Star Wars Blu-Ray....MORE CHANGES
Including the addition of Vader now screaming "NOOOO" when throwing the emperor down the shaft in ROTJ. As if the scream from Revenge of the Sith wasn't enough.
He really can't leave them well enough alone.
Including the addition of Vader now screaming "NOOOO" when throwing the emperor down the shaft in ROTJ. As if the scream from Revenge of the Sith wasn't enough.
He really can't leave them well enough alone.
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I want to see more though.
-.- What a stupid response. You obviously care nothing about Star Wars.
Star Wars belongs to the fans as much as it belongs to George Lucas. We love Star Wars as it once was before this Special Edition crap. Many of us grew up with it; feel a connection with the characters; find the story to be compelling... oh and there's so much more to it than just that.
With one hand, George is taking our money hand over fist, and with the other he is beating us about the head and shoulders with a baseball bat.
He's making hte movie as he wants to. The original film is inferior in Lucas' eyes, so he seeks to improve it.
Also, no, it does not belong to the fans. George Lucas and Lucasfilm own Star Wars.
Okay, then by rights TTG can make a King's Quest reboot wherein the main character is a talking cactus. They can do it, so they should. Nevermind what the fans think or whether it pisses the whole of the adventure gaming community off.
So long as they have the license and approval to do it, they have all the right.
Seriously, it's part of human insanity in that of itself that he's paid that much to begin with, and that you buy something you don't want.
Just keep your DVDS or VHS ,is blue ray really that much better? It's insane, chaotic to go on and on about what George Lucas does. Honestly as much as we're a sentimental species, it really is his work to change, when upfront he said he was going to change it.
At-least we're getting deleted scenes. That's cool.
The guy said he was going to update it and he did in his own way. It's just movies, we've become so deranged. I mean seriously think about the hell for one moment going on in this world, it's not Star Wars being redone by George Lucas in a way that you don't agree with.
I've learned to accept things with balance, if I want to watch Star Wars as it originally was I have all 3 on DVD...original, uncut. and I can watch them in Japanese too.
I'm sure they will eventually some how be on blueray and if not, that's ok, I haven't wasted money on blue ray and I don't really want to.
Who cares...honestly who cares? It's just a stupid video re-release. It's not a big deal.
I try to balance myself out, and I know I'm struggling now, it's late. And I want to be understanding, supportive of your views. But if you don't want to buy something that is upfront and he's telling you it's changed and is even giving you trailers and samples of the changes made, then don't...really then don't...
The first movie I ever saw was star wars...
So I'm told. It was my first movie, ever. I love it as much as any one else, but my God, must worse things are happening, WW3 might even happen...
He's not taking your money, he's not uncle sam, he's a film artist, named George Lucas who likes to change his material, it's no big secret.
Fan boys are the definition of lunatics. I mean , come on, it's not a big deal. own original copies on DVD as well as Special Editions, life is good, it's not a big deal, seriously...
Calm down, take a chill pill. I'll probably purchase a copy of the films on blue ray , by the way. I enjoy the silly changes he makes.
If TTG set out to do that for some strange reason they would be entitled to do it, it wouldn't be behind anyone's back or dishonest or wrong if they were upfront about it. But, it would be very strange.
Lucas means well and forgive me for my sins, I do believe Star Wars has aged very well, better than some 90s films XD but I happen to like some of the special edition changes.
OMG, I said it...I said it...oh no! OH NO!
With all due respect to the original, I still like some of the later video re-release touch ups.
I don't see why I shouldn't, it's sort of strange to get that attached to the originals that I hate touch ups that add to the story, narrative but we're a sentimental species.
The creator's doing what he wants with the movies he made. No one's forcing you to support them by purchasing them, but personally 'New Cuts' adds to my interest in it, as I love that kind of thing, especially for a film I've seen as many times as Star Wars.
Why do you care so much, just because his work goes to the economy that doesn't mean it's not personal to him or that he doesn't believe in it. He's always liked changing his work, it's just something he believes in, does.
If no one bought the blu rays, XD if everyone hated him, wait...XD
He'd still do it his way.
It's like a tradition for him, it's his project, like any normal person does things out of tradition. He's a normal person almost...
He was successful, you loved his movies, he wants to change them, it's not that big of a deal. He's a regular human being and those are just movies. And I love them but my God, we're placing too much importance on all of this.
The man is old and senile he does whatever the hell he wants...
I know being a nerd is in and all but seriously you people should try to get past this. I love the movies as much as any one else, but they are just damn movies, it's insane that that much money goes into them to begin with, and this much bitching...honest to God, it's not a big deal if Lucas changes things, he's not destroying film history, XD. He's part of a film history, if any one wants to see Star Wars as it originally was they can find it.
