The reason I (politely) asked this thread to possibly be merged is that it seemed to be solely about "wouldn't it be awesome for Telltale to make a Dresden Files game?". Which it would, by the way. But that seemed to be all the thread was about, and since we already have a thread for "wouldn't X game by Telltale be awesome?", it's why I made the suggestion.
Also, note I don't specifically say THIS MUST BE MERGED. I asked a moderator to take a look and see for themselves if it was worth doing. The mod could say "no" and I'd accept that. I was just asking.
If this thread was about The Dresdon Files as a series, I'd A) have nothing to say since I haven't gotten round to reading them (though I know I should) and wouldn't have asked the thread to maybe possible be merged if a mod deems it justified. Maybe I overstepped the mark, I dunno.
God, could a mod come and tell me to stop digging myself deeper please?
Ah well, give it some time, see if any other forum members have anything to say. It may fall back in to obscurity anyways.
And yes, you should read them. They're pretty awesome.
Back on topic; If a game was to be made, here are several key questions that would need to be addressed.
1. Where in the Dresden Files timeline would you like to see a story set?
2. Would we be playing as Dresden, or some extended universe character?
3. Would the Telltale Games episodic content formula work for the game?
4. Would the game be better in another game genre (ie RPG, action adventure etc)?
5. Under the assumption that Telltale made the game, would you buy this bad-boy?
At first I thought your games would be simple and boring. How stupid i was!
How long have I not played an adventure game as exciting and well done as Back to Future and The Walking Dead.
I bought both on Steam without thinking twice, and let me tell you that was the best game purchase i made in years.
Now i know you (Telltale) are a very talented company for adventure games, so let me give you some ideas for your future games.
As i'm a big fan of Lord of the Rings, Supernatural and Game of Thrones, and as those series/movie are awesome and highly rated, i think its a good idea to pick one of those for a future project. I'm sure will be a success!
And what do you guys think would be a good idea (serie/movie/anything) for a future Telltale game?
It's interesting that you've mentioned Back to the Future, but I guess it all comes down to personal preference, despite the some glaring flaws.
Anyway, I'd rather Telltale do stuff like Sam & Max Season 4 and the second season of Monkey Island. But if I had to choose between these three, I think I'd go with Supernatural, as I don't really see the other two in a point & click medium.
The Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones are too epic in scope to have licensed games developed by TellTale.
Why? The games don't have to have giant battles with armies of thousands. You can have more intimate, character-driven stories in those worlds.
That said, I also think a Supernatural adventure game would kick ass. But personally I'm hoping that once Fables and King's Quest are done, they'll give us a little bit more of the TT classics.
The Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones are too epic in scope to have licensed games developed by TellTale.
After what Telltale did with Walking Dead i think they are talented enough to make another epic with these 2 series. Look at the latest LOTR and GOT games. I dont think they are good games and probably not sold well.
Imo, Telltale would make a much better game with these 2 series and sell much more.
Btw, Walking Dead is as epic as GOT as a TV series. I dont see any reason why they wouldnt give a license to Telltale.
Telltale Games should make a game called "Epic Day At Work". It involves you working as an intern at Telltale Games, doing exciting things like fetching coffee, delivering paperwork, and... cleaning the toilets? Since when is that your job?
After what Telltale did with Walking Dead i think they are talented enough to make another epic with these 2 series. Look at the latest LOTR and GOT games. I dont think they are good games and probably not sold well.
Imo, Telltale would make a much better game with these 2 series and sell much more.
Btw, Walking Dead is as epic as GOT as a TV series. I dont see any reason why they wouldnt give a license to Telltale.
Walking Dead and GOT are completely different series, but in both scale and quality Game of Thrones definitely takes the trophy. Not saying that I don't like Walking Dead, I love it both in the comic and series form, but Game of Thrones is simply... better.
We haven't really seen Telltale do anything as huge and epic as Lord of the Rings or Game of Thrones, I'm sure it would be interesting to witness, but I doubt that it's likely at all.
Walking Dead and GOT are completely different series, but in both scale and quality Game of Thrones definitely takes the trophy. Not saying that I don't like Walking Dead, I love it both in the comic and series form, but Game of Thrones is simply... better.
Apples and oranges, man. Just because they both enjoy decapitations, doesn't mean they're comparable.
Although giant battles with armies of thousands are epic, 'epic' does not mean only giant battles with armies of thousands
No it certainly doesn't, but that's the part that Telltale would have trouble with, because it's a matter of budget and man-power. Everything else could be done, especially if you limit the number of characters that the game follows. What makes Game of Thrones so epic in scope is that it follows dozens of characters all across the world. But if you narrowed it down...
