TFT3K: Telltale Fanfic Theater 3000



  • edited August 2011
    After you send us your application and resume. An interview may follow afterward. Formal dress is appreciated.

    Name: Tom Pravetz
    Occupation: God
    Qualifications: All of them
    Why I deserve this job: Why do you deserve to live?
  • edited August 2011
    TomPravetz wrote: »
    Name: Tom Pravetz
    Occupation: God
    Qualifications: All of them
    Why I deserve this job: Why do you deserve to live?

    I suppose those are good qualifications.

    Actually, just go to the first page of this thread and MST the practice fic that RingmasterJ5 put up and send it to him along with fandoms that you'd like to MST something for.
  • edited August 2011
    I feel I should note, I've pretty much become a permanent cast member, I'll be playing the part of Mike. Or at least, Mike if Joel was still on there too.
  • edited August 2011
    Actually, just go to the first page of this thread and MST the practice fic that RingmasterJ5 put up and send it to him along with fandoms that you'd like to MST something for.

    I don't do predetermined funny. I shout out the first thing in my head without giving it a moments thought. That's why 25% of people find me genius, 25% find me awful, and 50% think that I have my moments. Truth.
  • edited August 2011
    TomPravetz wrote: »
    I don't do predetermined funny. I shout out the first thing in my head without giving it a moments thought. That's why 25% of people find me genius, 25% find me awful, and 50% think that I have my moments. Truth.

    Well, that's basically what we do. For that fic, you just read it and write down what pops into your mind as you do so, in the form of comments. We just want to see what your style is and "My Immortal" is sufficiently bad to give you plenty of good material for riffing.

    And then, we also need to know what fandoms you'd be alright with for commenting on.

    After that one, it's just everyone on the same document, saying whatever comes first to their minds.
  • edited August 2011
    We just want to see what your style is...

    You don't know my style? Let me sum it up for you. I am a slighty-to-moderately insane, egotistical, narcissistic bastard with no regard for the well-being or happiness of others with an incessant love for cookie. I would describe my style as a mix of Colbert (the naive egomaniac), Cookie Monster (the love for cookies and brilliant silliness), John Cleese (the silly straight man), and Hitler (the evil dictator). Want to /really/ get to know my style? Play L4D with me.
  • edited August 2011
    TomPravetz wrote: »
    You don't know my style? Let me sum it up for you. I am a slighty-to-moderately insane, egotistical, narcissistic bastard with no regard for the well-being or happiness of others with an incessant love for cookie. I would describe my style as a mix of Colbert (the naive egomaniac), Cookie Monster (the love for cookies and brilliant silliness), John Cleese (the silly straight man), and Hitler (the evil dictator). Want to /really/ get to know my style? Play L4D with me.

    But I don't even OWN Left 4 Dead! Though, I do know your style, I've seen it enough. You'd be great at this.

    But, having said that, those are the rules. We all had to read the damn thing, it's only fair that you go melt your brain as well. Also, we could do with a laugh once and awhile that we didn't have to organize ourselves. I suppose in that sense it's also a test of your endurance. Just know, that as bad as that fic is...there are worse. Far worse. And we have to read all of them.
  • edited August 2011
    blah blah boring talk

    Rules? RULES?! You know what I'm gonna do to your stinkin' rules?! Huh? Doya? Punk! I'm gonna follow them! How do you like them apples, girl?!
  • edited August 2011
    TomPravetz wrote: »
    Rules? RULES?! You know what I'm gonna do to your stinkin' rules?! Huh? Doya? Punk! I'm gonna follow them! How do you like them apples, girl?!

    I like apples! Especially in pie. Mmmm....pie....

    Oh great! Now I'm going to have to spend my evening baking. Thanks a bunch!
  • edited August 2011
    I like apples! Especially in pie. Mmmm....pie....

    Oh great! Now I'm going to have to spend my evening baking. Thanks a bunch!

    Just read the first line. I'm not going to come out of this the same, am I?
  • edited August 2011
    TomPravetz wrote: »
    Just read the first line. I'm not going to come out of this the same, am I?

    Watch this for your answer.
  • edited August 2011
    It's the TFT3K MEGA-UPDATE! The rest of It's My Life! A chapter of Teen Fortress 2! A horrible Sam and Max/Sonic crossover with special guest Lattsam! A HUGE MST of a horrible Invader Zim fanfic author's ENTIRE work! Two more MSTs to come VERY soon(Tomorrow)!
  • edited August 2011
    TomPravetz wrote: »
    Just read the first line. I'm not going to come out of this the same, am I?

    If you're lucky, you'll come out insane. If not...well, we have to resurrect Strongbrush1 an average of three times a session...
  • edited August 2011
    If you're lucky, you'll come out insane. If not...well, we have to resurrect Strongbrush1 an average of three times a session...

    Well, exCUUUSE me, Alcore!
  • edited August 2011
    So I did finish Chapter 1. Though I cheated. I avoided having to think about the text by writing a childrens book about Schrödinger's cat.
  • edited August 2011
    TomPravetz wrote: »
    So I did finish Chapter 1. Though I cheated. I avoided having to think about the text by writing a childrens book about Schrödinger's cat.