I still don't understand I have original copies on DVD released by Lucas Arts, do people really not find these things?
And ALSO they were released with special edition copies....
If people want to go insane over nostalgia because they can't look 2 feet away for a original copy they are entitled to, but it's still psychotic.
So? It's not like they've been erased from time and impossible to access via older means.
And here is the power of the world wide's magic...
"A copyright is held in trust by its owner until it ultimately reverts to public domain. American works of art belong to the American public; they are part of our cultural history. In the future it will become even easier for old negatives to become lost and be "replaced" by new altered negatives. This would be a great loss to our society. Our cultural history must not be allowed to be rewritten." - George Lucas
The crux of the matter is not that he's making tweaks to the films. It's that he refuses to also provide the films in their original form alongside the "special editions." Look at Blade Runner or the remastered original Star Trek series. Both were tweaked and changed but there was no outcry because the original versions were released with them.
It's a true, real fact, a factual fact...
And George Lucas contradicts himself all the time, the man is many things, a hypocrite he does well. Facts of life Lucas updates his movies. Did you really just expect a original cut on Bluray or special special edition on Bluray?
I mean seriously, what did you expect? And again, he was upfront about it and again you can find copies of the original edits.
I'm going to bed.
The media was updated but the transfers were not. They used laserdisc masters for that release. LASERDISC. They didn't even bother to make the films anamorphic, it had to be one of the worst dvd releases of the decade. And yet that's supposed to suffice for a release. That's deplorable.
Let's also point out that Lucas has also instituted a ban on screening the original theatrical versions of the films ANYWHERE. AFI wanted to do a salute to the film but were flat out denied copies of the theatrical versions to play. His company has also shut down and confiscated copies of the films when they've learned of small screenings. That is unacceptable especially coming from someone who claims to champion the cause of film preservation.
The versions of the movies I have on DVD and I don't plan to get them on BluRay.
Some insane reason? Are you purposefully trying to be a troll here or do you honestly not understand the problem here? These films are some of the most important in film history and they're being criminally neglected. The longer it takes for them to do a proper restoration of the original films the greater the chances they'll be lost to future generations.
"Attention should be paid to this question of our soul, and not simply to accounting procedures. Attention should be paid to the interest of those who are yet unborn, who should be able to see this generation as it saw itself, and the past generation as it saw itself." - George Lucas
That doesn't make them inferior.
That doesn't mean he should.
Also, the classic Dracula film starring Bela Lugosi should forever be released from this point on with the Looney Tunes animated dancing frog in it wherever Dracula is on screen; and all further releases of It's A Wonderful Life should replace the character of Clarence with a CGI character that looks and sounds similar to "Kid Icarus" (ie. Pit) from the Captain N cartoon show because these changes obviously would improve those films.
But hey... who cares if the official release of the original theatrical version of the Star Wars original trilogy on DVD was letterboxed (ie. 16:9 image in a 4:3 frame with black bars) instead of widescreen, such that to use a TV's zoom feature makes the picture all the more grainy than it was in the first place. Nevermind that to get a good version of the OT that is anamorphic widescreen, you have to get it from fan-editors like Adywan. Nevermind peoples' feelings that Lucas is ruining a franchise that they care about. He can do it, and it's a guaranteed money maker anyway so why the heck not?
Do you know how long it took before Lucas even released the original versions on DVD anyway? Special Edition was out for a long time by itself before they were released, such that at one point I was digging around in my storage bins looking for it on VHS.
Technically, George Lucas can do whatever the hell he wants to the films. They're HIS. If he wants to put new sounds effects in or replace puppets with CGI, then he can. We may not like it, but he can do what he likes with the films he made. Some of these changes make sense, like letting Ewoks blink (if you cna get past the slightly iffy CGI).
That doesn't mean that all the changes he makes are good though. Having heard Darth Vader scream 'NO!', I can confirm that it's just silly. See for yourself. And I'm willing to bet that there'll be more changes that remove tension and make the scenes less credible.
Star Wars doesn't belong to the fans, it belongs to George Lucas, no matter how much we wish otherwise. But honestly, it says something when a fan edit is widely regarded as being better than the official Special Editions. (I should know, I've seen it and it's excellent).
As fans, we are allowed to bitch and moan about what George has done to his classic films. So let us vent! It won't do anything but make us feel better for having done so! We know we can't change anything, but still, we're fans. We bitch and moan. it's what we do.
As my nick and avatar show, I am a Star Wars nut... since forever... but as much as I would love to have the films on Blu-ray, the ways the films are now they simply aren't any fun anymore for me. Some of the changes make me cringe, and now some make me really question the sanity of GL.
