I have an important question!
Where are all the GOOD games?
Honestly, this is the first time I've been on Telltale in months. After Sam and Max: Season 3 was over, I just didn't see the point.
And now I know I made the right decision. I mean, Hector? Puzzle Agent? Jurassic Park?
Why should I shell out money for these? They all seem... well... idiotic.
Honestly, this is the first time I've been on Telltale in months. After Sam and Max: Season 3 was over, I just didn't see the point.
And now I know I made the right decision. I mean, Hector? Puzzle Agent? Jurassic Park?
Why should I shell out money for these? They all seem... well... idiotic.
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The problem I run into is that I'm getting used to the fantastic sale prices on Steam (which the TTG store can't really compete with) and I would always buy at TTG's Store over Steam because of the additionally free disc.
This is exactly how I played it, and I was genuinely creeped.
Puzzle Agent is fantastic. Hector is just hilarious. But of the two I really think Puzzle Agent, especially Episode 1, is just tops.
It will be sold for 5$ some time. Like ToMI and Season 3.
Also @OP: You are seriously missing out on Puzzle Agent.
Hector was and is... a game for mobile devices. It REALLY shows. I really appreciate that TTG took up the franchise, but it leaves a lot to be desired. Nonetheless, at a time when Telltale fans were craving in agony for their adventure fix, Hector was there to save the day, more or less, so you won't hear me dumping on this series.
It really seems like Jurassic Park will be for a very narrow target group that explicitly excludes me. That said, I also expect the game to be a bit too tailor-made for die-hard fans of the movies, and I assume there are a tad less JP than BTTF fans, so the lack of gameplay WILL have an effect on the reviews this time. I wish TTG the best of luck with all of their endeavors, but if they get the critics' harsh slap on the nose for Jurassic Park, I'd consider it helpful. The TTG engine has obviously undergone quite a development for that franchise, and the graphics enhancements will definitely improve future games.
As for "The Walking Dead", i still have hopes. Announcements speak of far more interactivity, and although the first comments on gameplay are rather vague, Jake manages to make the conceptual approach sound interesting. So that would be hope 1 for 2012.
Then there's King's Quest and Fables. I hate them a little because they will block a lot of capacity in 2012, rendering a second ToMI season and a timely S&M Season 4 ('06-'08-'10-'12) virtually impossible. But these franchises demand a more traditional adventure treatment, and I expect TTG to deliver. Having never played a King's Quest game and no Fables comic at all, these games are unlikely to disappoint me as I have no preconceived notion of what they should look like except that they should be "adventure games" in the loosest sense.
And lastly, it seems like we'll have that Law & Order game still in this year or early next year. I probably won't get in that boat, but again the tone of the series naturally needs the "investigation" part of TTG's games played out.
To put the whole thing in a nutshell: 2011 wasn't the best of TTG's years so far. But 2011 is over very soon also. TTG has not yet wasted all its powder, I'm sure of that.
but i have played these
puzzle agent,poker night,bttf the game,
and i would say get all three including hector
even through back to the future the game has some easy puzzles everyone needs to remember that back to the future is a more story based movie trilogy and the game really has a very very good movie and AJ sounds like Marty and lets not forget the Doc who's back in a new time traveling adventure and belive me im gonna qoute something he says
when you play this game you.. yes you! will see some serious shit!
puzzle agent. is awesome and has a good story and good puzzles
poker night. is really funny
hector. good puzzles and funny
Puzzle Agent was better than I was expecting, I thought Hector was fantastic and I don't think we should judge Jurassic Park until we've played it. But to each his own, I suppose.
That's nice...
wait, WHAT? You're telling me... that you're a mod for the forums of the preeminent adventure game developer of the last decade... and you've never once played a game from the franchise that is almost wholly responsible for defining the graphical adventure game genre as we know it?
Seriously? Dang, bro. That's bad. You really need to get in on that and I mean soon. If you can't afford to buy the official game series from Steam or GOG (though I don't see why not) might I then recommend playing the AGDI remakes, as they are decent at worst, awesome at best, and absolutely free for immediately download?
Not everyone grew up with the same games, Chyron. If he hasn't played them, that doesn't exclude him from having an opinion - in fact, he actually said that he hasn't got one. He's just hoping it's a solid adventure game, and honestly, isn't that what's important here?
Also, why is it a problem for him to be a moderator if he hasn't played King's Quest? It's a surprise, sure, but pretty much ordering him to rectify his 'mistake' seems a bit harsh. Kinda like my first sentence.
It's not a problem, per se. It's just... well, this company is the most successful adventure game developer of the present day, Vain is a mod here which means he spends a lot of time among hardcore fans of the genre, and he hasn't played even one game from the franchise that started it all.
It's not "my little club." He's just missing out, and if I may say so, so are you. King's Quest isn't some piddly little random adventure game series. It's the reason why graphical adventure games are what they have become, excepting for some aspects introduced to the genre by LucasArts.
The main reason I myself haven't played them (except the demo of King's Quest 8, which doesn't really count since it looked, felt and played nothing like the other games) is because they're borderline unplayable to modern gamers. Say what you will about the impact they had at the time they came out, but they have not aged well. It's not so surprising that people who weren't around when they first came out haven't played them, or for people to have overlooked them at the time if they weren't into adventures at that point in their lives and then subsequently not bothered playing them once they were.
The new one may not be aimed at people like me and Vain, but if Telltale do it right it should still be somewhat accessible to people like us. Fingers crossed.
