Generic 'Telltale should make...' thread



  • edited May 2012
    Why you no have license to this? Insted all we get is a shitty si:confused:de scroller!!!
  • edited May 2012
    Friar wrote: »
    That's a question that has been asked many times before, and has never been given a satisfactory answer. It's probably down to the BBC being reluctant to license it out to an overseas company with staff who didn't necessarily grow up with it. And then there's the difficulty in them still having a hand in plot development, and getting the actor in to do voices.

    It really, really needs to happen. I can only hope that when the current batch of licenses ttg has runs out, it'll become a reality, in time for the anniversary.
    That's why.
  • edited May 2012
    Why doesn't TTG have the licence to make Torchwood the game?
  • edited May 2012
    Same reason it doesn't have it for Doctor Who: The Game. BBC owns the license, blah blah blah.

    Agree that Torchwood would make a good game in the right hands. It's definitely more action-oriented, so you could have your standard first/third person shooter instead of an adventure game, if you should so wish. It's just a shame that Torchwood never really took off quite as much as it deserved to. :(
  • edited May 2012
    Same reason it doesn't have it for Doctor Who: The Game. BBC owns the license, blah blah blah.

    Agree that Torchwood would make a good game in the right hands. It's definitely more action-oriented, so you could have your standard first/third person shooter instead of an adventure game, if you should so wish. It's just a shame that Torchwood never really took off quite as much as it deserved to. :(

    I think you could make a decent case out of the doctor who license actually being owned by the public, given that we technically own the BBC with the license fee and all that.

    On that basis, I award telltale the license. On the condition that they make android games.

  • edited May 2012
    There is a license out there that screams TellTale and I will do anything short of selling my children to help see it through. (I'm kidding about the kids, I would totally sell them. Package deal though, no backsies.)

    It's Megas XLR, a show on Cartoon Network for a couple of seasons. If you are unfamiliar youtube has some clips, but to summarize we'll list off the key elements:

    1. Giant Mechs
    2. Two guys from Jersey piloting a mech
    3. Space chick trying to get mech back to win a war
    4. Evil incompetent villains with tentacles for faces
    5. A running joke involving a weekly demolition of a thinly veiled MTV logo

    That's the broad strokes. It had great writing, great characters and it screams
    "Make me a Telltale Game!" It can't really scream though. Please look it up and if this has all been covered before I offer my humblest apologies.

  • edited May 2012
    You'll have to excuse me if this belongs in a "Game suggestion" forum, as I couldn't find one.

    I think a great collaboration for them would be to work with Valve to make a Team Fortress 2 Game. A "season" of it would consist of 10 (or more episodes), one Episode for Each Character talking about their origins (or similar background story), and at least one episode where they work together as a team. This seems like a dynamite idea to me.
  • edited May 2012
    I think it would be awesome if you guys did a "Tremors" game. that'd be great or try your hands at remaking Friday the 13th, but mainly Tremors thats the game of the future
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited May 2012
    There's been so many suggestions of different franchises for possible Telltale games. The moderators like to keep all of the suggestions in one place, so use this thread. It's dedicated to suggesting what games Telltale should make.
  • edited May 2012
    There are six threads merged into this one on the previous page of this thread alone. It would be pretty neat if the Telltale Forums implemented the "similar threads" function used on several other vBulletin forums. It's not a catch-all solution since these threads tend to have all kinds of random titles, but it might help somewhat.
  • edited May 2012
    It would also help if all these newbies who barely know how to spell would stop being morons and just LOOK before posting their stupid, idiotic thoughts that countless others have already mentioned previously in a much less annoying manner.

    (Why yes, I am starting to get a tad irritated by this. How could you tell?)
  • edited June 2012
    omg i love that show a telltale game would be so fun
  • edited June 2012
    who wants to see one i know i would
  • edited June 2012
    You have eyes. Please use them.
  • edited June 2012
    Y'know, I'm getting very, VERY tired of telling people to post stuff like this in the thread I specifically made for stuff along these lines. Is it really that hard to try looking before you post? Really?
  • edited June 2012
    You have eyes. Please use them.

    and your point is what ?
  • edited June 2012
    and your point is what ?
    That you should have posted this in that thread, rather than create a whole new thread for it. Probably should have made that a little clearer rather than just being so blunt with you. Sorry.
  • edited June 2012
    Y'know, I'm getting very, VERY tired of telling people to post stuff like this in the thread I specifically made for stuff along these lines. Is it really that hard to try looking before you post? Really?

    why do people need to post in your thread are u the king of telltale forums cause i kinda doubt it
    people can post where ever they want
  • edited June 2012
    That you should have posted this in that thread, rather than create a whole new thread for it. Probably should have made that a little clearer rather than just being so blunt with you. Sorry.

    why do i need to post it there i wanted to start my own unless it against the rules than don't worry about it also u were really rude about it
  • edited June 2012
    why do i need to post it there i wanted to start my own

    Out of courtesy to the other forum users. These kinds of threads pop up constantly and most of us prefer having them collected in one place.
  • edited June 2012
    why do people need to post in your thread are u the king of telltale forums cause i kinda doubt it
    people can post where ever they want

    From the Forum Guidelines:
    David E wrote: »
    Does this deserve its own thread?