Take, for example, just Tyrion's storyline in the first book/season. There's really nothing there that couldn't be accomplished in a Telltale game. Winterfell, the Wall, the Eyrie - these are all places that would work very well in an adventure game. And the game wouldn't have to (and probably shouldn't) cover the plots of the books. Like TWD, it could focus on new characters, in new storylines that take place alongside the ones we already know. I think that's just what the recent GOT game does, actually.
Well, Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones are my ideas.
Tell me another series/movies you would like to see as a Telltale game so i can add to the poll.
Well, Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones are my ideas. Tell me another series/movies you would like to see as a Telltale game so i can add to the poll.
Oh, see, now you've said the magic words. Before I was fine with this thread, since it was more a 'which of these would you prefer to see', but now you're flat-out asking us 'what should Telltale make', I get to link to the thread I created dedicated to that very question.
Oh, see, now you've said the magic words. Before I was fine with this thread, since it was more a 'which of these would you prefer to see', but now you're flat-out asking us 'what should Telltale make', I get to link to the thread I created dedicated to that very question.
I already mentioned about it on the end of the topic "And what do you guys think would be a good idea (serie/movie/anything) for a future Telltale game? "
Maybe everybody missed it.:D
I personally would like to see one of these 3 games i mentioned, but if someone give a great idea too, why not to include in the pool?!
No it certainly doesn't, but that's the part that Telltale would have trouble with, because it's a matter of budget and man-power.
Honestly, I wouldn't trust TellTale with the Lord of the Rings even if the whole season would just be in Hobbiton. (And no offence to TellTale, I'm a huge ToMI and S&M fan, and, well, ToMI is personally my favourite MI game actually, and am thoroughly enjoying TWD). TellTale can't make the Lord of the Rings game about a journey through the vast landscape of Middle-Earth (Interplay LotR RPGs, Lord of the Rings Online, and, LotrO, btw, does not follow the plot of the books), TellTale can't make the Lord of the Rings game about epic battles (EA's Two Towers and The Return of the King), TellTale can't make it a mix of two (EA's games on GBA, Sierra's the Hobbit and Fellowship of the Ring), and TellTale can't even make it about an extremely localized story because it doesn't have the budget to even recreate Hobbiton normally (let's say the plot of the story would be about Saruman taking control of the Shire while the other guys are busy in Gondor), it would be just landmarks, like Bag End, the party tree, the Grange, the Old Mill, Green Dragon's Inn (well, technically it's in Bywater, but the settlement is extremely close to Hobbiton), and Hobbiton is not even that big of a settlement. And I'm stressing this a lot, because the world of Middle-Earth is extremely detailed with a rich sense of history, and TellTale won't be able to make it justice - it would feel small and poor (and it would be even worse if TellTale would try to take us to more places around Middle-Earth). Not to mention that Middle-Earth itself is one of the most important aspects of any LotR game, and even taking the scouring of the Shire plotline into consideration, it would be about the total 'industrialization' of the Shire, - the changing of the land itself and the decaying of that particular part of Middle-Earth, something that just wouldn't feel to be realized to its full potential with just the few small landmarks available to us.
Similar with GoT - GoT is ABOUT following different characters all across the world in a web of political intrigues. That's the reason why the GoT game's got two playable characters, to preserve that feeling. Of course, it's not dozens, but, as far as I understand, the game being RPG and all, it evens it all up by recreating a lot of Westeros (I haven't played the game myself). A GoT adventure game with one playable character just wouldn't make sense.
Also, I disagree that Telltale couldn't handle either franchise. With LotR, I see your point, but who's to say they couldn't work around that? A side story like War of the North, with each episode being entirely in one place around Middle-Earth - the first one could be the Shire, then the next one could be around... well, whatever the hell towns there are. Been a while since I read the books. But the point stands. With enough time, they could probably make it work (if they wanted).
As for GoT... why would they limit themselves to one character? Surely you could have more than that. I hesitate to use Day of the Tentacle as an example, because switching back and forth would be hell, but having the game switch to a different lead a couple of times per episode in a similar style seems possible. Again, given enough time, they could make it work.
Still would rather see a Supernatural game, but honestly, I'm not that into any of them, so...
With enough time, they could probably make it work (if they wanted).
Time AND money. And, honestly, that can be applied to absolutely everything. The reality is, though, that TellTale won't have enough time and money to make it work (unless something changes, this applies to the company and the games they're making as it is now). So, no The Lord of the Rings for TellTale.
I don't know much about Game of Thrones or Supernatural, but it has always been my opinion that Lord of the Rings has to be done as a real-time strategy game. I've played quite a few LotR games, and the only one that really made me feel like I was IN Lord of the Rings were the Battle for Middle Earth RTS games.
Of course, I also have a major soft spot for RTSs... so that might be part of it.
