Since this is somewhat an Alien thread, I thought I'd post this. A guy I know at work who went to school for make-up, practical and creature effects made this for me. It's actually really nice(my laptop webcam sucks though). Fully wearable prosthetic piece.
Oh boy, is this sweet! Due to Lindelof's involvement in the script to 'Prometheus', I suspected that we may get a viral marketing campaign similar to 'LOST'.
My suspicions were correct. Here is the first viral video, directed by Ridley Scott's son...
... Awesome, right? Just like the 'LOST' virals (and the 'Cloverfield' ones for that matter), it's highly unlikely that this footage will appear in the actual film. That's why I love viral marketing so much; even when you've watched the final film, all of the viral videos still have relevance and can help you to have a greater understanding of the events seen in the final film.
Some things I noticed during the viral:
* Obviously the man in this video is the founder of the Weyland Corporation, Peter Weyland (played by Guy Pearce). At some point during the period between 'Alien' and 'Aliens', Weyland Industries (British) will merge with the Yutani Company (Japanese) to form Weyland-Yutani. It's also worth noting that this revelation eliminates 'AVP' from the canon of the 'Alien' franchise... YEEEEESSS!
* The website set up for this viral campaign; Weyland mentions that this video from 2023 is a part of a celebration of 50 years of the Weyland Corporation. This most likely means that 'Prometheus' takes place in the year 2073 (the original 'Alien' takes place in 2122).
* They have some pretty cool camera technology in 2023. It's quite a logical, if not original concept; I'm sure you could get any camera angle you wanted using one of those hover-cams.
* Seeming as Guy Pearce is set to appear in the final film and this video is set 50 years prior to those events, I'm thinking that he'll be in old age makeup for 'Prometheus'.
* The following information on Peter Weyland is presented at the Weyland Industries website...
Peter Weyland has been a magnet for controversy since he announced his intent to build the first convincingly humanoid robotic system by the end of the decade.
Whether challenging the ethical boundaries of medicine with nanotechnology or going toe to toe with the Vatican itself on the issue of gene-therapy sterilization, Sir Peter prides himself on his motto, “If we can, we must.”
After a three year media blackout, Weyland has finally emerged to reveal where he’s heading next. Wherever that may be, we will most certainly want to follow.
What's the bet that "where he’s heading next" is on board the spacecraft named the "Prometheus", to explore the origins of mankind? I'd say it's pretty bloody likely.
You and me both, brother. When Guy Pearce said his name is Peter Weyland, I punched the air in excitement.
By the way, check out the pictures at the top of this page and look for the one with Noomi bloodied up and wrapped in bandages, collapsing to the floor (it's the twelfth picture up from the bottom). In the background of that shot, there are three men, one of those men is old and in a wheelchair. Can you guess who that is? I'm 80% sure that's Peter Freakin' Weyland, 50 years after making that speech. So cool!
My favorite picture is the one of the boobs and Dallas Star.
Heh. Yeah, I noticed that too. The hosting site must have replaced the original picture with it. I'm not going to change it though because it's kind of amusing.
I'm looking forward to the movie as well and hope they won't make it a PG-13 rating cut.
Unfortunately, there's a good chance that Fox will insist upon a PG-13 cut of the film for it's theatrical release.
However, Ridley Scott has confirmed that he's shot both PG-13 and R rated takes of many scenes. Ridley Scott is well known for releasing his un-tampered vision on DVD/Blu-Ray via a director's cut.
In short, the most likely scenario is:
Theatrical - PG13
DVD/BLU-RAY - R (more explicate violence and extended scenes)
I actually think that it's a fairly good compromise and should actually heighten the anticipation for the home release, once having seen 'Prometheus' at the cinema.
See I don't need explicit violence per se, just want to know if the story is good.
Oh absolutely. I wasn't for a moment suggesting that violence in of itself makes the film. Rather, I was saying that Ridley's true vision for the film would most likely come in as being R rated.
For example, the chest-bursting scene in 'Alien'; that's not gratuitous, it serves the story and is one of the most iconic and shocking moments in the history of cinema. It also wouldn't be allowed in a PG-13.
Therefore, sometimes an R rating is necessary in order to realise the full potential of a story on screen.
If it turns out this way then i'll wait for the R rated material. Maybe they'll offer two versions, the $ version at the afternoon and the true film in the evening.
Really, this sucks.
When we were kids and there came out amazing films we wanted to see but weren't allowed to because we were to young, we were creative. We sneaked in older looking clothes, wearing glasses, more hair in the face, speaking with lower voices, mixing up with older ones in a row and so on to get into those movies. You had to earn yourself being able to talk about the movie including all the nightmares afterwards. These days they bend everything so that they can milk the masses. Thinking of video games this sounds quite familiar.
