. Long-range attacking is available as an upgrade for your walkers, and a very expensive move is to airlift your men to another spot on the map. The game has a very unique style of play that will certainly attract a lot of people, and at this price picking it up is really a no-brainer.

    I'm also personally contemplating Heroes V, SpaceChem, Dungeons, and Total War for my own use. Probably can't afford Total War, though. :'(
  • edited July 2011
    The challenges this game offers are definitely hard, but frequent and liberal use of checkpoints mean the game doesn't ever truly get frustrating.

    216 deaths on "The Final Challenge". I say that's frustrating.
    still I highly recommend the game.
  • edited July 2011
    Well, shit, now I have to go find a map in TF2 that's got water and get myself set on fire.
  • edited July 2011
    Well, shit, now I have to go find a map in TF2 that's got water and get myself set on fire.

    I went on an achievement server. They had water and enough idiots that try to grief others by burning them. Got it in 10 seconds.
  • edited July 2011
    Braid, Commander Keen, and BitTrip Runner are looking appealing right now! Terraria also looks good, but I may not get it so I can save money for future specials.

    Still, looking forward to Braid. Been meaning to play this one for ages!

    Edit: Ended up getting VVVVVV too, having played the flash demo a while back and being impressed by it =)
  • edited July 2011
    Braid is great. Don't buy anything unless it's a daily deal. It might be one later. Wait until the last day for buying anything that is not a daily deal yet.
  • edited July 2011
    der_ketzer wrote: »
    Braid is great. Don't buy anything unless it's a daily deal. It might be one later. Wait until the last day for buying anything that is not a daily deal yet.

    Oops, my bad. That's what I get for skimming over Rather Dashing's post! Well, I only spent about $10 on non-daily deals (Commander Keen, Bit.Trip Runner, and VVVVVV), so I didn't lose TOO much, I guess. I've only played a bit of Braid so far, but it really is fantastic. Love the atmosphere, and the puzzles are clever! $2.50 well spent!
  • edited July 2011
    So I finally bought Total War Shogun
  • edited July 2011
    Does anyone know how to get the Jolly Rover "Bon Voyage" Achievement?
  • edited July 2011
    I'm trying to get the BBQ Boy achievement in Super Meat Boy. I have an A+ on every light world level but still nothing.
    I think I'll pick up Jolly Rover today too.

    What is everyone spending their tickets on?
  • edited July 2011
    You forgot the Dark World.
  • edited July 2011
    Does anyone know how to get the Jolly Rover "Bon Voyage" Achievement?
    Maybe buying the game as a gift for a Steam friend?
  • edited July 2011
    Bunnyman wrote: »
    What is everyone spending their tickets on?

    I got the Summer Shades for TF2.
  • edited July 2011
    You need to beat all Ch. 4 levels (Hell) with a sum time of less than 495 seconds across all light and dark world levels (this is quite a bit faster than just getting A+ on all levels). Once you are sure you've done that (or just want to check), close the game and re-launch Super Meat Boy. If your sum time is less than 495 seconds the achievement will unlock on the main menu.

    That's how you get the SuperMeatBoy one. I say peice of cake.
  • edited July 2011
    CAn someone help me get the Magicka acheivement? There's exactly 4 versus games ATM and theyre all secured. We can use the Telltale Hamachi server to get set up.
  • edited July 2011
    Ok. So I cant use steam because Im on vacation, but I have been watching the achievements which I hope can be done any day, so my question is, how do you do the Meat Boy achievement? I dont get it.
  • edited July 2011
    You can get the Jolly Rover achievement in 10 minutes from starting the game. What you have to do is get rid of the chef. (If you already beat the game before, you'll have to start over.)

    Here's a relatively quick way to get the TF2 achievement: Create a private (passworded) server using the ctf_2fort map. Play as Pyro in Red team. Jump into the water in the middle. Jump against the wall while firing the Flare Gun or Detonator at it, aiming a bit above the water. (If you're new enough to have neither, you'll have to find some other way. Sorry.) If it goes well you should set yourself on fire with it and then get doused.
  • edited July 2011
    Harald B wrote: »
    You can get the Jolly Rover achievement in 10 minutes from starting the game. What you have to do is get rid of the chef. (If you already beat the game before, you'll have to start over.)

