Two Guys From Andromeda (makers of Space Quest) are back!!
Holy goodness. And they're making a new game. Not Space Quest, but a sci-fi adventure with the same style of comedy. I'm so flabbergasted!
Holy goodness. And they're making a new game. Not Space Quest, but a sci-fi adventure with the same style of comedy. I'm so flabbergasted!
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Are we allowed to have nice things again? :eek:
You're a real 'glass is half empty' kind of guy, aren't you?
I would just like to see new material.
This isn't Space Quest 7. It's a new game called SpaceVenture. Double Fine is making a new IP, Jane Jenson is making new IPs. The only person who is rehashing is Al Lowe, but he doesn't have a choice.
What he said. Right now there are more new projects than there are rehashes.
Well, I think it was only Scott who had some misgivings about Mark, given his (first ever in ages) interview a while back. But that was a while ago now. They could very well have made amends or whathaveyou. I really don't care, honestly. I'm just happy to see them together. The best SQ games were made with both guys! I hope someday they get the SQ license, but I really can't wait to see what new things they can come up with.
I am truly psyched. This was beyond anything I could have imagined would happen. I never thought they'd get back together and make adventure games again! I will give them whatever money they ask for. The SQ series was and is still my favourite game series EVAR.
But seriously, I don't care what silly "age" it is. It's good to see people making adventure games.
I wonder if Bob Siebenberg would like to compose the soundtrack again. Space Quest III had the best theme-song (I saddened me that they never used it again, besides briefly in SQ4. Why so?). Also the music in the garbage freighter was magnificent as well.
Suspiciously awesome. TOO awesome. Uh oh. I guess the Mayans were right.
Haha. The same thought occurred to me. Not only are there a bunch of awesome games being made but there's also 'Prometheus' and a new series of 'Red Dwarf'.
2012 = The End of the World (Of Generic Publisher-Driven Games)
Life's an illusion but within that illusion; yes, this is actually happening.
Yeah, I'm glad they're doing something new. I hope people can get excited about it in its own right and not see it as merely a prelude to a possible future Space Quest game. I don't believe we'll ever get a second Golden Age of adventure gaming if the only interest is coming from content fans hoping for a return of this series or that.
Yeah, it's done with computer alterations and manipulation. It was a joke. They live on opposite sides of the country but they said that eventually they will have actual videos.
Here's a quote from pcj at the Janitorial Times (which has lit up considerably since the news broke) about the highlights of the podcast:
They also talk about how they mended their fences and resolved some issues. Fantastic listen!
Go ahead and check it out.
...I guess I can start after this one...
Isn't that what Kickstarter is all about though?
Goodbye $30!
It's looking good.
This messed me up. I'm sure that I made things more confusing somehow, but there you are lol.