Given that there are free fan remakes out there which very closely resemble the feel of the first three games of the series (albeit with graphics, voices and interface on par with the sixth), and that you can buy the next 3 (which include KQ6, my personal favorite) together from GOG for 10 bucks, there's really no excuse for that.
I'm not belittling or being arguementative, but this is an adventure game developer's forum after all. If one ever claimed to have a serious interest in adventure games, they ought to give those games a look.
Come to think of it, I haven't finished with Telltale's games either, still needing to play Bone and Wallace & Gromit, and to buy Puzzle Agent 2 and Hector 2 and 3.
Why do bad people get to run the show around here? Shouldn't another group be put in charge? Specifically, people who aren't bad people?
Well, then I don't know what to tell you.
Play the AGDI remakes of KQ1 thru 3 if money is the issue. But I seriously recommend KQ6. Like... really. Like, it's up there with Curse and Zelda:TP as my favorite game ever.
You just have to be aware to save early, save often, and don't overwrite unless you have to, in case you die or dead-end yourself.
@div Watch the first JP movie. It's fantastic. The second and third, however aren't that good.
Okay now Dashing, you're distracting me from further scolding these people for having not played the defining franchise for the genre of which this developer, whose forums they mod, is so popular.
But you're here. You frequent an adventure game developer's forum, having never played what many consider to be the best game of the genre.
Who cares what nooby children think of the genre at large? You're here. Speak for yourself. Your position seems to indicate that you are neither interested nor willing to play a game from this developer's genre of choice, though it be considered by many as one of the best... even though you can opt instead to play the AGDI games which I can personally say are of high quality (having played each multiple times) and are absolutely free, yet are not worth your notice.
I'm just... puzzled beyond words by this sort of behavior. One might as well tell Dashing that Monkey Island 2 is stupid, boring and a buttload of suck. "Not aged well" indeed. -.- You go play KQ6 all the way through and then tell me it's no good (I feel you KQ5 fans out there.)
Just... wow. And I suppose Zelda:Ocarina of Time is a stupid game too.
Oh and it's not because they are Seirra games that I've never been that interested in them (as I've played through the Gabriel Knight & Police Quest series many times) it's just because they seem to lose my interest very quickly.
I'll admit that I did try the more recent remake of King's Quest I, just to see what all the fuss was about. I wandered around wondering what to do, fell in to the water and died, and gave up. I later watched a playthrough of it, to see what I should have been doing, and gave up on that as well because I just didn't see the logic in what the player was doing.
When I said it hadn't aged well, I didn't mean graphically. I meant the constant deaths, the lack of drive in relation to the plot and the incredibly obscure puzzles (some of which are/were pixel hunts) simply wouldn't cut it these days.
The other examples you give (Monkey Island 2 and Ocarina of Time) are incredibly poor examples, because their gameplay still holds up today, even if the graphics aren't particularly superb. King's Quest... well, it might have been good back in the day, but that sort of gameplay wouldn't appeal to anyone today but die-hard fans of the earlier games.
You need a proper plot driving your actions that you're constantly reminded of, directly or not, so you have a reason to care about what you're doing. You need the freedom to explore without the threat of constant death if you make a wrong turn (or click in the wrong place). You need to be able to solve puzzles without having to trawl over each and every screen looking for one incredibly hard-to-find item.
And I don't want to play King's Quest 6. It may be the best, but it's like saying Star Trek Enterprise only gets good in the fourth season, or The Chronicles of Narnia only got going with the The Silver Chair. It may well have been good, but it's stillin the middle of the series, and the stuff that came before it is kinda important.
EDIT: Thanks corruptbiggins, you reminded me of the Gabriel Knight series, which was by the same people. I enjoyed the first two, but gave up on the third due to its terrible game engine. So I'm not biased against Roberta Williams, just a lot of the things she puts in her games. If the plot and characters are compelling enough, and the puzzles challenging yet solvable, I'll happily overlook 'death by not having a specific item' situations. Well, not exactly happily, but I'll do it none-the-less because there's enough there to keep me going. King's Quest... it was an open world that frequently killed you for exploring it. Like so.
You can go about your business. Move along... move along...
You at least can claim ownership of these games [so that your disinterest can be duly rectified before the new TTG KQ comes out, lest I beat you with a stick (lol, jk)] which is more than I can say for some people here... :mad:
On the other hand, I have played Peasant's Quest, which I think should net me some bonus points.
My first KQ game was KQ4 back in the day, and I was happy with it.
Each game's connection to each other might be interesting but is not entirely important to enjoy the plot of 6.
In fact, I could recap each game in the series without needing to connect any one game to another and each would still make sense in and of themselves.
is worth a shot, or Pac Man. It has its place in game history.
The plot thickens.
Somehow, it didn't turn up on my Amiga 600, and nowadays, I am much to enamored with the shock and disgust I raise when I casually drop the fact in conversations among adventure gamers. There's a reason I wrote this in italics.
I might play King's Quest one day, but for now, the resolution stands to not pick up any of these games before I get to play Telltale's KQ. After all, you might be thankful for that unbiased perspective, no? I don't want to play this new TTG season always thinking about canon here, canon there or "the old narrator was better".
You're a huge fan, Igeddit. I studied literature. Let me tell you... you can speak quite elaborately about the topic without having read all of the approximately 3,143,119,111 "genre-defining" works. I've been playing adventure games for more than 20 years now. I think I know quite a slice.
Ohhhh wait... "the Witcher" has finished loading. Let me frequent this forum a little less just now.
Free in money, yes. But free in time?
Actually, if it were free in time, I would pay money for that.