Of the ones mentioned, from an objective standpoint, Supernatural would work best for Telltale's regimen. Game of Thrones already has a game, although whether or not it does the series justice is another matter entirely. Lord of the Rings....give me a break. The only one that would work well for an adventure game is The Hobbit, and I don't want that to be done by Telltale. Besides, in spite of its massive issues, I'm probably the only one here who liked the Hobbit PC platformer.
Except for the fact that the 2 games based on Game of thrones are very weak.
GOT deserves something much better.
The only game company that could do GoT justice is Creative Assembly. A Game of Thrones: Total War marriage would be too awesome for this world to contain.
As for the poll I don't think GoT would be well suited to an Adventure Game or Interactive Movie so I don't think Telltale would be really right for it, nor LotR for that matter, and I don't really give a stuff about Supernatural.
The reason I (politely) asked this thread to possibly be merged is that it seemed to be solely about "wouldn't it be awesome for Telltale to make a Dresden Files game?". Which it would, by the way. But that seemed to be all the thread was about, and since we already have a thread for "wouldn't X game by Telltale be awesome?", it's why I made the suggestion.
Also, note I don't specifically say THIS MUST BE MERGED. I asked a moderator to take a look and see for themselves if it was worth doing. The mod could say "no" and I'd accept that. I was just asking.
If this thread was about The Dresdon Files as a series, I'd A) have nothing to say since I haven't gotten round to reading them (though I know I should) and
God, could a mod come and tell me to stop digging myself deeper please?
And yes, you should read them. They're pretty awesome.
Back on topic; If a game was to be made, here are several key questions that would need to be addressed.
1. Where in the Dresden Files timeline would you like to see a story set?
2. Would we be playing as Dresden, or some extended universe character?
3. Would the Telltale Games episodic content formula work for the game?
4. Would the game be better in another game genre (ie RPG, action adventure etc)?
5. Under the assumption that Telltale made the game, would you buy this bad-boy?
The lost world jurassic park
The X files game
I am Ledgend the game
28 weeks later the game
Lost Girl
Burn Notice
Im down for a spinoff of Jericho. I think that has potential. And I freakin loved that show so much!
i dont care if its before the series or same time or even after serenty
just more firefly with some telltale touch!
also lost would make me happy :+)
after Ep 2 i have extremly high hopes for telltale products it was amazing!@! so they can pull it off
eureka = possible but maybe a bit similar to bttf
burn notice = good show but dunno how maybe a jp style game with qte ?
now stargate would be awesome :P
If only the The Dark Tower series was a game.
Ugh, and the X-Box games are so bad. So bad.
How long have I not played an adventure game as exciting and well done as Back to Future and The Walking Dead.
I bought both on Steam without thinking twice, and let me tell you that was the best game purchase i made in years.
Now i know you (Telltale) are a very talented company for adventure games, so let me give you some ideas for your future games.
As i'm a big fan of Lord of the Rings, Supernatural and Game of Thrones, and as those series/movie are awesome and highly rated, i think its a good idea to pick one of those for a future project. I'm sure will be a success!
And what do you guys think would be a good idea (serie/movie/anything) for a future Telltale game?
Anyway, I'd rather Telltale do stuff like Sam & Max Season 4 and the second season of Monkey Island. But if I had to choose between these three, I think I'd go with Supernatural, as I don't really see the other two in a point & click medium.
Supernatural is my favorite tv series, so i would really love to see it as an episodic adventure game like Walking Dead game.
IMO, Lord of the Rings would be awesome as an 6 episodes game (2 episodes for each movie).
Except for the fact that the 2 games based on Game of thrones are very weak.
GOT deserves something much better.
Why? The games don't have to have giant battles with armies of thousands. You can have more intimate, character-driven stories in those worlds.
That said, I also think a Supernatural adventure game would kick ass. But personally I'm hoping that once Fables and King's Quest are done, they'll give us a little bit more of the TT classics.
After what Telltale did with Walking Dead i think they are talented enough to make another epic with these 2 series. Look at the latest LOTR and GOT games. I dont think they are good games and probably not sold well.
Imo, Telltale would make a much better game with these 2 series and sell much more.
Btw, Walking Dead is as epic as GOT as a TV series. I dont see any reason why they wouldnt give a license to Telltale.
Walking Dead and GOT are completely different series, but in both scale and quality Game of Thrones definitely takes the trophy. Not saying that I don't like Walking Dead, I love it both in the comic and series form, but Game of Thrones is simply... better.
We haven't really seen Telltale do anything as huge and epic as Lord of the Rings or Game of Thrones, I'm sure it would be interesting to witness, but I doubt that it's likely at all.
