I have to stop. I have to stop. I have to stop. I have to stop. I have to stop...
But... but IT'S A REALLY GOOD DEAL. Crap. I'm turning into a gaming shopaholic with these sales.
Dang, I really am a bit of a shopaholic about these sales. It's one thing if I'm in a physical store because I can make myself walk away, but when I can buy something in 5 clicks or less, it's all the worse.
This. Just... this.
Over the course of the Steam sale, I have bought at least 5 games I already own in physical form (but can't activate on Steam because the security code's not in a form Steam will activate), a bunch of stuff that I'll probably never play and DLC that I'll never ever use. Gah!
I'm just going to list everything I've bought. None of it was particularly needed but god dammit it was so cheap it would have been rude not to buy it oh god damn it why do i have no willpower AUGH:
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (solo)
Garshasp: The Monster Slayer
Heretic/Hexen Pack (oddly, Heretic 2 is not on Steam)
King's Bounty Collection
Mafia (which I physically own but can't activate on Steam)
Mafia 2 DLC - Jimmy's Vendetta / Joe's Adventures
Magica Complete pack
Mass Effect 2
Quake 2007 Collection (even though I already own ALL OF THEM)
X Superbox
...amazingly I was able to resist buying the Prince of Persia collection because I already own most of them twice. I wish I was kidding.
And lord knows what's going to happen today... I really hope it's just a collection of the best offers from the past week... my wallet won't be able to take anything else.
I bought Prince of persia, Hitman: Blood Money & Silent Assassin and Neverwinter Nights 2 Platinum because they were so cheap! How could I not? I'm not gonna play Neverwinter until I get to upgrade my computer though, but I have plenty to occupy my time with at least.
So summer camp is coming to an end, and the sales have been great.
My list of games has increased significantly, while my bank account has gone down.
Here is a list of all the featured items I ended up buying in the end:
Arcania – Gothic 4
Beat Hazard
Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition
Deus Ex: Invisible War
Guild Wars: Eye of the North
Neverwinter Nights 2: Platinum
Here is a list of the non featured items but still where on sale:
Alien Breed: Impact
Alien Breed 3: Descent
Greed: Black Border
On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness, episode 1 and 2
Shadowgrounds: Survivor
And here is a list of the prices I chose to get with tickets:
Killing Floor: Steampunk Character Pack
Magicka: The Lonely Cruise
Serious Sam HD 2nd Encounter: Serious 8
Beat Hazard: The Golden Ship
Team Fortress 2: Summer Shades
Portal 2: Goo Gear Snorkels
Alien Breed 2: Assault
And good luck to you all on the draw to win your top ten games.
Still working on achievements. Today, I picked up the ones in Portal 2, Team Fortress 2, and AaAaAA!!! (which was painful and took forever). I believe all I have left is Magicka and Spiral Knights, and after spending 40 minutes with Spiral Knights, fuck that. I have everything I want from the prizes, and one more entry in the raffle won't make a difference, and it's getting late, so I'm probably just going to quit.
I literally own about three games I could get achievements for, and not one of them is installed. So I just grabbed three that didn't need any games and got the extra mission for X3. Which I will never play, because there's three whole games to through before I can even start it, and I'm not likely to even start playing those. Huzzah.
I like the idea behind the ticket thing, I just wished they'd done it for games I might actually play, like the original Portal or Borderlands. Oh well.
Still working on achievements. Today, I picked up the ones in Portal 2, Team Fortress 2, and AaAaAA!!! (which was painful and took forever). I believe all I have left is Magicka and Spiral Knights, and after spending 40 minutes with Spiral Knights, fuck that. I have everything I want from the prizes, and one more entry in the raffle won't make a difference, and it's getting late, so I'm probably just going to quit.
In a parallel universe/alternate timeline, GuruGuru Prime has won 10 games that he always wished to own thanks to his very last ticket he managed to obtain.
In a parallel universe/alternate timeline, GuruGuru Prime has won 10 games that he always wished to own thanks to his very last ticket he managed to obtain.
Lucky bastard.
I bet he also has a girlfriend with 3 boobs, and a quircky robotic dog name Growlerz that fires lazerbeams out of his butt!
This grand sale has been the sign, of me being satisfied by the games I've played till now, to the point I don't want any more games. Except for Alice and Arkham City that hasn't been released yet.
For once I didn't go mad on this sale.
(Mostly because I already got the cool stuff in this sale! XD)
This is what I got:
EDIT: So yeah, a indie game I already own on the Wii, an old but awesome 3rd person shooter that I already own on the PS2, the half-life stuff I haven't got yet, Magika DLC I wouldn't pay full price on, Fallout New Vegas DLC, a indie game, and two RPGs that for their respective prices are worth a shot.
Now hopefully my laptop cooler will come tomorrow, so that I can actually play these games, without my lappy trying to melt! XD
So if you had 10 items in your wishlist (obligatory) and at least one ticket... check out and see if all your games are on that list. There's a big chance you won!
I couldn't find Commander Keen on that list, so most likely I didn't win Anyone else? I'm getting the champagne ready!