Does there exist any information where LV-426 should be located in space?
Gotcha, at least the star in the constellation.
Hmm, Zeta 2 Reticuli in the constellation Reticulum, δ=-62° 32′, α=03h 18m, about 39.5ly away from earth, older than our sun, comparable in some aspects, ... chances for enabling life like conditions on a planet with several moons in a double star system aren't great. Science and fiction, both have their place.
It's unknown at this point whether 'Prometheus' takes place on LV-426 or not. It's also unknown as to whether the Space Jockey craft seen in the trailer is the same one as the derelict spaceship seen in 'Alien' (although it's undeniably the same class of ship).
Remember in 'Alien', when the crew are analysing LV-426 and they mention that it appears to be in a Primordial state? Well, some people have theorised that the planet that 'Prometheus' takes place on will be terraformed by the Space Jockeys at some point during the film, thus starting the process of building up an atmosphere and therefore converting the planet to a primordial condition (explaining the difference in appearance between the look of the LV-426 in 'Prometheus' and in 'Alien').
On the other hand, prior to Lindelof caming on board and reworking Spaights script into 'Prometheus', back when it was still a direct prequel to 'Alien'; Ridley Scott mentioned that the film took place in the Zeta 2 Reticuli system, which is the same system where LV-426 resides. It's possible that seeming as LV-426 was a moon, that 'Prometheus' takes place on the larger planet of which LV-426 was in orbit.
Either way, Lindelof has stated that 'Prometheus' won't end with the derelict seen in 'Alien' crashing and there being a bunch of eggs on board. Apparently, any sequel to 'Prometheus' would be its own thing and not the original 'Alien' film.
I'm curious about the space Jockey's and whether we will see them or not.
A fully functioning alien spacecraft. It almost looks familiar, as if I know which species pilots that type of craft but I can't quite put my finger on it.
Now, what species of alien could that head on the medical table belong to?!
What are those statues behind Noomi Rapace? Hmm, they certainly don't look familiar.
When asked whether the "Gods" referred to in the official synopsis released by Fox for 'Prometheus' are in fact, the Space Jockeys; Ridley Scott had this to say...
“Yeah, so there you have that. I was always amazed that, I mean, I’ve only done two science-fictions , but I was always amazed that no one asked who the hell the Space Jockey was. He wasn’t even called the Space Jockey. During the film they started to call it the Space Jockey. I don’t know who started that one off.
I always thought it was amazing that no one ever asked who he was, and why was he there? What was all that about? I sat thinking about this for a while and thought, well, there’s a story! And the other three missed it! So, here it is.
As for the fiction part: Acheron (LV-426) is the second of three natural satellites that orbit Calpamos, which is the fifth planet from the star Zeta 2 Reticuli.
Now it all makes sense! It was Max Rebo whom piloted and crashed the derelict craft on LV-426.
You know what it's like. When you're a rock star diva like Max Rebo ; a few too many snorts of angel dust up the ol' elephant trunk and the next thing you know, you've only gone and bloody crashed your craft on some backwater moon.
Uhm, you really don't know? I hope i don't fall into the bitch trap again. :O)
Let's say it's something like Google Earth or Google Map just for the sky, preferable when it's dark and shows all the stars. You can either access it directly via Google Earth or via web or as an app for Android or similar apps for iOS.
You enter a location (that's why i delivered the coordinates of the Alien double star system a few posts above) or the name of a star and if it's in their database, you'll get the appropriate star map view of that star in it's constellation. Btw. Google Earth offers some more info.
Uhm, you really don't know? I hope i don't fall into the bitch trap again. :O)
Let's say it's something like Google Earth or Google Map just for the sky, preferable when it's dark and shows all the stars. You can either access it directly via Google Earth or via web or as an app for Android or similar apps for iOS.
You enter a location (that's why i delivered the coordinates of the Alien double star system a few posts above) or the name of a star and if it's in their database, you'll get the appropriate star map view of that star in it's constellation. Btw. Google Earth offers some more info.
Man, what a bitch! I jest of course. :D
I didn't know that Google had a system for the stars, that's pretty neat. I'll have to check it out at some point.
It made me thinking, again, of what the best interface for a typical adventure game is. Being as simple, comfortable and enjoyable as possible but without simplifying things, and this for different input capabilities.
Looks like garbage, albeit aesthetically pleasing garbage.
This is 'The Phantom Menace' all over again...