Apples and oranges, man. Just because they both enjoy decapitations, doesn't mean they're comparable.
Although giant battles with armies of thousands are epic, 'epic' does not mean only giant battles with armies of thousands
They both have writing and character development! Broadening everything for the sake of comparison might be unfair, but oh well... I just did.
No it certainly doesn't, but that's the part that Telltale would have trouble with, because it's a matter of budget and man-power. Everything else could be done, especially if you limit the number of characters that the game follows. What makes Game of Thrones so epic in scope is that it follows dozens of characters all across the world. But if you narrowed it down...
Take, for example, just Tyrion's storyline in the first book/season. There's really nothing there that couldn't be accomplished in a Telltale game. Winterfell, the Wall, the Eyrie - these are all places that would work very well in an adventure game. And the game wouldn't have to (and probably shouldn't) cover the plots of the books. Like TWD, it could focus on new characters, in new storylines that take place alongside the ones we already know. I think that's just what the recent GOT game does, actually.
Tell me another series/movies you would like to see as a Telltale game so i can add to the poll.
I already mentioned about it on the end of the topic "And what do you guys think would be a good idea (serie/movie/anything) for a future Telltale game? "
Maybe everybody missed it.:D
I personally would like to see one of these 3 games i mentioned, but if someone give a great idea too, why not to include in the pool?!
Honestly, I wouldn't trust TellTale with the Lord of the Rings even if the whole season would just be in Hobbiton. (And no offence to TellTale, I'm a huge ToMI and S&M fan, and, well, ToMI is personally my favourite MI game actually, and am thoroughly enjoying TWD). TellTale can't make the Lord of the Rings game about a journey through the vast landscape of Middle-Earth (Interplay LotR RPGs, Lord of the Rings Online, and, LotrO, btw, does not follow the plot of the books), TellTale can't make the Lord of the Rings game about epic battles (EA's Two Towers and The Return of the King), TellTale can't make it a mix of two (EA's games on GBA, Sierra's the Hobbit and Fellowship of the Ring), and TellTale can't even make it about an extremely localized story because it doesn't have the budget to even recreate Hobbiton normally (let's say the plot of the story would be about Saruman taking control of the Shire while the other guys are busy in Gondor), it would be just landmarks, like Bag End, the party tree, the Grange, the Old Mill, Green Dragon's Inn (well, technically it's in Bywater, but the settlement is extremely close to Hobbiton), and Hobbiton is not even that big of a settlement. And I'm stressing this a lot, because the world of Middle-Earth is extremely detailed with a rich sense of history, and TellTale won't be able to make it justice - it would feel small and poor (and it would be even worse if TellTale would try to take us to more places around Middle-Earth). Not to mention that Middle-Earth itself is one of the most important aspects of any LotR game, and even taking the scouring of the Shire plotline into consideration, it would be about the total 'industrialization' of the Shire, - the changing of the land itself and the decaying of that particular part of Middle-Earth, something that just wouldn't feel to be realized to its full potential with just the few small landmarks available to us.
Similar with GoT - GoT is ABOUT following different characters all across the world in a web of political intrigues. That's the reason why the GoT game's got two playable characters, to preserve that feeling. Of course, it's not dozens, but, as far as I understand, the game being RPG and all, it evens it all up by recreating a lot of Westeros (I haven't played the game myself). A GoT adventure game with one playable character just wouldn't make sense.
Also, I disagree that Telltale couldn't handle either franchise. With LotR, I see your point, but who's to say they couldn't work around that? A side story like War of the North, with each episode being entirely in one place around Middle-Earth - the first one could be the Shire, then the next one could be around... well, whatever the hell towns there are. Been a while since I read the books. But the point stands. With enough time, they could probably make it work (if they wanted).
As for GoT... why would they limit themselves to one character? Surely you could have more than that. I hesitate to use Day of the Tentacle as an example, because switching back and forth would be hell, but having the game switch to a different lead a couple of times per episode in a similar style seems possible. Again, given enough time, they could make it work.
Still would rather see a Supernatural game, but honestly, I'm not that into any of them, so...
Time AND money. And, honestly, that can be applied to absolutely everything. The reality is, though, that TellTale won't have enough time and money to make it work (unless something changes, this applies to the company and the games they're making as it is now). So, no The Lord of the Rings for TellTale.
Of course, I also have a major soft spot for RTSs... so that might be part of it.
I thoroughly enjoyed that game too. Internet high five!
The only game company that could do GoT justice is Creative Assembly. A Game of Thrones: Total War marriage would be too awesome for this world to contain.
As for the poll I don't think GoT would be well suited to an Adventure Game or Interactive Movie so I don't think Telltale would be really right for it, nor LotR for that matter, and I don't really give a stuff about Supernatural.