The great next episode prediction thread! *SPOILERS*



  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited May 2012
    dude SPOILERS ??!!!!!?!?!!! i will hate you if this is true... i know it's a speculation thread and it has 'spoilers' in it but thats a bit to far to just have in plain view...

    Calm down, this is a predictions thread and I AM NOT A TELLTALE EMPLOYEE as specified in my signature. I'm just a normal guy who voluntarily helps out in the forums with a day job in a completely different field (and country) and I have NO IDEA what could happen in the game (Mods are grey and haven't got a clue, Admins are red).

    But I'd totally do the walkie-talkie repair thing if I were a TTG designer. :D
  • edited May 2012
    editted :P but yeah thanks for the confirm man i'm relaxed now :P
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited May 2012
    editted :P but yeah thanks for the confirm man i'm relaxed now :P

    But you still think it's spoilerish? Can't we make any good guesses? ;)

    Even the best of guesses normally fail; even IF the actual red-named admins/designers drop in to tease us. There was a great quote from Mike Stemmle on the subject, let me try and find it again...

    /edit: Nope, didn't find it. Was it not Mike?? It was something about the designers casually dropping hints into the conversation, then someone is almost on the right track and the designer holds his breath because he assumes he gave away too much; but then some other community member leads the idea into an entirely different direction that has nothing to do with how it plays out in the game.
  • edited May 2012
    Genius stuff. For some of us, he still has the chance. DOUG REPAIRS THE WALKIE-TALKIE, making Clementine happy, and that is the first visible result from the Doug-or-Carley choice. Thousands of players who originally chose "the chick" are replaying episode one to save Doug immediately.

    Needless to say, because they haven't got Carley with a gun, Duck gets bitten by a zombie in the next episode in this scenario.
    I just love the imagination here, Vain. Great stuff! As a cover-my-ass type, I already had 2 saves where I saved a different one in each.. So, I'm covered :D
  • edited May 2012
    lol i say spoilers cos of the topic title ;)
  • CapnJayCapnJay Banned
    edited May 2012
    Dear TTG please include a zombie kid in one of the episodes if duck or clementine is ever at any real risk however seeing as how theres a rule in the video gaming community it's even got it's own trope "Infant immortality" You can't kill kids in pretty much any game even killing Little Sisters in Bioshock is done in flash so the chances for Duck to be zombified is almost impossible.

    On another note

    Clementines: Their in Savannah where the boats are
    Kenny: Well I always got my fishing boat

  • edited May 2012
    CapnJay wrote: »
    On another note

    Clementines: Their in Savannah where the boats are
    Kenny: Well I always got my fishing boat


    I think you may be onto something there. Seems to fit together too well to be a coincidence. Also, I don't think Lee can avoid the issue of Clem's parents forever. He's going to have to tell her something eventually.
  • CapnJayCapnJay Banned
    edited May 2012
    ElvishVamp wrote: »
    I think you may be onto something there. Seems to fit together too well to be a coincidence. Also, I don't think Lee can avoid the issue of Clem's parents forever. He's going to have to tell her something eventually.

    Clem: Lee Do you think my parents are ok?
    Lee: Well Clem to be honest with you according to that answering machine message at your house. I think you'd be best off believing your mom is safe. Your dad got attacked by a crazy guy. if hes one of the monsters then... but if hes not maybe he's fine too. Either way we wont give up on either of them
  • edited May 2012
    Kenny's boat is in Fort Lauderdale, which is more than 500 miles drive from Macon.
    That's really far in an apocalypse without working gas pumps, questionably passable roads, and with hordes of zombies at every population center along the way. How do you even get clean water as you go.

    If the boat was such a great escape a local would have jumped it and taken it. And good luck refueling it.
  • edited May 2012
    Well on one the episodes picture it shows them on a train, so they might ride that there?
  • edited May 2012
    Thinking forward.....
    Are we going someday to cross the Governor's path? :o
  • CapnJayCapnJay Banned
    edited May 2012
    I wonder if theres ever going to be an after the apocalypse
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2012
    Calm down, this is a predictions thread and I AM NOT A TELLTALE EMPLOYEE as specified in my signature. I'm just a normal guy who voluntarily helps out in the forums with a day job in a completely different field (and country) and I have NO IDEA what could happen in the game (Mods are grey and haven't got a clue, Admins are red).

    But I'd totally do the walkie-talkie repair thing if I were a TTG designer. :D

    Yeah we don't tell the mods anything. It'd be no fun if they were actually INFORMED about what was going on!