    We don't expect too much here; just use a bit of common sense when you start a new discussion. If you see a thread on the forum that's pretty much covering the exact same subject you wanted to post about, replying to that one will probably be more productive starting a brand new topic. The search tool is your friend, and can help you find out if your question or comment has been brought up recently or in the past.
  • edited June 2012
    why do i need to post it there i wanted to start my own unless it against the rules than don't worry about it also u were really rude about it
    As flesk said, it helps keep similar threads collected in one place and avoids the forum getting clogged up with request threads. Case in point, yours wasn't the only one that popped up this morning. I seem to recall on previous occasions we've had three or four crop up around the same time, so it can get rather crowded.

    It's kind of a sore spot for me because I specifically made that thread solely so we could keep all the requests in one place, yet no-one ever seems to use it. It gets rather annoying after a while.

    And yes, I was rude. I also apologised. I don't think anyone came out of this a winner.

    EDIT: Thanks to the mod who merged these threads. I'll try and be more civil when telling others they should post here in future.
  • edited June 2012
    If Telltale is going to do a bunch of old franchises like Sam and Max and King's Quest, maybe they should attempt the mamma of all video game franchises; Zork. Unless they are scared of grues.
  • edited June 2012
    Wow, someone was on the ball there! Thanks!
  • Indiana Jones. I know everyone here wants this.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited June 2012
    Of course, but over George Lucas' dead body? ;)
  • of course, but over george lucas' dead body? ;)

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited June 2012
    Noname215 wrote: »
    The Andy Warhol film? That would be an interesting game to say the least. :D
  • edited June 2012
    Dresden Files, X-Files, Bladerunner....pick! Two have already had an adventure game. So you now it's do-able! :D And Bladerunner looks to be getting another Ridley Scott movie so you know it'll be a hot potato.
  • edited June 2012
    A game about a rapping genie with attitude who is ready for slam dunk fun.
  • edited June 2012
    coolsome wrote: »
    A game about a rapping genie with attitude who is ready for slam dunk fun.
    That sounds complete and utter...

  • edited June 2012
    I still say a Doctor Who game would be AMAZING if done by TTG.
  • edited June 2012
    Sam & Max-era Telltale, mind. Otherwise there'd basically be The Adventure Games all over again!
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited June 2012
    Sam & Max-era Telltale, mind. Otherwise there'd basically be The Adventure Games all over again!
    Modern Telltale would be good too. A Doctor Who with the mechanics of The Walking Dead would be fun. Matt Smith's doctor is certainly prone to blurting out things, so the timed dialog choice mechanics would fit. Plus, The Walking Dead inventory system works well too once you get used to it. Even better in The Walking Dead is the option to do multiple things to objects (using the same system as the inventory, and contains such options as look and use). I've been wanting that back since they removed right click to examine after Bone. :) Imagine all the fun things they could have the Doctor say when he looks at things or quips about using objects or people. :D

    Best of all, each episode remembering what you did in the last episode would certainly fit the serial nature of the Doctor Who television program. :D
  • edited June 2012
    Bumping this thread back up to the top. Dresden Files would make a perfect TTG, much in the same way that Fables will, except Dresden Files is better. Come on telltale!
  • edited June 2012
    Yeah, but they're already doing Fable. I thought it'd be a bit similar.
  • edited June 2012
    Not that I disagree with you, but this seems a very odd post to resurrect to basically just say "I agree".
  • edited June 2012
    You know, you're right. I should say more than "I agree."

    I'd like the game to be set in the early days, say between Restoration of Faith and Storm Front, detailing his early relationships with Susan, Michael, Ebenezer and Murphy.

    It'd make a good story and a great introduction to people who have never read the books before, as well as filling in some blanks for us long time fans.

    Something along the lines of Max's powers from Sam & Max season 3 to solve puzzles, coupled with some of the mechanics from the Walking Dead (like the divergent choice system; something the Dresden books thrive on.)

    Any other thoughts on a good system for the game to run on if it was to happen? I think it'd be profitable for Telltale (the books are consistent bestsellers) and for Jim Butcher (additional merchandising and picking up more readers, assuming the game is more TWD and less Jurassic Park.)
  • edited June 2012
    I don't think the system matters. It'd probably sell on anything and everything. An iPad release would probably be a good idea though, since then people can read the books and play the games on the same device.

    Also, I'm going to very politely ask if a mod could consider moving this discussion to the 'Telltale should make' thread, since that'd pretty much what this thread is.
  • edited June 2012
    I'm sure the recombination of threads exists to merge all threads relating to the same narrow topic (ie, if somebody started a thread to ask the same broad question "What games should Telltale make?" Then it would warrant being merged.")

    This thread has a different narrow topic, relating only to one game that, granted, could be mentioned in your broader subject thread, but, just like any game that is mentioned in that broad subject thread, should be allowed to have its own.

    If the talking about a Dresden Files game devolved in to a conversation about other different games that Telltale should make, well, then it would make sense for it to be merged, but narrow focus warrants this threads individual existence right now, so as to prevent it being lost in the swirl of other ideas.

    No disrespect meant. I am an infrequent poster to this board (joined in April 2010 and since have made few posts) but am a forum watcher. You always seem to make good points; this is just one I disagree with. You can't merge everything in to one super-thread, because then all discussion becomes diffused.
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