The start of that trailer is like a cross between 'AVP' and the prequel to 'The Thing'.
The once mysterious Space Jockey is revealed to be nothing more than a tall, bald humanoid wearing an "elephant suit"; how fucking uninspired is that?!
The dialogue and the acting is piss poor; what the fuck happened to the gritty realism of the dialogue in 'Alien'?! Noomi Rapace barely even sounds like she's trying, did somebody slip Rohypnol into her coffee or something?
Giger's glorious bio-mechanical sets from the derelict in 'Alien' have lost their "bio" element and are now merely "mechanical".
Having said that, I've only myself to blame; I should never have hyped myself up so much for this. I think that I was expecting the second coming! Anyway, looks like I'll never be watching this because I'm sick of being burned by crappy entries in my favourite series. I'll just stick with 'Alien', 'Alien 3' and to a lesser extent 'Aliens', thank you very much.
I will always love Ridley Scott for giving the world 'Alien', 'Blade Runner' and 'Gladiator' but he's lost me with this.
It's a shame too, as I really liked the recent IMAX trailer...
The once mysterious Space Jockey is revealed to be nothing more than a tall, bald humanoid wearing an "elephant suit"; how fucking uninspired is that?!
Um... The mystery was the origin. They pretty much showed the whole body in Alien already and had to work from that. Come on, you know this.
While the trailer is a bit of a let down to me as well, I'm still going to give it a chance.
This isn't Lucas, this is Ridley Scott. Have some more faith than that. Geez. Not everybody is as short sighted as Lucas. He's actually EXPANDING the universe, which hasn't ever been done in the series beyond adding Predators to it.
Um... The mystery was the origin. They pretty much showed the whole body in Alien already and had to work from that. Come on, you know this.
Well, they actually showed the skeletal remains but the point I'm making is that the Jockey we saw in 'Alien' has now been revealed to be a space suit; under that suit is a tall, bald human! Seriously, you don't think that's lame?
I would have been happy if the Jockey species had retained the "elephant" look but the thing we saw in 'Alien' is the equivalent of a human's space suit. The actual creature within that suit is a humanoid, that looks like us! It's retcon central and I don't like it. It's just the usual "the biggest threat is man" cliché bollocks.
In retrospect, it also completely ruins the Lovecraftian nature of the derelict scene in 'Alien'.
This isn't Lucas, this is Ridley Scott. Have some more faith than that. Geez. Not everybody is as short sighted as Lucas. He's actually EXPANDING the universe, which hasn't ever been done in the series beyond adding Predators to it.
Predators do not exist within the 'Alien' universe, they only exist within the shitty 'AVP' universe. Sure, 'Predator 2' showed us a Xeno skull, so it's possible that the Xeno's exist within the Predator universe but when did any of the actual 'Alien' films show us a Predator? Answer; they didn't.
However, I do see your point about this being Ridley Scott and not George Lucas, so I guess I should cut him some slack. Although, I'm not grateful for Ridley expanding the universe if the finished film turns out to be shit. I'd rather they just left well enough alone.
Well, they actually showed the skeletal remains but the point I'm making is that the Jockey we saw in 'Alien' has now been revealed to be a space suit; under that suit is a tall, bald human! Seriously, you don't think that's lame?
It's a bit lame. I still wasn't expecting it to look like it did in Alien though because they(Dallas, I think) mentioned the skeleton appeared to have grown onto the chair. I had a feeling something was up with that... and now we know. Was it the most awesome reasoning? No, and for that reason, I'm a bit disappointed. I'm still giving him a chance though.
lol I'm gonna watch the movie.
Haha... I know mate. I was just pointing out that I was aware that you were purposefully stirring.;)
EDIT: .....oh and.... a new still:
Oh boy, is this sweet! Due to Lindelof's involvement in the script to 'Prometheus', I suspected that we may get a viral marketing campaign similar to 'LOST'.
My suspicions were correct. Here is the first viral video, directed by Ridley Scott's son...
... Awesome, right? Just like the 'LOST' virals (and the 'Cloverfield' ones for that matter), it's highly unlikely that this footage will appear in the actual film. That's why I love viral marketing so much; even when you've watched the final film, all of the viral videos still have relevance and can help you to have a greater understanding of the events seen in the final film.
Some things I noticed during the viral:
* Obviously the man in this video is the founder of the Weyland Corporation, Peter Weyland (played by Guy Pearce). At some point during the period between 'Alien' and 'Aliens', Weyland Industries (British) will merge with the Yutani Company (Japanese) to form Weyland-Yutani. It's also worth noting that this revelation eliminates 'AVP' from the canon of the 'Alien' franchise... YEEEEESSS!
