


  • edited December 2012
    Who would be more useful in a zombie apocalypse?

    Someone who has a gun and knows how to use it.


    An unarmed techie who specializes in fixing computers and electronics, in an era where neither are likely to be functional for very wrong.

    I'd go with the first option every time. The techie would be as useless as t_ts on a bull. Great, a guy who can fix computers. Too bad the power grid is down.
  • edited December 2012
    Everyone has a gun only Doug has a laser pointer
  • edited May 2013
    The only reason I can think of for saving Doug is to see how the story would play out with him in it. Realistically Lee/the player in his situation should see Carly as the first port of call. Not because she has a gun or because she could be a potential love interest but for the simple reason as the fact that "SHE SAVED YOUR LIFE!" If someone saved my life and the life of the child in my care I would feel in debt to them.

    Regardless of her intellect and confusion with the batteries she showed loyalty to Lee and Lee's companions, putting her neck on the line for strangers. The fact is Doug wouldn't of given a shit over Lilly kicking out Duck or Lee for that matter. He has a "i'm alright Jack" mentality. He will avoid conflict. By not saying anything when Lilly was arguing about Lee's group being a risk and needing to go he was supporting her decision by not disagreeing. He didn't have an opinion either way. His vote would have made all the difference since their group consisted of 5. Glen and Carly were left to side against Lilly and Larry over the plans for the new arrivals.

    Tic for tac is the way of the world. If you do something for me I do something for you. How much more should the debt or desire to return a favour be towards someone who put their neck on the line for you first, before they even knew you? Not only was Lee and the his 4 companions alive because of Carly, but the larger group had a home at the end of the episode because of her input at the motor inn when Glen needed rescuing.

    To take all of the above into consideration and still consider Doug the better choice you would have to be the most ungrateful bastard to walk the earth and the Governor himself would probably wince at your ruthlessness, (bearing in mind although the character Lee may not of known one of the two would die, we did.)
  • edited May 2013
    There seems to be a double standard here. Most people seem to side with Kenny over Lilly because he is their "bro" and they have more loyalty to him throughout the episodes because he had been there for Lee more. How much more should Carly be chosen over Doug when she saved Lee’s life on numerous occasions and agreed to keep Lee's secret from the group because she trusted her instincts about him being a nice guy? That's how I see it but to each his own, I guess.
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