You link to the pictures uploaded to your chosen hosts (like imageshack, tinypic, picpar, abload, skydrive, whatever) with the " alt="tags. I hope you don't make me regret that I told you! " />
You link to the pictures uploaded to your chosen hosts (like imageshack, tinypic, picpar, abload, skydrive, whatever) with the " alt="tags. I hope you don't make me regret that I told you! " />
I won't make you regret telling and thats a promise. thankyou
I think there might be one in the pipes, but I filled them with tar.
sure? they seem a bit small to me, perhaps it's just the sound traveling along ? have you tried morse code ? or is the sound like a squiroot or kananga maybe a retut ?
sure? they seem a bit small to me, perhaps it's just the sound traveling along ? have you tried morse code ? or is the sound like a squiroot or kananga maybe a retut ?
i think the sound is more like rugot in the heat of a summer sun in nova.
Why? Does the Queen have a case of explosive diarrhea? Or is it frowned upon to keep tar in plumbing systems?
Clogged pipes equal pipe breaks
pipe breaks equal explosions of sewage water
sewage water explosions equal the queen soaked in sewage water.
Soaked queen equals you experiencing the Edgar Allen Poe Classic. "The Cask of Amontillado" First hand.
Clogged pipes equal pipe breaks
pipe breaks equal explosions of sewage water
sewage water explosions equal the queen soaked in sewage water.
Soaked queen equals you experiencing the Edgar Allen Poe Classic. "The Cask of Amontillado" First hand.
Hmmm right then tar in the queens plumbing systems is bad. All though being trapped behind a brick wall deep underground in a 1600 age crypt with mold might be fun until I learn I can't get out because I'm chained up then I get claustrophobic, and then scary things start happening from breathing in the mold.
Hmmm right then tar in the queens plumbing systems is bad. All though being trapped behind a brick wall deep underground in a 1600 age crypt with mold might be fun until I learn I can't get out because I'm chained up then I get claustrophobic, and then scary things start happening from breathing in the mold.
and whats worse is what if we injected you with the immortality serum first.
Of course we'll have to change your name to Jack Harkness if we do that.
Jack.... Harckness Jack Jack Harky Harkness. I like it it's got a nice ring to it, and here comes the ultimate survivor a year underground with no contact or nourishment Mr.Jack Harkness!
Thinking about this maybe this would be better for a punishment of the traitors of Queen Clem, but can I keep the name?
Jack.... Harckness Jack Jack Harky Harkness. I like it it's got a nice ring to it, and here comes the ultimate survivor a year underground with no contact or nourishment Mr.Jack Harkness!
Thinking about this maybe this would be better for a punishment of the traitors of Queen Clem, but can I keep the name?
Of course and you get to watch Torchwood as well. Go ahead check it out we'll wait.
Spinoff of Dr. Who they even had an american spinoff called Miracle Day. The pacing was hell
I'll look into it have you ever seen the old doctor who (I shouldn't ask, because we should probably get back on subject but thats most of what i've seen)
nope havent only new ones also the Mods generally consider this thread where the loonies hang out
Well I wouldn't call us looney only protecting our Queen (and a bit bored), but the old episodes are cheesy but they group them into 3 or 4 each with their own little plot building into the bigger plot of everything. There was a Dalek invasion one that was about 5 episodes.
you should look up Tom Smith's music site the one where he has many free songs posted one of them is "I had a Shoggoth" and it basically has a whole list of things including Cylons, Sith Lord, Hunchback etc. and it even had Daleks with the line "I had a Dalek he pleased me.But stairs would make him really cranky"
I won't make you regret telling and thats a promise. thankyou
have you been told off /slap wrists by a mod ?
me and my fellow knights shall discuss it and back to you
NOPE I haven't. no one has said anything to me and why would they nothing wrong with what i said. it is called holding out an olive branch.
'shifty eyes'
ps not insulting...
could be a bit of both
I don't think that would go over very well with everyone else (especially the Queen) so I'm afraid I must decline this offer.
trueblue does not speak for the queens knights.
trust goes both ways
and never locked in a bathroom with TB.
that's so amazingly devious it has to work.,but make sure there isn't a spare key in the bathroom.
did you check ?
I think there might be one in the pipes, but I filled them with tar.
sure? they seem a bit small to me, perhaps it's just the sound traveling along ? have you tried morse code ? or is the sound like a squiroot or kananga maybe a retut ?
I think you meant Tolouse Lautrec but he didn't eat tar he drank absinthe
lol heard of him but never the 'nickname' confused me...
or maybe i can't spell turtles all the time due to my brain damage....
i think the sound is more like rugot in the heat of a summer sun in nova.
Hmm it seems I might have overlooked a small detail I wonder if I can find the tar remover.
just be glad you didn't clog the queens royal bathroom's pipes
Why? Does the Queen have a case of explosive diarrhea? Or is it frowned upon to keep tar in plumbing systems?
Clogged pipes equal pipe breaks
pipe breaks equal explosions of sewage water
sewage water explosions equal the queen soaked in sewage water.
Soaked queen equals you experiencing the Edgar Allen Poe Classic. "The Cask of Amontillado" First hand.
Hmmm right then tar in the queens plumbing systems is bad. All though being trapped behind a brick wall deep underground in a 1600 age crypt with mold might be fun until I learn I can't get out because I'm chained up then I get claustrophobic, and then scary things start happening from breathing in the mold.
and whats worse is what if we injected you with the immortality serum first.
Now that is just cold. (lets do it!) If I'm still sane after a year I win.
Jack.... Harckness Jack Jack Harky Harkness. I like it it's got a nice ring to it, and here comes the ultimate survivor a year underground with no contact or nourishment Mr.Jack Harkness!
Thinking about this maybe this would be better for a punishment of the traitors of Queen Clem, but can I keep the name?
Of course and you get to watch Torchwood as well. Go ahead check it out we'll wait.
I've seen Torchwood once before isn't it from Doctor Who?
Spinoff of Dr. Who they even had an american spinoff called Miracle Day. The pacing was hell
I'll look into it have you ever seen the old doctor who (I shouldn't ask, because we should probably get back on subject but thats most of what i've seen)
Well I wouldn't call us looney only protecting our Queen (and a bit bored), but the old episodes are cheesy but they group them into 3 or 4 each with their own little plot building into the bigger plot of everything. There was a Dalek invasion one that was about 5 episodes.
why don't you trust me. everyone should be given a second chance.
Let me look after Clementine and I will show you what I can do