All mine are on the list, but I don't doubt a lot of mine are popular choices. Not received any email or gift notification. I think I used all my luck when I won a motherboard and a game last week. Not to mention I think my friends would be rather pissed off if I won again, hah!
So if you had 10 items in your wishlist (obligatory) and at least one ticket... check out and see if all your games are on that list. There's a big chance you won!
I couldn't find Commander Keen on that list, so most likely I didn't win Anyone else? I'm getting the champagne ready!
Darn, Couldnt find Portal 2:The Final Hours, or Sanctum on my list, so I lost.
According to that thread, all the winners have been contacted (except for the ones who mailed in their subscriptions I guess). There were two games not listed from my list. AVP and Chronicles of Riddick. Oh well, next time.
Heroes V pack
Beat Hazard Complete (includes all DLC)
Torchlight (for a friend)
Normal Sale:
Faerie Solitaire
Eternity's Child
Winter Voices (Prologue + all available Episodes ---> 5 games)
The Whispered World
Eschalon Book 2
Frozen Synapse Soundtrack
Over the course of the Steam sale, I have bought at least 5 games I already own in physical form (but can't activate on Steam because the security code's not in a form Steam will activate), a bunch of stuff that I'll probably never play and DLC that I'll never ever use. Gah!
I'm just going to list everything I've bought. None of it was particularly needed but god dammit it was so cheap it would have been rude not to buy it oh god damn it why do i have no willpower AUGH:
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (solo)
Garshasp: The Monster Slayer
Heretic/Hexen Pack (oddly, Heretic 2 is not on Steam)
King's Bounty Collection
Mafia (which I physically own but can't activate on Steam)
Mafia 2 DLC - Jimmy's Vendetta / Joe's Adventures
Magica Complete pack
Mass Effect 2
Quake 2007 Collection (even though I already own ALL OF THEM)
X Superbox
...amazingly I was able to resist buying the Prince of Persia collection because I already own most of them twice. I wish I was kidding.
And lord knows what's going to happen today... I really hope it's just a collection of the best offers from the past week... my wallet won't be able to take anything else.
I really need to quit buying everything just because it's on sale.
My list of games has increased significantly, while my bank account has gone down.
Here is a list of all the featured items I ended up buying in the end:
Arcania – Gothic 4
Beat Hazard
Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition
Deus Ex: Invisible War
Guild Wars: Eye of the North
Neverwinter Nights 2: Platinum
Here is a list of the non featured items but still where on sale:
Alien Breed: Impact
Alien Breed 3: Descent
Greed: Black Border
On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness, episode 1 and 2
Shadowgrounds: Survivor
And here is a list of the prices I chose to get with tickets:
Killing Floor: Steampunk Character Pack
Magicka: The Lonely Cruise
Serious Sam HD 2nd Encounter: Serious 8
Beat Hazard: The Golden Ship
Team Fortress 2: Summer Shades
Portal 2: Goo Gear Snorkels
Alien Breed 2: Assault
And good luck to you all on the draw to win your top ten games.
I like the idea behind the ticket thing, I just wished they'd done it for games I might actually play, like the original Portal or Borderlands. Oh well.
In a parallel universe/alternate timeline, GuruGuru Prime has won 10 games that he always wished to own thanks to his very last ticket he managed to obtain.
Lucky bastard.
I bet he also has a girlfriend with 3 boobs, and a quircky robotic dog name Growlerz that fires lazerbeams out of his butt!
What is wrong with me.
Same here bro.
This grand sale has been the sign, of me being satisfied by the games I've played till now, to the point I don't want any more games. Except for Alice and Arkham City that hasn't been released yet.
(Mostly because I already got the cool stuff in this sale! XD)
This is what I got:
EDIT: So yeah, a indie game I already own on the Wii, an old but awesome 3rd person shooter that I already own on the PS2, the half-life stuff I haven't got yet, Magika DLC I wouldn't pay full price on, Fallout New Vegas DLC, a indie game, and two RPGs that for their respective prices are worth a shot.
Now hopefully my laptop cooler will come tomorrow, so that I can actually play these games, without my lappy trying to melt! XD
They posted the games won here: http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?p=23640381#post23640381
So if you had 10 items in your wishlist (obligatory) and at least one ticket... check out and see if all your games are on that list. There's a big chance you won!
I couldn't find Commander Keen on that list, so most likely I didn't win
Darn, Couldnt find Portal 2:The Final Hours, or Sanctum on my list, so I lost.
Heroes V pack
Beat Hazard Complete (includes all DLC)
Torchlight (for a friend)
Normal Sale:
Faerie Solitaire
Eternity's Child
Winter Voices (Prologue + all available Episodes ---> 5 games)
The Whispered World
Eschalon Book 2
Frozen Synapse Soundtrack
Alien Breed game
Winter Voices Mission
TF2 glasses
Delve Deeper Missions
Beat Hazard Ship
AAAAA! Missions
You know, you can get Morrowind on amazon for, like, three bucks used. Seven if you don't get free shipping.
Mabe GuruGuru wants the steam version? I already had 2 retail-copies of Morrowind when I bought it on Steam.
I suppose. I'm more of the "get-things-as-cheaply-as-possible" mentality, so the amazon thing worked for me.