    Well, send your MST of that chapter to me in a PM, along with fandoms that you'd like to MST something for.
  • edited August 2011
    Rereading my work, I feel I must drop out. I can't do that type of funny. I can't sit and think of funny. So. Thanks for the opportunity, and I'll see ya later. :D
  • edited August 2011
    TomPravetz wrote: »
    Rereading my work, I feel I must drop out. I can't do that type of funny. I can't sit and think of funny. So. Thanks for the opportunity, and I'll see ya later. :D

    We don't do that. We write the first thing that comes to our minds, no matter how unfunny, disturbing, or strange it may be. You still have a shot at it.
  • edited August 2011
    We don't do that. We write the first thing that comes to our minds, no matter how unfunny, disturbing, or strange it may be. You still have a shot at it.

    And most of it consists of disturbing.
  • edited August 2011
    We don't do that. We write the first thing that comes to our minds, no matter how unfunny, disturbing, or strange it may be. You still have a shot at it.

    Right. I didn't mean it like that. I just can't sit and think "Okay. Gotta say funny things about this piece." Not that it's a bad thing. I wish I could! :P I am just horribly unfunny when I try.
  • edited August 2011
    TomPravetz wrote: »
    Right. I didn't mean it like that. I just can't sit and think "Okay. Gotta say funny things about this piece." Not that it's a bad thing. I wish I could! :P I am just horribly unfunny when I try.

    Again, you DO NOT have to be funny. Just write whatever comes to mind naturally.
  • edited August 2011
    I'm just reading yours for the first time... xD
  • edited August 2011
    Again, you DO NOT have to be funny. Just write whatever comes to mind naturally.

    I tend to write deaths for right after a character does something stupid.
  • edited August 2011
    Again, you DO NOT have to be funny. Just write whatever comes to mind naturally.

    I make lame puns and obscure references to things. Which, shockingly enough, is what I do normally!
  • edited August 2011
    My special talent is Making references to rock songs when the fic reminds me of one, and also pointing out pointless add-ons to the fic.

    Well, that and dying repeatedly, but that's another story.
  • edited August 2011
    Added new Teen Fortress 2 chapter MST to "Author MST: Marissa-The-Writer".

    Also added "Teen Fortress 2: Autocorrected"
  • edited August 2011
    Added new Teen Fortress 2 MST to "Author MST: Marissa-The-Writer".

    Also added "Teen Fortress 2: Autocorrected"

    I take back what I said about not doing the Autocorrected version. This thing is hilarious.

    I especially love the author's note where they go on and on about including porno in the fic, which I guess was the autocorrected "Piro".
  • edited August 2011
    "The Adventures of Rainbow Sparkle" MST added.
  • edited August 2011
    Added "Harry Potter First Chapter Smorgasboard" to first post, along with a few more upcoming MST announcements.

    Please vote on which of the Harry Potter fics you want us to finish MSTing.
  • edited August 2011
    Hmmm. I would like to see you finish Imma Wiserd. I know the first chapter (or the whole fic for that matter) is downright terrible. But if you MST'd the whole of that Portal one, then I don't see why not doing this one.

    Also, I'll send my attempt at an MST soon. It may not be as good as anything you've all done, but it will be fun to try.
  • edited August 2011
    Bad News: MightyPirateTM's computer is having technical issues, which means that until this problem is fixed, TFT3K Will be on hiatus for a short period of time. We may still get something done, but production will be slowed down.
  • edited August 2011
    Bad News: MightyPirateTM's computer is having technical issues, which means that until this problem is fixed, TFT3K Will be on hiatus for a short period of time. We may still get something done, but production will be slowed down.

    Actually, it's fixed now.
  • edited August 2011
    Actually, it's fixed now.
  • edited August 2011
    Crisis averted then?

    I didn't even know there was a crisis...
  • edited August 2011
    Crisis averted then?

    I didn't even know there was a crisis...

    Yes. Crisis successfully averted.
  • edited August 2011
    Yeah, it's me. To pass the time while I wait for new "episodes", I've made my very own Total Drama Island-themed parody fic that makes fun of the types of fanfics that TFT3K makes fun of! Appropriately enough, it's called "How Not To Write A Total Drama Fic"!

    Spelling errors? They're in there (or should that be written "there in their")? Bad grammar? Yes, it is. Plot holes and bad writing? You bet!

    Read at your own risk...

    By the way, I want to ask a question... is it okay if we riff on "Toons Vs. Abyss" by Justin Lawson in a future installment?
  • edited August 2011
    Updated the first post with quite a bit of info.
  • edited August 2011
    I updated TeenF2: Autocorrected with chapter 3.
  • edited August 2011
    Scooby Doo and the Trip of Lust is now completed
  • edited August 2011
    Scooby Doo and the Trip of Lust is now completed

    Enjoy everyone. ENJOY. MWAHAHAHAHAHA
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