* The website set up for this viral campaign; Weyland mentions that this video from 2023 is a part of a celebration of 50 years of the Weyland Corporation. This most likely means that 'Prometheus' takes place in the year 2073 (the original 'Alien' takes place in 2122).
* They have some pretty cool camera technology in 2023. It's quite a logical, if not original concept; I'm sure you could get any camera angle you wanted using one of those hover-cams.
* Seeming as Guy Pearce is set to appear in the final film and this video is set 50 years prior to those events, I'm thinking that he'll be in old age makeup for 'Prometheus'.
* The following information on Peter Weyland is presented at the Weyland Industries website...
What's the bet that "where he’s heading next" is on board the spacecraft named the "Prometheus", to explore the origins of mankind? I'd say it's pretty bloody likely.
You and me both, brother. When Guy Pearce said his name is Peter Weyland, I punched the air in excitement.
By the way, check out the pictures at the top of this page and look for the one with Noomi bloodied up and wrapped in bandages, collapsing to the floor (it's the twelfth picture up from the bottom). In the background of that shot, there are three men, one of those men is old and in a wheelchair. Can you guess who that is? I'm 80% sure that's Peter Freakin' Weyland, 50 years after making that speech. So cool!
Heh. Yeah, I noticed that too. The hosting site must have replaced the original picture with it. I'm not going to change it though because it's kind of amusing.
I'm looking forward to the movie as well and hope they won't make it a PG-13 rating cut.
Looks like it could be a cinematic masterpiece, (somewhat of a rarity these days).
Got my Alien Anthology Blu Ray boxset to watch in preperation!
Unfortunately, there's a good chance that Fox will insist upon a PG-13 cut of the film for it's theatrical release.
However, Ridley Scott has confirmed that he's shot both PG-13 and R rated takes of many scenes. Ridley Scott is well known for releasing his un-tampered vision on DVD/Blu-Ray via a director's cut.
In short, the most likely scenario is:
DVD/BLU-RAY - R (more explicate violence and extended scenes)
I actually think that it's a fairly good compromise and should actually heighten the anticipation for the home release, once having seen 'Prometheus' at the cinema.
Oh absolutely. I wasn't for a moment suggesting that violence in of itself makes the film. Rather, I was saying that Ridley's true vision for the film would most likely come in as being R rated.
For example, the chest-bursting scene in 'Alien'; that's not gratuitous, it serves the story and is one of the most iconic and shocking moments in the history of cinema. It also wouldn't be allowed in a PG-13.
Therefore, sometimes an R rating is necessary in order to realise the full potential of a story on screen.
Really, this sucks.
When we were kids and there came out amazing films we wanted to see but weren't allowed to because we were to young, we were creative. We sneaked in older looking clothes, wearing glasses, more hair in the face, speaking with lower voices, mixing up with older ones in a row and so on to get into those movies. You had to earn yourself being able to talk about the movie including all the nightmares afterwards. These days they bend everything so that they can milk the masses. Thinking of video games this sounds quite familiar.
Gotcha, at least the star in the constellation.
Hmm, Zeta 2 Reticuli in the constellation Reticulum, δ=-62° 32′, α=03h 18m, about 39.5ly away from earth, older than our sun, comparable in some aspects, ... chances for enabling life like conditions on a planet with several moons in a double star system aren't great. Science and fiction, both have their place.
It's unknown at this point whether 'Prometheus' takes place on LV-426 or not. It's also unknown as to whether the Space Jockey craft seen in the trailer is the same one as the derelict spaceship seen in 'Alien' (although it's undeniably the same class of ship).
Remember in 'Alien', when the crew are analysing LV-426 and they mention that it appears to be in a Primordial state? Well, some people have theorised that the planet that 'Prometheus' takes place on will be terraformed by the Space Jockeys at some point during the film, thus starting the process of building up an atmosphere and therefore converting the planet to a primordial condition (explaining the difference in appearance between the look of the LV-426 in 'Prometheus' and in 'Alien').
On the other hand, prior to Lindelof caming on board and reworking Spaights script into 'Prometheus', back when it was still a direct prequel to 'Alien'; Ridley Scott mentioned that the film took place in the Zeta 2 Reticuli system, which is the same system where LV-426 resides. It's possible that seeming as LV-426 was a moon, that 'Prometheus' takes place on the larger planet of which LV-426 was in orbit.
Either way, Lindelof has stated that 'Prometheus' won't end with the derelict seen in 'Alien' crashing and there being a bunch of eggs on board. Apparently, any sequel to 'Prometheus' would be its own thing and not the original 'Alien' film.