    Also, I've said this in a few other places, but the episode posters are very similar to the motion graphics teaser trailer we put out -- they are pretty impressionistic images intended to give an IDEA of something, but if you pick them apart too much you will be led astray because those kinds of details (even "who is in the image") are hypothetical, not definite. For instance, nobody is death proof just because they're on the cover of an episode you haven't yet played. So, you can use those posters as a clue if you'd like as far as who will do what when if you'd like, but you should also feel free to untether yourself from them a bit because they aren't gospel.
  • edited May 2012
    Does that mean duck may die sooner? Please say duck may die sooner! I ****ing hate duck!
  • CapnJayCapnJay Banned
    edited May 2012
    Duck and Clementine will be BFFs
  • edited May 2012
    .....not if i can help it MUHAHAHAHAA
  • CapnJayCapnJay Banned
    edited May 2012
    .....not if i can help it MUHAHAHAHAA
    *thunder Crashes as dramatic music plays *
  • edited May 2012
    Isnt there a black lady in one of the episode preview pics? I thought that was Clementines mum...
  • CapnJayCapnJay Banned
    edited May 2012
    we'll find out eventually
  • edited May 2012
    Everyone BUT duck dies horribly at the hands of the zombies,after he "accidently" parks a motorhome on them while they are talking in a tight group.

    Traumatized and galvanized by this event duck hardens into a stone cold killer,with kung fu grip,and manages to travel to the coast,picking up a new batch of survivors along the way,where he encounters an aircraft carrier that still has a minimal crew.

    Upon meeting the "new" duck, the crew swears alliance to duck and he turns his group and the crew into essentially a pirate vessel.Using this force he captures other survivors who managed to put out to sea over the next few years,who he converts to more followers,finally amassing enough followers to land at and clear the island of St Vincent of zombies forming the new nation of Duckville.

    He lives almost forever,and duckville becomes the center of the human race as it rebuilds,slowly retaking each carribean island and clearing them of zombies.

    In centuries to come, Duck is remembered as the savior of humanity,and the founding father of the new human race.

    Many more centuries pass,before one of ducks descendants,manages to park the moon,which thanks to scientific advancements had huge rocket boosters attached to it
    on the earth,finally killing off all zombies and humans.
  • CapnJayCapnJay Banned
    edited May 2012
    Now thats funny
  • edited May 2012
    that is Clemintine for sure. I thought that on my first play through and i haven't changed my mind.
  • edited May 2012
    tkobo wrote: »
    Everyone BUT duck dies horribly at the hands of the zombies,after he "accidently" parks a motorhome on them while they are talking in a tight group.

    Traumatized and galvanized by this event duck hardens into a stone cold killer,with kung fu grip,and manages to travel to the coast,picking up a new batch of survivors along the way,where he encounters an aircraft carrier that still has a minimal crew.

    Upon meeting the "new" duck, the crew swears alliance to duck and he turns his group and the crew into essentially a pirate vessel.Using this force he captures other survivors who managed to put out to sea over the next few years,who he converts to more followers,finally amassing enough followers to land at and clear the island of St Vincent of zombies forming the new nation of Duckville.

    He lives almost forever,and duckville becomes the center of the human race as it rebuilds,slowly retaking each carribean island and clearing them of zombies.

    In centuries to come, Duck is remembered as the savior of humanity,and the founding father of the new human race.

    Many more centuries pass,before one of ducks descendants,manages to park the moon,which thanks to scientific advancements had huge rocket boosters attached to it
    on the earth,finally killing off all zombies and humans.

    a tad far fetched for a bag of hammers iq level numpty ?

    for me

    clem using her smarts and lee's protection and general lovability gradually takes control of the group via subtle manipulation, duck is sacrificed to save kenny who in turn saves lee, larry and lilly dispear during a walker attack. but larry is found soon after shot and half eaten..

    katjaa tries to save doug/carly during a small resistance/looters attack but lacks the medical skills to do so..

    kenny shoots his wife to stop her being a walker, duck goes crazy and runs off, and finds larry's walking corpse who then manages to bite him duck returns but is shot by lee because he see duck has turned.

    clem keeps lee under control and makes an aliance with the guvnor and the milk farm she then has lee covertly take out the dangers of each camp and she takes control of all 3 groups amasing a living dead killing force, they horde ammo/food and fuel till they have a huge stock pile but unfortunetly are found by rick's group, lee stands up to protect queen clem and rick shoots him as he knew lee was a murderer and a pyscho...
  • CapnJayCapnJay Banned
    edited May 2012
    a tad far fetched for a bag of hammers iq level numpty ?

    for me

    clem using her smarts and lee's protection and general lovability gradually takes control of the group via subtle manipulation, duck is sacrificed to save kenny who in turn saves lee, larry and lilly dispear during a walker attack. but larry is found soon after shot and half eaten..

    katjaa tries to save doug/carly during a small resistance/looters attack but lacks the medical skills to do so..

    kenny shoots his wife to stop her being a walker, duck goes crazy and runs off, and finds larry's walking corpse who then manages to bite him duck returns but is shot by lee because he see duck has turned.

    clem keeps lee under control and makes an alliance with the governor and the milk farm she then has lee covertly take out the dangers of each camp and she takes control of all 3 groups amassing a living dead killing force, they horde ammo/food and fuel till they have a huge stock pile but unfortunately are found by rick's group, lee stands up to protect queen clem and rick shoots him as he knew lee was a murderer and a psycho...

