This reminds me of the episode 'Free Hat', which also covered unwanted changes to a Lucas/Spielberg movie (albeit with less rape). Can't seem to find a clip on YouTube, sadly.
You can find it on the same site (it streams all episodes for free. But only to US-viewers. Other countries have different sites). Free Hat is Season 6, Episode 9.
Okay peeps, are you ready for this?! This is leaked footage from the upcoming 3D re-release of the Star Wars Saga. Namely, it's a clip of a CGI Yoda in The Empire Strikes Back, replacing the original puppet.
Personally, I think the transition from puppet to CGI is completely seamless and that George Lucas is a gifted writer of dialogue and also a wonderful director, especially when it comes to directing actors. By the way, I also think that elephants can fly.
I don't know, it's also pretty bad that Hayden got a spot front and center, equally as large as Vader's, if not slightly larger, and Vader's spot is also underneath the booklet.
Also, is it just me, or did Bib Fortuna make it in there and Ackbar didn't? I mean, hell, I think I even see Ponda Baba on there.
It doesn't really matter to me as much that Hayden got a huge picture, because regardless of how I personally felt about his acting skills, it doesn't change the fact that he was a main character, central to the prequels. Jar Jar, Qui-Gon Jinn, Darth Maul, and that random Twi'lek guy from Return of the Jedi each have portraits much larger than the main cast from the original movies combined even though they weren't nearly as important. That bugs me.
The booklet needs to go somewhere. Stop complaining.
Also: R2D2 is huge and he doesn't have a single line in these movies that you can even understand.
The booklet needs to go somewhere. Stop complaining.
Also: R2D2 is huge and he doesn't have a single line in these movies that you can even understand.
First: Huh?
Second: R2D2 is the best actor in the prequels. TRUFAX.
Even when he has random jetpacks that he apparently forgot that he had during the original movies. Maybe he got robot senility or something. Doesn't change the fact that every beep that little robot made was more convincing than the weighty dialogue spewed by the main actors.
You're all alike anyways, you and your fancy fan lingo and knowledge of high definition Star Was in preach and preach and then you crucify George to the cross and use the wool from his sheep to keep warm.And you bring upon the world the darkside of paradise where the sun no longer shines and the cold of death that creeps upon the shadows of the cross, God and his son.And where the sun has already set, darkness across the valleys.
You're all alike anyways, you and your fancy fan lingos and knowledge of high definition Star Was in preach and preach and then you crucify George to the cross and use the wool from his sheep to keep warm.
I honestly don't care for or about the new releases. I've got my VHS set from '92 and I'm happy with that.
Don't want to get off topic, it's still on topic, but barely. It's about traumatized fan boys.
No. It's about what Lucas and Spielberg have done to Indiana Jones.
It's the episode "The China Problem".
US watchable. UK watchable. (The UK version is currently down, which is annoying.)
But there is a UK-version of the site. I have to use the German site (at least they have an option to watch the episodes in English too).
I can't.
Actually, I just wanted a chance to use that image. The truth, this user speaks.
Also, lol at the image filename.
Here's a preview:
Personally, I think the transition from puppet to CGI is completely seamless and that George Lucas is a gifted writer of dialogue and also a wonderful director, especially when it comes to directing actors. By the way, I also think that elephants can fly.
it's everywhere. That's the problem with the Prequels you know?
I think the thing that hurts most is that Jar Jar got a portrait large enough that Han, Leia, Luke, and Lando could have all squeezed into...'s in the middle.
Also, is it just me, or did Bib Fortuna make it in there and Ackbar didn't? I mean, hell, I think I even see Ponda Baba on there.
Also: R2D2 is huge and he doesn't have a single line in these movies that you can even understand.
First: Huh?
Second: R2D2 is the best actor in the prequels. TRUFAX.
Even when he has random jetpacks that he apparently forgot that he had during the original movies. Maybe he got robot senility or something. Doesn't change the fact that every beep that little robot made was more convincing than the weighty dialogue spewed by the main actors.
You're all alike anyways, you and your fancy fan lingo and knowledge of high definition Star Was in preach and preach and then you crucify George to the cross and use the wool from his sheep to keep warm.And you bring upon the world the darkside of paradise where the sun no longer shines and the cold of death that creeps upon the shadows of the cross, God and his son.And where the sun has already set, darkness across the valleys.
They are all fan bois!!!!!! ALL OF THEM!
I honestly don't care for or about the new releases. I've got my VHS set from '92 and I'm happy with that.
Also...I didn't know that Lucas had sheep. Weird.
yeah, you're a fangirl. or perhaps, a fanmortis?
I really like fanmortis. I'm going to steal it from now on.
Actually, it's sort of weird because my user name is actually Star Wars related, in an extremely obscure way that I didn't intend, but saw later.
Also worth noting that Hitler does not approve of the changes.
EDIT: I found a serious version that doesn't suck as much.
I wonder how many people got the reference.