In short; we'll just have to wait and see.
I'm curious about the space Jockey's and whether we will see them or not.
Isn't it just!
A fully functioning alien spacecraft. It almost looks familiar, as if I know which species pilots that type of craft but I can't quite put my finger on it.
Now, what species of alien could that head on the medical table belong to?!
What are those statues behind Noomi Rapace? Hmm, they certainly don't look familiar.
When asked whether the "Gods" referred to in the official synopsis released by Fox for 'Prometheus' are in fact, the Space Jockeys; Ridley Scott had this to say...
Does that answer your question?
I based the Space Jockey off the photo below, which is one of the proposed prosthetics created for 'Prometheus'...
Now it all makes sense! It was Max Rebo whom piloted and crashed the derelict craft on LV-426.
You know what it's like. When you're a rock star diva like Max Rebo ; a few too many snorts of angel dust up the ol' elephant trunk and the next thing you know, you've only gone and bloody crashed your craft on some backwater moon.
What is this? I don't even...
Let's say it's something like Google Earth or Google Map just for the sky, preferable when it's dark and shows all the stars. You can either access it directly via Google Earth or via web or as an app for Android or similar apps for iOS.
You enter a location (that's why i delivered the coordinates of the Alien double star system a few posts above) or the name of a star and if it's in their database, you'll get the appropriate star map view of that star in it's constellation. Btw. Google Earth offers some more info.
I was bored today, so I mocked up a 'Prometheus' adventure game screenshot.
Man, what a bitch! I jest of course.
I didn't know that Google had a system for the stars, that's pretty neat. I'll have to check it out at some point.
Also, I think I did a rather good job on the Noomi Rapace sprite, even if I do say so myself!
THE trailer.
This is 'The Phantom Menace' all over again...
The start of that trailer is like a cross between 'AVP' and the prequel to 'The Thing'.
The once mysterious Space Jockey is revealed to be nothing more than a tall, bald humanoid wearing an "elephant suit"; how fucking uninspired is that?!
The dialogue and the acting is piss poor; what the fuck happened to the gritty realism of the dialogue in 'Alien'?! Noomi Rapace barely even sounds like she's trying, did somebody slip Rohypnol into her coffee or something?
Giger's glorious bio-mechanical sets from the derelict in 'Alien' have lost their "bio" element and are now merely "mechanical".
Having said that, I've only myself to blame; I should never have hyped myself up so much for this. I think that I was expecting the second coming! Anyway, looks like I'll never be watching this because I'm sick of being burned by crappy entries in my favourite series. I'll just stick with 'Alien', 'Alien 3' and to a lesser extent 'Aliens', thank you very much.
I will always love Ridley Scott for giving the world 'Alien', 'Blade Runner' and 'Gladiator' but he's lost me with this.
IMAX trailer with exclusive footage.
At least I enjoy hearing Ridley's thought on the filmmaking process....
Here's last night's Q&A with Ridley Scott and Damon Lindelof.
Um... The mystery was the origin. They pretty much showed the whole body in Alien already and had to work from that. Come on, you know this.
While the trailer is a bit of a let down to me as well, I'm still going to give it a chance.
Well, they actually showed the skeletal remains but the point I'm making is that the Jockey we saw in 'Alien' has now been revealed to be a space suit; under that suit is a tall, bald human! Seriously, you don't think that's lame?
I would have been happy if the Jockey species had retained the "elephant" look but the thing we saw in 'Alien' is the equivalent of a human's space suit. The actual creature within that suit is a humanoid, that looks like us! It's retcon central and I don't like it. It's just the usual "the biggest threat is man" cliché bollocks.
In retrospect, it also completely ruins the Lovecraftian nature of the derelict scene in 'Alien'.
Predators do not exist within the 'Alien' universe, they only exist within the shitty 'AVP' universe. Sure, 'Predator 2' showed us a Xeno skull, so it's possible that the Xeno's exist within the Predator universe but when did any of the actual 'Alien' films show us a Predator? Answer; they didn't.
However, I do see your point about this being Ridley Scott and not George Lucas, so I guess I should cut him some slack. Although, I'm not grateful for Ridley expanding the universe if the finished film turns out to be shit. I'd rather they just left well enough alone.
It's a bit lame. I still wasn't expecting it to look like it did in Alien though because they(Dallas, I think) mentioned the skeleton appeared to have grown onto the chair. I had a feeling something was up with that... and now we know. Was it the most awesome reasoning? No, and for that reason, I'm a bit disappointed. I'm still giving him a chance though.