    Does Queen Clem remove her hat and her massive fro deflects bullets rick intends to use for the queen?
  • edited May 2012
    CapnJay wrote: »
    Does Queen Clem remove her hat and her massive fro deflects bullets rick intends to use for the queen?

    no the virus is in the water supply and when clem drinks some it mutates her fro in to a medusa style form, the hat she wears has mystical properties that keep them from attacking people..
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited May 2012
    All right, before it's an all-humorous thread, here's a prediction I would bet on.

    At the end of the episode, the motel is not a safe haven any more, so the leftover group takes to the road for at least the entirety of episode 3. And I'm not just saying this because that's the name of episode 3. ;)
  • edited May 2012
    All right, before it's an all-humorous thread, here's a prediction I would bet on.


    lol ok i'll stop till ep2 is out
  • CapnJayCapnJay Banned
    edited May 2012
  • edited May 2012
    CapnJay wrote: »

    the matrix has you....
  • CapnJayCapnJay Banned
    edited May 2012
    the matrix has you....
    in soviet russia you have matrix
  • edited May 2012
    Larry gets bit.
    Lilly fight for his life, while Kenny wants to off him. That is part of the preview.
    Once again you will have to pick sides.

    Kenny is still alive and breathing in Ep4.

    Well. Next episode is scheduled for late June. I should just forget this game for now, and come back in 6 months when its all been released. I did that for Walking dead season 2, and saw it all in a marathon.
  • CapnJayCapnJay Banned
    edited May 2012
    There is no OFFICIAL release for Episode 2 yet but until it comes out im gonna play minecraft
  • edited May 2012
    Lars80 wrote: »

    Well. Next episode is scheduled for late June. I should just forget this game for now, and come back in 6 months when its all been released. I did that for Walking dead season 2, and saw it all in a marathon.

    a ttg team member has said this is not true.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited May 2012
    Lars80 wrote: »
    Next episode is scheduled for late June. .

    Only one fake wiki entry, only one thread in this forum which is refuted quickly and officially, and this is what you get. :(

    Episode 2 IS NOT scheduled for late June, Lars!
  • CapnJayCapnJay Banned
    edited May 2012
    Why does the Furnace on Minecraft not work? I'm a sad panda. It's making it hard to forget about episode 2's wait
  • CapnJayCapnJay Banned
    edited May 2012
    tkobo wrote: »
    Everyone BUT duck dies horribly at the hands of the zombies,after he "accidently" parks a motorhome on them while they are talking in a tight group.

    Traumatized and galvanized by this event duck hardens into a stone cold killer,with kung fu grip,and manages to travel to the coast,picking up a new batch of survivors along the way,where he encounters an aircraft carrier that still has a minimal crew.

    Upon meeting the "new" duck, the crew swears alliance to duck and he turns his group and the crew into essentially a pirate vessel.Using this force he captures other survivors who managed to put out to sea over the next few years,who he converts to more followers,finally amassing enough followers to land at and clear the island of St Vincent of zombies forming the new nation of Duckville.

    He lives almost forever,and duckville becomes the center of the human race as it rebuilds,slowly retaking each carribean island and clearing them of zombies.

    In centuries to come, Duck is remembered as the savior of humanity,and the founding father of the new human race.

    Many more centuries pass,before one of ducks descendants,manages to park the moon,which thanks to scientific advancements had huge rocket boosters attached to it
    on the earth,finally killing off all zombies and humans.

    I thought only the face on Mars and the butt on Uranus had Rockets on them
  • CapnJayCapnJay Banned
    edited May 2012
    I Predict in Episode 5 Lee will face a room full of Grease, Ice, Blood, and Banana Peels and walk across it with Ease. Then end up tripping on a pebble
  • edited May 2012
    CapnJay wrote: »
    I Predict in Episode 5 Lee will face a room full of Grease, Ice, Blood, and Banana Peels and walk across it with Ease. Then end up tripping on a pebble

    lol or he decides walk around the pebble straight in to a bar and the barmans says we don't take kindly to your type around here, then uses his shotgun on lee...
  • edited May 2012
    hehe yeah, Lee falls down a lot. He's a pretty clumsy oaf.
  • edited May 2012
    I think what would be really cool for the 'Will Dough/Carley live through Episode 2?' question would be if one them dies unavoidably in a certain situation while the other does not.

    E.g. Carley's marksmanship saves her life while at the farm, but if it was Doug at the farm he is unable to dispatch his attackers and is killed/devoured.

    BUT maybe there were benefits to having Doug around before he was killed like: fixing Clem's walkie-talkie, salvaging a generator to power some of the hotel, etc.

    At any rate I predict we will gain at least one new group member and lose at least one as well (hopefully this will not be the same person :p).

    Also I can't help but think the final scene with Lee and the axe is really misleading somehow, mostly because of the last time Kenny swung an axe over our heads.
This discussion has been closed.