    Here's a relatively quick way to get the TF2 achievement: Create a private (passworded) server using the ctf_2fort map. Play as Pyro in Red team. Jump into the water in the middle. Jump against the wall while firing the Flare Gun or Detonator at it, aiming a bit above the water. (If you're new enough to have neither, you'll have to find some other way. Sorry.) If it goes well you should set yourself on fire with it and then get doused.

    K what about the Meat Boy achievement?
  • edited July 2011
    Read Elvenmonk's post, last one of the previous page. Basically you have to complete every Hell level really fast (a bit faster than A+ even).
  • edited July 2011
    Elvenmonk wrote: »
    You need to beat all Ch. 4 levels (Hell) with a sum time of less than 495 seconds across all light and dark world levels (this is quite a bit faster than just getting A+ on all levels). Once you are sure you've done that (or just want to check), close the game and re-launch Super Meat Boy. If your sum time is less than 495 seconds the achievement will unlock on the main menu.

    That's how you get the SuperMeatBoy one. I say peice of cake.

    Well when I get back Ill have something to do.
  • edited July 2011
    If you have a gamepad, you can hotseat against yourself for the Magicka achievement. Still have to find a book of Rain though.
  • edited July 2011
    For the Magicka achievement make sure you turn off all items and leave only the first two spell books, or else it can take forever for rain/blizzard to drop. And you can spam cast the spell, you don't have to wait for it to end.
  • edited July 2011
    How can I get the "Air. Wind. Sun. Pain. I Am All of This, and Your Mom Makes a Fine Pasta Dinner" achievement on AaAaAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity?
  • edited July 2011
    How can I get the "Air. Wind. Sun. Pain. I Am All of This, and Your Mom Makes a Fine Pasta Dinner" achievement on AaAaAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity?

    It's on the first screen that loads up, before level selection. There is a spinning sun in the bottom left corner challenging you to get 5 stars. Takes a few tries but it isn't too difficult.
  • edited July 2011
    It's near impossible to me
  • edited July 2011
    It's near impossible to me

    amen to that.
  • edited July 2011
    It's not even that hard. I got it easily.
  • edited July 2011
    Gah! I bought a few copies of Star Wars Battlefront 2 to gift to my friends, and one of them already had it.

    Hmmm... I guess I could gift it to someone...
  • edited July 2011
    Quick, I have steam for whatever reason working.
    Anyone that doesnt have the TF2 ticket, want to set up a server and farm it for the both of us real fast?
    EDIT:Oh hey free game Ill take it.
  • edited July 2011
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    Quick, I have steam for whatever reason working.
    Anyone that doesnt have the TF2 ticket, want to set up a server and farm it for the both of us real fast?
    EDIT:Oh hey free game Ill take it.

    Ooh! ME! ME!
    Seems we both have something we want.

    Lets Duel! I mean deal! Yes... deal...

    Username is same, request me!
  • edited July 2011
    Ooh! ME! ME!
    Seems we both have something we want.

    Lets Duel! I mean deal! Yes... deal...

    Username is same, request me!

    Ok hang on.
    EDIT:Crap steam is screwing up again.
  • edited July 2011
    Ok steam seems to be failing again, I dont think I hit "accept" on the gift though.
  • edited July 2011
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    Ok steam seems to be failing again, I dont think I hit "accept" on the gift though.

    It seems to have been redeemed on my side.
  • edited July 2011
    It seems to have been redeemed on my side.

    I dont know whats happening on my side.
    Im resetting my computer to an earlier time, It seems to lose all internet now, I am using a relatives laptop right now.
  • edited July 2011
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    I dont know whats happening on my side.
    Im resetting my computer to an earlier time, It seems to lose all internet now, I am using a relatives laptop right now.

    Its oddly fortunate that you are having issues, since I had to run off and prepare a salad.
    (My old man forced me to! Boo!)
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