If you're really against the way he treats the classic trilogy right now, go ahead and write a negative review at explain why you won't buy. It's already down to a 2.5 stars rating and it's possibly one of the few ways to let Lucasfilm know, what you think of this.
I think you answered your own question.
These changes are dumb, and I loves me some (old) Star Wars, but I can't really find it in me to get upset at this anymore. George Lucas has done nothing but crap all over the films that made him a millionaire since the late 90's. First the special editions had Greedo shoot first, that fucking Jabba's palace music video, etc. Then the prequels were full of contradictions to the original trilogy... "Go to the Dagobah system, there you will learn from Yoda, the Jedi Master who instructed the Jedi Master who instructed the Jedi Master who instructed me." :rolleyes: And then you have everything else. The novels killed off Anakin Solo halfway through the New Jedi Order series, despite him being set up to be the ultimate hero, because Lucas was apparently worried people would be confused by too many Anakins. An author writing a terrific series about clones trying to escape being slave-soldiers for the Republic simply gave up and stopped writing it when the Clone Wars cartoon retconned Boba Fett's homeworld of Mandalore to be nigh-unrecognizable from all the previously established canon (and her previous books). The Force Unleashed decided that Vader secretly started the Rebellion to distract the Emperor, and that there was a Jedi Master Rebel that I guess none of the other Rebels felt the need to mention to Luke. Oh, yeah, and all those post-movies novels where Luke was desperate to learn anything he could about the Jedi--would have been nice if Chewbacca had mentioned he'd worked personally with Yoda, huh?
Like I said, these changes are dumb. I just don't really have it in me to care anymore.
I love Star Wars, but having asked questions about reality, and finding answers. I've seen things WAY WAY WAY WAYYYYYY worse than a stupid video re-release. I'm sorry I won't get tempered or angry over something like this.
Here's the honest reality, George Lucas is a human being, ok? I know it's hard to understand this, he's human and able to make his own opinions, decisions, omg that's so hard to understand some people are like that...he's a artist, it's his property and he can do whatever he wants with it.
Fan boys just whine anymore. The reality is he can do what he wants, he's a human being it's his property...he's been doing it for like 2 decades now. I guess fans have been bitching for 2 whole decades, so I guess it's even.
I know life is HARD and we might just all die or go insane from seeing such awful, horrible things. OMG, life is so hard, so horrible. Oh my, I can't believe what we've seen, this world is so crazy, OMG Star Wars has been updated again and Lucas added sound effects and made changes....
He isn't ruining anything, I like my original copies, I don't give a flying shit if they aren't touched up or if it's a laserdisc transfer....I prefer watching it on laserdisc so that I can see all the film grain...yep...upgrading it to be more crisp, whatever in REALITY is yet another revision. I could wet the bed that my DVDS are lazerdisc transfers but they are fine to me....but I guess I've seen worse things in the world to worry about.
But it's like it were said, fans bitch and moan, it's for you to vent...I guess, I've loved Star Wars my whole life. But hey, I guess video re-releases is serious business, I honestly don't care, I don't give a shit if it's bluray or if it's crisp. I have my DVD copies and those should last me a very long time.
But I understand it's a holy grail and so it needs to be protected, hidden under ground, you should go burry all the original copies you can find under ground in a air tight container.
I can't let this bother me anymore, I wish I was wiser then we could respectfully disagree and you would allow me to without accusation. I love Star Wars.
I do care about Star Wars. I love Star Wars. However, I respect the filmmaker's opinion if he thinks things need to be changed and therefore any new cuts are superior.
I'm all for upgrading the visual effects and I might even agree with the extra stuff that was added in the DVD version.
But it's removing all the Biggs scenes from ANH original version and Greedo shooting first that was truly outrageous. I don't get it anyway, Star Wars is great the way it is, there's no reason to change it.
The originals are provided, if people forget how to find older copies that's their problem. The reality is the films are 30-20 years old and Lucas likes to upgrade them and so you have to get your own copies if you want original copies, or lazerdisc, who cares, whatever copies. It is what it is. Lucas never took the originals and upgraded them to be more crisp, never. If you want to watch Star Wars old school make a VCD or something. I'm sure the technology to make Blu rays from VHS and that sort of thing is out there....
The originals will look old, dated, and that's fine with me. This is simply Luca's property and his project. And, he's up front about it. This is what he does and this is how he does it. It's got nothing to do with what you want. It is what it is, and he does what he does, and he's been doing it for 2 decades, it's nothing new.
Forget it, I resign from this thread. Peace everyone.